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    IL410 CROSS REFERENCE Search Results

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    IL410 CROSS REFERENCE Datasheets Context Search

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    IL4108 "cross reference"

    Abstract: il410 cross reference
    Text: IL410, IL4108 Vishay Semiconductors Optocoupler, Phototriac Output, Zero Crossing, High dV/dt, Low Input Current A 1 6 MT2 C 2 5 NC FEATURES • High input sensitivity NC 3 ZCC* • IFT = 2 mA, PF = 1.0 4 MT1 • IFT = 5 mA, PF 1.0 *Zero crossing circuit

    IL410, IL4108 i179030 2002/95/EC 2002/96/EC IL410 IL4108 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. IL4108 "cross reference" il410 cross reference PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IL410, IL4108 Vishay Semiconductors Optocoupler, Phototriac Output, Zero Crossing, High dV/dt, Low Input Current A 1 6 MT2 C 2 5 NC FEATURES • High input sensitivity NC 3 ZCC* • IFT = 2 mA, PF = 1.0 4 MT1 • IFT = 5 mA, PF 1.0 *Zero crossing circuit

    IL410, IL4108 i179030 IL410 IL4108 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. JS709A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IL410, IL4108 Vishay Semiconductors Optocoupler, Phototriac Output, Zero Crossing, High dV/dt, Low Input Current A 1 6 MT2 C 2 5 NC FEATURES • High input sensitivity NC 3 ZCC* • IFT = 2 mA, PF = 1.0 4 MT1 • IFT = 5 mA, PF 1.0 *Zero crossing circuit

    IL410, IL4108 i179030 IL410 IL4108 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 PDF


    Abstract: IL410
    Text: Application Note Vishay Semiconductors FAQ of Phototriacs 11/10/2008 1. What is “static dV/dt”? . 1 2. What are “commutating dV/dt” and “commutating di/dt”?. 1

    IL410. K3020P IL440-4 IL440-5 IL440-6 VO3052 VO3053 VO4257 VO4258 IL420 phototri IL410 PDF

    cosmo 817

    Abstract: KP1010 cosmo kp1010 817 cosmo cosmo KP1010 cosmo 4N35 KP1010 PHOTO COUPLER cosmo 817 c tlp281 cross reference vishay TLP421-4
    Text: Photo Coupler COSMO SHARP NEC TOSHIBA KPS2801 PC3H2 PS2801-1 TLP281 KP1010 PC817 PC123 PS2501-1 PS2561-1 TLP421 TLP521 TLP621 KP1020 PC827 PS2501-2 PS2561-2 KP1040 PC847 PS2501-4 PS2561-4 TLP421-2 TLP521-2 TLP621-2 TLP421-4 TLP521-4 TLP621-4 K2010 PC4N35 PS2601

    KPS2801 PS2801-1 KP1010 PS2501-1 PS2561-1 TLP421 TLP521 TLP621 KP1020 PC827 cosmo 817 KP1010 cosmo kp1010 817 cosmo cosmo KP1010 cosmo 4N35 KP1010 PHOTO COUPLER cosmo 817 c tlp281 cross reference vishay TLP421-4 PDF

    triac applications circuit diagram

    Abstract: triac control circuit diagram MOC304X cosmo photo triac nais relay cross reference TRIAC heater temperature control Triac cross reference ac motor control with triac water heater control using triac
    Text: 2004 New Product Info. COSMO Optic Electronic Component Photo Triac 冠西電子企業股份有限公司 COSMO Electronics Corporation. WWW.COSMO-IC.COM 2004 .06 COSMO Product Photo Triac KMOC & KTLP Series Released in Q3 2004 KMOC & KTLP Series is COSMO photo triac with the function of 400V

    5000Vrms 1500Vrms triac applications circuit diagram triac control circuit diagram MOC304X cosmo photo triac nais relay cross reference TRIAC heater temperature control Triac cross reference ac motor control with triac water heater control using triac PDF

    pc111 optocoupler

    Abstract: qtc 2531 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 qtc 2530 qtc 2631 LH1571 PC123 optocoupler PC923 equivalent 74ol6000 equivalent

    UL1577 PS71XX-1A PS71XX-2A E72422 VDE0884 BS415 /EC55 BS7002 /EC950 SS-441-01-55 pc111 optocoupler qtc 2531 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 qtc 2530 qtc 2631 LH1571 PC123 optocoupler PC923 equivalent 74ol6000 equivalent PDF

    qtc 2601

    Abstract: qtc 2531 pc111 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2530 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 PC123 optocoupler qtc 2531 optocoupler QTC 3700

    2013-B 24-Hour qtc 2601 qtc 2531 pc111 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2530 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 PC123 optocoupler qtc 2531 optocoupler QTC 3700 PDF

    pc111 optocoupler

    Abstract: PC123 optocoupler qtc 2630 qtc 2531 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2531 PC817 SOP-4 qtc 2731 PC113 optocoupler pc120 optocoupler
    Text: California Eastern Laboratories Optocoupler & Solid State Relay Product Cross-Reference HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE The Cross Reference provides a listing of CEL/NEC’s closest replacement devices to the Manufacturer. The replacement may or may not be an exact replacement, so the customer should consult both data

    PC120 PS2701-1 Labo-89 SFS-EN-60-950 NEK-EN-60-950 A21409 24-Hour pc111 optocoupler PC123 optocoupler qtc 2630 qtc 2531 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2531 PC817 SOP-4 qtc 2731 PC113 optocoupler pc120 optocoupler PDF

    cosmo 1010 817

    Abstract: cosmo 817 K1010 cosmo 1010 817 SHARP S21ME4 Liteon PC817 clare relay 1a15 KSD203DC2 aqy210 COSMO 1000 817 MCT2E CIRCUIT DIAGRAM
    Text: Photo Coupler Photo Coupler High Speed Function Type Transistor output Type Absoute Maximum Ratings Model Number Internal Connection IF VCEO IC Diagram mA (V) (mA) Viso (Vrms) Electro-optical Characteristics VF max (V) VCE (sat) max (V) CTR% Safty standards approval

    P3-1A15 P3-1A16 P3-1A17 P1-1A15 KW1S53FC KW1S54FC KW1S55FC KW1S56FC KW1S57FC cosmo 1010 817 cosmo 817 K1010 cosmo 1010 817 SHARP S21ME4 Liteon PC817 clare relay 1a15 KSD203DC2 aqy210 COSMO 1000 817 MCT2E CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PDF


    Abstract: MCP3041 PC817 SOP-4 cosmo 817 PC923 APPLICATION NOTES opto coupler TLP250 MCP3040 mcp3031 tpl621-2 TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER application note
    Text: Optoelectronic Products Reference Guide 2007-2008 1 TOSHIBA AMERICA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS, INC. 1 Toshiba is proud to provide this comprehensive optoelectronic products reference guide. As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of optoelectronic products,

    AQS210PSX AQS210PSZ, TLP270G TPL621 MCP3041 PC817 SOP-4 cosmo 817 PC923 APPLICATION NOTES opto coupler TLP250 MCP3040 mcp3031 tpl621-2 TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER application note PDF

    p421 coupler

    Abstract: MOC604A CNY17-3Z TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER application note TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER p421 Photocoupler CNY17-2Z TRANSISTOR AC125 TLP181 SMD 11-4C1 TYPE moc3041 application note
    Text: Photocouplers PRODUCT GUIDE New Products •Photorelay T The TLP227GA Series of general-purpose photorelays features devices whose OFF-state voltage 400 V is superior to that of TLP227G Series devices (350 V). This superior OFF-state voltage allows larger safety

    TLP227GA TLP227G TLP227GA TLP227G/TLP597GA/TLP227GA-2 p421 coupler MOC604A CNY17-3Z TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER application note TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER p421 Photocoupler CNY17-2Z TRANSISTOR AC125 TLP181 SMD 11-4C1 TYPE moc3041 application note PDF

    mdd 2605

    Abstract: HCPL 1458 8 pin opto KS0108 128X64 graphical LCD mdd 2601 transistor chn 952 hitachi INVC 618 Data Vision P135 H4 led smd headlight bulb transistor CHN 64 946 transistor chn 943
    Text: 755 Technical portal and online community for Design Engineers - Optoelectronics, Solid State Illumination & Displays Page Alphanumeric LCD Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903 Alphanumeric LED Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900

    element-14 element14 mdd 2605 HCPL 1458 8 pin opto KS0108 128X64 graphical LCD mdd 2601 transistor chn 952 hitachi INVC 618 Data Vision P135 H4 led smd headlight bulb transistor CHN 64 946 transistor chn 943 PDF

    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: LG color tv Circuit Diagram tda 9370 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w TV SHARP IC TDA 9381 PS circuit diagram wireless spy camera 9744 mini mainboard v1.2 sony 279-87 transistor E 13005-2 superpro lx
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 3-24 AD9272 Analog Front End, iMEMS Accelerometers & Gyroscopes . . . . . . 782, 2583 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 28-528 Acceleration and Pressure Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2585

    AD9272 P462-ND LNG295LFCP2U P463-ND LNG395MFTP5U 220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram LG color tv Circuit Diagram tda 9370 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w TV SHARP IC TDA 9381 PS circuit diagram wireless spy camera 9744 mini mainboard v1.2 sony 279-87 transistor E 13005-2 superpro lx PDF

    Optocouplers QTC

    Abstract: moc641a optokoppler MOC633A "vergleichsliste" PC618 moc635a vergleichsliste QTC H11AA1 PC627
    Text: Optokoppler Optocouplers Vergleichsliste Cross reference Diese Liste erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, im Einzelfall bitte die entsprechenden Datenblätter vergleichen. (This list does not claim being complete, therefore, please compare each individual case with the appropriate

    OCR Scan
    CNX35 CNX35U CNX36 CNX38 CNX48U CNX71A CNX72A CNX82A CNY17-1, CNY17-A, Optocouplers QTC moc641a optokoppler MOC633A "vergleichsliste" PC618 moc635a vergleichsliste QTC H11AA1 PC627 PDF

    TLP 817

    Abstract: moc 641 CNY 817 TLP 621 TOSHIBA NEC ps2401 TLP766J MOTOROLA moc cny 57 moc 410 optokoppler
    Text: Optokoppler Optocouplers Vergleichsliste Cross reference D iese Liste erhebt keinen A n sp ru ch auf V ollstän dig keit, im Einzelfall bitte die e n tsp re ch e n d e n D a te nb lätter ve rg le ich e n . (This list do es not cla im be in g com p le te , therefore,

    OCR Scan
    IL420 IL400 IL250 IL252 LTK-702 TLP 817 moc 641 CNY 817 TLP 621 TOSHIBA NEC ps2401 TLP766J MOTOROLA moc cny 57 moc 410 optokoppler PDF

    C8050 equivalent

    Abstract: cny21 equivalent S13MD1 SHF600-1 moc641 QCPL-4502 CNY17-1Z PS2016 CNY17-3Z K8031P
    Text: 10. Cross Reference The fo llo w in g C ross-R eference is m ea nt to serve as a guide fo r existing com p etitive devices to T oshiba's ph o to co u p le r pro du ct line. Toshiba's nearest equivalent devices are selected on th e basis o f general sim ila rity

    OCR Scan
    TLP635 TLP636 TLP678 PC716 PC723 PC725 PC733 PC733H PC810 C8050 equivalent cny21 equivalent S13MD1 SHF600-1 moc641 QCPL-4502 CNY17-1Z PS2016 CNY17-3Z K8031P PDF

    TLP181 equivalent

    Abstract: NEC ps2401 TLP3022 equivalent TLP541G "cross-reference" s13md1 sharp TLP3061 equivalent TLP560J "cross-reference" PC357 "cross-reference" TLP734 equivalent pc716 sharp
    Text: 10. Cross Reference Code Definitions A : D irect R eplacem ent B : M inor Electrical Difference C : M inor M echanical Difference D : M ajo r Electrical Difference E : M ajo r M echanical D ifference F : Call T O S H IB A * G : No Equivalent The fo llo w in g Cross-Reference is m eant to

    OCR Scan
    SIEMEN27 PC4N28 PC4N29 PC4N30 PC4N32 PC4N33 PC4N35 PC4N36 PC4N37 PC110 TLP181 equivalent NEC ps2401 TLP3022 equivalent TLP541G "cross-reference" s13md1 sharp TLP3061 equivalent TLP560J "cross-reference" PC357 "cross-reference" TLP734 equivalent pc716 sharp PDF

    JRC 45600

    Abstract: YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541
    Text: I SEMICON INDEXES Contents and Introduction Manufacturers' Information V O LU M E 3 INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INDEX 15th EDITION 1997 Numerical Listing of Integrated Circuits Substitution Guide U D C 621.382.3 Diagram s THE S E M IC O N INTERNATIONAL INDEXES

    OCR Scan
    ZOP033 ZOP035 ZOP036 ZOP037 ZOP038 ZOP039 ZOP045 ZOP042 ZOP041 ZOP043 JRC 45600 YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541 PDF