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    Abstract: toshiba rf semiconductor 2014
    Text: 8 Bit Microcontroller TLCS-870/C Series TMP86FS49AIUG The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 021023_D TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and

    TLCS-870/C TMP86FS49AIUG TMP86FS49AIUG toshiba rf semiconductor 2014 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 Bit Microcontroller TLCS-870/C Series TMP86FS49AUG TMP86FS49AUG The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 021023 _ D TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and

    TLCS-870/C TMP86FS49AUG tmp86fs49aug PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Capacitive Sensor Control IC Series Capacitive Sensor Switch Control IC BU21008MUV ●Description BU21008MUV are the capacitive sensor controller with 16 channels respectively. Half of sensor ports are available to use to LED driver with PWM function. PWM function can control light ambient. Also gesture function can recognize the short touch,

    BU21008MUV BU21008MUV 10bit VQFN032V5050 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 Bit Microcontroller TLCS-870/C Series TMP86CS64AFG TMP86CS64AFG The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 021023 _ D TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: User's Guide SLOU260F – April 2009 – Revised January 2012 TSW1250EVM: High-Speed LVDS Deserializer and Analysis System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contents Introduction . 2

    SLOU260F TSW1250EVM: PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS320F28377D, TMS320F28376D SPRS880 – DECEMBER 2013 TMS320F2837xD Dual-Core Delfino Microcontrollers Check for Samples: TMS320F28377D, TMS320F28376D 1 TMS320F2837xD Dual-Core Delfino MCUs 1.1 Features • Dual-Core Architecture – Two TMS320C28x™ 32-Bit CPUs

    TMS320F28377D, TMS320F28376D SPRS880 TMS320F2837xD TMS320C28xâ 32-Bit PDF

    dc operated buzzer 5v

    Abstract: TMP86PM49FG
    Text: 8 Bit Microcontroller TLCS-870/C Series TMP86PM49FG TMP86PM49FG The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 021023 _ D TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and

    TLCS-870/C TMP86PM49FG dc operated buzzer 5v TMP86PM49FG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 Bit Microcontroller TLCS-870/C Series TMP86FS49BFG The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 021023_D TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST92F124/ST92F150/ST92F250 8/16-BIT SINGLE VOLTAGE FLASH MCU FAMILY WITH RAM, E3 TM EMULATED EEPROM , CAN 2.0B AND J1850 BLPD PRELIMINARY DATA • Memories – Internal Memory: Single Voltage FLASH up to 256 Kbytes, RAM up to 8Kbytes, 1K byte E 3 TM (Emulated EEPROM)

    ST92F124/ST92F150/ST92F250 8/16-BIT J1850 14x14 TQFP64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a 12-Bit, 10 MSPS A/D Converter AD9005B FEATURES Complete 12-Bit A/D Converter Includes Track-and-Hold, Reference and Timing Bipolar Analog Input ؎1.024 V Up to 10 MSPS Sampling Rate Low Power Dissipation: 3.2 W Low Harmonic Distortion MlL-STD-883-Compliant Versions Available

    12-Bit MlL-STD-883-Compliant 12-Bit, AD9005B AD9005B 10MSPS) AD9713B C1874a AD9713B PDF

    transistor ctc 1351

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 Bit Microcontroller TLCS-870/X Series TMP88CS43FG The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 021023_D TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and

    TLCS-870/X TMP88CS43FG transistor ctc 1351 PDF

    CTC 1351 transistor pin detail

    Abstract: transistor ctc 1351
    Text: 8 Bit Microcontroller TLCS-870/X Series TMP88FW45FG The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 021023_D TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and

    TLCS-870/X TMP88FW45FG CTC 1351 transistor pin detail transistor ctc 1351 PDF

    prescaler 64

    Abstract: MQE530 n100 PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTOR irf 4095 SA8025A NE602A SA7025DK SA8025 SA8025ADK
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA8025A Low-voltage 1.8GHz fractional-N synthesizer Product specification IC17 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1996 Oct 15 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 1.8GHz low-voltage Fractional-N synthesizer DESCRIPTION SA8025A

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    IR SENSOR mouse

    Abstract: Pelco 7608S Pelco ptz Transcend 16gb Transcend Transcend 16GB CF 7616S rs485 protocol dvr BOARD TR-EE16
    Text: 8CH/16CH H.264 Standalone DVR 7608CA/7616SA/7616CA User Manual Version 1.0 Statement The information of the product in this manual is subject to change without prior notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of vendor, who assumes no liability or

    8CH/16CH 7608CA/7616SA/7616CA 8a/win32/vlc-0 8a-win32 IR SENSOR mouse Pelco 7608S Pelco ptz Transcend 16gb Transcend Transcend 16GB CF 7616S rs485 protocol dvr BOARD TR-EE16 PDF

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    Abstract: Pelco 7608c 7616S Transcend 16gb format h.264 kingston 4gb gmail pelco-d adata cf speedy
    Text: 8CH/16CH H.264 Standalone DVR 7608C/7616S/7616C User Manual Version 1.2 Statement The information of the product in this manual is subject to change without prior notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of vendor, who assumes no liability or

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Folder Sample & Buy Technical Documents Tools & Software Support & Community TMS320F28377D, TMS320F28376D, TMS320F28375D, TMS320F28374D SPRS880A – DECEMBER 2013 – REVISED MARCH 2014 TMS320F2837xD Dual-Core Delfino Microcontrollers 1 Device Overview

    TMS320F28377D, TMS320F28376D, TMS320F28375D, TMS320F28374D SPRS880A TMS320F2837xD TMS320C28x 32-Bit PDF


    Abstract: AVSS00
    Text: Capacitive Sensor Control IC Series Capacitive Sensor Switch Control IC No.09048EBT03 BU21009MUV ●Description BU21009MUV is the capacitive sensor controller for the switch function and slider function with 16 channels sensors. All channels are calibrated for the slider functions. So this is useful for 16 switches application, too.

    09048EBT03 BU21009MUV BU21009MUV 10bit VQFN032V5050 R0039A VQFN032V5050 AVSS00 PDF

    fox 515 abb

    Abstract: ABB breaker S5 abb fox 20 ABB make REC 670 calculation of line diSTANCE relay REL 670 D-Sub 37-pin female Connector PCB RIGHT ANGLE cb3 s19 transistor RTXP 24 recloser RJ45 to 15 Pin male connector
    Text: Version: 2.2-00 October 1999 Table of contents Technical reference manual REB 551 1MRK 580 231-XEN Page 1 – 1 Section Name of document Page Document number 2 Revisions 2–3 1MRK 580 240-XEN Version 2.2-00 Service notes 2–5 1MRK 580 311-XEN Version 2.2-00

    231-XEN 240-XEN 311-XEN 282-XEN 249-XEN 283-XEN 289-XEN 290-XEN 676-XEN 291-XEN fox 515 abb ABB breaker S5 abb fox 20 ABB make REC 670 calculation of line diSTANCE relay REL 670 D-Sub 37-pin female Connector PCB RIGHT ANGLE cb3 s19 transistor RTXP 24 recloser RJ45 to 15 Pin male connector PDF


    Abstract: tlp281 DC DC INPUT 24V OUTPUT 6V 10NF tp35 24V-1 TLP281-4 24v STEVAL-IFP003V1 TLP181 TP10
    Text: 5 4 3 VCC 24V C5 10nF Output2 POINT TP11 POINT TP10 POINT TP9 INPUT1 1k5 16 2 15 3 14 4 13 1 5 12 6 Output4 R4 1k5 R5 J1 INPUT3 1k5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 11 7 7 10 8 8 9 9 R5 INPUT4 STATUS1 INPUT1 INPUT2 INPUT3 INPUT4 INPUT5 INPUT6 INPUT7 INPUT8

    INPUT6t15 Output15 Output16 VN808 INPUT16 TLP281-4 TLP181 100nF SM15T36A TLP281-4 tlp281 DC DC INPUT 24V OUTPUT 6V 10NF tp35 24V-1 TLP281-4 24v STEVAL-IFP003V1 TLP181 TP10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 Bit Microcontroller TLCS-870/C Series TMP86CM49UG TMP86CM49UG The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 021023 _ D TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and

    TLCS-870/C TMP86CM49UG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 Bit Microcontroller TLCS-870/C Series TMP86CS49UG TMP86CS49UG Differences among Products Differences in Functions 86CH49 86CM49 86PM49 86CS49 86FS49 ROM 16 Kbytes Mask 32 Kbytes (Mask) 32 Kbytes (OTP) 60 Kbytes (Mask) RAM 512 bytes 1 Kbyte 1 Kbyte 2 Kbytes

    TLCS-870/C TMP86CS49UG 86CH49 10-bit 86CM49 86PM49 86CS49 86FS49 86FS49A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH-SPEED 2K x 9 DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH BUSY & INTERRUPT IDT70121S/L IDT70125S/L Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • H igh-speed access - Com m ercial: 25/35/45/55ns max. • Low -power operation - ID T70121/70125S Active: 500m W (typ.)

    OCR Scan
    IDT70121S/L IDT70125S/L 25/35/45/55ns T70121/70125S IDT70121/701251Active: IDT70121 IDT70125 T70121 70121/70125S/L 52-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OlDT HIGH SPEED 2K X 8 DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH INTERRUPTS ÎDT71321SA/LA IDT71421SA/LA Featu res * * High-speed access - Commercial: 20/25t35/55ns max. - Industrial: 55ns (max.) MASTER IDT71321 easily expands data bus width to 16-ormore-bits using SLAVE IDT71421

    OCR Scan
    20/25t35/55ns IDT71321/IDT71421SA 325mW IDT71321/421LA 325mW T71321S T71421S IDT71321 16-ormore-bits IDT71421 SDT7132 PDF


    Abstract: PDC1500 SA7025DK SA8025 SA8025A SA8025ADK
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SA8025A Low-voltage 2GHz fractional-N synthesizer Product specification 1C-17 Data Handbook 1995 Feb 23 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PH IL IP S 7110flSL O O flbbSl mb This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer Philips Semiconductors

    OCR Scan
    SA8025A 1C-17 7110flSL SA8025A SA8025, OT266-1 7110fl2b mqe5 PDC1500 SA7025DK SA8025 SA8025ADK PDF