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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: User's Guide SLOU260F – April 2009 – Revised January 2012 TSW1250EVM: High-Speed LVDS Deserializer and Analysis System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contents Introduction . 2

    SLOU260F TSW1250EVM: PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS320F28377D, TMS320F28376D SPRS880 – DECEMBER 2013 TMS320F2837xD Dual-Core Delfino Microcontrollers Check for Samples: TMS320F28377D, TMS320F28376D 1 TMS320F2837xD Dual-Core Delfino MCUs 1.1 Features • Dual-Core Architecture – Two TMS320C28x™ 32-Bit CPUs

    TMS320F28377D, TMS320F28376D SPRS880 TMS320F2837xD TMS320C28xâ 32-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Commercial/Industrial PA7572 PEEL Array Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Array CMOS Electrically Erasable Technology - Reprogrammable in 40-pin DIP, 44-pin PLCC and TQFP packages Versatile Logic Array Architecture - 24 I/Os, 14 inputs, 60 registers/latches

    PA7572 13ns/20ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Commercial/Industrial PA7540 PEEL Array Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Array Most Powerful 24-pin PLD Available - 20 I/Os, 2 inputs/clocks, 40 registers/latches - 40 logic cell output functions - PLA structure with true product-term sharing - Logic functions and registers can be I/O-buried

    PA7540 24-pin 10ns/15ns -40to PDF


    Abstract: AD7657 AD7658
    Text: Preliminary Technical Data 250 kSPS, 6-Channel,Simultaneous Sampling, Bipolar 12/14/16-Bit ADC AD7658/AD7657/AD7656* FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES 6 Independent ADCs True Bipolar Analog Inputs Pin/Software Selectable Ranges:- ±10V, ±5V Fast throughput rate: 250 kSPS

    12/14/16-Bit AD7658/AD7657/AD7656* 160mW ST-64 EVAL-AD7658/AD7657/AD7656CB, AD7656 AD7657 AD7658 PDF

    Infineon Tricore TC1797

    Abstract: tc1797ED tc1797 IN34 diode TC1767 CERBERUS ocds 10340-3 CERBERUS ocds TC1797 diode IN34 PIN DIAGRAM IN34 diode DATA SHEET
    Text: 32-Bit TC1197 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Data Sheet V1.1 2009-05 Microcontrollers Edition 2009-05 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany 2009 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or

    32-Bit TC1197 32-Bit JESD22-C101-C J-STD-020C 150oC 125oC 110oC 140oC Infineon Tricore TC1797 tc1797ED tc1797 IN34 diode TC1767 CERBERUS ocds 10340-3 CERBERUS ocds TC1797 diode IN34 PIN DIAGRAM IN34 diode DATA SHEET PDF

    IR SENSOR mouse

    Abstract: Pelco 7608S Pelco ptz Transcend 16gb Transcend Transcend 16GB CF 7616S rs485 protocol dvr BOARD TR-EE16
    Text: 8CH/16CH H.264 Standalone DVR 7608CA/7616SA/7616CA User Manual Version 1.0 Statement The information of the product in this manual is subject to change without prior notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of vendor, who assumes no liability or

    8CH/16CH 7608CA/7616SA/7616CA 8a/win32/vlc-0 8a-win32 IR SENSOR mouse Pelco 7608S Pelco ptz Transcend 16gb Transcend Transcend 16GB CF 7616S rs485 protocol dvr BOARD TR-EE16 PDF

    THX 201

    Abstract: 26V12 PA7536 I326
    Text: PA7536 PEEL Array Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Array Versatile Logic Array Architecture - 12 I/Os, 14 inputs, 36 registers/latches - Up to 36 logic cell output functions - PLA structure with true product-term sharing - Logic functions and registers can be I/O-buried

    PA7536 28-pin 4-02-052A THX 201 26V12 I326 PDF

    kingston usb

    Abstract: Pelco 7608c 7616S Transcend 16gb format h.264 kingston 4gb gmail pelco-d adata cf speedy
    Text: 8CH/16CH H.264 Standalone DVR 7608C/7616S/7616C User Manual Version 1.2 Statement The information of the product in this manual is subject to change without prior notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of vendor, who assumes no liability or

    8CH/16CH 7608C/7616S/7616C 8a/win32/vlc-0 8a-win32 kingston usb Pelco 7608c 7616S Transcend 16gb format h.264 kingston 4gb gmail pelco-d adata cf speedy PDF


    Abstract: sgm switch power cable fault locator decay method lon gateway LA 4303
    Text: 3URWHFW,7 /LQH GLVWDQFH SURWHFWLRQ WHUPLQDO 5 /   1MRK 506 159-BEN Page 1 Revision: A Issued: October 2003 Data subject to change without notice HDWXUHV • Open terminal with extensive configuration possibilities and expandable hardware design to meet specific user requirements

    159-BEN 162-UEN 163-UEN 009-BEN 112-BEN SE-721 recloser sgm switch power cable fault locator decay method lon gateway LA 4303 PDF

    UV emitting diode 200 nm

    Abstract: recloser sgm switch SMS module datasheet fox 515 abb HB relay DIODE bfp 86 abb fox 6
    Text: 3URWHFW,7 /LQH GLVWDQFH SURWHFWLRQ WHUPLQDO 5 /   1MRK 506 169-BEN Page 1 Revision: A Issued: October 2003 Data subject to change without notice HDWXUHV • Open terminal with extensive configuration possibilities and expandable hardware design to meet specific user requirements

    169-BEN 173-UEN 009-BEN 112-BEN SE-721 UV emitting diode 200 nm recloser sgm switch SMS module datasheet fox 515 abb HB relay DIODE bfp 86 abb fox 6 PDF

    fox 515 abb

    Abstract: FOX 515 2116X REL 551 abb mux 20 21-15X 1mrk 506 004 uen substationautomation SGM 430 en03000158
    Text: 3URWHFW,7 /LQH GLIIHUHQWLDO SURWHFWLRQ WHUPLQDO 5 / &  1MRK 506 205-BEN Page 1 Revision: A Issued: October 2003 Data subject to change without notice HDWXUHV • Pre-configured protection terminal for costeffective engineering and commissioning • Compact half 19" case size

    205-BEN 208-UEN 209-UEN 009-BEN 112-BEN SE-721 fox 515 abb FOX 515 2116X REL 551 abb mux 20 21-15X 1mrk 506 004 uen substationautomation SGM 430 en03000158 PDF

    delta hmi

    Abstract: hmi 1200 power cable fault locator NCS 1704-Y15R ABB EH 250 SUBSTATION CONTROL SYSTEM 60870 RTXP 18
    Text: %UHDNHU SURWHFWLRQ WHUPLQDO ZLWK DXWRPDWLF UHFORVLQJ DQG V\QFKURFKHFN HDWXUHV • Current - Breaker failure protection BFP) • Secondary system supervision - Fuse failure supervision (FUSE) • Control - Synchrocheck (SYN) - Automatic reclosing function (AR)

    009-BEN 112-BEN SE-721 096-BEN delta hmi hmi 1200 power cable fault locator NCS 1704-Y15R ABB EH 250 SUBSTATION CONTROL SYSTEM 60870 RTXP 18 PDF


    Abstract: SWITCHYARD SWITCHYARD and bus bar arrangement switchyard control LAYOUT Electrical SWITCHYARD Bus-bars arrangement in substation abb switchyard manual BUSBAR calculation datasheet CM01 ABB MCB 120
    Text: &RQWURO WHUPLQDO 5 &   1MRK 511 120-BEN Page 1 Revision: Issued: March 2003 Data subject to change without notice HDWXUHV • Open terminal with extensive configuration possibilities and expandable hardware design to meet specific user requirements

    120-BEN 092-UEN 093-UEN 101-UEN 009-BEN 112-BEN SE-721 SWITCHYARD LAYOUT SWITCHYARD SWITCHYARD and bus bar arrangement switchyard control LAYOUT Electrical SWITCHYARD Bus-bars arrangement in substation abb switchyard manual BUSBAR calculation datasheet CM01 ABB MCB 120 PDF

    fox 515 abb

    Abstract: ABB breaker S5 abb fox 20 ABB make REC 670 calculation of line diSTANCE relay REL 670 D-Sub 37-pin female Connector PCB RIGHT ANGLE cb3 s19 transistor RTXP 24 recloser RJ45 to 15 Pin male connector
    Text: Version: 2.2-00 October 1999 Table of contents Technical reference manual REB 551 1MRK 580 231-XEN Page 1 – 1 Section Name of document Page Document number 2 Revisions 2–3 1MRK 580 240-XEN Version 2.2-00 Service notes 2–5 1MRK 580 311-XEN Version 2.2-00

    231-XEN 240-XEN 311-XEN 282-XEN 249-XEN 283-XEN 289-XEN 290-XEN 676-XEN 291-XEN fox 515 abb ABB breaker S5 abb fox 20 ABB make REC 670 calculation of line diSTANCE relay REL 670 D-Sub 37-pin female Connector PCB RIGHT ANGLE cb3 s19 transistor RTXP 24 recloser RJ45 to 15 Pin male connector PDF


    Abstract: directional static overcurrent relay ABB 230 KV distance protection relays key navigation
    Text: 3URWHFW,7 2YHUFXUUHQW DQG HDUWK IDXOW SURWHFWLRQ WHUPLQDO 5 / &  1MRK 506 190-BEN Page 1 Revision: – Issued: October 2003 Data subject to change without notice HDWXUHV • Pre-configured protection terminal for costeffective engineering and commissioning

    190-BEN 193-UEN 194-UEN 009-BEN 112-BEN SE-721 60256 directional static overcurrent relay ABB 230 KV distance protection relays key navigation PDF


    Abstract: tlp281 DC DC INPUT 24V OUTPUT 6V 10NF tp35 24V-1 TLP281-4 24v STEVAL-IFP003V1 TLP181 TP10
    Text: 5 4 3 VCC 24V C5 10nF Output2 POINT TP11 POINT TP10 POINT TP9 INPUT1 1k5 16 2 15 3 14 4 13 1 5 12 6 Output4 R4 1k5 R5 J1 INPUT3 1k5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 11 7 7 10 8 8 9 9 R5 INPUT4 STATUS1 INPUT1 INPUT2 INPUT3 INPUT4 INPUT5 INPUT6 INPUT7 INPUT8

    INPUT6t15 Output15 Output16 VN808 INPUT16 TLP281-4 TLP181 100nF SM15T36A TLP281-4 tlp281 DC DC INPUT 24V OUTPUT 6V 10NF tp35 24V-1 TLP281-4 24v STEVAL-IFP003V1 TLP181 TP10 PDF

    NCS 1704-Y15R

    Abstract: SUBSTATION CONTROL SYSTEM HMI MODULE 215-BB hmi 1200 173-CC 088-UEN 1MRK 505 088-UEN 238-BA one shot opto coupler
    Text: $XWRPDWLF 5HFORVLQJ 7HUPLQDO 5 % &  1MRK 505 094-BEN Page 1 Revision: Issued: March 2003 Data subject to change without notice HDWXUHV • Control - Automatic reclosing function (AR) • Logic - Trip logic (TR) • Serial communication - Simultaneous dual protocol serial communication facilities

    094-BEN 015-UEN 088-UEN 009-BEN 112-BEN SE-721 NCS 1704-Y15R SUBSTATION CONTROL SYSTEM HMI MODULE 215-BB hmi 1200 173-CC 088-UEN 1MRK 505 088-UEN 238-BA one shot opto coupler PDF

    Infineon Tricore TC1797

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32-Bit TC1797 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Data Sheet V1.3 2014-08 Microcontrollers Edition 2014-08 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany 2014 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or

    32-Bit TC1797 32-Bit JESD22-C101-C J-STD-020C 150oC 125oC 110oC 140oC Infineon Tricore TC1797 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    DDC101 20-BIT 15kHz DDC101 5M-1982. 086in) 40U09 PDF

    Am29050 Microprocessor Users Manual

    Abstract: Am29000 Users Manual AM29050 Users Manual ID16-22 Laser pickup 11t 36 G0450 GG45 AMD 707 Micro Series Universal Linker D-10
    Text: ADVANCED MICRO D E V I C E S b4E D • 0SS7SHS 0 0 4 5 0 3 4 274 ■ AMD1 ADVANCE INFORMATION ZI Am29240 , Am29245" , and Am29243 High-Performance RISC Microcontrollers Advanced Micro Devices Am29240 MICROCONTROLLER BLOCK DIAGRAM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS

    OCR Scan
    Am29240 Am29245 Am29243 Am29000 32x32 Am29005 Am29030 Am29035 Am29050 Microprocessor Users Manual Am29000 Users Manual AM29050 Users Manual ID16-22 Laser pickup 11t 36 G0450 GG45 AMD 707 Micro Series Universal Linker D-10 PDF


    Abstract: TLC 555 L6002
    Text: PA7024 INC. PA7024 PEEL Array Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic Array Features • CMOS Electrically Erasable Technology High-Speed Commercial and Industrial Versions - Reprogrammable in 24-pin DIP, S O IC and 28-pin PLC C packages - Optional JN package for 2 2V 1 0 power/ground

    OCR Scan
    PA7024 PA7024 24-pin 28-pin 10ns/15ns Integra024 10/15ns PA7024P-15 PA7024J-15 AL6002 TLC 555 L6002 PDF


    Abstract: 22V10D MIL-STD-1835 V10D-9 R1238 ay 9j CERAMIC LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER K73 Package PALC22V10D R2170
    Text: fax id: 6007 For new designs, please refer to the PALCE22V10. PALC22V10D CYPRESS Flash Erasable, Reprogrammable CMOS PAL Device Features • Advanced second-generation PAL architecture • Low power — 90 mA max. commercial 10 ns — 130 mA max. commercial (7.5 ns)

    OCR Scan
    PALCE22V10. PALC22V10D 133-MHz 22V10D-10 22V10D MIL-STD-1835 V10D-9 R1238 ay 9j CERAMIC LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER K73 Package PALC22V10D R2170 PDF


    Abstract: MOTOROLA MCS2000 interface 80386 80387 8042 keyboard controller motorola 386 cpu MCS200
    Text: Order this data sheet by MCS2500/D MOTOROLA H SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCS2500 Advance Information System C o n tro ller The MCS2500 is an integrated high performance CMOS System Controller for an 80386 based computer. The MCS2500 provides the state machines that

    OCR Scan
    MCS2500/D MCS2500 MCS2500 MCS2300 MCS2000, MCS2000 MOTOROLA MCS2000 interface 80386 80387 8042 keyboard controller motorola 386 cpu MCS200 PDF