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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: élantec HIGH PERFORMANCE ANAUOS INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS EL400C H 200 MH2 CUW€Tlt /* €€dbttClC AlìipllfÌ€V 2 5 F eatures G eneral D escrip tion • 200 M Hz —3 dB bandwidth, Ay = 2 • 12 ns settling to 0.05% • Vs = + 5V @ 15 mA • Low distortion: HD2, HD3 @

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    EL400C CLC400 EL400 312T557 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b ln n lV t a U D r v l i GH PCRfORMANCE MULQQ INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS EL7134C â C EL7134C High Speed, High Current. Line Driver w/3-State F eatu res G eneral D escrip tion • • • • • • • • • The EL7134C 3-state driver is particularly well suited for ATE

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    EL7134C EL7134C G003223 D0Q322M PDF


    Abstract: ST Microelectronics, resin Flexiwatt
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE HANDLING AND MOUNTING ICs IN PLASTIC POWER PACKAGES by R. Tiziani Integratedcircuits mounted in plastic power packagescan be damaged,or reliability compromised, by inappropriate handlingand mountingtechniques.Avoiding these problems is simple if you follow the suggestions

    PowerSO-20 TO220 HEATSINK DATASHEET ST Microelectronics, resin Flexiwatt PDF


    Abstract: N2420
    Text: HIGH PERFORMANCEANAUK INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS EL2028/EL2028C 0.01% 200 n» Unity Gain Stable Operational Amplifier G e n e ra l D e sc r ip tio n The EL2028 monolithic operational amplifier is designed for extremely fast and clean settling with millivolt accuracy. It set­

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    EL2028/EL2028C EL2028 N2420 PDF

    EM 4093 001

    Abstract: 4093C EM 4093 AX11025
    Text: HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS EL4093C 300 MHz DC-Restored Video Amplifier Features General Description • H ig h accu racy D C re s to ra tio n for video • Low su p p ly c u rre n t o f 9.5 m A ty p . • 300 M H z b a n d w id th T h e E L 4093C is a co m p le te D C -re sto re d video a m p lifie r su b sy s­

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    4093C EL4093C 500V//J 150ft 4093C EM 4093 001 EM 4093 AX11025 PDF

    flyback tv sharp

    Abstract: switch mode inverter circuit diagrams pilot REFERENCE SIGNAL equalizer pilot equalizer
    Text: N T E ELECTRONICS INC S2E D • ^3125* 000505*1 453 « N T E LINEAR INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS . 30-Lead DIP, See Dlag. 536 Color TV Video, Chroma, Deflection Circuit, Vcc = 12V1Vp g 2nd BPA _ TV FM Multiplex Sound Decoder, Vcc = 12V Matrix L + R Input

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    12V1Vp 30-Lead 36-Lead 22-Lead 16-Lead NTE7020, flyback tv sharp switch mode inverter circuit diagrams pilot REFERENCE SIGNAL equalizer pilot equalizer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL2224C é la n te EL2224C Dual, 60 MHz, Unity Gain Stable, Operational Amplifier c HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS G eneral D escription Features • • • • • • • • • The EL2224 monolithic dual operational amplifier is an exten­

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    EL2224C EL2224 31BtiSS7 0Q03D42 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH PERFORMANCE ANAL06 INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS EL2027 I/OW V o lt lff€ SßTVO M o tO T D r i v e r G en era l D e sc r ip tio n T h e EL2027 is a servo m o to r d riv e r d esig n ed to d riv e voice coil m o to rs in d isk d riv e a p p lic a tio n s. T h is c irc u it o p e ra te s o n + 5V

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    ANAL06 EL2027 EL2027 L2027 PDF


    Abstract: JC42 rtc tamper FM31x CHINA TV MEMORY RESET
    Text: - PRODUCT HOW-TO: Using Ramtron Non-volatile . . All Login | Register Articles Products Column Courses VirtuaLabs Webinars Welcome Guest Home Design Articles Products Columns

    com/products/integratedcircuits/207601064 FM33x JC42 rtc tamper FM31x CHINA TV MEMORY RESET PDF


    Abstract: MB370
    Text: ÔRl & 6 -^ 5^ r,iJITSU INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS 002 5 23 T ' 2 £23 l 1 F OS M B 3705 \ \ /• 4.4W AUDIO POW ER AM PLIFIER MB3705 i, m m . ‘¡ k . W Ç - n * - T - i l£ tŒ , £" S ^ S H tu iilT ( * t t : mm) L t t< n x , * ¿ rio fiffli:J ïiS t-1 % — = 7 is * ,

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    MB3705 --22M MB370 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i a i f f p r E . EL1881C p MIGHitRfORMAiKEWIAiOS INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS L I 8 8 1 C SyjlC Scptt Vttto Vf Low Pow cf G e n e r a l D e s c r ip t io n T he EL1881C video sync sep arato r is m anufactured using E lantec’s high perform ance analog CM OS process. T his device ex­

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    EL1881C EL1881C 620ft PDF


    Abstract: EL2001ACJ EL2001 BF 998 transistor AY PNP smd EL2001ACN EL2001AJ
    Text: EL2001/EL2001C SßE D elantec HIGHPERFORMANCEANALOG INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS F eatu res • • • • • • • ja s s le w r a t e Low bias current, 1 ju,A typical 100 mA output current Short circuit protected Low cost Stable with capacitive loads Wide supply range ± 5V to ± 15V

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    315T5S7 EL2001ACJ MDP0010 EL2001ACN MDP0031 EL2001AJ EL2001AJ/883B EL2001AL EL2001AL EL2001 BF 998 transistor AY PNP smd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH PERFORMANCE ANAU06 INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS F eatu res • Wide gain bandwidth—500 MHz • High slew rate—350 V/ju,s • High power bandwidth ± 10 Vout 5.5 MHz • Large open loop gain 83 dB • Low power—5 mA/amplifier • Low input offset—0.5 mV typ.

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    ANAU06 HA2540s EL2223/EL2223C EL2223 EL2223/EL2223COperational PDF

    T grease

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE HANDLING AND MOUNTING ICs IN PLASTIC POWER PACKAGES by R. Tiziani Integratedcircuits mounted in plastic power packages can be damaged, or reliability compromised, by inappropriate handling and mounting techniques. Avoiding these problems is simple if you follow the suggestions


    philips tea charger 14 pin

    Abstract: SMPS battery tea1100 555 timer smps basic transistor 9014 TEA1100 philips tea charger 16 pin CAR SMPS dioda zener type BE 84 s09c TEA1100T
    Text: 2 - ^ 5 - l k ' 0 INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS Lnu r~ i— L TEA1100; TEA1100T Battery monitor for NiCd and NiMH chargers Preliminary specification M ay 1992 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 Philips Semiconductors PH1UP* PHILIPS P relim in ary s œ c lflc a t lo n

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    11H1IET. TEA1100; TEA1100T TEA11Q0; philips tea charger 14 pin SMPS battery tea1100 555 timer smps basic transistor 9014 TEA1100 philips tea charger 16 pin CAR SMPS dioda zener type BE 84 s09c TEA1100T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ELH0041G/883/8508701ZX M M tß C HIGH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS E L H 0 0 4 1 G /8 8 3 /8 5 0 8 7 0 1 Z X 0*1 Ailtip POWßT OpBTdtlOTlttl A ltipllflC T F e a tu r e s G en era l D e sc r ip tio n • H ig h o u tp u t current— 200 mA • E xcellent open-loop

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    ELH0041G/883/8508701ZX ELH0041 PDF

    IC HXJ 2038

    Abstract: 1N52398 DB5T tfk 102 cny 70 hxj 2038 rca 40361 transistor rca 40362 TFK 680 CNY 70 Diode Equivalent 1N34A 2n5952 equivalent
    Text: The Engineering Staff of TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED Components Group The T ransistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers T e x a s In s t r u m e n t s IN CO RPO RATED TYPE NUMBER INDEX GLOSSARY TRANSISTOR SELECTION GUIDES TRANSISTOR INTERCHANGEABILITY

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: For Immediate Assistance, Contact Your Local Salesperson B U E R R - B R O W N DF1750 ] Dual Channel DIGITAL DECIMATION FILTER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • USER SELECTABLE FOR 1/4 OR 1/2 DECIMATING RATIOS • PASSBAND RIPPLE < 0.0005dB The DF1750 is a high performance 1/4 or 1/2 decim at­

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    DF1750 0005dB DF1750 220pF 150kQ OPA26Q4 OPA26Q4s PCM1750. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N T E ELECTRONICS INC 55E^D •! b4315ST 00QEfl74 MT7 H N T E - —INTEGRATEDCIRCUITS ^ TTb T R A N S IS T O R T R A N S IS T O R L O G IC Gated J-K Master-Slave 14-LeadDIP,SeeDiag.249 Dual J-K Neg Edge Flip-Flop Triggered Flip-Flop "/C lear - T - M 3 -Ô I

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    b4315ST 00QEfl74 14-LeadDIP 14-Lead 16-LeadDIP T-90-01 PDF


    Abstract: P3139 BC233A sprague 40d GEX36/7 C4274 s1766 C12712 TC236 GP149
    Text: SPRAGUE THE M A R K O F R E L I A B I L I T Y SEMICONDUCTOR REPLACEMENT MANUAL K -5 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Guidelines for Replacing Semiconductors. 1 Specifications, Small-Signal and Power Transistors.

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    sharp 16x2 lcd

    Abstract: LCD 16X1 sharp 32 pin eprom to eprom copier circuit SHARP electroluminescent display QVGA LCD Monochrome Sharp LCD display 16X1 sharp Sharp EL Displays sharp dbs digital tuner blue optical pickup head CD Pick-Up head
    Text: Sharp Since 1912, our company has stood for technological innovation. Even its name comes from an innovation, the “Ever Sharp” automatic pencil. An these innovations are turned into products to meed their users’s need. 1915 1960 1962 1964 1969 1973 Ever Sharp Pencil

    ZR-5000G, 32-bit sharp 16x2 lcd LCD 16X1 sharp 32 pin eprom to eprom copier circuit SHARP electroluminescent display QVGA LCD Monochrome Sharp LCD display 16X1 sharp Sharp EL Displays sharp dbs digital tuner blue optical pickup head CD Pick-Up head PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: -SHARP [SPEC No. 1 EA 0 8X 0 7 ISSUE: Nov. 27. 1996 To: TENTATIVE SPECIFICATIONS ProductType Model No. Output LCD Segment Driver LH1581 %This tentative specifications contains 23 pages including the cover and appendix. If you have any objectionsplease contact us before issuing purchasing order.

    LH1581 Th9-44-- LH1536x5 2400x600DOTMATRIX LH1581xlO Y223 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI 73K212/K212L ¿wmsiiskms Bell 212A/103 Single-Chip Modem A TDK Group/Company 1 December 1992 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 73K212 is a highly integrated single-chip modem IC which provides the functions needed to construct a typical Bell 212A full-duplex modem.

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    73K212 22-pin 73K212L PDF


    Abstract: LM2930A l487 sgs alternator voltage regulator schematic CAR ALTERNATOR REGULATOR L4921 alternator circuit diagram schematic diagram 200v dc voltage regulator L48XX L4920
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE LOW DROP VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS By S. CIS CAT O Linear voltage regulators with an input-output voltage drop of less than 2V are used to ensure continuity of the stabilized output in applications where a battery supply is used. This note describes the characteristics
