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    INTEL 7242 Search Results

    INTEL 7242 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    952601EGLFT Renesas Electronics Corporation SPRINGDALE - CK409 clock, Intel Yellow Cover part Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    954101DFLFT Renesas Electronics Corporation GRANTSDALE - CK410 clock, Intel Yellow Cover part Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    954201BFLFT Renesas Electronics Corporation ALVISO - CK410M clock, Intel Yellow Cover part Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    9LPRS525AGILFT Renesas Electronics Corporation 56-pin CK505 for Intel Systems Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    9FGP204BKLF Renesas Electronics Corporation CK-MNG+ Peripheral Synthesizer for Intel Servers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    INTEL 7242 Datasheets Context Search

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    transistor 2482H

    Abstract: 2482H 82801CA intel 945 motherboard schematic diagram 100 watt subwoofer circuit diagram 2482h b3 4ch sub woofer high subwoofer 1000 watts amplifier passive subwoofer crossover sio lpc chip intel p4 motherboard
    Text: Intel 82801CA I/O Controller Hub 3-S ICH3-S Datasheet March 2002 Document Number: 290733-002 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability

    82801CA transistor 2482H 2482H intel 945 motherboard schematic diagram 100 watt subwoofer circuit diagram 2482h b3 4ch sub woofer high subwoofer 1000 watts amplifier passive subwoofer crossover sio lpc chip intel p4 motherboard PDF


    Abstract: MS-146 transistor 2482H intel 945 motherboard schematic diagram D31F6 4ch sub woofer passive subwoofer crossover 82801CA 82C54 82C59
    Text: Intel 82801CA I/O Controller Hub 3-S ICH3-S Datasheet March 2002 Document Number: 290733-002 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability

    82801CA medic13, 16-Bit 2482H MS-146 transistor 2482H intel 945 motherboard schematic diagram D31F6 4ch sub woofer passive subwoofer crossover 82C54 82C59 PDF


    Abstract: intel 945 motherboard schematic diagram tag 9340 MLT 22 543 29073 Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes IOR 438
    Text: Intel 82801CA I/O Controller Hub 3 ICH3-S Datasheet February 2002 Document Number: 290733-001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability

    82801CA 2482H intel 945 motherboard schematic diagram tag 9340 MLT 22 543 29073 Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes IOR 438 PDF

    intel 945 motherboard schematic diagram

    Abstract: 2482H Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes PC intel 945 MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram PCIDMA
    Text: Intel 82801CA I/O Controller Hub 3-S ICH3-S Datasheet March 2002 Document Number: 290733-002 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability

    82801CA intel 945 motherboard schematic diagram 2482H Silicon Point Contact Mixer Diodes PC intel 945 MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram PCIDMA PDF

    motherboard check point

    Abstract: 692536-003 692536-004 RC440BX 692536 "Same Functionality" GLUE SC1182 SC1182B voltage regulator motherboard
    Text: Product Change Notification Change Management Contact at Intel: Name: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: Electronic Mail Address: Please respond to the Intel Contact above if you have any issues with the timeline or content of this change. No response from customers will be deemed as acceptance of change and the change will

    BLKRC440BX motherboard check point 692536-003 692536-004 RC440BX 692536 "Same Functionality" GLUE SC1182 SC1182B voltage regulator motherboard PDF


    Abstract: S-80141ALMC aplication notes w25q32b quanta 6320 XL710 26 Pin GPIO Connector Header Extender 90 Degree Angle TXAL 228 B
    Text: Intel Ethernet Controller XL710 Datasheet Networking Division ND Revision: 2.1 December 2014 Legal Lines and Disclaimers No license (express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise) to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Intel disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a

    XL710 a3568 S-80141ALMC aplication notes w25q32b quanta 6320 XL710 26 Pin GPIO Connector Header Extender 90 Degree Angle TXAL 228 B PDF


    Abstract: berc aa 719448-205 es1371 82371EB 82443BX intel DOC 4R4C j4b1
    Text: RC440BX Motherboard Specification Update Release Date: April 1999 Order Number: 716543-007 The RC440BX motherboard may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are

    RC440BX RC440BX berc aa 719448-205 es1371 82371EB 82443BX intel DOC 4R4C j4b1 PDF

    rtc 005 04

    Abstract: RTC 8025 VSOJ20-pin RTC-7301 RX-8025 RX-8564 RX-4581 rtc-8564
    Text: Real time clock module Characteristics Item page Package Model Access time Counter synchronous Data bit Address bit (time counting signal cycle) 75 76 RX-4581 77 78 RTC-9701 VSOJ 20-Pin (CLK: 500 ns) 83 RTC-4553 SOP 14-Pin (CLK: 2 µs) RX-4702 SON 10-Pin

    RX-4581 RTC-9701 RTC-4553 RX-4702 RTC-4701 RTC-4574 RTC-4543 RX-8025 RX-8581 RX-8564 rtc 005 04 RTC 8025 VSOJ20-pin RTC-7301 rtc-8564 PDF

    intel 8086 INSTRUCTION SET

    Abstract: m6117 ALI chipset M1487 amibios 686 q 686 amibios 1999 BIOS 686 AMIBIOS amibios 586 Programmers Guide to the AMIBIOS 360ACD 8255 keyboard Controller
    Text: Embedded BIOS 4.2 TM The Full-Featured BIOS for Embedded Systems, Handheld, Mobile, and Consumer Electronics* OEM Adaptation Guide with BIOS Interrupt Reference "The most configurable BIOS available" * Now CE ReadyTM Includes BIOStartTM This material is provided as a product component for the EMBEDDED BIOS Adaptation

    430HX/TX 16KB-256KB intel 8086 INSTRUCTION SET m6117 ALI chipset M1487 amibios 686 q 686 amibios 1999 BIOS 686 AMIBIOS amibios 586 Programmers Guide to the AMIBIOS 360ACD 8255 keyboard Controller PDF

    l 7251 3.1

    Abstract: ft03e
    Text: int ! MOBILE PENTIUM Il PROCESSOR IN BGA PACKAGE AT 366 MHZ, 333 MHZ, 300PE MHZ, AND 266PE MHZ Available at 266PE MHz, 300PE MHz, 333 MHz and 366 MHz Fully compatible with previous Intel microprocessors Supports the Intel Architecture with Dynamic Execution

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    300PE 266PE 16-Kbyte 256-Kbyte) l 7251 3.1 ft03e PDF


    Abstract: BPK-72 Bubble Memory BPK72 IN75463 Ultimodule sbx-251 sbx251
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE AP-127 December 1982 »> \0 >& A ° «r^ •Intel Corporation, Inc., 1982 December 1962 ORDER NUMBER: 210300-001 6-64 AP-127 INTRODUCTION Intel has developed a new, comprehensive power-fail circuit that is incorporated into all Intel Bubble Board Memory pro­

    OCR Scan
    AP-127 SBX-251C BPK-72 Bubble Memory BPK72 IN75463 Ultimodule sbx-251 sbx251 PDF


    Abstract: Cpi 8086 G1331T practical applications of 8086 microprocessor ss101 82C54 bs89-9 D1156 intel 24018 272420
    Text: INTEL CORP UP/PRPHLS bflE D • M0Sbl7S D1331bM 417 M I T L l P i^ E )(U I(S T [ F i B l ¥ ß E W in te l Intel386 EX EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR ■ Static Intel386™ CPU Core — Low Power Consumption — Operating Power Supply 2.7V to 5.5V — Operating Frequency

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    D1331b4 Intel386â 32-Bit W2L17S G1331 Cpi 8086 G1331T practical applications of 8086 microprocessor ss101 82C54 bs89-9 D1156 intel 24018 272420 PDF


    Abstract: 8035HL F1L 250 V fuse BPK-70 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 i8282 hall marking code A04 Transistor AF 138 DK55 82720 intel
    Text: COMPONENT DATA CATALOG JANUARY 1982 Intel C orporation makes no w arranty fo r the use of its products and assumes no re sponsib ility fo r any e rrors w hich may appear in th is docum ent nor does it make a com m itm ent to update the info rm atio n contained herein.

    OCR Scan
    RMX/80, P80A49H 8035HL F1L 250 V fuse BPK-70 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 i8282 hall marking code A04 Transistor AF 138 DK55 82720 intel PDF

    BPK-72 Bubble Memory

    Abstract: IMB-72 Bubble Memory BPK72 7110a-1 Intel 8080 7254 coil driver Intel BUBBLE INTEL 7254 BPK-70 Bubble Memory
    Text: in te i rauyiMioiMÄW BPK 72A 1MBIT BUBBLE MEMORY PROTOTYPE KIT BPK 72A-1 0 To 75 °C BPK 72A-4 10°C To 55°C BPK 72A-5* —20°C To 85°C Assembled and Tested 1MBit Bubble Memory Prototype Kit on 4” x 4” PC Board 1Mbit, Non-Volatile, Read-Write, Solid-State Memory in Leaded Dense

    OCR Scan

    Bubble Memory

    Abstract: TA 7230 P intel 8085 Intel BUBBLE 7230 intel 7110 intel 8088 memory memory bubble INTEL 7230 S6590
    Text: 7230 CURRENT PULSE GENERATOR FOR BUBBLE MEMORIES TTL Compatible Inputs Provides all Pulses for IM’s Bubble Memories — Replicate, Swap, Generate, Boot Replicate and Bootswap Current Sink Outputs Designed to Directly Drive Bubble Memory • Direct Interface to Bubble Memory

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    22-Pin 71meter S6590 S6590 AFN-01357A Bubble Memory TA 7230 P intel 8085 Intel BUBBLE 7230 intel 7110 intel 8088 memory memory bubble INTEL 7230 PDF

    IC AN 7220

    Abstract: BPK-72 Bubble Memory 8080 intel microprocessor pin diagram BPK-70 Bubble Memory BPK72 BPK70 BPK70A Bubble Memory intel 80286 design kit IC 7905 pin diagram
    Text: [P^ILORSIOMÀW ¡n tg l BPK 70 1MBIT BUBBLE MEMORY SUBSYSTEM BPK 70-1 0 °C to 75°C BPK 70-4 10°C to 5 5 °C BPK 70-5 - 2 0 ° C to 85°C 1 Mbit 128K Bytes Non-volatile, Solid-state, Read/Write Bubble Memory Subsystem Interfaces to Host Microprocessor

    OCR Scan
    20-pin IC AN 7220 BPK-72 Bubble Memory 8080 intel microprocessor pin diagram BPK-70 Bubble Memory BPK72 BPK70 BPK70A Bubble Memory intel 80286 design kit IC 7905 pin diagram PDF

    intel 8055

    Abstract: BPK70 intel 7242
    Text: in te i 7242 DUAL FORMATTER/SENSE AMPLIFIER FOR BUBBLE MEMORIES FIFO Data Block Buffer Error Detection/Correction Done Automatically Dual Channel Daisy-Chained Selects for Multiple Bubble Memory Systems On-Chip Sense Amplifiers MOS N-Channel Technology Automatically Handles Redundant

    OCR Scan
    20-Pin tcYC-11 AFN-01358A AFN-01358A intel 8055 BPK70 intel 7242 PDF

    intel 7110

    Abstract: MAGNETICA bubble memory "bubble memory" content addressable memory sense amplifier "content addressable memory" sense amplifier Intel BUBBLE magnetic bubble memories
    Text: iny A PRIMER ON MAGNETIC BUBBLE MEMORY Magnetic bubble memory is a solid-state technology with high reliability, ruggedness, small size, light weight, and limited power dissipation. It has applications in telecommunications, data acquisition, industrial control, terminals, and small busi­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: intel 7110 DMA Controller 8257 isbx-251
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE AP-157 O c to b e r 1983 AP-157 INTRODUCTION^ The 7220-! is a single-chip LSI Bubble Memory Controller BMC that implements a bubble memory storage subsystem (with up to eight bubble storage units (BSUs) per BMC). Each bubble storage unit consists of five support circuits in addition

    OCR Scan
    AP-157 BPK72 intel 7110 DMA Controller 8257 isbx-251 PDF

    intel 7114 bubble

    Abstract: Intel BUBBLE IC AN 7110
    Text: intei ARTICLE REPRINT AR-271 Aprii 1983 Rtprtnfrf with p « i» M o a trom Etoctflontes làaguirm, U v c h 94,1993: Copyright M cQ nw Hifl, f M3. 6-224 OMNNt NUMMDt: H0M3-M1 inteT AR-271 New bubble-memory packaging cuts board space and manufacturing costs

    OCR Scan
    AR-271 intel 7114 bubble Intel BUBBLE IC AN 7110 PDF

    intel 8284A clock generator

    Abstract: BPK-70 bubble memory 74SC245
    Text: ir it J A P P L IC A T IO N N O TE A P-164 November 1983 INTELCO RPO RATIO N , INC. 1983 6-191 ORDER NUMBER: 230826-001 AP-164 INTRODUCTION M ore and m ore m icroprocessor systems are becoming portable. Quite frequently, portable systems run on a limited

    OCR Scan
    P-164 AP-164 intel 8284A clock generator BPK-70 bubble memory 74SC245 PDF


    Abstract: RTC4513 4553 B SOP2
    Text: Applications guide s ’M 0 ?' #$£ Hü • m ^ \ . fi H I fc'v v k; Characteristics Item A c c e s s tim e s y n c h ro n o u s s ig n a l c y c le C o u n te r P a cka g e Model itime coiirtingi R T C -4 5 1 3 SO P 1 4 -p in R T C -4 5 4 3 SA SO P 1 4 -p in

    OCR Scan
    325ns 14-pin RTC-4513/4543SA/4553/8583/8593) 18-pin RTC-62421/72421/63421/63421M) 16-pin RTC-58321) 24-pin RTC-64611) RTC-4513 RTC4513 4553 B SOP2 PDF

    intel 7110

    Abstract: vmos fet intel 8085 INTEL 7254 vmos BPK70 DIODE S4 3a vmos to bubble memories 7254 coil driver
    Text: intei 7254 QUAD VMOS DRIVE TRANSISTORS FOR BUBBLE MEMORIES Designed to Drive X and Y Coils of 7110 Bubble Memories • Operates from V qd Only No Bias Currents Required ■ VMOS FET Technology Fast Turn-on and Turn-off — 30 ns Maximum ■ N-Channel and P-Channel Transistors

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    14-Pin HP21SA intel 7110 vmos fet intel 8085 INTEL 7254 vmos BPK70 DIODE S4 3a vmos to bubble memories 7254 coil driver PDF


    Abstract: RTC4513 RTC-4513
    Text: Applications guide TABLE OF REAL TIME CLOCK MODULES I Characteristics "" - . Item C o u n te r P a ckage Model A c c e s s tim e time counting R T C -4 5 1 3 SOP 1 4 -p in R T C -4 5 4 3 SA SOP 1 4 -p in R T C -4 5 4 3 SB SO P 1 8 -p in R T C -4 5 5 3

    OCR Scan
    1/100sec. 63SA/8583/8593) 18-pin RTC-62421 /63421M) 24-pin RTC-64611) 16-pin RTC-58321) 28-pin 8563S RTC4513 RTC-4513 PDF