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    INVERTER 2001V Search Results

    INVERTER 2001V Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC74HC14AF Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC14D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC04D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC74HC14AP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Hex Inverter, DIP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC4069UBP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, DIP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    INVERTER 2001V Datasheets Context Search

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    afe 1000

    Abstract: cypress fifo cy7c408A CY7C408A CY7C409A
    Text: CY7C408A CY7C409A 64 x 8 Cascadable FIFO 64 x 9 Cascadable FIFO Features • • • • • • • • • • • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory 35-MHz shift in and shift out rates Almost Full/Almost Empty and Half Full flags

    CY7C408A CY7C409A 35-MHz 50-ns) CY7C408A) 300-mil, 28-pin CY7C408A CY7C409A 64-word afe 1000 cypress fifo cy7c408A PDF


    Abstract: CY7C409A
    Text: 09A CY7C408A CY7C409A 64 x 8 Cascadable FIFO 64 x 9 Cascadable FIFO Features • • • • • • • • • • • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory 35-MHz shift in and shift out rates Almost Full/Almost Empty and Half Full flags

    CY7C408A CY7C409A 35-MHz 50-ns) CY7C408A) 300-mil, 28-pin CY7C408A CY7C409A 64-word PDF


    Abstract: CY7C409A inverter 2001v CY7C409A-25PC
    Text: CY7C408A CY7C409A 64 x 8 Cascadable FIFO 64 x 9 Cascadable FIFO Features D D D D D D D D D D D AFE is HIGH when the FIFO is almost full or almost empty, otherwise AFE is LOW. HF is HIGH when the FIFO is half full, otherwise HF is LOW. 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 firstĆin firstĆout

    CY7C408A CY7C409A 35MHz CY7C408A) 300mil, 28pin CY7C408A CY7C409A inverter 2001v CY7C409A-25PC PDF

    inverter 2001v

    Abstract: CY7C408A CY7C409A CY7C408A-15PC
    Text: 1CY 7C40 9A CY7C408A CY7C409A 64 x 8 Cascadable FIFO 64 x 9 Cascadable FIFO Features • • • • • • • • • • • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory 35-MHz shift in and shift out rates Almost Full/Almost Empty and Half Full flags

    CY7C408A CY7C409A 35-MHz 50-ns) CY7C408A) 300-mil, 28-pin CY7C408A CY7C409A 64-word inverter 2001v CY7C408A-15PC PDF


    Text: fax id: 7013 1CY 54/7 4FCT138 T CY54/74FCT138T 1-of-8 Decoder Features Source current • Function, pinout, and drive compatible with FCT and F logic • FCT-C speed at 5.0 ns max. Com’l , FCT-A speed at 5.8 ns max. (Com’l) • Reduced VOH (typically = 3.3V) versions of equivalent



    Text: CY54/74FCT138T 1ĆofĆ8 Decoder D D Features D Function, pinout, and drive D FCTĆC speed at 5.0 ns max. Com'l , Source current 32 mA (Com'l), 12 mA (Mil) D EdgeĆrate control circuitry for Dual 1ĆofĆ8 decoder with enables Functional Description significantly improved noise



    Abstract: CY74FCT138CTQCT
    Text: Data sheet acquired from Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. Data sheet modified to remove devices not offered. CY54/74FCT138T 1-of-8 Decoder SCCS013 - May 1994 - Revised February 2000 Features • Function, pinout, and drive compatible with FCT and F logic



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C408A CY7C409A m w C Y PR ESS Features • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory • 35-MHz shift in and shift out rates • Almost Full/Almost Empty and Half Full flags • Dual-port RAM architecture • Fast (50-ns) bubble-through

    OCR Scan
    CY7C408A CY7C409A 7C408A PDF

    IR 2354

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fax id: 5403 CY7C408A CY7C409A CYPRESS 64 x 8 Cascadable FIFO 64 x 9 Cascadable FIFO Features • • • • • • • • • • • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory 35-MHz shift in and shift out rates Almost Full/Almost Empty and Half Full flags

    OCR Scan
    35-MHz 50-ns) CY7C408A) 300-mil, 28-pin CY7C408A CY7C409A 38-00059-G IR 2354 PDF

    cypress fifo cy7c408A

    Abstract: afe 1000 CY7C408A CY7C409A 482S2
    Text: CY7C408A CY7C409A W r0 c y p r e s s Features • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory • 35-MHz shift in and shift out rates • Almost Full/Almost Empty and Half Full flags • Dual-port RAM architecture • Fast (50-ns) bubble-through

    OCR Scan
    CY7C408A CY7C409A 35-MHz 50-ns) CY7C408A) 300-mil, 28-pin CY7C409A 64-word cypress fifo cy7c408A afe 1000 482S2 PDF


    Abstract: CY7C408A-25KMB inverter 2001v C403A-2 CY7C408A CY7C409A CY7C409A-25DC CY7C409A-25KMB CY7C409A25DC
    Text: bSE D CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR 25ê^bb2 GGlObl? 510 • CYP CY7C408A CY7C409A P Y P P ïïQ C ’ Cascadable 64 x 8 FIFO Cascadable 64 x 9 FIFO SEMICONDUCTOR Features • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory • 35-MIIz shift in and shift out rates

    OCR Scan
    CY7C408A CY7C409A 35-MHz 50-ns) CY7C408A) 300-mil, 28-pin 64-word CY7C408A-35DC CY7C408A-25KMB inverter 2001v C403A-2 CY7C409A-25DC CY7C409A-25KMB CY7C409A25DC PDF

    afe 1000

    Abstract: CY7C408A CY7C409A C408A-4 cy7040
    Text: CY7C408A CY7C409A Wr0c y p r e s s Features • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory • 35-MHz shift in and shift out rates • Almost Full/Almost Empty and H alf Full flags • Dual-port RAM architecture • Fast (50-ns) bubble-through

    OCR Scan
    CY7C408A CY7C409A 35-MHz 50-ns) CY7C408A) 300-mil, 28-pin 64-word afe 1000 C408A-4 cy7040 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: = CY7C408A CY7C409A CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR Features • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory • 35-M Hz shift in and shift out rates • Almost Full/Almost Empty and H alf Full flags • Dual-port RAM architecture • Fast (50-ns) bubble-through

    OCR Scan
    CY7C408A CY7C409A 50-ns) CY7C408A) PDF

    D07 15

    Abstract: 408A2 7C408A-GNDC
    Text: p yp: v « *1 X X CY 7 C 408 A CY 7 C 409 A - 64 x 8 Cascadable FIFO 64 x 9 Cascadable FIFO Features 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory 35-MHz shift in and shift out rates Almost Full/Almost Empty and Half Full flags same order as it was stored on the DO0 - D 0 8 output pins

    OCR Scan
    35-MHz 50-ns) CY7C408A) 300-mil, 28-pin D07 15 408A2 7C408A-GNDC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *1 CYPRESS DDG71Ö3 2 a C Y P MbE » SEMICONDUCTOR CY7C408A CY7C409A 35’ CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR Features • 6 4 * 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory • 35-M Hz shift in and shift out rates • Alm ost Full/Almost Empty and H alf K ill flags

    OCR Scan
    DDG71Ã CY7C408A CY7C409A 50-ns) CY7C408A) PDF


    Abstract: STA 408A I C
    Text: CY7C408A CY7C409A CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR 64 x 8 an d 64 x 9 first*in first-ou t F IF O b u ffer m em ory • 3 5 -M H z sh ift in a n d sh ift ou t rates • A lm ost F u ll/A lm ost Em pty and H alf F\ill flags • D u al-p ort RAM a rch itectu re • Fast (5 0 -n s) bub b le-th rou gh

    OCR Scan
    CY7C408A CY7C409A ZL22 STA 408A I C PDF


    Abstract: STA 408A I C
    Text: CY7C408A CY7C409A CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR Cascadeable 64 x 8 FIFO Cascadeable 64 x 9 FIFO Features • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in firstout FIFO buffer memory • 35 M Hz shift-in and shift-out rates • Almost Full/Almost Empty and H alf Full flags • Dual port RAM architecture

    OCR Scan
    CY7C408A CY7C409A CY7C408A) 28-pin 38-00059-E 408-AA STA 408A I C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fax id: 7013 CY54/74FCT138T 1-of-8 Decoder Source current Features • Function, pinout, and drive com patible with FCT and F logic • FCT-C speed at 5.0 ns max. Com ’ I , FCT-A speed at 5.8 ns max. (Com ’ I) • Reduced V0H (typically = 3.3V) versions of equivalent

    OCR Scan
    CY54/74FCT138T FCT138T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY54/74FCT138T y CYPRESS l-of-8 Decoder Features • Matched rise and fall times • Function, pinout, and drive compatible with FCT and F logic • Fully compatible with TTL input and output logic levels • FCT-C speed at 5.0 ns max. Com’l FCT-A speed at 5.8 ns max. (Com’l)

    OCR Scan
    CY54/74FCT138T FCT138T T138T 300-Mil) 54FCT138TLM 16-Lead 150-Mil) CY74FCT138TSOC 20-Pin CY74FCT138TQC PDF


    Text: fax id: 7013 —— — Æ j r r ~ 'f V D I 1 CY54/74FCT138T D 17 Q Q IT C O O 1-of-8 Decoder Features Source current • Function, pinout, and drive compatible with FCT and F logic • FCT-C speed at 5.0 ns max. Com ’I , FCT-A speed at 5.8 ns max. (Com ’I)

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: fax id: 7013 CY54/74FCT138T CYPRESS 1-of-8 Decoder Source current Features • Function, pinout, and drive compatible with FCT and F logic • FCT-C speed at 5.0 ns max. Com’I , FCT-A speed at 5.8 ns max. (Com’I) • Reduced V qh (typically = 3.3V) versions of equivalent

    OCR Scan
    CY54/74FCT138T PDF

    STA 408A I C

    Abstract: CY7C409A25DC STA 408A
    Text: CY7C408A CY7C409A CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR Cascadeable 64 x 8 FIFO Cascadeable 64 x 9 FIFO Features • 6 4 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in firstout F IF O buffer memory A F E is H IG H w hen th e F I F O is a l­ m o st fu ll o r a lm o st em pty, otherw ise A F E is L O W . H F is H IG H w hen the

    OCR Scan
    CY7C408A CY7C409A 38-00059-E STA 408A I C CY7C409A25DC STA 408A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C408A CY7C409A 64 x 8 Cascadable FIFO 64 x 9 Cascadable FIFO ^CYPRESS Features • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIF O buffer memory • 35-MHz shift in and shift out rates • Almost Full/Almost Empty and Half Full flags • Dual-port RAM architecture

    OCR Scan
    35-MHz 50-ns) CY7C408A) 300-mil, 28-pin CY7C408A CY7C409A 59--G PDF

    STA 408A I C

    Abstract: 409a STA 408A
    Text: CY7C408A CY7C409A CYPRESS -SEMICONDUCTOR Features • 64 x 8 and 64 x 9 first-in first-out FIFO buffer memory • 35-MHz shift in and shift out rates • Almost Full/Almost Empty and H alf Full flags • Dual-port RAM architecture • Fast (50-ns) bubble-through

    OCR Scan
    CY7C408A CY7C409A 35-MHz 50-ns) CY7C408A) 300-m 28-pin STA 408A I C 409a STA 408A PDF