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    IXYS Corporation IXDN604SIATR

    Gate Drivers 4A Dual Low-Side Ultrafast Mosfet DRV
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI IXDN604SIATR Reel 6,000 2,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.87
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    IXYS Corporation IX4427MTR

    Gate Drivers Dual 1.5A Low Side Gate Driver
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI IX4427MTR Reel 4,000 2,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.498
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    IXYS Corporation IXDD614CI

    Gate Drivers 14-Ampere Low-Side Ultrafast MOSFET
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    TTI IXDD614CI Tube 3,200 50
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $3.31
    • 1000 $2.79
    • 10000 $2.79
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    IXYS Corporation IXDD604SI

    Gate Drivers 4A DUAL L-SIDE U-FST DRV 8-L
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    TTI IXDD604SI Tube 2,300 100
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    • 10 -
    • 100 $1.71
    • 1000 $1.58
    • 10000 $1.58
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    IXYS Corporation IXDN609SI

    Gate Drivers 9-Ampere Low-Side Ultrafast MOSFET
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    TTI IXDN609SI Tube 2,200 100
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $1.54
    • 1000 $1.43
    • 10000 $1.4
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOSHIN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Page 1 of 2 RC2000C-S Series Common Mode Reactor Single phase 2 lines/Length mounted type Application Noise suppression for Swiching power supply/Invreter Specifications RC2000C-SA Series Parts No. Rated Voltage[VAC] Rated Current[A] Inductance[mH typ] Resistance[m ohm max]

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOSHIN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Page 1 of 2 RC2000C-T Series Common Mode Reactor Single phase 2 lines/Width type Application Noise suppression for Swiching power supply/Invreter Specifications RC2000C-TA Series Parts No. Rated Voltage[VAC] Rated Current[A] Inductance[mH typ] Resistance[m ohm max]

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    Abstract: ,national semiconductor Linear brief lb-3
    Text: CX28250 ATM Physical Interface PHY Devices The CX28250 is an ATM-SONET Physical Layer (PHY) device with an integrated, PLL clock and data recovery (CDR) circuit. This device has optimized SONET framer functions for mapping ATM cells to SONET payloads for edge switch applications, and

    CX28250 53-byte 28250-DSH-002-A CX28250 Cx2829 ,national semiconductor Linear brief lb-3 PDF

    T86 MSOP

    Abstract: AD7476A AD7477A AD7478A TMS320C541 AD7476AAKSZ-500RL7
    Text: 2.35 V to 5.25 V, 1 MSPS, 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs in 6-Lead SC70 AD7476A/AD7477A/AD7478A FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Fast throughput rate: 1 MSPS Specified for VDD of 2.35 V to 5.25 V Low power 3.6 mW at 1 MSPS with 3 V supplies 12.5 mW at 1 MSPS with 5 V supplies

    12-/10-/8-Bit AD7476A/AD7477A/AD7478A 12-/10-/8-BIT D02930-0-1/11 T86 MSOP AD7476A AD7477A AD7478A TMS320C541 AD7476AAKSZ-500RL7 PDF

    measurement of voltage using 8051 microcontroller

    Abstract: MC68HC11 interface board 68HC05 68HC11 80C51 87C51 AD7814 ADT7301 theory of microprocessor 8051 ADT7301ARTZ-500RL7
    Text: ±1°C Accurate, 13-Bit, Digital Temperature Sensor ADT7301 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 13-bit temperature-to-digital converter −40°C to +150°C operating temperature range ±0.5°C typical accuracy 0.03125°C temperature resolution Shutdown current of 1 A

    13-Bit, ADT7301 13-bit OT-23 AD7814 13-BIT ADT7301ARTZ-500RL7 ADT7301ARTZ-REEL7 ADT7301ARMZ measurement of voltage using 8051 microcontroller MC68HC11 interface board 68HC05 68HC11 80C51 87C51 AD7814 ADT7301 theory of microprocessor 8051 ADT7301ARTZ-500RL7 PDF

    8051 vs pic microcontroller

    Abstract: pic16f873 interfacing with adc PIC16F873 block diagram temperature sensor interface with PIC 16F873 PIC16F873 sensor interface with PIC 16F873 68HC05 68HC11 80C51 ADT7302ARMZ-REEL7
    Text: ±2°C Accurate, Micropower Digital Temperature Sensor ADT7302 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM 13-bit temperature-to-digital converter −40°C to +125°C operating temperature range ±2°C accuracy 0.03125°C temperature resolution Shutdown current of 1 A Power dissipation of 0.631 mW at VDD = 3.3 V

    ADT7302 13-bit OT-23 AD7814 13-BIT ADT7302ARTZ-500RL7 ADT7302ARTZ-REEL7 ADT7302ARMZ ADT7302ARMZ-REEL7 8051 vs pic microcontroller pic16f873 interfacing with adc PIC16F873 block diagram temperature sensor interface with PIC 16F873 PIC16F873 sensor interface with PIC 16F873 68HC05 68HC11 80C51 ADT7302ARMZ-REEL7 PDF


    Abstract: ic str 6454 s11 stopping compound motorola 7824 BT OSC26M CNC DRIVES ptc temperature sensor 400c 4*4 matrix keypad 17521 rca SAMSUNG NAND FLASH K9F5608
    Text: i.MX21 Applications Processor Reference Manual Document Number: MC9328MX21RM Rev. 3 04/2007 How to Reach Us: Home Page: E-mail: [email protected] USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Information Center, CH370

    MC9328MX21RM CH370 ARM926T ic str 6454 s11 stopping compound motorola 7824 BT OSC26M CNC DRIVES ptc temperature sensor 400c 4*4 matrix keypad 17521 rca SAMSUNG NAND FLASH K9F5608 PDF


    Abstract: AD7366 AD7366-5 AD7367 TMS320VC5506 EVAL-ad7367cbz
    Text: True Bipolar Input, Dual 12-Bit/14-Bit, 2-Channel, Simultaneous Sampling SAR ADC AD7366/AD7367 FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DCAP A VDD Dual 12-bit/14-bit, 2-channel ADC True bipolar analog inputs Programmable input ranges: ±10 V, ±5 V, 0 V to 10 V ±12 V with 3 V external reference

    12-Bit/14-Bit, AD7366/AD7367 AD7366 12-bit AD7367 14-bit Compatible40 24-Lead D0670 AD7366 AD7366-5 AD7367 TMS320VC5506 EVAL-ad7367cbz PDF


    Abstract: mark cey AD7476A AD7476AAKS AD7477A AD7478A DB10 REF19x Series
    Text: a 2.35 V to 5.25 V, 1 MSPS, 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs in 6-Lead SC70 AD7476A/AD7477A/AD7478A FEATURES Fast Throughput Rate: 1 MSPS Specified for VDD of 2.35 V to 5.25 V Low Power: 3.6 mW Typ at 1 MSPS with 3 V Supplies 12.5 mW Typ at 1 MSPS with 5 V Supplies Wide Input Bandwidth:

    12-/10-/8-Bit AD7476A/AD7477A/AD7478A 12-/10-/8-BIT AD7476A/AD7477A/AD7478A DSP563xx MO-187AA AD7476ABKS mark cey AD7476A AD7476AAKS AD7477A AD7478A DB10 REF19x Series PDF

    nec 765 fdc

    Abstract: W83877ATF W83877AF W83877F PC97 RECS-80 APM 2510 irsl200 NEC marking 8215 date code
    Text: W83877ATF WINBOND I/O W83877ATF Data Sheet Revision History Pages Dates Version 1 n.a. 07/29/97 0.50 2 1,3,6,49,50,98,140, 141,142,170 04/10/98 0.51 Version on Web Main Contents First published. A1 Typo correction and data calibrated 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please note that all data and specifications are subject to change without notice. All

    W83877ATF W83877ATF nec 765 fdc W83877AF W83877F PC97 RECS-80 APM 2510 irsl200 NEC marking 8215 date code PDF


    Abstract: JESD22-A114 JESD22-A115 JESD78 PCA9574 PCA9574BS PCA9574PW TSSOP16 C06R
    Text: PCA9574 8-bit I2C-bus and SMBus, level translating, low voltage GPIO with reset and interrupt Rev. 01 — 15 May 2008 Product data sheet 1. General description The PCA9574 is a CMOS device that provides 8 bits of General Purpose parallel Input/Output GPIO expansion in low voltage processor and handheld battery powered

    PCA9574 PCA9574 HVQFN16 JESD22-A114 JESD22-A115 JESD78 PCA9574BS PCA9574PW TSSOP16 C06R PDF


    Abstract: JESD22-A115 JESD78 PCA9635 PCA9685 PCA9685PW TSSOP28 0432B
    Text: PCA9685 16-channel, 12-bit PWM Fm+ I2C-bus LED controller Rev. 01 — 24 July 2008 Product data sheet 1. General description The PCA9685 is an I2C-bus controlled 16-channel LED controller optimized for LCD Red/Green/Blue/Amber RGBA color backlighting applications. Each LED output has its

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    Abstract: xcm916x1cth16 transistor marking code 12W SOT-23 sg379 MC68B54P XC68HC805P18CDW mc68b50cp MC2830 NE555N CHN NE555N
    Text: SG379/D REV 7 Semiconductor Products Sector NORTH AMERICA SALES AND DISTRIBUTION PRICE LIST THIS BOOK IS IN COMPUTER SORT PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION – Please see General Information Section 1.3 EFFECTIVE DATE: JANUARY 10, 1998 General Information 1 Cross References

    SG379/D 1N965BRL ZEN15V 1N751AS 1N967BRL ZEN18V 1N751ASRL 1N968BRL ZEN20V MC68B21CP xcm916x1cth16 transistor marking code 12W SOT-23 sg379 MC68B54P XC68HC805P18CDW mc68b50cp MC2830 NE555N CHN NE555N PDF

    TAG 8926

    Abstract: Lpg 899 SDC 2921 TF 6221 HEN LED display 12V+RELAY+1+C/8 pin ic sdc 3733
    Text: MCIMX31 and MCIMX31L Multimedia Applications Processors Reference Manual MCIMX31RM Rev. 1 2/2006 How to Reach Us: USA/Europe/Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Literature Distribution Center P.O. Box 5405 Denver, Colorado 80217 1-800-521-6274 or 480-768-2130

    MCIMX31 MCIMX31L MCIMX31RM IOIS16 IOIS16/WP MCIMX31L TAG 8926 Lpg 899 SDC 2921 TF 6221 HEN LED display 12V+RELAY+1+C/8 pin ic sdc 3733 PDF


    Abstract: AD7266 AD8022 TMS320C541
    Text: Differential/Single-Ended Input, Dual 2 MSPS, 12-Bit, 3-Channel SAR ADC AD7266 FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM REF SELECT The conversion process and data acquisition use standard control inputs allowing easy interfacing to microprocessors or DSPs. The input signal is sampled on the falling edge of CS;

    12-Bit, AD7266 AD7266 32-Lead CP-32-2 SU-32-2 AD7265 AD8022 TMS320C541 PDF


    Abstract: D03086 AD1582 AD780 DB10
    Text: 4-Channel, 200 kSPS 12-Bit ADC with Sequencer in 16-Lead TSSOP AD7923 FEATURES Fast throughput rate: 200 kSPS Specified for AVDD of 2.7 V to 5.25 V Low power 3.6 mW max at 200 kSPS with 3 V supply 7.5 mW max at 200 kSPS with 5 V supply 4 single-ended inputs with sequencer

    12-Bit 16-Lead AD7923 12-BIT D03086-0-5/11 AD7923 D03086 AD1582 AD780 DB10 PDF

    sem 2106

    Abstract: SR5690 Northbridge Southbridge PCIe Bridge RD890 5650 ati ACC MICRO 2178 Index
    Text: AMD SR5690/5670/5650 Register Reference Guide Publication # 43871 Issue Date: May 2012 Revision: 3.03 Trademarks AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, ATI, and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. HyperTransport is a licensed trademark of the HyperTransport Technology Consortium.

    SR5690/5670/5650 sem 2106 SR5690 Northbridge Southbridge PCIe Bridge RD890 5650 ati ACC MICRO 2178 Index PDF


    Abstract: PCA9635 PCA9685 PCA9685PW TSSOP28 JESD22-A114 JESD22-A115
    Text: PCA9685 16-channel, 12-bit PWM Fm+ I2C-bus LED controller Rev. 02 — 16 July 2009 Product data sheet 1. General description The PCA9685 is an I2C-bus controlled 16-channel LED controller optimized for LCD Red/Green/Blue/Amber RGBA color backlighting applications. Each LED output has its

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    Abstract: JESD22-A115 JESD78 PCA9575 TSSOP24 TSSOP28 PA9575PW1
    Text: PCA9575 16-bit I2C-bus and SMBus, level translating, low voltage GPIO with reset and interrupt Rev. 02 — 27 July 2009 Product data sheet 1. General description The PCA9575 is a CMOS device that provides 16 bits of General Purpose parallel Input/Output GPIO expansion in low voltage processor and handheld battery powered

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    dac interfacing with 8051 microcontroller free do

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32-Channel, 14-Bit Voltage-Output DAC AD5532 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION High integration: 32-channel DAC in 12 mm x 12 mm CSPBGA Adjustable voltage output range Guaranteed monotonic Readback capability DSP/microcontroller compatible serial interface Output impedance:

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    Sony IMX 183

    Abstract: Sony sony cmos sensor imx 178 Sony imx 214 Sony ImX 252 sony cmos sensor imx 226 Sony IMX 219 CMOS Sony "IMX 219" CMOS sony IMX 322 cmos sony cmos sensor imx 185
    Text: i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite Applications Processor Reference Manual Document Number: IMX6SDLRM Rev. 1, 04/2013 i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite Applications Processor Reference Manual, Rev. 1, 04/2013 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Contents Section number Title Page Chapter 1


    AXP 188 ba

    Abstract: 21071-DA 2mb1100 AXP 188 IC 5188b RSAD 5111 1M 21071-BA 82378IB 21071AA d327c
    Text: m DECchip 21071-AA, 21072-AA Core Logic Data Sheet m A p ril 1994 21071-AA, 21072-A A Features: • Supports the entire fam ily of the DECchip 21064 Alpha AXP m icroprocessors • DECchip 21071-AA: 128-bit cache/64-bit memory • DECchip 21072-AA: 128-bit cache/128-bit

    OCR Scan
    21071-AA, 1072-A 128-bit cache/64-bit 21072-AA: cache/128-bit 32-bit parity/32-bit 21072-AA AXP 188 ba 21071-DA 2mb1100 AXP 188 IC 5188b RSAD 5111 1M 21071-BA 82378IB 21071AA d327c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H D404302/H D404304/ H D4074308 D escription T he HD404302, HD404304, a n d H D 4074308 a re CMOS 4-bit sin g le-ch ip m ic ro c o m p u te rs basically e q u iv a le n t to th e HM CS400 series, p ro v id in g h ig h p ro g ra m m in g p ro d u c tiv ity ,

    OCR Scan
    D404302/H D404304/ D4074308 HD404302, HD404304, CS400 HD404302 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i 0 M F [ i3 [m Y 0 N 80960CF-33, -25,-16 32-BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE SUPERSCALAR PROCESSOR • S o c k e t and O b jec t C o d e C o m p atib le w ith 8 0 96 0C A • T w o In s tru c tio n s /C lo c k S u stain ed E xecu tion • F ou r 59 M b y te s /s D M A C h an n els w ith D ata Chaining

    OCR Scan
    80960CF-33, 32-BIT 64-bit 2b175 4fl2bl75 01bbb4fl PDF