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    IR 540 MOSFET 36W ELECTRONICS BALLAST Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    GCM033C70J104KE02J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 0201 (0603M) X7S (EIA) 6.3Vdc 0.1μF±10% Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRT155R61A106ME13J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 0402 (1005M) X5R (EIA) 10Vdc 10μF±20% Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRT21BD72A225KE13K Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 0805 (2012M) X7T (EIA) 100Vdc 2.2μF±10% Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    KC355QD7LF224KH01K Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd X7T (EIA) 1000Vdc 0.22μF±10% Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    KC355WD7LG274MH01K Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd X7T (EIA) 1250Vdc 0.27μF±20% Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

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