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    PWC PW-2

    Abstract: HTC Korea metal film fused resistor 125k ohm Molded Axial Leaded capacitor sn 8951 A rbr56 PFC-W2010 rm1206 resistor metal GLAZE 120 ohm 2 1W IRC rlr20
    Text: Short Form Catalog Resistive and Sensor Products Technology for Every Frontier 2 IRC has been an innovative leader in the design, development and manufacture of passive components for more than eighty years. What IRC’s proven resistor technology gives you the performance

    78411-USA PWC PW-2 HTC Korea metal film fused resistor 125k ohm Molded Axial Leaded capacitor sn 8951 A rbr56 PFC-W2010 rm1206 resistor metal GLAZE 120 ohm 2 1W IRC rlr20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TAIYO YUDEN' H Y B R ID ICs CAR AUDIO 7 Band 2 ch Graphic Equalizer EA1067 is a h ybrid IC w hich c o n ta in s in its inside seven elem ents resonance c irc u its and tw o c irc u its o f one high pe rfo rm a n ce o p e ra tio n a l am p lifie r. • It co ntains seven resonance c irc u its of frequency centers

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    EA1067 EA1067 AA35M75 PDF


    Abstract: two wire electret microphone resistor fix value AV14 LS588FB PBD3535 f- xc3 6 3kf2 battery FET electret microphone av1s
    Text: LS588 a s P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A PROGRAMMABLE TELEPHONE SPEECH CIRCUIT The LS588 is a m o n o lith ic integrated c irc u it in 16 lead dual in -lin e plastic package. Designed as a replacement fo r the h yb rid c irc u it in telephone sets it perform s all the fu n ctio n s previously

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    LS588 LS588 PBD3535 two wire electret microphone resistor fix value AV14 LS588FB PBD3535 f- xc3 6 3kf2 battery FET electret microphone av1s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _nmc THE RESISTOR PEOPLE THICK FILM METAL GLAZE RESISTOR GF SERIES • • • • Flame resistanct construction Rugged molded jacket High temperature soldered termination Metal Glaze™ thick film element THICK FILM SPECIFICATIONS: I IRC Type Fiamability

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    GF-55 GF-07 GF-60 GF-20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Multimedia ICs Input selector switch for high definition displays BA7658AFS T h e B A 7 6 5 8 A F S is a n 1C d e s ig n e d fo r h ig h d e fin itio n d is p la y s , a n d h a s a n in te rn a l s e le c to r c irc u it fo r b r o a d b a n d R G B s ig n a ls a n d H d / V d s ig n a ls , a s y n c h ro n iz a tio n s e p a r a to r c irc u it, a n d a N U T E K s ig n a l d e te c to r c irc u it. T h is 1C

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    BA7658AFS 002112b PDF


    Abstract: irc resistors
    Text: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, BN639 May 3, 2005 For more information, contact: David Winkler, IRC Product Manager 828-264-8861 Chris Burke, BtB Marketing 919-872-8172 Cylindrical SMC Series resistors provide cost-saving replacements for wirewound devices…

    BN639 -30To BN639 irc resistors PDF

    dale rn60c

    Abstract: ERL (Military RLR) irc RN series mil-r-10509 RG1/4ZEROHM
    Text: Product Group: Vishay Dale Resistors / November 2014 Author: Randy Pinkelman Tel: +1-402-563-6397 E-mail: Competitor EOL Cross to Vishay Dale Resistors TT Electronics/IRC released an end-of-life EOL notification for several of its axial-leaded metal glaze

    MIL-R-10509, MIL-PRF-22684, MIL-PRF-39017 com/docs/31027/cmfmil com/docs/31021/cpf com/docs/31023/erl com/docs/31016/frj dale rn60c ERL (Military RLR) irc RN series mil-r-10509 RG1/4ZEROHM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KA8403 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 3 INPUT SWITCH The KA8403 is a m o n o lith ic integrated c irc u it designed fo r the 3-input s w itc h in a VCR system . FEATURES • Suitable for video & audio signals • Low current operation • W ith muting terminal

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    KA8403 KA8403 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E90CC 5920 S.Q. TUBE Special quality double triode designed for use in com puter c irc u its. QUICK REFERENCE DATA Life expectancy 10 000 hours Low interface resistan c e Base M iniature, 7 pin Heating D irect A .C . o r D .C . S eries o r p ara llel supply

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    E90CC E90CC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PC92 MAINTENANCE TYPE H.F. TRIODE T riode intended for use as H .F . am plifier, o scillato r, m ixer and in fram e deflection c irc u its and line deflection circ u its of TV re c e iv e rs . QUICK REFERENCE DATA Anode cu rren t la 12 T ransconductance S

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V23818-C8-V15 Small Form Factor Multim ode 1300 nm Ethernet/Fast Ethernet/FDDI/ATM 2x5 Transceiver w ith VF-45 Connector D im ension s in m m inches C irc u it B oard L ayo ut Recom m ended PCB thickness: max. (2.54) 0.1 (6x) s (1.4 ±0.1) 05 5 ± 0 .0 4

    OCR Scan
    V23818-C8-V15 VF-45â RJ-45 V23818-C8-V15, 1300nm VF-45) D-13623, PDF


    Abstract: Block diagram on monochrome tv receiver SAA5012 SAA5051 SAA5010 SAA5053 saa5050 SAA5052 TLC 771 SAA5040
    Text: SAA5050 SERIES J V_ TELETEXT CHARACTER GENERATOR The S A A 5 0 5 0 series o f IVIOS N-channel integrated c irc u its provides th e video drive signals t o the television receiver necessary to produce the tele te xt/vie w d a ta display. The variants are described in the

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    SAA5050 28-LEAD M82-1264/RST SAA5020 Block diagram on monochrome tv receiver SAA5012 SAA5051 SAA5010 SAA5053 SAA5052 TLC 771 SAA5040 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3.00±0.05 3.00±0.05 SPECIFICATIONS 01.O2iO.O5 01.02±0.05 03.OOiO.O5 03.OOiO.O5 2.1 5 Ì0 .0 5 04~12P 03P C irc u it 1 02P C urrent Rating: 5A AC,DC Voltage Rating: 2 5 0 V AC.DC Tem p eratu re Range: —2 5 ’ C ~ + 8 5 *C C o n tact Resistance: 10m Q Max

    OCR Scan
    1000M PBT15 UL94Vâ C3030W C3030WRâ EN0911190568 jE2003 C3030WR-F-XP PDF

    irf 2213

    Abstract: crt terminal interface block diagram rgb analog sync on green to rgb analog separate sync c video to crt circuit diagram
    Text: ADVANCED ANALOG A Division of intech RGB DAC 3800 CMOS, TRIPLE, 8-BIT 40 MHz, VIDEO DAC FEATURES • CMOS CIRCUITRY DESCRIPTION The Intech RGB DAC 3800 is a hybrid c irc u it c o n ta in in g three co m p le te video speed d ig ita l-to -a n a lo g co n ­

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-1772 irf 2213 crt terminal interface block diagram rgb analog sync on green to rgb analog separate sync c video to crt circuit diagram PDF

    "ground Key detection"

    Abstract: TDB7711 TDB7722
    Text: TDB7711 • T D B 7 7 2 2 This k it o f tw o c irc u it* i» designed to e nsu re th e BORSHT fu n c tio n * of the ce n tre l office lin e card. • Battery: — N orm al and reverse mode. — Power dow n mode. — Pow er denial. SUBSCRIBER LINE INTERFACE

    OCR Scan
    TDB7711 TDB7722 "ground Key detection" TDB7711 TDB7722 PDF

    1B marking transistor

    Abstract: st ld 33 FDD603AL transistor themal
    Text: E M IC O N D U C T O R tm FDD603AL N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description Features T his N-Channel logic level enhancem ent m ode power fie ld e ffe c t tra n s is to r is produced using F a irc h ild ’s proprietary, high cell density, DM OS technology. This

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    FDD603AL FDD603AL, 1B marking transistor st ld 33 FDD603AL transistor themal PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: w w w .fa irc h ild s e m i.c o m S E M I C O N D U C T O R tm LM1851 Ground Fault I n t e r r u p t e r Features • • • • No potentiometer required Direct interface to SCR Supply voltage derived from AC line—26V shunt Adjustable sensitivity • •

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    LM1851 UL943 LM1851 DS30001851 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics TEA6300T Docum ent No. ECN No. Date o f Issue Status May 1990 Sound fader control circuit Preliminary Specification RF C om m unications G E N E R A L DESC RIPTIO N The Sound Fader C o ntrol c irc u it SOFAC is an l 2C-bus co n tro lle d pre am p lifie r fo r car radios.

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    TEA6300T 6300T EA6300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED AN D EVER AD VANCING M ITSUBISHI ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER 740 FAMILY / 38000 SERIES 3802 Group U s e r’s Manual MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC keep s a fe ty firs t in y o u r c irc u it d e s ig n s ! • M itsubishi E lectric C orporation puts the m axim um effort into m aking sem iconductor

    OCR Scan
    P56/PWM P53/SRDY2 P52/SCLK2 P44/R P42/INT1 P26/DB6 P27/DB7 PDF


    Abstract: ka2822d HAll 21.E
    Text: F = /\IR O H II-D S E M IC O N D U C T O R w w w .fa irc h ild s e m i.c o m KA2822D 3-Phase BLDC Motor Driver Features Description • 3-phase, full-wave, linear BLDC m otor driver w ith 2 hall sensors • Built-in soft sw itching drive circuit • 300 or 360 RPM speed control

    OCR Scan
    KA2822D KA2822D 28-SSOPH-375 10OnF 100nF Z47nF 28SSO HAll 21.E PDF

    yx 801

    Abstract: yx 801 led yx 801 ic D78233GC 78234 RJLTC PD78233 EV-9900 TRXT 707 UPD78237
    Text: Mos M O S In te g ra te d C irc u it ,<PD78233,78234,78237,78238 8 bf v b • '> > 7 7°* - 7 j ? n u > \ d : z L — 9 /¿PD78233, 78234, 78237, 7823813:, 78K/II '> U —X'c0|^t?RT'1“o 78K /ÏÏIÏ, ^gPîÈ3itC«i: U 1 M / H h- CO^ Uf f ^ 7 i ' t ^ T - | 5 8 t ; " 7

    OCR Scan
    uPD78233 uPD78234 uPD78237 uPD78238 PD78233, 78K/II 78234v PD78234, UPD78233, PD78234) yx 801 yx 801 led yx 801 ic D78233GC 78234 RJLTC PD78233 EV-9900 TRXT 707 PDF


    Abstract: SG10 SG14 SG15
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M51414BSP NTSC VIDEO CHROMA DEFLECTION DESCRIPTION T h e M 5 1414 B S P is a s e m ic o n d u c to r in te g ra te d c irc u it th a t PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) processes video, color, and v e rtical/horizonta l s ync signals for NTSC system television sets of average class to top

    OCR Scan
    M51414BSP M51414BSP SG10 SG14 SG15 PDF


    Abstract: IN4002 silicon diode HI1-509/883 diode IN4002 equivalent HI1-508/883 DIODE IN4002 IN4002 IN4002 diode MIL-M-3651
    Text: HI-508/8Q3 H I-509/883 Single 8/Differential 4 Channel CMOS Analog Multiplexer January 19 89 D escrip tion F eatures • Th is C irc u it Is P rocessed In A c c o rd a n c e to M ll-S td - 8 8 3 a n d Is Fully C o n fo rm a n t U n d e r th e Provisions of

    OCR Scan
    HI-508/883 HI-509/883 Mll-Std-883 1000ns DG508A/DG508AA DG509A/DG509AA HI-508 HI-509 hi1-508 IN4002 silicon diode HI1-509/883 diode IN4002 equivalent HI1-508/883 DIODE IN4002 IN4002 IN4002 diode MIL-M-3651 PDF


    Abstract: hall marking code A04 68B50 MCM6830A motorola application note 6809 6844 MADT 68A09 mcm6830 68A21 MC6854
    Text: m icrocom puter com ponents M otorola reserves the right to make changes to any products herein to improve re lia b ility, fu n ctio n or design. M otorola does not assume any lia b ility arising o u t o f the application or use o f any product or c irc u it described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of

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    K-2800 mc6821 hall marking code A04 68B50 MCM6830A motorola application note 6809 6844 MADT 68A09 mcm6830 68A21 MC6854 PDF