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    IRC RN SERIES Search Results

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    PQU650M-F-COVER Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd PQU650M Series - 3x5 Fan Cover Kit, RoHs Medical Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    11C90DM Rochester Electronics LLC 11C90 - Prescaler, ECL Series Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    11C90DM/B Rochester Electronics LLC 11C90 - Prescaler, ECL Series Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    11C05DM/B Rochester Electronics LLC 11C05 - Prescaler, ECL Series Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    74LS384N Rochester Electronics LLC 74LS384 - Multiplier, LS Series, 8-Bit Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

    IRC RN SERIES Datasheets Context Search

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    resistor cross reference

    Abstract: CR 708A Allen-Bradley carbon resistor koa rss stackpole Allen-Bradley rnk RESISTOR LC81 Allen-Bradley resistors 708B GP SERIES RESISTORS

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    NRN10C NRN10I HC2106 HC2206 HC2108 HC2208 HC2110 L061C L063C L081C resistor cross reference CR 708A Allen-Bradley carbon resistor koa rss stackpole Allen-Bradley rnk RESISTOR LC81 Allen-Bradley resistors 708B GP SERIES RESISTORS PDF


    Abstract: DAN217
    Text: Diodes Series Connected Diode Array DA221/DA204U/DA204K/DAN217 •A pplications •E x te rn a l dimensions Units: mm B ia s c irc u its DA221 P ro te c tio n c irc u its DA204U 2.0 ± 0.2 _1.6 ± 0.2 \o ± m ' f l.3 ± 0 .V 0 7±0 1 •F e a tu re s p i

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    DA221/DA204U/DA204K/DAN217 DA221 DA204U SC-75 SC-70 DA204K DAN217 DA221 DA204U DA204K) DA217 DAN217 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O ne-4-AII In te rn a tio n a l Transform ers ' P rin te d C irc u it M o u n t International Standards at Lower Cost and Better Performance Signal’s 14A transformers are used in low power applications and provide the high isolation, creepage and clearance necessary

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    4000VRMS 115/230V 24hrs) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n/A-rOM/ MICROELECTRONICS bTE D St421fl3 0001335 347 M H A C O A fa SPST Reflective Switch Modules 2951 Series Features • ■ ■ ■ Mechanical Outline Top View Broadband Frequency Ranges H erm e tic Package Stripline C om patible C om pact Size W ith o u t In te rn a l Bias C irc u itry

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    St421fl3 QAP409 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: In te rn a tio n a l F la th e a d L o w P ro file T ran s fo rm ers P rin te d C irc u it M o u n t * *< § For Critical Height and International Safety Requirements Sig n a l’s IF transformers utilize unique insulating techniques, including full encapsulation to meet international safety requirements.

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    24hrs> IF-6-40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Light Emitting Diodes Reflecting small LEDs, directly mountable ^ 3 .1 mm x 2 mm SLR-322 Series T he S LR -322 se rie s are sm all 3.1 m m X 2 mm LEDs •E x te rn a l dim ensions (Unit: mm) w h ic h ca n be d ir e c tly m o u n te d on a p rin te d c irc u it

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    SLR-322 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Light Emitting Diodes Reflecting small LEDs, wide angle and directly mountable <j>3.2mm SLR-332 Series T he SLR -332 se rie s are sm a ll <f>3 .2 m m LEDs w h ich • E x te rn a l dim ensions (Unit: mm) ca n be d ire c tly m o u n te d on a p rin te d c irc u it b o a rd .

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    SLR-332 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O ne-4-AII In te rn a tio n a l Triple O u tp u t T ran sfo rm ers • P rin te d C irc u it M o u n t For 5 VDC and ±12 VDC or ±15 VDC Regulated Power Supplies Which Require International Safety Certification Signal's 14A triple output transformers have pc board mount capability

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    4000VRMS 115/230V 24hrs) PDF


    Abstract: S3857 98T2
    Text: U X28C16 16K K 2 K x 8 Bit 5 Volt, Byte Alterable E2PROM FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 70ns Access Time • Simple Byte and Page Write — Single 5V Supply — No E x te rn a l H igh V o ltag e s o r V PP C o n tro l C irc u its — Self-Timed — No E rase B efo re W rite

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    X28C16 f0512 S3857 98T2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Light Emitting Diodes Inverted cone LEDs, directly mountable <j> 3 mm SLV-312 Series T h e S LV -3 12 s e rie s a re 3 m m in v e rte d c o n e LED s •E x te rn a l dim ensions (Unit: mm) w h ic h a re d ire c tly m o u n ta b le on a p rin te d c irc u it

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    SLV-312 SLV-312VC SLV-312DC SLV-312YC SLV-312MC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS TTL DN74LS Series DN74LS156 DN74LS156 IV, 7 4 ^ 1 5 6 Dual 2 -lin e to 4 -lin e Decoders / Demultiplexers with Open Colector Outputs • Description D N 74LS156 P-2 c o n ta in s tw o 2 -b it b in a ry to q u a rte rn a ry d e c o d e r/d e m u ltip le x e r c irc u its w ith o p e n c o lle c to r o u tp u ts .

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    DN74LS DN74LS156 74LS156 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Light Emitting Diodes Directly mountable, two-color LEDs <f> 5.0 mm SPR-325 Seires The SPR-325 series are 3.2 mm, tw o-color LEDs which • E x te rn a l dim ensions (Unit: mm) ca n be d ire c tly m o u n te d on a p rin te d c irc u it b o a rd . Red and gre en e le m e n ts are b u ilt in to a s in g le p a c k ­

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    SPR-325 Lb373 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I HIGH SPEED CMOS M74HC573P/FP/DWP o u » i . * ' ' .rn - ' s?e, <« c'l'8‘ O C T A L 3-S T A T E N O N IN VERTIN G D -T Y P E TR A N S P A R E N T LATC H DESCRIPTION The M 74H C 573 is a sem iconductor integrated c irc u it con­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW

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    M74HC573P/FP/DWP M74HC573P PDF


    Abstract: SL680C
    Text: S L680C S L1680C Plessey Semiconductors SL680C SL1680C CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR MAINTAINING CIRCUITS T h e S L 6 8 0 C a n d S L 1 6 8 0 C are b ip o la r in te g ra te d c irc u its d e s ig n e d to m a in ta in th e o s c illa tio n o f an e x te rn a l series re s o n a n t c ry s ta l w ith o u t s ig n ific a n t

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    L680C L1680C SL680C SL1680C L680C SL1680C SL680C PDF

    rts 715-2

    Abstract: 82593 82596 7157B 68160FB T-6032
    Text: M MOTOROLA - M C68160 Enhanced Ethernet Transceiver T h e M C 6 8 1 6 0 E n h a n ce d E th e rn e t In te rfa ce C irc u it is a B iC M O S d e v ic e w h ic h s u p p o rts b o th IE E E 8 0 2 .3 A c c e s s U n it In te rfa ce (A U I) a nd 10 B A S E -T

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    MB869S0. MB86960 83C690 83932B MC68360. 79C900 rts 715-2 82593 82596 7157B 68160FB T-6032 PDF

    100J resistor

    Abstract: STA 7100 IRC FA series resistor servo motor controller diagram
    Text: SERVO MOTOR CONTROLLER v NJM2611 T h e N JM 2611 is a n in te g ra te d c irc u it to be a p p lie d o n se rv o m o to r o f r a d io c o n tr o lle d o p e ra tio n . W id e ra n g e o f o p e ra tin g v o lta g e , a n d th e N J M 2611 h a s th e fe a tu re o f in te rn a l c irc u it o f m a in ta in in g c o n s ta n t v o lta g e w h ic h h e lp s

    OCR Scan
    NJM2611 700mW 600mA 100J resistor STA 7100 IRC FA series resistor servo motor controller diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D E S C R IP T IO N The A n a lo g ic MINI 563 Series com prises e ig h t p re -a ^ d and stabilized, in te g ra te d c irc u it, in te rn a lly referenced, 1 2 -b it, d ig ita l-to -a n a lo g c o n v e rte ry th a t p ro vid e high p recision, good s ta b ility , e x tre m e ly sm all size, and lo w cost fo r .use in a w ide va rie ty o f D /A d ig i­

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    process of mosfet

    Abstract: Si4724CY Si4768CY Si4770CY W20A RNS 2 china trench power wfet MOSFET Device Effects on Phase Node Ringing
    Text: P re s e n te d at the 2nd In te rn a tio n a l P C IM C o n fe re n c e S h a n g h a i / C hina. M a rch 12 - 1 4 . 2 0 0 3 M O S F E T s A S M In te g ra te d C irc u it - D rM O S D e re k K o o nce . J a c e k K o re c . P e te r D ang, and J a s p e r H ou

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    SI4768CY 500kHz. 300kHz. -500kHz process of mosfet Si4724CY Si4770CY W20A RNS 2 china trench power wfet MOSFET Device Effects on Phase Node Ringing PDF


    Abstract: MC1508L8 34001B hv 9961 MC1508-L8
    Text: MC34001, MC35001 MC34002, MC35002 MC34004, MC35004 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA JFET Input Operational Amplifiers T h e s e lo w c o s t J F E T In p u t o p e ra tio n a l a m p lifie rs c o m b in e tw o s ta te -o f-th e -a rt lin e a r te c h n o lo g ie s o n a sin g le m o n o lith ic in te g ra te d c irc u it. E a ch in te rn a lly

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    MC34001, MC35001 MC34002, MC35002 MC34004, MC35004 mc1408l MC1508L8 34001B hv 9961 MC1508-L8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T h e N JM 431 is a th re e -te rm in a l a d ju sta b le sh u n t re g u la to r. T h e o u tp u t voltage m ay be s e t to an y v a lu e b e tw e e n V REF a b o u t 2 .5 V a n d 36V by tw o re sisto rs. O u tp u t c irc u itry show s a s h a rp tu rn -o n c h arac te ristic s. A p p lic a tio n s include sh u n t

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    100mA--150m 500mW 700mW 300mW NJM7805 PDF


    Abstract: NE5532 application NE5532 dual operational amplifier NE5532 datasheet
    Text: NE5532 DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS T h e N E 5 5 3 2 is a in te rn a lly c o m p e n s a te d d u a l lo w n o is e o p A M P . T h e h ig h s m a ll s ig n a l a n d p o w e r b a n d w id th s p ro v id e s s u p e rio r p e rfo rm a n c e in h ig h q u a lity A M P , all c o n tro l c irc u its , a n d te le p h o n e

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    NE5532 NE5532 140KHz NE5532 application NE5532 dual operational amplifier NE5532 datasheet PDF

    lambda LLS9040

    Abstract: LLS9040 lls-9060 250VAC CAP FAN REGULATOR lls-900 LLS-9120 Regulated Power Supply Schematic Diagram ic601 lambda Lls 9000 40A Adjustable Power Supply Schematic Diagram
    Text: INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR REGULATED POWER SUPPLIES LLS-9000 SERIES This m anual provides in stru ctio n s in tended fo r th e o p eratio n of th e L am bda pow er supplies, and is not to be rep ro d u ced w ithout th e w ritte n consent of Lam bda E le c tro n ic s. All in fo rm atio n

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    LLS-9000 IM-LLS-9000 85-132VAC 170-250VAC LLS900B, LLS90I8 LLS9040, LLS9060, LLS9I20 lambda LLS9040 LLS9040 lls-9060 250VAC CAP FAN REGULATOR lls-900 LLS-9120 Regulated Power Supply Schematic Diagram ic601 lambda Lls 9000 40A Adjustable Power Supply Schematic Diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    MPY534/883B MPY534TD/883B MPY534TH/883B MPY534SD/883B MPY534SH/883B 10MHz MIL-STD-883 MPY534/883B 15VDC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM6926 CCITT V.21/ / MSM6946 BEL 103_ 300 BPS SINGLE CHIP MODEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e M S M 6 9 2 6 and the M S M 6 9 4 6 are O k i's 3 0 0 bps single chip m o d em series w hich tra n s m it and receive serial, b in a ry data over a sw itched telep ho ne n e tw o rk using fre q u e n c y

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    MSM6926 MSM6946 MODEM-MSM6926/46 M6926 PDF