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    IRF 100A Search Results

    IRF 100A Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    100A474S10Y Renesas Electronics Corporation 1K X 4 ECL I/O SRAM, CENT Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    100A474S4Y8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1K X 4 ECL I/O SRAM, CENT Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    100A484S4-5Y Renesas Electronics Corporation 4K X 4 ECL I/O SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    100A474S4-5Y8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1K X 4 ECL I/O SRAM, CENT Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    100A474S8DF Renesas Electronics Corporation 1K X 4 ECL I/O SRAM, CENT Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    IRF 100A Datasheets Context Search

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    MOSFET IRF 940

    Abstract: irf 940 irf 48v mosfet power MOSFET IRF data DIODE 851 tr/MOSFET IRF 940
    Text: IRF MECHANICAL DATA Dimensions in mm inches N–CHANNEL POWER MOSFET 8.89 (0.35) 9.40 (0.37) 7.75 (0.305) 8.51 (0.335) 4.19 (0.165) 4.95 (0.195) 12.70 (0.500) min. VDSS ID(cont) RDS(on) 0.89 max. (0.035) 7.75 (0.305) 8.51 (0.335) dia. 5.08 (0.200) typ. 1

    00A/ms 300ms, MOSFET IRF 940 irf 940 irf 48v mosfet power MOSFET IRF data DIODE 851 tr/MOSFET IRF 940 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 96906C IRFB4610 IRFS4610 IRFSL4610 Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits Benefits l Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dt

    96906C IRFB4610 IRFS4610 IRFSL4610 O-220AB O-262 Cur26) PDF

    irf 210a

    Abstract: IRF 120A IRF 840 MOSFET irf 210 mosfet IRF 504 irf 840 if IRF 150a IRFB3206 smps 48v 12v irf 48v mosfet
    Text: PD - 97097B IRFB3206PbF IRFS3206PbF IRFSL3206PbF HEXFET Power MOSFET Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits G D Benefits l Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dt

    97097B IRFB3206PbF IRFS3206PbF IRFSL3206PbF O-220AB O-262 EIA-418. irf 210a IRF 120A IRF 840 MOSFET irf 210 mosfet IRF 504 irf 840 if IRF 150a IRFB3206 smps 48v 12v irf 48v mosfet PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 97097B IRFB3206PbF IRFS3206PbF IRFSL3206PbF HEXFET Power MOSFET Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits G D Benefits l Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dt

    97097B IRFB3206PbF IRFS3206PbF IRFSL3206PbF O-220AB O-262 EIA-418. PDF


    Abstract: irfb3207pbf
    Text: PD - 95708D IRFB3207PbF IRFS3207PbF IRFSL3207PbF Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits HEXFET Power MOSFET D G Benefits l Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dt

    95708D IRFB3207PbF IRFS3207PbF IRFSL3207PbF O-220AB O-262 EIA-418. AN-994 irfb3207pbf PDF


    Abstract: IRFB3207 IRFS3207 IRFSL3207
    Text: PD - 96893C IRFB3207 IRFS3207 IRFSL3207 Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits HEXFET Power MOSFET D VDSS RDS on typ. max.

    96893C IRFB3207 IRFS3207 IRFSL3207 O-220 O-220AB O-262 AN-994 IRFB3207 IRFS3207 IRFSL3207 PDF


    Abstract: Sl4410 AN-994 mosfet irf 150
    Text: PD - 97278C IRFB4410ZPbF IRFS4410ZPbF IRFSL4410ZPbF HEXFET Power MOSFET Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits D G S Benefits

    97278C IRFB4410ZPbF IRFS4410ZPbF IRFSL4410ZPbF O-220AB O-262 EIA-418. IRFB4410ZPBF Sl4410 AN-994 mosfet irf 150 PDF

    IRF 840 MOSFET

    Abstract: IRFB3206PbF AN-994 IRFB3206 IRF Power MOSFET code marking irf 210a
    Text: PD - 97097 IRFB3206PbF IRFS3206PbF IRFSL3206PbF HEXFET Power MOSFET Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits D VDSS RDS on typ.

    IRFB3206PbF IRFS3206PbF IRFSL3206PbF O-220AB O-262 EIA-418. IRF 840 MOSFET IRFB3206PbF AN-994 IRFB3206 IRF Power MOSFET code marking irf 210a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 96893C IRFB3207 IRFS3207 IRFSL3207 Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits HEXFET Power MOSFET D VDSS RDS on typ. max.

    96893C IRFB3207 IRFS3207 IRFSL3207 O-220 O-220AB O-262 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 97278D IRFB4410ZPbF IRFS4410ZPbF IRFSL4410ZPbF HEXFET Power MOSFET Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits D G S Benefits

    97278D IRFB4410ZPbF IRFS4410ZPbF IRFSL4410ZPbF O-220AB O-262 EIA-418. SL4410 PDF


    Abstract: MOSFET IRF 380
    Text: PD - 95936C IRFB4610PbF IRFS4610PbF IRFSL4610PbF Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits HEXFET Power MOSFET D G S Benefits l Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dV/dt

    95936C IRFB4610PbF IRFS4610PbF IRFSL4610PbF O-262 O-220AB EIA-418. AN-994 MOSFET IRF 380 PDF

    irf 48v mosfet

    Abstract: AN-994 IRFB4410ZPBF
    Text: PD - 97278D IRFB4410ZPbF IRFS4410ZPbF IRFSL4410ZPbF HEXFET Power MOSFET Applications l High Efficiency Synchronous Rectification in SMPS l Uninterruptible Power Supply l High Speed Power Switching l Hard Switched and High Frequency Circuits D G S Benefits

    97278D IRFB4410ZPbF IRFS4410ZPbF IRFSL4410ZPbF O-220AB O-262 EIA-418. irf 48v mosfet AN-994 IRFB4410ZPBF PDF


    Abstract: IRF 740 N transistor irf 740 IRF740FI IRF743 IRF 740 IRFJ40 IRF741 ci 741 IRF740
    Text: 3GE P • 7^2^237 G02cîô01 T ■ [Z T S G S -T H O M S O N 4 7#b S G S-THOMSON TYPE IRF740 IRF740FI IRF741 IRF741FI IRF742 IRF742FI IRF743 IRF743FI Vqss 400 V 400 V 350 V 350 V 400 V 400 V 350 V 350 V 'T - 'S eî - \ 3 IRF 740/FI-741/FI IRF 742/FI-743/FI

    OCR Scan
    740/FI-741/FI 742/FI-743/FI IRF740 IRF740FI IRF741 IRF741FI IRF742 IRF742FI IRF743 IRF743FI IRF74Q IRF 740 N transistor irf 740 IRF 740 IRFJ40 ci 741 PDF

    transistor sta 733

    Abstract: IRF 730 TRANSISTOR IRF 318 J CL66 irf 80 n Ultrasonic power generator schematic irf transistors IRF730FI 730 mos IRF732
    Text: 30E D m 7 ^ 2 3 7 OD2T7*iS a_• | / T 7 S GS-THOM SO N IRF 730/FI-731/FI 4 T /W[ « [ I » ! « ! _ IRF 732/FI-733/FI 1 6 S-THOMSON TYPE V DSS IRF730 IRF730FI IRF731 IRF731FI IRF732 IRF732FI IRF733 IRF733FI 400 V 400 V 350 V 350 V 400 V 400 V 350 V

    OCR Scan
    730/FI-731/FI 732/FI-733/FI IRF730 IRF730FI IRF731 IRF731FI IRF732 IRF732FI IRF733 IRF733FI transistor sta 733 IRF 730 TRANSISTOR IRF 318 J CL66 irf 80 n Ultrasonic power generator schematic irf transistors 730 mos PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IRF120, IRF121 IRF122, IRF 123 31 HARRIS N-Channel Enhancem ent-M ode Power Field-Effect Transistors August 1991 Package Features T 0 -2 0 4 A A • 8.0A and 9.2A , 8 0 V - 100V BOTTOM VIEW • rD S on = 0 .2 7 f l and 0 .3 6 0 SOURCE • S O A is P ow er-D issip atio n Limited

    OCR Scan
    IRF120, IRF121 IRF122, PDF

    D 843 Transistor

    Abstract: 843FI e IRF 840 Application of irf840 IRF840 transistor irf 840 IRF 100A irf 44 n irf 44 ns SC 63 840
    Text: rZ Z * •1 Ë . SGS-THOM SON IRF 840/FI-841/FI « » IL lË T O M O e s_IRF 842/FI-843/FI N - CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE POWER MOS TRANSISTORS TYPE V DSS R d S od IRF840 IRF840FI 500 V 500 V 0.85 n 0.85 a IRF841 IRF841FI 450 V 450 V 0.85 n 0.85 Q IRF842

    OCR Scan
    840/FI-841/FI 842/FI-843/FI IRF840 IRF840FI IRF841 IRF841FI IRF842 IRF842FI IRF843 IRF843FI D 843 Transistor 843FI e IRF 840 Application of irf840 transistor irf 840 IRF 100A irf 44 n irf 44 ns SC 63 840 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H a r r is IRF9510, IRF9511 IRF 9512 IRF9513 , Avalanche Energy Rated P-Channel Power MOSFETs Ja n u a ry 1 9 9 4 Package F e a tu re s • T O -220A B -2.5A and -3.0A , -8 0 V and -100V TOP VIEW • rDS ON = 1 -2 0 and 1 .6 ÎÎ • Single Pulse Avalanche Energy Rated

    OCR Scan
    IRF9510, IRF9511 IRF9513 -220A -100V IRF9511, IRF9512 IRF9513 92CS-43275 PDF


    Abstract: 9533E IRF9530
    Text: H a r r is IRF9530, IR F 9531 IRF 9532 IRF9533 , Avalanche Energy Rated P-Channel Power MOSFETs January 1 9 9 4 Package F e a tu re s T 0 -2 2 0 A B TOP VIEW • -10 A and -1 2 A, -8 0 V and -100V • ro S O N “ 0 .3 f i and 0 .4 ÎÏ • Single Pulse Avalanche Energy Rated

    OCR Scan
    IRF9530, IRF9533 -100V IRF9531, IRF9532 IRF9533 IRF9532, F9533 92CS-43327 F9530 9533E IRF9530 PDF

    Equivalent IRF 44

    Abstract: sony 2sj54 VN0109N3 irf 80 n BUZ44 VN0104N5 2SJ54 irf 44 n VN0108N2 VN0104N1
    Text: Siliconix 1-1? f l CO CO COCO Ol o LL. U . t t ù i • ■ N M C O M «M O LL. U . IRF230 IRF231 - IRF232 IRF233 IRF630 IRF631 - IRF632 IRF633 200VMOSPOWER These power FETs are designed especially for switching regulators, power converters,

    OCR Scan
    O-220 VN1000D IRF522 VN1000A IRF540 IRF632 IRF640 Equivalent IRF 44 sony 2sj54 VN0109N3 irf 80 n BUZ44 VN0104N5 2SJ54 irf 44 n VN0108N2 VN0104N1 PDF

    Equivalent IRF 44

    Abstract: irf630 vn0106n5 VN46 VN0108N2 BUZ44 IRF232 IRF240 IRF422 IRF522
    Text: Siliconix 1-1? f l Pin© MOSPOWER Selector Guide Continued N-Channc4 MOSPOWER (Continued) jopeies aaMOdSOW Device T0-220AB /o V T0-202AA C— IIlt~\1 /// 1 1 TO-39 1-6 Breakdown Voltage (Volts) rDS(on} (Ohms) Continuous (Amps) 200 200 200 200 200 200 170

    OCR Scan
    O-220 VN1000D IRF522 VN1000A IRF540 IRF632 IRF640 Equivalent IRF 44 irf630 vn0106n5 VN46 VN0108N2 BUZ44 IRF232 IRF240 IRF422 PDF

    irf 630

    Abstract: ALL IRF 3.335t irf630 IRF620 IRF622 IRF631 IRF632 vn89af IRF640
    Text: Pin© jopeies aaMOdSOW MOSPOWER Selector Guide Continued N-Channc4 MOSPOWER (Continued) Device T0-220AB /o V T0-202AA C— IIlt~\1 /// 1 1 TO-39 1-6 Breakdown Voltage (Volts) rDS(on} (Ohms) Continuous (Amps) 200 200 200 200 200 200 170 150 150 150 150

    OCR Scan
    IRF640 IRF642 IRF630 IRF632 IRF620 IRF622 VN1706D IRF641 IRF643 IRF631 irf 630 ALL IRF 3.335t irf630 IRF620 IRF622 IRF631 IRF632 vn89af IRF640 PDF


    Abstract: irfp 9640 1RF9540 l 9143 1rfp9140 L 9141 1RF9240 IRF 409 IRFP9I40 IRF95XX
    Text: '"7964142 S A M S U N G SEM_ICONDUCTO ,> ." IRF9130/9131/9132/9133 T " IRFP9130/9131 /9132/9133 IRF9530/9531Z9532/9533 <*I b 4 1 4 d UUU54Ü5 _ ' P-CHANNEL Preliminary Specifications DE 1 7 ^ 4 1 4 2 - 1 0 0 Volt, 0.30 Ohm SFET PRODUCT SUMMARY 0D05405 ? Part Number

    OCR Scan
    IRF9130/9131/9132/9133 IRFP9130/9131 IRF9530/9531Z9532/9533 UUU54DS 7Tti4145 IRF/IRFP9130, IRF9530 -100V IRF/IRFP9131, IRF9531 1RFP9240 irfp 9640 1RF9540 l 9143 1rfp9140 L 9141 1RF9240 IRF 409 IRFP9I40 IRF95XX PDF

    ir 222

    Abstract: IRF620 IRF622 IRF630 IRF631 IRF632 IRF633 IRF640 IRF641 IRF642
    Text: Pin© jopeies aaMOdSOW MOSPOWER Selector Guide Continued N-Channc4 MOSPOWER (Continued) Device T0-220AB /o V T0-202AA C— IIlt~\1 /// 1 1 TO-39 1-6 Breakdown Voltage (Volts) rDS(on} (Ohms) Continuous (Amps) 200 200 200 200 200 200 170 150 150 150 150

    OCR Scan
    IRF640 IRF642 IRF630 IRF632 IRF620 IRF622 VN1706D IRF641 IRF643 IRF631 ir 222 IRF620 IRF622 IRF630 IRF631 IRF632 IRF633 IRF640 IRF641 IRF642 PDF

    irf 150 equivalent

    Abstract: 2sk135 equivalent hitachi 2sk135 irf150 2SK134 equivalent irf 111 irf120 IRF351 IRF331 2SK132
    Text: MOSPOWER Cross Reference List MOSPOWER Cross Reference List HEWLETT-PACKARD Industry Part No. HPWR-6501 HPWR-6502 HPWR-6503 HPWR-6504 BVd s S Volts rDS(on) (Ohms) Package 450 400 450 400 0.85 0.74 1.0 1.0 TO-3 TO -3 TO-3 TO-3 100 120 140 160 180 200 160

    OCR Scan
    PWR-6501 IRF441 HPWR-6502 IRF340 HPWR-6503 HPWR-6504 VN4001A 2SK132 IRF122 irf 150 equivalent 2sk135 equivalent hitachi 2sk135 irf150 2SK134 equivalent irf 111 irf120 IRF351 IRF331 PDF