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    IRF640 FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TK190U65Z Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 650 V, 15 A, 0.19 Ohm@10V, TOLL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TK7R0E08QM Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 80 V, 64 A, 0.0070 Ohm@10V, TO-220AB Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XPJ1R004PB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 40 V, 160 A, 0.001 Ω@10V, S-TOGL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TK4K1A60F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 600 V, 2.0 A, 4.1 Ohm@10V, TO-220SIS Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPN4800CQH Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 150 V, 18 A, 0.048 Ω@10 V, TSON Advance Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    IRF640 FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    linear applications of power MOSFET IRF640

    Abstract: power MOSFET IRF640 IRF640 applications note for irf640 irf640 IRF640 application note IRF640 field-effect power transistor RF1S640SM9A RF1S640 RF1S640SM
    Text: IRF640, RF1S640, RF1S640SM Data Sheet January 2002 18A, 200V, 0.180 Ohm, N-Channel Power MOSFETs These are N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate power field effect transistors. They are advanced power MOSFETs designed, tested, and guaranteed to withstand a

    IRF640, RF1S640, RF1S640SM TA17422. linear applications of power MOSFET IRF640 power MOSFET IRF640 IRF640 applications note for irf640 irf640 IRF640 application note IRF640 field-effect power transistor RF1S640SM9A RF1S640 RF1S640SM PDF

    IRF640 applications note

    Abstract: irf640 RF1S640SM9A TB334 TA17422 RF1S640 RF1S640SM IRF640 INTERSIL
    Text: IRF640, RF1S640SM Data Sheet 18A, 200V, 0.180 Ohm, N-Channel Power MOSFETs These are N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate power field effect transistors. They are advanced power MOSFETs designed, tested, and guaranteed to withstand a specified level of energy in the breakdown avalanche mode

    IRF640, RF1S640SM TA17422. IRF640 applications note irf640 RF1S640SM9A TB334 TA17422 RF1S640 RF1S640SM IRF640 INTERSIL PDF

    IRF640 applications note

    Abstract: irf640 RF1S640SM9A TA17422 power MOSFET IRF640 RF1S640 RF1S640SM TB334
    Text: IRF640, RF1S640SM Data Sheet Title F64 1S6 SM bt A, 0V, 80 m, 18A, 200V, 0.180 Ohm, N-Channel Power MOSFETs Features These are N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate power field effect transistors. They are advanced power MOSFETs designed, tested, and guaranteed to withstand a

    IRF640, RF1S640SM TA17422. TB334 IRF640 RF1S640SM IRF640 applications note irf640 RF1S640SM9A TA17422 power MOSFET IRF640 RF1S640 TB334 PDF

    IRF640 applications note

    Abstract: IRF640 irf6401 IRF641 IRF643 harris IRF642 RF1S640SM9A IRF643 RF1S640SM TB334
    Text: IRF640, IRF641, IRF642, IRF643, RF1S640, RF1S640SM S E M I C O N D U C T O R 16A and 18A, 150V and 200V, 0.18 and 0.22 Ohm, N-Channel Power MOSFETs January 1998 Features Description • 16A and 18A, 150V and 200V These are N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate

    IRF640, IRF641, IRF642, IRF643, RF1S640, RF1S640SM IRF640 applications note IRF640 irf6401 IRF641 IRF643 harris IRF642 RF1S640SM9A IRF643 RF1S640SM TB334 PDF


    Abstract: MOSFET IRF 9732 transistor equivalent irf510 IRF3710 equivalent IRFz44n equivalent IRF 9732 irf2807 equivalent IRF3205 application IRD110 HTGB

    O-220/D2PAK IRF5905 MOSFET IRF 9732 transistor equivalent irf510 IRF3710 equivalent IRFz44n equivalent IRF 9732 irf2807 equivalent IRF3205 application IRD110 HTGB PDF


    Abstract: MOSFET IRF 3710 transistor IRFZ46N irf2807 equivalent IRFIBC44 TO-220 IRF 3615 irfz46n irf 3215 mosfet irf 9740 transistor equivalent irf510



    Abstract: TOSHIBA 2N3055 bta41-600b application BTA41-600B firing circuit TAB 429 H toshiba BZX85C20V SCR tyn612 pin configuration picaxe TYN612 specification 2SA1085E
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS DISCRETE DEVICES Cathode Anode DO-15 DO-201AD 6.8 x 3.5mm 9.5 x 5.3mm Anode Cathode TO-220AC Fast recovery diodes page 427 Schottky power diodes page 428 Isolated tab triacs page 430 Anode 1 Gate Anode 2 Bridge rectifiers Current regulating diodes

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    Abstract: IRF840G IRFZ34G IRFBC30G IRF9540G IRF640G IRFBC40G IRFP140 equivalent transistor 9721 transistor IRFP140N
    Text: Quarterly Reliability Report for HEXFET Assembly IRGB Number 8 January 1999 Prepared by QA Services Page 1 of 60 Contents Prepared by QA Services 1 Introduction 2 Reliability Information 3 Environmental Test Results 4 Environmental Test Conditions/Schematics

    IRFIZ34N IRFIZ44N IRFIZ48N IRFI1010N IRFI520N IRFI530N IRFI1310N IRLI3705N IRLIZ24N IRLIZ44N IRFZ44G IRF840G IRFZ34G IRFBC30G IRF9540G IRF640G IRFBC40G IRFP140 equivalent transistor 9721 transistor IRFP140N PDF

    Transistor S8550 2TY

    Abstract: Schottky barrier sot-23 Marking s4 sk 8050s KL4 SOT-23 d882 to-92 BR S8050 bq d882 transistor D882 datasheet S8050 equivalent PCR100-6
    Text: DIODES IN SOD-123 1N4148W 1N4448W 1N5711W* 1N6263W* B0520LW B0530W B0540W B5817W B5818W B5819W BAT42W BAT43W BAT46W* BAV16W BAV19W BAV20W BAV21W SD101AW* SD101BW* SD101CW* SD103AW SD103BW SD103CW PD VR V IFM(mA) IR( A) (mW) 350 75 350 75 250

    OD-123 1N4148W 1N4448W 1N5711W* 1N6263W* B0520LW B0530W B0540W B5817W B5818W Transistor S8550 2TY Schottky barrier sot-23 Marking s4 sk 8050s KL4 SOT-23 d882 to-92 BR S8050 bq d882 transistor D882 datasheet S8050 equivalent PCR100-6 PDF

    Y2 transistor

    Abstract: Transistor S8550 2TY bq d882 transistor bc547 bk 045 transistor D882 datasheet Z1 Transistor TRANSISTOR MARK AQY S8050 equivalent K596-B sot 89 D882
    Text: >>JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. >>Tel: 86-510-6852812*12 >>Fax: 86-510-6858792 >> >> >> >> Huaxing Lee DIODES IN SOD-123

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    car subwoofer amplifier schematic circuit diagram

    Abstract: CAR SUBWOOFER 200W AMP car 12 volts amplifier mosfet 200w rms 12v subwoofer car amp circuits 12v 50 watt subwoofer shan circuit diagram 12v 200W subwoofer CIRCUIT DIAGRAM subwoofer 1000 watts amplifier subwoofer Amplifier 200w schematic diagrams 12v subwoofer amp circuits IRF9640 LT1210
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY AUGUST 1996 IN THIS ISSUE . . . COVER ARTICLE Safe Hot Swapping Using the LTC 1421 . 1 Robert Reay and James Herr VOLUME VI NUMBER 3 Safe Hot Swapping Using the LTC1421 by Robert Reay and James Herr Issue Highlights . 2

    LTC1421 LTC1433/LTC1434: LTC1343 LTC1344 DB-25 S-191 1-800-4-LINEAR car subwoofer amplifier schematic circuit diagram CAR SUBWOOFER 200W AMP car 12 volts amplifier mosfet 200w rms 12v subwoofer car amp circuits 12v 50 watt subwoofer shan circuit diagram 12v 200W subwoofer CIRCUIT DIAGRAM subwoofer 1000 watts amplifier subwoofer Amplifier 200w schematic diagrams 12v subwoofer amp circuits IRF9640 LT1210 PDF

    linear applications of power MOSFET IRF640

    Abstract: irf640 IRF641 IRF640 circuit IRF642 F640 RF642 transistors irf640 IRF643
    Text: - Standard Power MOSFETs IRF640, IRF641, IRF642, IRF643 File Number 1585 Power MOS Field-Effect Transistors N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors

    OCR Scan
    IRF640, IRF641, IRF642, IRF643 92CS-3374I IRF643 1F640, linear applications of power MOSFET IRF640 irf640 IRF641 IRF640 circuit IRF642 F640 RF642 transistors irf640 PDF


    Abstract: IRF640
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA IRF640 Pow er Field Effect Transistor IM-Channel Enhancem ent-Mode Silicon Gate This T M O S Power FET is designed for low voltage, high speed power switching applications such as switching regulators, converters, solenoid

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    IRF640 21A-06 O-220AB) RATINGS22 L3li7254 D2732 TP20N20E IRF640 PDF

    motorola irf640

    Abstract: 643 lt IRF 640 mosfet IRF640 mosfet
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA IRF640 IRF641 IRF642 IRF643 Power Field Effect Transistor N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TMOS These TM OS Power FETs are designed for low voltage, high speed power switching applications such as switching regulators, converters, solenoid

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    IRF640 IRF641 IRF642 IRF643 IRF640, IRF642, motorola irf640 643 lt IRF 640 mosfet IRF640 mosfet PDF

    transistor U402

    Abstract: U402 221A-06 irf640 304 fet transistor IRF640 applications note 221D MTP20N20E motorola irf640 DIODE MOTOROLA 824
    Text: M OTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA IRF640 Power Field Effect Transistor N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate T h is T M O S P o w e r FE T is d e s ig n e d fo r lo w V v o lta g e , h ig h s p e e d p o w e r s w itc h in g a p p lic a tio n s such as s w itc h in g re g u la to rs , c o n v e rte rs , s o le n o id

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    IRF640 21A-06 TQ-220AB) O-220 transistor U402 U402 221A-06 irf640 304 fet transistor IRF640 applications note 221D MTP20N20E motorola irf640 DIODE MOTOROLA 824 PDF

    IRF640 applications note

    Abstract: IRF640 IRF642 IRF643 harris IRF640 circuit TA17422 IRF643 RF1S640SM9A for irf640 irf641
    Text: IRF640, IRF641, IRF642, SEMICONDUCTOR IRF643, RF1S640, RF1S640SM IHARRIS 16A and 18A, 150V and 200V, 0.18 and 0.22 Ohm, N-Channel Power MOSFETs January 1998 Features Description • 16A and 18A, 150V and 200V These are N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate

    OCR Scan
    IRF640, IRF641, IRF642, IRF643, RF1S640, RF1S640SM RF642, IRF640 applications note IRF640 IRF642 IRF643 harris IRF640 circuit TA17422 IRF643 RF1S640SM9A for irf640 irf641 PDF


    Abstract: irf640 IRF640 applications note IRF641 RF1S640SM9A IRF643 RF643 IRF640 circuit IRF642 RF1S640
    Text: IRF640, IRF641, IRF642, RF1S640, RF1S640SM H A R R IS S E M I C O N D U C T O R 16A and 18A, 150V and 200V, 0.18 and 0.22 Ohm, N-Channel Power MOSFETs juiy 1998 Features Description • 16A and 18A, 150V and 200V • High Input Impedance These are N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate

    OCR Scan
    IRF640, IRF641, IRF642, RF643, RF1S640, RF1S640SM TB334 IRF640 O-220AB IRF640 RF640 IRF640 applications note IRF641 RF1S640SM9A IRF643 RF643 IRF640 circuit IRF642 RF1S640 PDF


    Abstract: IRF640 ge d84en2 f640 TRANSISTOR IRF640 T0220A8
    Text: Ê »Ü 3 »[Ï8 § IRF640.641 D64EN2,M2 [F U F 18 AMPERES 200,150 VOLTS R d s O N = 0.18 n FIELD EFFECT POWER TRANSISTOR This series of N -C hannel Enhancem ent-m ode Power MOSFETs utilizes GE’s advanced Power DMOS technology to achieve low on-resistance with excellent device rugged­

    OCR Scan
    IRF640 D64EN2 00A//usec, 1RF640 IRF640 ge d84en2 f640 TRANSISTOR T0220A8 PDF

    irf740 switching 3 phase motor driver

    Abstract: IRF510 SEC mosfet h-bridge power MOSFET IRF740 working of mosfet IRF450 IRF540 complementary transistor IRF740 VDMOS reliability testing report transistor equivalent irf740 IRF640 mosfet snubber circuit for mosfet push pull
    Text: MQSFET RUGGEDNESS Application Note DESIGN RELIABILITY PREFACE PART 1-FAILURE MECHANISMS INTRODUCTION This application note discusses why and how MOSFET devices fail in switch-mode applications. It deals with the issue of ruggedness in the design of the device, and with system design strategies that can

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    BUZ71A equivalent

    Abstract: IRL734 IRF540 MAX643XCSA how to stepup 1.5v to 5v, 12v TRANSISTOR+642
    Text: y i/ iy j x iy i/ i F ix e d O u tp u t 10W CM O S Step-U p S w itc h in g R eg u lato rs _ F eatu res The MAX641/MAX642/MAX643 step-up switching regu­ lators are designed for minimum component DC-DC converter circuits in the 5mW to 10W range.

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    Abstract: 1RF620 IRZ14 Diode c 642
    Text: y i/iy jx iy i/i F ix e d O utput 10W CMOS S tep-U p S w itch in g R egulators _ F eatures The MAX641/MAX642/MAX643 step-up switching regu­ lators are designed for minimum component DC-DC converter circuits in the 5mW to 10W range. ♦ Fixed +5V, +12V, +15V Output Voltages

    OCR Scan
    MAX641/MAX642/MAX643 MAX641/642/643 MAX643XCPA MAX643XCSA MAX643XC/D MAX643XEPA MAX643XESA MAX643XEJA MAX643XMJA IRL734 1RF620 IRZ14 Diode c 642 PDF

    IRF540 n-channel MOSFET

    Abstract: GES 9515 irf740,irf840 IRC540 equivalent RTV3140 IRF540 mosfet with maximum VDS 30 V IRF540 p-channel MOSFET IRLC120 AN964 IRFC9140R
    Text: I R , „-riJ- L . ,», IGBT, HEXFET, HEXSense and Logic Level Die in t e r n a t io n a l - INTERNATIONAL R E C T I F I E R StE D • QD102tib ? ■ IGBTs, HEXFET, HEXSENSE and LOGIC LEVEL HEXFET DIE ^ - q/-OS~ International Rectifier now support Die and Wafer sales from their European Headquarters at Oxted, England.

    OCR Scan
    QD102t IRF540 n-channel MOSFET GES 9515 irf740,irf840 IRC540 equivalent RTV3140 IRF540 mosfet with maximum VDS 30 V IRF540 p-channel MOSFET IRLC120 AN964 IRFC9140R PDF


    Abstract: irl734 mosfet irf640 dc to dc converter Caddell-Burns IRZ14 analog IRF513 dc-dc converter 12v to 5v 3a BUZ21 L equivalent BUZ71A equivalent MTP12N10L
    Text: y v i y j x i y n F ixe d O utput 10W CMOS S tep-U p S w itc h in g R egulators _ ♦ Fixed +5V, +12V, +15V Output Voltages Low-power applications require only an output filter ca­ pacitor and a small, low-cost inductor. An additional

    OCR Scan
    MAX641 /MAX642/MAX643 MAX641/642/643 MAX643XCPA MAX643XCSA MAX643XC/D MAX643XEPA MAX643XESA MAX643XEJA MAX643XMJA JRF620 irl734 mosfet irf640 dc to dc converter Caddell-Burns IRZ14 analog IRF513 dc-dc converter 12v to 5v 3a BUZ21 L equivalent BUZ71A equivalent MTP12N10L PDF

    Cross Reference power MOSFET

    Abstract: irf 3502 mosfet SD500KD irf3203 mosfet irf equivalent book sem 2106 inverter diagram IFR822 Diode BYW 56 BUZ41 equivalent transistor f630
    Text: FAIRCH ILD Power Products Data Book FA IR C H ILD Power Data Book A S chlum berger C om pany 1 9 86/8 7 Power and Discrete Division 1986 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Power and Discrete Division 4300 Redwood Highway, San Rafael, CA 94903 415 479-8000 TWX 910-384-4258

    OCR Scan
    T0-204AA T0-204AE T0-220AB T0-220AC Cross Reference power MOSFET irf 3502 mosfet SD500KD irf3203 mosfet irf equivalent book sem 2106 inverter diagram IFR822 Diode BYW 56 BUZ41 equivalent transistor f630 PDF