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    IRH8450 Search Results

    IRH8450 Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    IRH8450 International Rectifier HEXFET Transistor Original PDF
    IRH8450 International Rectifier HEXFET TRANSISTOR Scan PDF
    IRH8450 Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    IRH8450PBF International Rectifier Transistor Mosfet N-CH 500V 11A 2TO-204AE Original PDF

    IRH8450 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: IRH8450
    Text: PD - 91807A IRH7450 IRH8450 REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTOR N CHANNEL MEGA RAD HARD 500Volt, 0.45Ω Ω , MEGA RAD HARD HEXFET International Rectifier’s RAD HARD technology HEXFETs demonstrate excellent threshold voltage stability and breakdown voltage stability at total

    1807A IRH7450 IRH8450 500Volt, 1x106 IRH7450 IRH8450 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 91807A IRH7450 IRH8450 REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTOR N CHANNEL MEGA RAD HARD 500Volt, 0.45Ω Ω , MEGA RAD HARD HEXFET International Rectifier’s RAD HARD technology HEXFETs demonstrate excellent threshold voltage stability and breakdown voltage stability at total

    1807A IRH7450 IRH8450 500Volt, 1x106 PDF


    Abstract: SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING k38 smd transistor k38 we 751002 s SMD-6C transistor smd k45 RAD-HARD igbt IRF3504 afl2805s manufactured by international rectifier 550-065
    Text: Aerospace and Defense Products Short Form Catalog 2007 Welcome to the Aerospace and Defense Products Short Form Catalog. Inside is an overview of our product line including product specific information. To learn more, visit our web site at where you will find technical documents, data sheets for all products, application notes, design tips, technical papers, application-specific information,

    30am-5 44-0-1737-2com DB8029C IRF460 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING k38 smd transistor k38 we 751002 s SMD-6C transistor smd k45 RAD-HARD igbt IRF3504 afl2805s manufactured by international rectifier 550-065 PDF


    Abstract: irh7c50se IRFM460 irhy IRFE310 international rectifier p JANSR2N7261
    Text: International Rectifier Government and Space Products BVDSS Part Number Channel V RDS(on) (Ω) PD @ TC = 25°C ID @ T =100°C C (A) ID @ T =25 C (A) Total Dose Rating Rads (Si) (W) Fax-on-Demand HEXFET Power MOSFETs to view a data sheet, click on the part number

    IRHE7110 IRHE7130 IRHE7230 IRHE8110 IRHE8130 IRHE8230 IRHE9130 IRHE9230 IRHG7110 IRHG6110 IRFM9034 irh7c50se IRFM460 irhy IRFE310 international rectifier p JANSR2N7261 PDF


    Abstract: HFA40HF120 irfm9034 10RIA100 10RIA120 10RIA20 10RIA40 10RIA60 JANSR2N7261 70HF
    Text: Index International Rectifier Government and Space Products Level of Quality Part Number Rectifiers Voltage Current CECC Issue Issue Assessment and CECC V (A) Specs Number Date 50 000 Screen Level Options Fax-on-Demand CECC-Qualifed, Europe Mfg. in Italy

    DO-203AA HFA40HF120 HFA40HF60 O-254AA HFA35HB120 HFA35HB120C HFA35HB60 HFA35HB60C O-258AA HFA45HC120C 10RIA10 HFA40HF120 irfm9034 10RIA100 10RIA120 10RIA20 10RIA40 10RIA60 JANSR2N7261 70HF PDF

    2N6764 JANTX

    Abstract: 91447 IR2113L
    Text: Government / Space Products Catalog of Available Documents Revised 5/11/99 IR ProCenter Fax-On-Demand 310 252-7100  Radiation-Hardened HEXFET Description Datasheets IRH7054 IRH7130 IRH7150 IRH7230 IRH7250 IRH7250SE IRHF7330SE IRHF7430SE IRH7450

    IRH7054 IRH7130 IRH7150 IRH7230 IRH7250 IRH7250SE IRHF7330SE IRHF7430SE IRH7450 IRH7450SE 2N6764 JANTX 91447 IR2113L PDF


    Abstract: 2N3051 IXFX15N100 IXFH40N30 IXFM6N90 IRFP450R IXTH24N50L IXTH26N50 IXFH20N50 IXFH9N80
    Text: STI Type: IRFP354 Notes: Breakdown Voltage: 450 Continuous Current: 14 RDS on Ohm: 0.35 Trans Conductance Mhos: 5.9 Trans Conductance A: 8.4 Gate Threshold min: 2.0 Gate Threshold max: 4.0 Resistance Switching ton: 14 TYP Resistance Switching toff: 89 TYP

    IRFP354 O-247 IRFP360LC 2N3049DIE 2C3049 O-204AA/TO-3 IXTM20N55A IXFH15N100 2N3051 IXFX15N100 IXFH40N30 IXFM6N90 IRFP450R IXTH24N50L IXTH26N50 IXFH20N50 IXFH9N80 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet No. PD-9.815A INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTORS IRH7450 IRH8450 N-CHANNEL MEGA RAD HARD 500 Volt, 0.45 2, MEGA RAD HARD HEXFET International Rectifier’s MEGA RAD HARD Technology HEXFETs demonstrate excellent threshold voltage stability and breakdown

    OCR Scan
    IRH7450 IRH8450 1x105 1x10s 4fl5545S IRH7450, IRH8450 PDF


    Abstract: irfg9110 H24 SMD
    Text: Other Products from IR Government and Space H EX FET Power M O SFETs Radiation Hardened N - and P-Channel Part • d@ T ,= 25°C Iq@ Tq = 100*C A (A) RthJC Max. (K/W) Pd@ Tq = 25°C Number BVq ss (V) RDS(on) (Ohms) IRHE7110 100 IRHE8110 IRHE7130 IRHE8130

    OCR Scan
    IRHE7110 IRHE8110 IRHE7130 IRHE8130 IRHE7230 IRHE8230 IRHE9130 IRHN7054 IRHN8054 IRHN7130 2N7334 irfg9110 H24 SMD PDF


    Abstract: IRHC7130 IRHC7150 D47 MOSFET
    Text: International [^Rectifier Government/ Space Products Radiation Hard HEXFETs N-Channel Part Number Vqs Drain Source Voltage Volts Resistance (Ohms) Ip Continuous Drain Current 25°C Case (Amps) •DM Pu'*« Drain Current (Amps) IRHN7150 IRHN8150 IRHN7250

    OCR Scan
    IRHN7150 IRHN8150 IRHN7250 IRHN8250 IRHN7450 IRHN8450 IRHE7110 IRHE8110 IRHE7130 IRHE8130 IRHC7110 IRHC7130 IRHC7150 D47 MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: IRF9510 SEC IRF510 SEC 2n6845 jantx D 10.7 A IRF540 smd irf740 STAND FOR irfm9230 2N7237 JANTXV BC 542
    Text: Government/ Space Products Products From ir Life, Power-Age, Environmental and Military Testing Capabilities — USA MIL-S-19500 Qualified Life Tests and Power-Age Capabilities A. H ig h te m p e ra tu re sto ra g e life te stin g up to 2 0 0 ° C . 0 . H T R B te st c a p a b ilitie s o v e r 2 5,00 0 p o s itio n s for V G S a n d for

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500 T0-254AA T0-204AA/AE MO-D36AB IRF9510 SEC IRF510 SEC 2n6845 jantx D 10.7 A IRF540 smd irf740 STAND FOR irfm9230 2N7237 JANTXV BC 542 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet No. PD-9.815A INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTORS IR H 7450 IRH845Q MEGA RAD HARD 500 Volt, 0.45Í2, MEGA RAD HARD HEXFET International Rectifier’s MEGA RAD HARD Technology HEXFETs demonstrate excellent threshold voltage stability and breakdown

    OCR Scan
    IRH845Q 1x106 1x10s IRH7450, IRH8450 l--------50 PDF


    Abstract: 12CTQ030-12CT0045 10JQ030-10JQ100 IRL0024 31D003-31D010 IRKT210-16 IRF1401 6cw 78 IRF140-143 IRFT003
    Text: International i « r R e c tifie r PART NO./SERIES 100HF20-100HF160. 100JB05L-100JB12L. 10CTF10-10CTF40. 10CTQ140.150. 10D05-10010.

    OCR Scan
    100HF20-100HF160. 100JB05L-100JB12L. 10CTF10-10CTF40. 10CTQ140 10D05-10010. 10DF1100F8 10JF1-10JF4. 10JQ030-10JQ100. 1OJTF10-10JTF40 10MQ040-10MQ090. IRF1644 12CTQ030-12CT0045 10JQ030-10JQ100 IRL0024 31D003-31D010 IRKT210-16 IRF1401 6cw 78 IRF140-143 IRFT003 PDF

    H23 SMD

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Government and Space Products International I Ö R R e c tifie r Part B vdss Number *DS on (H (V) T C=25°C W ,D T ^ lO lfC W t . .m _P d Total Dose Rating Rods(Si> @ Tr = 25°C M on Cose Demand Outline Number HEXFET Power MOSFETs Key Radiation Hardened

    OCR Scan
    IRH7130 1RH7230 RH7450 1RH8I30 IRH8230 IRH8450 IRH9230 O-254AA MQ-036AA MO-Q36AB H23 SMD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet No. PD-9.697A INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTORS IRH7250 IRH8250 N-CHANNEL MEGA RAD HARD 200 Volt, 0.1012, MEGA RAD HARD HEXFET International Rectifier’s MEGA RAD HARD Technology HEXFETs demonstrate excellent threshold voltage stability and breakdown

    OCR Scan
    IRH7250 IRH8250 1x106 1x10s 1x106 IRH7250, IRH8250 PDF


    Abstract: photo transistor til 78 rectifier diod 250 A til 31a IRH7250 IRH7450 IRH8250 IRH8450 J1600 h51 diode
    Text: Data Sheet No. PD-9.697A INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTORS IRH7250 IRH8250 N-CHANNEL MEGA RAD HARD 200 Volt, 0.10Q, MEGA RAD HARD HEXFET International Rectifier’s MEGA RAD HARD Technology HEXFETs demonstrate excellent threshold voltage stability and breakdown

    OCR Scan
    IRH7250 IRH8250 1x106 1x105 IRH7250, 9697a photo transistor til 78 rectifier diod 250 A til 31a IRH7450 IRH8450 J1600 h51 diode PDF

    transistor 6cw

    Abstract: 6cw transistor 6CW 60 6CW 62 rover IRH7450 IRH8450 TO404AA 6CW 75 100 amp silicon controlled rectifier
    Text: Data Sheet No. PD-9.815A INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTORS f IR H 7450 IR H 8450 N-CHANNEL MEGA RAD HARD 500 Volt, 0.45ft, MEGA RAD HARD HEXFET international Rectifier's MEGA RAD HARD Technology HEXFETs demonstrate excellent threshold voltage stability and breakdown

    OCR Scan
    IRH7450 IRH845Q 1x106 1x105 IRH7450, IRH84S0 transistor 6cw 6cw transistor 6CW 60 6CW 62 rover IRH7450 IRH8450 TO404AA 6CW 75 100 amp silicon controlled rectifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    IRH7S50 IRH8S50 1x106 1x10s IRH7250, IRH8250 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I n t e r n a t io n a l R e c t if ie r Government and Space Products Part Numb« Wffl bvdss Vota ROS(on) (Ohm) ID* TC«25" 4A"P*) Iq O TolOO* (Amp») Total Dow Riling Rids (St) Pq O Tc»2P (Witts) Fu-ooDwnmd Numbtr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    OCR Scan
    IRHE7110 IRHE8110 IRHE7130 IRHE8130 IRHE7230 IRHE8230 IRHE9130 IRHE9230 IRHN7054 IRHN8054 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International Government and Space llËSRectifier HEXFET Power MOSFETs Radiation Hardened N & P Channel 3 Part Number * bvDSS (V) R DS(on) (Ohms) >D@ TC = 100°C R thJC Max. P|J@ Tc = 25°C Outline (A) (A) (K/W) (W) Number (1) IRH7054 60 0.025 45 32 0.83

    OCR Scan
    IRH7054 IRH8054 IRH7130 IRH8130 IRH7150 IRH8150 IRH7230 IRH8230 IRH7250 IRH8250 SHOCK+SENSOR+083 PDF