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    STMicroelectronics ST25TV02K-AD6H3

    NFC/RFID Tags & Transponders NFC Type 5 / RFID tag IC 2-Kbit EEPROM, product identification and protection
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ST25TV02K-AD6H3 1,497
    • 1 $0.59
    • 10 $0.457
    • 100 $0.358
    • 1000 $0.241
    • 10000 $0.22
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    STMicroelectronics ST25TV02K-AD6H9

    NFC/RFID Tags & Transponders NFC Type 5 / RFID tag IC 2-Kbit EEPROM, product identification and protection
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ST25TV02K-AD6H9
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.221
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    KAD V0 Datasheets Context Search

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    Standard IC Tubes

    Abstract: 100MW Kad v0
    Text: SERIES KAD SWITCHES DIP SWITCHES - HALF PITCH SPECIFICATIONS 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12 positions Ratings: Switch: 25mA @ 24VDC; Carry: 100mA @ 50VDC Contact Resistance: initial: 50mW max; after life: 100mW max Insulation Resistance: 100MW Min @ 100VDC for 60 seconds

    24VDC; 100mA 50VDC 100mW 100MW 100VDC 300VAC 500gf Standard IC Tubes Kad v0 PDF

    KAD V5

    Abstract: 83C654 SAA4970T VSO56 Kad v0 kad V1
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET SAA4970T Economical video processing IC ECOBENDIC Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 1996 Oct 25 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Economical video processing IC (ECOBENDIC) SAA4970T

    SAA4970T 83C654 TMS4C2970/2971 TDA8755/8753A. KAD V5 SAA4970T VSO56 Kad v0 kad V1 PDF


    Abstract: 83C654 SAA4970T VSO56
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET SAA4970T Economical video processing IC ECOBENDIC Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 1996 Oct 25 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Economical video processing IC (ECOBENDIC) SAA4970T

    SAA4970T 83C654 TMS4C2970/2971 TDA8755/8753A. SCA52 537021/10/01/pp32 muxg SAA4970T VSO56 PDF

    satellite beacon receiver DDS

    Abstract: 4122A
    Text: CG-1220 REV V JUNE 2013 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR THE DIGITAL TRACKING RECEIVER EXPORT CONTROL WARNING - the disclosure of this document or its contents to non-U.S. persons, or the transmission of its contents outside the United States must be in compliance with U.S. Export Laws and Regulations.

    CG-1220 CG-1220 satellite beacon receiver DDS 4122A PDF

    information applikation

    Abstract: Radio Fernsehen Elektronik 1977 Heft 9 information applikation mikroelektronik 40098 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation mikroelektronik Heft 12 mikroelektronik applikation MIKROELEKTRONIK Frankfurt applikation heft 40511
    Text: in j^ D lk ^ im iB lB l- c t e n n r iil- c KaD Information Applikation CMOSLOGIKSCHALTKREISE i - : d o l - i t s n a n i l - c Information Applikation • Heft 12: CMOS-Logilc-IS ^ K»D T veb halbleiterwerkfrankfurt oder ' VEB ZENTRUM FÜR FO R SC H U N G

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ 5 b E p m 7^5^537 00H0m ]7 m a •S6TH r z j S C S -T H O M S O N ^7Æ m S G 7 ~ -5 ~ 2 -// M54HC4066 M74HC4066 S -T H O M S O N QUAD BILATERAL SWITCH ■ HIGH SPEED tPD = 12 ns TYP. at VCc = 5V ■ LOW POW ER DISSIPATION Ic e = 1 i*A (MAX.) at T a = 2 5 °C

    OCR Scan
    00H0m M54HC4066 M74HC4066 M54HC4066 M54/74HC4066 M74HC4066 PDF


    Abstract: 1RFR9020 1RFU9020 Diodo t b 9 g DIODO 42 40 028Q irfr9020 irf r9020 T372S FAG 50 diode
    Text: international RECTIFIER " IN T E R N A T IO N A L r e c t i f i e r IO R REPETITIVE AVALANCHE AND dv/dt RATED HEXFET* TRANSISTORS P -C H A N N E L -5 0 Volt, 0.20 Ohm HEXFET The HEXFET* technology to the keytoim em ettonel Rectaer'a edvanoed lloe o f power F/OSF6T traneialora. Tbo eWcient

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    IRFR9020, IRFR9022, IRFU9020, IRFU9022 T-37-25 IRFR9020TR r9020 1RFR9020 1RFU9020 Diodo t b 9 g DIODO 42 40 028Q irfr9020 irf r9020 T372S FAG 50 diode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5V Linear Controller/Driver Description The CS8128 contains all the necessary control circuitry to implement a 5V lin­ ear regulator. An external pass device is used to produce superior performance compared to conventional monolithic regulators. The CS8128 with a TIP42

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    CS8128 TIP42 500mA, 350mV 500mA inc80 MS-001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER JO R ' 73 dF | 4 ö SS4SS O O C ^ a n Û | ~ Data Sheet No. PD-3.161 In t e r n a t i o n a l r e c t i f i e r S30EF SERIES 1600-1400 VOLTS RANGE STANDARD TURN-OFF TIME 30 ¡ j s 750 AMP RMS, RING AMPLIFYING GATE INVERTER TYPE HOCKEY PUK SCRs

    OCR Scan
    S30EF 1B00V S30EF S30EF14A. PDF


    Abstract: pg37
    Text: -INTERNATIONAL IO R RECTIFIER ?i DE | 4 Û 5 5 4 5 5 □ □ □ b cì35 4 Data Sheet No. PD-3.143 in t e r n a t io n a l r e c t if ie r S23DF & S23DFH SERIES 800-600 VOLTS RANGE STANDARD TURN-OFF TIME 12 ¿vs 235 AMP RMS, RING AMPLIFYING GATE INVERTER TYPE STUD MOUNTED SCRs

    OCR Scan
    S23DF S23DFH S230F SS30FK T0-209AB S23DGF8AQ. T0-209A IRS23df pg37 PDF


    Abstract: UAA1300T
    Text: Preliminary specification Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Voltage regulator with watchdog for microprocessor/controller systems < 4.6 V • Watchdog with adjustable input trigger window • Dual polarity reset and watchdog output pulse • Low line detection adjustable by

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    UAA1300 UAA1300 UAA1300T PDF


    Abstract: KAD7001CQ zenamic 220 KAD7001Q KAD700 SDP23 21P16 SDP11 P1822
    Text: KAD7001 3 3/4-DIGIT 3260-COUNT A/D CONVERTER 3 3/4-DIGIT 3260-COUNT A/D CONVERTER The KAD7001 is a low power CMOS dual-slope A/D con­ verter with 3 3/4-digit numeric and 33-segment bar-graph LCD display driver, auto-ranging, and single 3V battery operation.

    OCR Scan
    KAD7001 3260-COUNT KAD7001 33-segment 1N4148 KAD7001CQ zenamic 220 KAD7001Q KAD700 SDP23 21P16 SDP11 P1822 PDF


    Abstract: KAD7001CQ zenamic 220 3260-COUNT lcd circuit 326M
    Text: KAD7001 CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 3 3/4-DIGIT 3260-COUNT A/D CONVERTER The KAD7001 is a low power CMOS dual-slope A/D con­ verter w ith 3 3/4-digit num eric and 33-segment bar-graph LCD display driver, auto-ranging, and single 3V battery operation. It is ideal for high performance auto-range DMM applica­

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    KAD7001 3260-COUNT KAD7001 33-segment 1N4148 KAD7001CQ zenamic 220 lcd circuit 326M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAX 7000 Includes MAX 7000E & MAX 7000S Programmable Logic Device Family April 1998. ver. 5.02 Data Sheet Features. . P ^ ^ * ^ P ^ High-performance, EEPROM-based programmable logic devices PLDs based on second-generation Multiple Array M atrix (MAX) architecture

    OCR Scan
    7000E 7000S 7000S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A £ SEMICONDUCTOR & & Ë g ! H Y 5 lMxi-Bit 1 C 1cmos 0 0dram M131202A-SEP90 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The HY51C1000 is a high speed, low power 1,048,576X1 bit CM OS dynam ic random ac­ cess memory. Fabricated with the HYUNDAI CM OS process, the HY51C1000 offers a fast

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    M131202A HY51C1000 576X1 K29793/4 K23955/6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Backplane Interface Components - SCV64 User Manual 4 Signals and DC Characteristics 4.1 Terminology The input and output types have all been abbreviated with a letter code. For example, the VDATA31 -00 signals are shown as input type CTTL which are CMOS inputs with normal

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    PJO 389

    Abstract: PJO 399 PJO 386 -20/DIODE PJO 399
    Text: MAX 7000A Includes M A X 7000AE Programmable Logic Device Family January 1999. ver. 1.3 Data Sheet Features. Formerly known as Michelangelo devices High-performance CMOS EEPROM-based programmable logic devices PLDs built on second-generation Multiple Array MatriX

    OCR Scan
    7000AE EPM7128A EPM7256A EPM725ormance PJO 389 PJO 399 PJO 386 -20/DIODE PJO 399 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M AX 7000A Includes MAX 7000AE Programmable Logic Device Family July 1998. ver. 1.11 Data Sheet Features. F orm erly k n o w n as M ichelangelo devices H igh-perform ance CMOS EEPROM -based pro g ram m ab le logic devices PLDs b u ilt o n second-generation M ultiple A rray M atriX

    OCR Scan
    7000AE EPM7128A EPM7256A pl000A 44-pin 144-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M AX 7000A Includes MAX 7000AE Programmable Logic Device Family June 1998. ver. 1.10 Data Sheet Features. F orm erly k n o w n as M ichelangelo devices H igh-perform ance CMOS EEPROM -based pro g ram m ab le logic devices PLDs b u ilt o n second-generation M ultiple A rray M atriX

    OCR Scan
    7000AE EPM7128A EPM7256A PDF


    Abstract: c5242 S103 TC524256BJ ZIP28-P-400 BZ-10 TC52425
    Text: « PRELIMINARY 2 6 2 , 1 4 4 W O R D S x 4 B IT S M U L T IP O R T D R A M D E S C R IP T IO N T h e TC 524256B J/B Z is a CMOS m u ltip o r t m e m o ry e q u ip p e d w ith a 2 62,144-w ords b y 4 -b its d y n a m ic ra n d o m a c c e s s m e m o ry RAM p o r t a n d a 5 1 2 -w o rd s b y 4 -b its s ta tic s e r ia l a c c e s s m e m o ry (SA M ) p o rt. T h e

    OCR Scan
    144WORDS TC524256BJ/BZ 144-words 512-words C-134 TC524256BZ c5242 S103 TC524256BJ ZIP28-P-400 BZ-10 TC52425 PDF

    KZQ 55 - 12

    Abstract: TD415 32P5482
    Text: SSI 32P5482 jim s y s k m Pulse Detector & Data Synchronizer s * A TDK Group/Company September 1993 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 32P5482 is a low power, high performance Pulse Detection, Data Synchronization combination device. This device is designed for use in low power

    OCR Scan
    32P5482 32P5482 52-Lead 32P5482-CG 32P5482-CG KZQ 55 - 12 TD415 PDF


    Abstract: hhm7
    Text: M A X 7000A Includes M A X 70 0 0 A E Programmable Logic Device Family October 1998. ver. 1.2 Data Sheet Formerly know n as Michelangelo devices High-perform ance CMOS EEPROM-based program m able logic devices PLDs built on second-generation M ultiple A rray M atrix

    OCR Scan
    EPM7128A EPM7256A EPM7256A, 100-pin 7000AE EPM7032AE EPM7064AE EPM7000 hhm7 PDF


    Abstract: TMC2302 color space look-up table "polynomial" DXU working convolution of images 3A IC KA 2312 C2302
    Text: TMC2302 Image Manipulation Sequencer 40MHz The TM C2302 is a high-speed self-sequencing VLSI circuit address generator which supports image resam­ pling, rotation, rescaling, warping, and filtering. It gen­ erates input bit plane, interpolation coefficient lookup

    OCR Scan
    TMC2302 40MHz TMC2302 TMC2301 C2302 40MHz, color space look-up table "polynomial" DXU working convolution of images 3A IC KA 2312 PDF

    epm7064 adapter

    Abstract: EPM71925 MAX7000E epm7192 EPM7032 EPM7064 EPM7096 EPM7128E EPM7160E EPM7192E
    Text: ¿ s u t* M A X 7000 MAX 7000S Programmable Logic Device Family July 1999. ver. 6.01 Datasheet Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ _ High-performance, EEPROM-based programmable logic devices PLDs based on second-generation Multiple Array MatriX (MAX®)

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    7000S 7000S 192-Pin 208-Pin EPM7256E EPM7256S epm7064 adapter EPM71925 MAX7000E epm7192 EPM7032 EPM7064 EPM7096 EPM7128E EPM7160E EPM7192E PDF