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    KE2107 Search Results

    KE2107 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ࠛࡦࠦ࡯࠳ '0%1&'45 KE2107-15/18/30 150 /180/300LPI ‫ع‬ᄖᒻኸᴺ‫&ޓ‬+/'05+105㧔7PKVOO㧕  #PQFG 6128+'9   r      4  ٨ࡊ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࡞ᣇᑼߩࠦࡦࡄ࡟࡯࠲࿁〝ࠍౝ⬿ r r r

    KE2107-15/18/30 /180/300LPI) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KE2107 エンコーダ ENCODERS KE2107-15/18/30 KE2107シリーズは赤色点光源の発光ダイオードと特殊な受光配列を持つ2ch Photo IC を組み合わせた透過型フォ トインタラプタ形状のエンコーダヘッドです。高性能、高信頼性の位置検出システムの構成が容易で、機器の小型化を

    KE2107 KE2107-15/18/30 KE2107ch KE2107 150LPI 180LPI 300LPI Kodenshi PDF


    Abstract: SG2C05 printer encoder PS182 KE-210 PS122TL4-A PCB PHOTO SENSOR range long sensor reflective high Resolution Reflective Sensor printer head
    Text: 7u>».«a yui Printer,Copier solution a ¡• jg g jl ♦jaustMXi*» For detecting paper and document size W Ê L# /T A r ¿T mm 'W t -f c V I t Paper sensor Photo interrupters PS122TL4-A • j\§ y g •//J\§y 85°C PiJfc • M jÊ ^ Small size, Operating tem pÆ St

    OCR Scan
    PS122TL4-A PS133 PS182 SG128 SG2C05 PICA0237 PICA0237 SG2C05 printer encoder KE-210 PS122TL4-A PCB PHOTO SENSOR range long sensor reflective high Resolution Reflective Sensor printer head PDF


    Abstract: PCB PHOTO SENSOR Encoder photo IC EL341 Semiconductor Radiation Detector el342 SG23FF SG-206 SG206 Analog rotary encoder
    Text: Robot solution ü s t • ihiîêcoîüh • mm • For detecting position and velocity with direction of linear or rotary system For detecting mechanical position and rolling 9907# h«f2* 9?» Optical encoder * • * ♦ * 7. xu ? btazmm • Transmissive type photointerrupter

    OCR Scan
    SG206 SG23FF SG240 SG243 SG248 55rrm) 600LPI KE-210 E-212 KE2107 KE-210 PCB PHOTO SENSOR Encoder photo IC EL341 Semiconductor Radiation Detector el342 SG23FF SG-206 SG206 Analog rotary encoder PDF


    Abstract: SG-206 el341 SG206 SG23FF SG243 SG248 KM1102 ke 212 KE-212
    Text: □ T t f y h V U n — Robot solution For detecting the mechanic position and roll _ - B H B BBf •• » « * • o Z f- S ’ttT .j- 'y y 'f’y w itt | •te U S E ft SG240 | | | SG23FF SG243 SG248 * > z . ? i* g m F - 7 ’ y n y 7 u - m a

    OCR Scan
    SG206 SG23FF SG240 SG243 SG248 600LPI KE-210 KE-212 KE218 SG-206 el341 SG23FF SG248 KM1102 ke 212 PDF