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    KEB002 Search Results

    KEB002 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAN4174 Single, Ultra-Low Cost, Rail-to-Rail I/O, CMOS Amplifier Features at +5V Description • 200µA supply current per amplifier • 5MHz bandwidth • Output swing to within 10mV of either rail • Input voltage range exceeds the rails

    FAN4174 21nV/â OPA340 TLV2461 SC70-5 OT23-5) FAN4174 PDF

    Fairchild Imaging CCD

    Abstract: KEB002 AD8042 AD8052 KM4100 KM4101 KM4200 KM4200IC8 KM4200IC8TR3 KM4200IM8
    Text: January 2001 KM4200 Dual, Low Cost, +2.7V and +5V, 260MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifier Product Brief Outperforms the competition in single-supply applications at a SOIC not actual size lower cost! MSOP (not actual size) Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

    KM4200 260MHz AD8052 AD8042 Fairchild Imaging CCD KEB002 KM4100 KM4101 KM4200 KM4200IC8 KM4200IC8TR3 KM4200IM8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: January 2001 KM4112 70µA, Low Cost, +2.7V and +5V, 7.3MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifier Product Brief SOT23-5 shown not actual size Outperforms the competition in single-supply applications at a lower power! Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 70µA supply current

    KM4112 OT23-5 29nV/Hz OT23-5) KM4112 PDF

    Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers

    Abstract: FHP3232
    Text: FHP3132, FHP3232 Single and Dual, High-Speed, Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers Features at ±5V Description • 2.5mA supply current per amplifier The FHP3132 single and FHP3232 (dual) are low-cost, high-performance, voltage feedback amplifiers that consume only 2.5mA of supply current per channel, while providing

    FHP3132, FHP3232 260MHz 00V/s 100mA 17nV/Hz 100dB FHP3132 Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM4110/KM4120 0.5mA, Low Cost, +2.7V & +5V, 75MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ General Description 505µA supply current 75MHz bandwidth Power down to Is = 33µA KM4120 Fully specified at +2.7V and +5V supplies

    KM4110/KM4120 75MHz KM4110 KM4120 300mV KM4110 PDF

    Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers

    Abstract: Marking C4 SOT23-5
    Text: FHP3132, FHP3232 Single and Dual, High-Speed, Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers Features at ±5V Description • 2.5mA supply current per amplifier The FHP3132 single and FHP3232 (dual) are low-cost, high-performance, voltage feedback amplifiers that consume only 2.5mA of supply current per channel, while providing

    FHP3132, FHP3232 260MHz 00V/s 100mA 17nV/Hz 100dB FHP3132 Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers Marking C4 SOT23-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FHP3131 0.4mA, 2.5V to 12V, 70MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifier Features at +5V Description • 0.4mA supply current The FHP3131 is a high-performance, voltage-feedback amplifier that consumes only 0.4mA of supply current while providing 70MHz of bandwidth and 50V/ s slew

    FHP3131 70MHz FHP3131 12nV/Hz OT23-6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FHP3131 0.4mA, 2.5V to 12V, 70MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifier Features at +5V Description • 0.4mA supply current The FHP3131 is a high-performance, voltage-feedback amplifier that consumes only 0.4mA of supply current while providing 70MHz of bandwidth and 50V/ s slew

    FHP3131 70MHz FHP3131 12nV/Hz OT23-6 PDF


    Abstract: FAN4171 KF347 LM1458N FAN4114 HYBRID CERAMIC KA4558 KE104 KA1458 KA1458D
    Text: Analog and Mixed Signal Storage Temp max ˚C Input Offset Voltage Input Offset Current (max) nA Input Bias Current (max) nA Supply Current (Typ) mA Voltage Gain (Typ) V/mV Output Voltage Swing (high) Slew Rate V/µs +70 -65 +150 10 300 700 2.3 200 14 0.5

    KA1458D KA1458S KA224 DIP-14 KA224A FAN4114) FAN4114 KEB014 LM1458m FAN4171 KF347 LM1458N FAN4114 HYBRID CERAMIC KA4558 KE104 KA1458 KA1458D PDF


    Abstract: KM4112 KM4112IT5 KM4112IT5TR3 SC74A
    Text: KM4112 70µA, Low Cost, +2.7V & +5V, 7.3MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifier • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ General Description 70µA supply current 7.3MHz bandwidth Fully specified at +2.7V and +5V supplies Output voltage range: 0.04V to 4.96V; Vs = +5

    KM4112 29nV/Hz OT23-5) KM4112 OT23-5 KEB002 KM4112IT5 KM4112IT5TR3 SC74A PDF


    Abstract: SC701 SC70-5 TLV2461 FAN4174 KEB002 KEB011 OPA340
    Text: FAN4174 Single, Ultra-Low Cost, Rail-to-Rail I/O, CMOS Amplifier Features at +5V Description • 200µA supply current per amplifier • 3.7MHz bandwidth • Output swing to within 10mV of either rail • Input voltage range exceeds the rails

    FAN4174 25nV/Hz OPA340 TLV2461 SC70-5 OT23-5) FAN4174 FAN4174IP5X_NL SC701 TLV2461 KEB002 KEB011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM4111/KM4121 0.2mA, Low Cost, +2.7V & +5V, 260MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers General Description 208µA supply current 35MHz bandwidth Power down to Is = 35µA KM4121 Fully specified at +2.7V and +5V supplies Output voltage range: 0.08V to 4.88V; Vs = +5

    KM4111/KM4121 260MHz 35MHz KM4121) 21nV/â MAX4281 OT23-5 OT23-6) KM4111/KM4121 OT23-5 PDF


    Abstract: KM4110 AD8031 KEB002 KM4120 KM4120IT6 KM4210
    Text: KM4110/KM4120 0.5mA, Low Cost, +2.7V & +5V, 75MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ General Description 505µA supply current 75MHz bandwidth Power down to Is = 33µA KM4120 Fully specified at +2.7V and +5V supplies

    KM4110/KM4120 75MHz KM4120) 12nV/Hz AD8031 OT23-5 OT23-6) KM4110IT5 KM4110 KEB002 KM4120 KM4120IT6 KM4210 PDF


    Abstract: KEB006 KEB010 KM4112 KM4212 KM4212IC8 KM4212IC8TR3 KM4212IM8 KM4212IM8TR3 charmilles
    Text: KM4212 Dual, 70µA, Low Cost, +2.7V & +5V, 7.3MHz Rail-to-Rail Amp • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ General Description 70µA supply current 7.3MHz bandwidth Fully specified at +2.7V and +5V supplies Output voltage range: 0.04V to 4.96V; Vs = +5

    KM4212 29nV/Hz KM4212 KEB002 KEB006 KEB010 KM4112 KM4212IC8 KM4212IC8TR3 KM4212IM8 KM4212IM8TR3 charmilles PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAN4174 / FAN4274 Single and Dual, Ultra-Low Cost, Rail-to-Rail I/O, CMOS Amplifier Features Description • •       200µA Supply Current per Amplifier The FAN4174 single and FAN4274 (dual) are ultra-low cost voltage feedback amplifiers with CMOS inputs that

    FAN4174 FAN4274 25nV/Hz KM4170 KM4270 OPA340 TLV2461; PDF


    Abstract: KA3525 SMPS KA3525A SENSORS LM358N KA7500B KA7500B application note KA7632 KA3525A 8 dip smps ic KA741 OP-AMP
    Text: Analog Discrete Interface & Logic Optoelectronics Product Selection Guide Building Block Solutions for Multi-Market Applications Across the board. Around the world. January, 2002 Analog Selection Guide Table Of Contents Analog Signal Processing Amplifiers

    Power247TM, POWER INVERTER ON KA7500B KA3525 SMPS KA3525A SENSORS LM358N KA7500B KA7500B application note KA7632 KA3525A 8 dip smps ic KA741 OP-AMP PDF


    Abstract: sot23-5 RF KEB002 KEB011 KM4170 KM4170IS5 KM4170IT5 OPA340 SC70-5 TLV2461
    Text: KM4170 Tiny, Low Cost, +2.7V & +5V, Rail-to-Rail I/O Amplifier Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ General Description 136µA supply current 4.9MHz bandwidth Output swings to within 20mV of either rail Input voltage range exceeds the rail by >250mV

    KM4170 250mV 24nV/Hz OPA340, OPA343, TLV2461 OT23-5 KM4170 OPA343 sot23-5 RF KEB002 KEB011 KM4170IS5 KM4170IT5 OPA340 SC70-5 PDF


    Abstract: FAN4174IP5X FAN4174 FAN4274 KM4170 KM4270 OPA2340 OPA340 SC70-5 TLV2461
    Text: FAN4174 / FAN4274 Single and Dual, Ultra-Low Cost, Rail-to-Rail I/O, CMOS Amplifier Features Description ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ 200µA Supply Current per Amplifier The FAN4174 single and FAN4274 (dual) are ultra-low cost voltage feedback amplifiers with CMOS inputs that

    FAN4174 FAN4274 25nV/Hz KM4170 KM4270 OPA340 TLV2461; SC70-5 OT23-5 TSOP65P490X110-8BL FAN4174IP5X FAN4274 KM4270 OPA2340 TLV2461 PDF


    Abstract: FAN4174IP5X schematics for a PA amplifier tsop65p490x110 FAN4147 FAN4174 FAN4274 KM4170 KM4270 OPA2340
    Text: FAN4174 / FAN4274 Single and Dual, Ultra-Low Cost, Rail-to-Rail I/O, CMOS Amplifier Features Description ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ 200µA Supply Current per Amplifier The FAN4174 single and FAN4274 (dual) are ultra-low cost voltage feedback amplifiers with CMOS inputs that

    FAN4174 FAN4274 25nV/Hz KM4170 KM4270 OPA340 TLV2461; SC70-5 OT23-5 TSOP65P490X110-8BL FAN4174IP5X schematics for a PA amplifier tsop65p490x110 FAN4147 FAN4274 KM4270 OPA2340 PDF

    G2 sot23-5

    Abstract: KEB002 KM4112 KM4112IT5 KM4112IT5TR3 SC74A G.2 SOT23-5
    Text: KM4112 70µA, Low Cost, +2.7V & +5V, 7.3MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifier • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ General Description 70µA supply current 7.3MHz bandwidth Fully specified at +2.7V and +5V supplies Output voltage range: 0.04V to 4.96V; Vs = +5

    KM4112 29nV/Hz OT23-5) KM4112 OT23-5 G2 sot23-5 KEB002 KM4112IT5 KM4112IT5TR3 SC74A G.2 SOT23-5 PDF


    Abstract: SC74A KEB002 KM4111 KM4111IT5TR3 KM4121 KM4121IT6 MAX4281
    Text: KM4111/KM4121 0.2mA, Low Cost, +2.7V & +5V, 35MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ General Description 208µA supply current 35MHz bandwidth Power down to Is = 35µA KM4121 Fully specified at +2.7V and +5V supplies

    KM4111/KM4121 35MHz KM4121) 21nV/Hz MAX4281 OT23-5 OT23-6) KM4111/KM4121 OT23-5 KM4111IT5 SC74A KEB002 KM4111 KM4111IT5TR3 KM4121 KM4121IT6 MAX4281 PDF


    Abstract: MAX4126
    Text: A m p l i fy t h e H u m a n E x p e r i e n c e KM4170, KM4270, KM4470 Low Cost, +2.7V & +5V, Rail-to-Rail I/O Amplifiers Features at 2.7V Description • • • • • • • • The KM4170 single , KM4270 (dual), and KM4470 (quad) are ultra-low cost, low power, voltage feedback amplifiers.

    KM4170, KM4270, KM4470 KM4170 KM4270 KM4X70 OPA343 MAX4126 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM4100/KM4101 Low Cost, +2.7V and +5V, 260MHz Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ General Description The KM4100 single and KM4101 (single with disable) are low cost, voltage feedback amplifiers. These amplifiers

    KM4100/KM4101 260MHz KM4100 KM4101 300mV KM4100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FAN4174 / FAN4274 Single and Dual, Ultra-Low Cost, Rail-to-Rail I/O, CMOS Amplifier Features Description ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ 200µA Supply Current per Amplifier The FAN4174 single and FAN4274 (dual) are ultra-low cost voltage feedback amplifiers with CMOS inputs that

    FAN4174 FAN4274 25nV/Hz KM4170 KM4270 OPA340 TLV2461; TSOP65P490X110-8BL PDF