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    Abstract: keeloq AN642 TB030 TB041 example PIC in ccs AN745 pic16f872 decoder TB021 DS91002 DS91021
    Text: M AN744 Modular Mid-Range PICmicro KEELOQ® Decoder in C DECODER PIN OUT FIGURE 1: Author: Lucio Di Jasio Microchip Technology Inc. 1 28 2 27 NU RFIN 3 26 VLOW NU 4 25 LEARNOUT NU 5 24 OUT3 LEARN 6 23 OUT2 NU 7 22 OUT1 VSS 8 21 OUT0 OSCIN OVERVIEW This application note describes a KEELOQ code hopping decoder implemented on a Microchip Mid-range

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    Text: KEELOQ Evaluation Kit Features: Lets you evaluate the capabilities of Microchip’s code hopping devices. The KEELOQ Evaluation Kit demonstrates the capabilities of Microchip Technology’s code hopping technology. The KEELOQ Code Hopping Encoder devices

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    Text: MPLAB IDE Integrated Development Environment Features: MPLAB Project Manager • Organizes the different files that comprise your application firmware under one “Project” • Allows you to create a project, add, edit or debug a source code file in a project; build

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    Text: PICDEM 18R PIC18C601/801 Demonstration Board Summary The PICDEM™ 18R Demonstration Board demonstrates the capabilities of the PIC18C601/801 family of Microchip microcontrollers. It supports both PIC18C601 and PIC18C801 devices and provides a hardware

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    Abstract: Pro Mate DS30177 pic serial programming picstart plus PRO MATE II projects rfid DV007003 MCP2510 PIC17CXXX
    Text: PRO MATE II Universal Microchip Device Programmer Features: • Programs EPROM and/or EEPROM program and data memory for all Microchip PICmicro MCUs, HCS Security Products, and 2- and 3-wire serial EEPROM products • Designed to operate with the PRO MATE II In-Circuit Serial

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    Abstract: PIC16F887 Free Projects pic16f887 Applications pic16f887 pic16f887 Features PIC PROJECT CCS C PIC Assembly Programming Guide DV164121 pic16f887 Descriptions mini project using encoder
    Text: PICkit 2 Debug Express Summary PICkit™ 2 Debug Express allows in-circuit debugging on selected PIC microcontrollers. In-circuit debugging allows the designer to run, halt and single step the program while the PIC microcontroller is embedded in the hardware. Once

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    Abstract: PIC PROJECT CCS C pic ccs compiler pickit 2 pickit2 how to interface microcontroller with encoder Microchip MPLAB Starter Kit PIC Assembly Programming Guide pic device programmer PG164120
    Text: PICkit 2 Debug Express Summary PICkit™ 2 Debug Express allows in-circuit debugging on selected PIC microcontrollers. In-circuit debugging allows the designer to run, halt and single step the program while the PIC microcontroller is embedded in the hardware. Once

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    Abstract: picstart plus MCP2510 PIC17CXXX PIC18CXXX
    Text: MPLAB ICE 2000 In-Circuit Emulator Features: • High-performance PC-based development system for PICmicro MCUs • Includes MPLAB IDE • Assembly and C source level debugging • Real-time in-circuit emulation to maximum speed of PICmicro MCUs • Program memory emulation and

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    Abstract: standalone data acquisition system for pic
    Text: MXDEV 1 Analog Evaluation System Features: A versatile and easy-to-use tool! This Analog Evaluation System gives system designers the ability to control Microchip stand-alone analog devices, acquire data and then analyze the data using stripcharts, histograms and Fast Fourier Transforms FFTs . User-friendly

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    Text: PICDEM System Management Kit Summary The PICDEM™ System Management Kit is a demonstration and training tool designed for individuals interested in system integration and design of a variety of applications. PIC microcontrollers provide a wide variety of integrated

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    Abstract: AC162049 sensor for PIC16F877 microcontroller PIC18F6720 DV16400 piezo sounder PIC PIC18F8620 PIC16F877 programmer circuit PIC18F458 PIC18C601
    Text: MPLAB ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger DEBUGGER SOLUTION FOR PIC® FLASH PRODUCTS The MPLAB® ICD 2 In-Circuit Debugger 2 is the next advanced step for In-Circuit Debugging from Microchip Technology. The MPLAB ICD 2 allows debugging of selected PIC®FLASH microcontrollers using the powerful

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    Text: Microchip Technology Incorporated Welcomes you to the 2000 Microchip Technology Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. September MPLAB -ICD PICMETER Hands On Session 1 Agenda ● 1.0 Overview of PICmeter Board and Source Code ● 2.0 Configuring Hi-Tech C compiler within MPLAB®

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    Abstract: pic18f1320 pwm ccs c code to pic with spi PIC18 SPI SOURCE CODE DS30327 usart PIC18 DS39026 PICmicro Reference Manual PIC18 interrupt usart PIC18 usart code C
    Text: PIC18 Microcontroller Family The PIC18 microcontroller family provides PICmicro devices in 18- to 80-pin packages, that are both socket and software upwardly compatible to the PIC16 family. The PIC18 family includes all the popular peripherals, such as MSSP, ESCI, CCP, flexible 8- and 16-bit timers, PSP, 10-bit

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    Text: PIC16F8X Microcontroller Family Product Information The PIC16F8X microcontroller MCU family offers a range of 18-pin devices with FLASH re-programmable program and data memory. This family has a 14-bit instruction set, interrupt handling capability and a deep

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    Abstract: PIC12C6XX DS00092 Embedded Control Handbook DS00092 DS00104 DS00167 DS00711 PIC12C671 PIC12C672 PIC12CE673
    Text: PIC12C6XX Microcontroller Family Product Information The PIC12C6XX microcontroller MCU family packs Microchip’s powerful RISC-based PICmicro MCU architecture into 8-pin DIP and SOIC packages. The PIC12C6XX products feature a 14-bit instruction set, small

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    Text: PIC16C78X Microcontroller Family The PIC16C78X Microcontroller MCU Family offers a range of 20-pin devices with multiple analog peripherals on board. This family has a 14-bit instruction set, interrupt handling capability and a deep 8-level stack. The PIC16C78X MCUs provide performance and

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    Text: PICSTART Plus Low-cost Development Kit Supports All PICmicro®MCUs PICSTART Plus makes designing with Microchip MCUs simple and affordable. The PICSTART Plus development suite from Microchip Technology provides the product development engineer with a highly-flexible, low-cost

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    Abstract: pic*16f72 software PROGRAM PIC16F73 pic*16f72 software programming pic*16f72 c program DS00092 PIC16F74 PIC16F77 project of pic16f73 pic16f72 oscillator
    Text: PIC16F7X Microcontroller Family The PIC16F7X Microcontroller MCU Mid-Range Family offers low cost, high performance FLASH microcontrollers in 28-, 40- and 44-pin package options. This family features a 14-bit instruction set, interrupt handling capability, up to 8

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    Text: PIC18F010/020 Microcontroller Family The PIC18F010/020 Microcontroller Products pack all the advantages of the PIC18C architecture and the flexibility of FLASH program memory in an 8-pin package. The PIC18F010/020 products feature a 16-bit instruction set, small

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    Text: PIC16F87X Microcontroller Family Product Information The PIC16F87X Microcontroller MCU Family provides a migration path from OTP to FLASH in 28 to 44-pin packages, with a wide range of peripheral integration options. This family features a 14-bit instruction set, 5 to 8 channels of 10-bit Analog-to-Digital

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    Text: PIC16C77X Microcontroller Family Product Information The PIC16C77X microcontroller MCU family provides upward compatible devices from the PIC16C7XX devices in 20- to 44-pin packages with the highest level of analog peripheral integration in the industry. This family features a 14-bit instruction set, 6 to 10

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    Text: PIC18CXX8 Microcontroller Family The 68-pin PIC18C658 and 84-pin PIC18C858 features the CAN Controller Area Network Rev. 2.0B Active serial communication interface. These devices are based on the powerful PIC18CXXX PICmicro MCU architecture and include an 8 x 8 single cycle

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    Abstract: PIC16F628 interrupt PICC compiler pic16f628 PWM DS00092 DS00104 DS00167 PIC16C620 PIC16C620A PIC16C621 PIC16F62X
    Text: PIC16C6XX/F62X Microcontroller Family Product Information The PIC16C6XX/F62X microcontroller MCU family offers a wide range of options, from completely upward compatible devices in 18- to 44-pin packages to devices from low to high levels of digital peripheral integration. This family has a

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    Abstract: PIC17CXXX DS00092 DS00104 DS00167 DS00711 PIC17C42A PIC17C43 PIC17C44 4096x16 ram
    Text: PIC17CXXX Microcontroller Family Product Information The PIC17CXXX microcontroller MCU family offers the world’s highest execution performance of any 8-bit MCU family. The PIC17CXXX family extends the PICmicro MCU’s high-performance RISC architecture with a 16-bit

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