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    KGF1255 Search Results

    KGF1255 Datasheets (1)

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    KGF1255 OKI Electronic Components UHF-band Device Series Scan PDF

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    Abstract: ic a1301
    Text: OKI GaAs Device U H F - b a n d D e v ic e S e r i e s KGF1145/1155/1165/1175/1255/KGA1301 /KG L2115 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The UHF band device series consists of analog devices and a digital device. The analog devices include a Dual-Gate Buffer Amplifier, Dual-Gate Mixer Amplifier, Feedback

    OCR Scan
    KGF1145/1155/1165/1175/1255/KGA1301 L2115 dual-gate ic a1301 PDF


    Abstract: KGF1175 A1301 KGA1301 KGF1145 KGF1155 KGF1165 KGF1255 KGL2115
    Text: OKI GaAs Device U H F -b a n d D e v ic e S e rie s KGF1145/1155/1165/1175/1255/KG A1301 /KGL2115 DESCRIPTION FEATURES T he U H F band d e v ic e se rie s c o n s is ts o f a n a lo g devices and a d ig ita l d e vice . The analog d e vic e s in c lu d e a D u a l-G a te B u ffe r

    OCR Scan
    KGF1145/1155/1165/1175/1255/KG A1301 /KGL2115 Dual-Gate KGF1175 KGA1301 KGF1145 KGF1155 KGF1165 KGF1255 KGL2115 PDF