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    KZZ 72 Search Results

    KZZ 72 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: AIN2700 CS5361 CS5381 CS5381-KSZ CS5381-KZZ 1UF10
    Text: CS5381 120 dB, 192 kHz, Multi-Bit Audio A/D Converter Features General Description ! Advanced Multi-bit Delta-Sigma Architecture The CS5381 is a complete analog-to-digital converter for digital audio systems. It performs sampling, analogto-digital conversion, and anti-alias filtering - generating

    CS5381 CS5381 24-bit DS563F2 CDB5381 AIN2700 CS5361 CS5381-KSZ CS5381-KZZ 1UF10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CS5381 120 dB, 192 kHz, Multi-Bit Audio A/D Converter Features General Description  Advanced Multi-bit Delta-Sigma Architecture The CS5381 is a complete analog-to-digital converter for digital audio systems. It performs sampling, analogto-digital conversion, and anti-alias filtering - generating

    CS5381 CS5381 24-bit DS563F2 PDF


    Abstract: CDB4392 CS4391 CS4392-KS CS4392-KZ CS4392-KZZ
    Text: CS4392 24-Bit, 192 kHz Stereo DAC with Volume Control Features Description z Complete Stereo DAC System: Interpolation, The CS4392 is a complete stereo digital-to-analog system including digital interpolation, fifth-order delta-sigma digital-to-analog conversion, digital de-emphasis, volume control, channel mixing and analog filtering. The

    CS4392 24-Bit, 192kHz CS4392 DS459PP3 MS-013 CDB4392 CS4391 CS4392-KS CS4392-KZ CS4392-KZZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CS4392 24-Bit, 192 kHz Stereo DAC with Volume Control Features Description Complete Stereo DAC System: Interpolation, D/A, Output Analog Filtering 114 dB Dynamic Range 100 dB THD+N Up to 192kHz Sample Rates Direct Stream Digital Mode Low Clock Jitter Sensitivity

    CS4392 24-Bit, 192kHz CS4392 DS459PP3 MS-013 PDF

    hpx series

    Abstract: AES17-1991 CDB43L43 CS43L43 CS43L43-KZ CS43L43-KZZ MO-150
    Text: CS43L43 Low Voltage, Stereo DAC with Headphone Amp Features Description ‰16-Pin The CS43L43 is a complete stereo digital-to-analog output system including interpolation, 1-bit D/A conversion, analog filtering, volume control, and a headphone amplifier, in a 16-pin TSSOP package.

    CS43L43 16-Pin 24-Bit CS43L43 MO-150 DS479PP3 hpx series AES17-1991 CDB43L43 CS43L43-KZ CS43L43-KZZ MO-150 PDF


    Abstract: 230-412 A6W 87 A6W 99

    ICF-316-S-0 ICF-316-T-0 MIL-STD-45662, 230-416 230-412 A6W 87 A6W 99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b4E D • TE^MbEl OOObMEG lbfl IPRX C390 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 412 925-7272 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 POWEREX INC Phase Control SCR 450 Amperes Average

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    BP107, 390LD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG Fast, Complete Sampling 12-Bit A/D Converter DEVICES_ with Microprocessor Interface □ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AD678 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the detail requirements for a 12-bit resolution A/D converter with complete

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    12-Bit AD678 AD678S /883B AD678T ADI-M-1000: 28-Pin 44-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O S E L V TTE U C PRELIMINARY V104J32 256K x 32 SIMM Features Description • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The V 104J32 Mem ory Module is organized as 262,144 x 32 bits in a 72-lead single-in-line module. The 256K x 32 memory module uses 8 Mosel-Viteiic 256K x 4 DRAMs. The x32 modules are ideal for use

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    V104J32 104J32 72-lead PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O S E L V IT E L IC V100J9 and V100J8 1M X 9, 1M X 8 BIT FAST PAGE MODE CMOS DYNAMIC RAM MEMORY MODULE 60/60L 70/70L 80/80L Max. RAS Access Time, tRAf0 HIGH PERFORMANCE V100J8/9 60 ns 70 ns 80 ns Max. Column Address Access Time, (trA A 30 ns 35 ns 40 ns

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    V100J9 V100J8 60/60L 70/70L 80/80L V100J8/9 V100J8/9L V100S xzzzzzzzz7777777 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2 I ’93! SENT BY:Q J 7-24-90 3:05PM ; S0722- ;# 2 HO. 1 9 7 - 8 7 0 1 SHARP CORPORATION * s TECHNICAL * « * LITERATURE FOR * * « * CMOS 1NECA DRAH S U t i e eolu.n -o d e ) * t t l l f HOPEI HO. DATE L H 6 4 2 5 8_ S 6 2 . 1 . 1 9 _

    OCR Scan
    S0722-) LH64258 LH64259 PDF

    Diode KD 514

    Abstract: B30C250 GD507A DIODE OA-172 kyx 28 SY360 ky 202 h thyristor B280C1500 C5000-3300 BZY79C
    Text: Deutsche Post Studiotechnik Fernsehen BauelementeMitteilunq Nr.7 Diodenvergleichsliste Verfasser: Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Peter Hartmann Abteilung PMM Herausgeber: \>y Studiotechnik Fernsehen Informationsstelle RIS 1429 1 19 9 Berlin Rudower Chaussee 3 Fernruf: 6 7 3 3381

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Enhanced DM1M64DTE/DM1M72DTE M ultibank Burst EDOEDRAM 1Mb x 64/1Mb x 72 Enhanced DRAM DIMM IVfemoiy Suterns be. H Product Specification Features row register over a 2Kbyte-wide bus in just 18ns for an effective cache • 16Kbytes SRAM Cache Memory for 12ns Random Reads Within

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    DM1M64DTE/DM1M72DTE 64/1Mb 16Kbytes 168BD5-TR DM1M72DTE- 72-bit PDF


    Abstract: SEG NC3 SEG NC3 3 16
    Text: NJ U 6 4 6 OA P R E L I M I NARY 1 6 — C H A R A C T E R 1— L I N E DOT M A T R I X L CD CONTROLLER D R IV ER • GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6460A is a 1 Chip Dot Matrix LCD controller driver for up to 16-character 1-line or 8-character 2-1ine display.

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    NJU6460A 16-character 80kHz NJU6460A SEG NC3 SEG NC3 3 16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADE-203-199 A (Z) HM5221605 Series 65,536-word x 16-bit x 2-bank Synchronous Dynamic RAM Preliminary Rev. 0.1 Sep. 22, 1994 HITACHI All inputs and outputs are referred to the rising edge of the clock input. The HM5221605 is offered in 2 banks for improved performance.

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    ADE-203-199 HM5221605 536-word 16-bit HM5221605TT-20 HM5221605TT-17 HM5221605TT-15 400-mil 50-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P r e l i m in a r y P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a t io n O B Z 80181 Z181 SAC™ S m art A c c es s C o n t r o ller FEATURES • Z80180 Compatible MPU Core with 1 Channel of Z85C30 SCC, Z80 CTC, Two 8-Bit General-Purpose Parallel Ports, and Two Chip Select Signals.

    OCR Scan
    Z80180 Z85C30 100-Pin D0B1271 Z80181 Z8018110FEC Z80181, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: product S p e c if ic a t io n Z80181 Z181 SAC Sm art A ccess Co n t r o ller FEATURES • Z80180 C om patible MPU Core with 1 channel of Z85C30 SCC, Z80 CTC, two 8-bit general purpose parallel ports, and two chip select signals. ■ High speed operation 10/12.5 MHz

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    Z80181 100-pin Z84C30 16-bit Z180MPU PDF

    ECG transistor replacement guide book free

    Abstract: Burr-Brown Application Note AN-165 philips ecg replacement guide DC-DC Converter Burr-Brown 700 tl2272 BB IS0107 Tubes Catalog SDM857KG transistor manual substitution ecg book FREE DOWN design a 60hz notch filter
    Text: BURR-BROWN APPLICATIONS HANDBOOK B U R R - BROW N l B B < B u rr-B ro w n 1C A p p l i c a t i o n s H andbook LI-459 1994 Burr-Brown Corporation Printed in USA Burr-Brown Corporation International Airport Industrial Park Mailing Address: PO Box 11400

    OCR Scan
    LI-459 ECG transistor replacement guide book free Burr-Brown Application Note AN-165 philips ecg replacement guide DC-DC Converter Burr-Brown 700 tl2272 BB IS0107 Tubes Catalog SDM857KG transistor manual substitution ecg book FREE DOWN design a 60hz notch filter PDF


    Abstract: LM1800 TRANSISTOR LM371 ks2 6k MC7812CP LM3026 SN52101AJ transistor bf 175 LM170 Germanium drift transistor
    Text: Edge Index by Product Family Here is the new Linear Data Handbook from National. It gives complete specifications for devices useful in building nearly all types of electronic systems, from communications and consumer oriented circuits to precision instrumentation and computer designs.

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    LM741 MIL-M-38510, M-38510/ 10101BCC. MIL-M-38510 L-M-38510 LM1808 LM1800 TRANSISTOR LM371 ks2 6k MC7812CP LM3026 SN52101AJ transistor bf 175 LM170 Germanium drift transistor PDF

    diode E1110

    Abstract: lN4002 LN4003 ANA 618 20010 TDB 0123 km b3170 E1110 Diode UB8560D MAA723 moc 2030
    Text: elektronik-bauelem ente I WT VD AVL 1 /8 7 Bl. 2 E r l ä u t e r u n g e n z u m I n h a l t und zu d e n A n g a b e n d e r B a u e l e m e n t e - V e r g l e i c h s l i s t e D ie B a u e l e m e n t e - V e r g l e i c h s l i s t e e n t h ä l t a l l e in d e r B i l a n z v e r a n t w o r t u n g d e s V E B K o m b i n a t

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MFC4040 MFC 4060A mc1312 MC1303 MC1371p lt 8202 mc1741 2n3055 application note LT 8224 TRANSISTOR triac tag 8518
    Text: GENERAL INFORMATION Master Index Product Highlights 2 Selector Guides 3 Previews of Coming Linear Integrated Circuits Interchangeability Guide 5 Chip Information 6 M IL-M -38510 Program DATA SHEET SPECIFICATIONS 8 . . . in alpha-numerical sequence by device type number, unless otherwise

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