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    ic el 434

    Abstract: MSM5299A MSM6255 QFP100-P-1420-K QFP100-P-1420-V1K
    Text: O K I Sem icon d u cto r M SM 5299A 8O-DOT SEGMENT DRIVER G EN ER A L D ESCR IPTIO N T he M SM 5299A is a dot m atrix LC D segm ent d river LSI w hich is fabricated b y C M O S low pow er m etal gate technology. T his LSI con sists o f an 80-bit bid irectional shift register, 80-bit latch, 80b it level shifter and 80-bit 4-lev el driver.

    OCR Scan
    MSM5299A MSM5299A 80-bit 80bit TheMSM5299A MSM5299AGS ic el 434 MSM6255 QFP100-P-1420-K QFP100-P-1420-V1K PDF

    transistor sl 431

    Abstract: ZIP40-P-475
    Text: O K I Sem iconductor M S M 5 1 4 1 9 0 / S L _ 262,144-Word x 18-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM514190/SL is a new generation Dynamic RAM organized as 262,144-word x 18-bit configuration. The technology used to fabricate theMSM51419 0 /SL is OKI's CMOS silicon gate process technology.

    OCR Scan
    MSM514190/SL_ 144-Word 18-Bit MSM514190/SL theMSM514190/SL cycles/16ms, transistor sl 431 ZIP40-P-475 PDF

    OCV CM 1092

    Abstract: SP 1191 MSM6576
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6576-XX_ Operatable at 0.9V and 7-level Detector 4-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION M SM 6576 is a 4-bit, low -pow er m icrocontroller that is manufactured in a C M O S silicon-gate process. The m icrocontroller can be started and operated at a low supply voltage of 0.9 V.

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    MSM6576-XX_ MSM6576 L72424G 0G24G13 OCV CM 1092 SP 1191 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5116160A_ 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE D ESCRIPTIO N The MSM5116160A is a 1,048,576-word x 16-bit dynam ic RAM fabricated in OKI's CMOS silicon gate technology. The MSM5116160A achieves high integration, high-speed operation, and low-power

    OCR Scan
    MSM5116160A_ 576-Word 16-Bit MSM5116160A 42-pin 50/44-pin PDF

    AA 170 circit diagram

    Abstract: 256KX16 MSM5416256 ucas zip
    Text: Technical Information OKI Semiconductor MSM5416256/MSM54V16256 ¿ Lo w voltage version or V-voreion _ 262,144 Words x 16 Bits GRAPHICS BURST A C C ESS MEMORY

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    MSM5416256/MSM54V16256 MSM5416256 256KX16 MSM54 DQ8-15 b72M2M0 b7S424D AA 170 circit diagram MSM5416256 ucas zip PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSC23T/P1720C-XXBS18 1,048,576-Word x 72-Bit DRAM MODULE : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION T he O K I M SC23T/D 1720C-xxBS18 is a fu lly decoded 1,048,576-w o rd x 72-bit C M O S D yn am ic R an d o m A ccess M e m o ry M o d u le com posed o f eighteen 4-Mb D R A M s 1 M x 4 in T S O P o r S O J

    OCR Scan
    MSC23T/P1720C-XXBS18 576-Word 72-Bit MSC23T/D1720C-xxBS18 168-pin 72-bit MSC23T1720C-xxBS18 MSC23D1720C-xxBS18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I electronic components OL327B, OL327L 1.3 |im DFB Laser Diode GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OL327B and OL327L are 1.3 |im, InGaAsP/InP DFB laser diodes for optical communication systems. FEATURES • Longitudinal single-mode operation • High speed • Compact packages: < i5.6mm

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    OL327B, OL327L OL327B OL327L b72424D Q022430 CATVs PDF


    Abstract: MSC2328B-10YS2 MSC2328B-60YS2 MSC2328B-70YS2 MSC2328B-80YS2
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSC2328B-XXYS2 262,144-Word by 8-Bit DRAM Module: Fast Page Mode DESCRIPTION The OKI M SC2328B-xxYS2 is a fully decoded 262/144-word x 8-bit CM OS Dynamic Random Access M em­ ory Module composed of two 1-Mb DRAMs in SOJ M SM514256B packages mounted with two 0.2 |iF

    OCR Scan
    MSC2328B-xxYS2 144-Word MSC2328B-xxYS2 MSM514256B) 30-pin 60thin D015 MSC2328B-10YS2 MSC2328B-60YS2 MSC2328B-70YS2 MSC2328B-80YS2 PDF

    7477 D latch

    Abstract: SAB 3210 MSM6408 i1p32 si117 3DD52
    Text: SflE J> m b?24S4D G01371D 7flfl • OKI J O K I semiconductor MSM6408 O K I < /4 SEMICONDUCTOR GROUP HIGH-SPEED 4-BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e O K I M S M 6 4 0 8 m ic ro c o n tro lle r' is a low power, h ig h-perfo rm an ce sin g le -ch ip device

    OCR Scan
    MSM6408 24E4D G01371D MSM6408 b724P40 137SG 7477 D latch SAB 3210 i1p32 si117 3DD52 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7503 Multi-Function PCM C O D E C GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM7503 is a high performance, low power CODEC LSI device integrating a 2-wire time division transmission ping-pong transmission interface function and has a basic function of

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    MSM7503 MSM7503 MSM7502. PDF


    Abstract: SUNNY MSM6650 eprom 6653 ln 258 oki voice synthesizer msm6375 Sunny Oscillators MSM6653 MSM6656-XXX 10FFE
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6652-XXX/MSM6653-XXX/ MSM6654-XXX/MSM6655-XXX/ MSM6656-XXX_ Internal MASK ROM Speech Synthesis LSI G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The MSM6650 family is a successor to the MSM6375 family that are speech synthesis LSIs w ith

    OCR Scan
    MSM6652-XXX/MSM6653-XXX/ MSM6654-XXX/MSM6655-XXX/ MSM6656-XXX_ MSM6650 MSM6375 12bit -40dB 00MSA/MSK/ 00MHz, AR76-202 ms1250 SUNNY eprom 6653 ln 258 oki voice synthesizer msm6375 Sunny Oscillators MSM6653 MSM6656-XXX 10FFE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM51V17805A 2,097,152-Word x 8-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE WITH EDO DESCRIPTION The MSM51V17805A is a 2,097,152-word x 8-bit dynamic RAM fabricated in OKI's CMOS silicon gate technology. The MSM51V17805A achieves high integration, high-speed operation, and lowpow er consumption due to quadruple polysilicon double metal CMOS. The MSM51V17805A is

    OCR Scan
    MSM51V17805A 152-Word MSM51V17805A 28-pin cycles/32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E2D0017-27-42 O K I Semiconductor M S M 6652/53/54/55/56-xxx, M SM 6652A/53A/ 54A/55A/56A/58A-xxx, MSM66P54-XX, MSM66P56-xx Under development , MSM6650 Internal Mask ROM Voice Synthesis 1C, Internal One-Time-Programmable (OTP) ROM Voice Synthesis 1C, External ROM Drive Voice Synthesis 1C

    OCR Scan
    E2D0017-27-42 6652/53/54/55/56-xxx, 652A/53A/ 4A/55A/56A/58A-xxx, MSM66P54-XX, MSM66P56-xx MSM6650 MSM6650 MSM6375 theMSM6650familymembersoffer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5 1 16400_ 4,194,304-Word x 4-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE D ESCRIPTIO N The M SM 5116400 is a new generation dynam ic organized as 4,194,304-w ord x 4-bit. The technology used to fabricate the M SM 5116400 is O K I's C M O S silicon gate process technology.

    OCR Scan
    MSM5116400 304-Word 304-w cycles/64ms b72454D PDF

    ic 7451 pin configuration

    Abstract: ic 7451 pin diagram MSM7543 MSM7543GS MSM7543GS-VK MSM7543RS MSM7544 MSM7544RS One-chip telephone IC
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7543 / MSM7544 5V Single-Rail PCM CODECs D E S C R IP TIO N The MSM7543 and MSM7544 are single-rail, low-voltage, single-channel PCM CO D ECs which perform voice digitization using presam pling and reconstruction filters for transmit and receive operation in PCM

    OCR Scan
    MSM7543 MSM7544 MSM7544 MSM7543 ic 7451 pin configuration ic 7451 pin diagram MSM7543GS MSM7543GS-VK MSM7543RS MSM7544RS One-chip telephone IC PDF

    tws 433 tx

    Abstract: TSOP32 pad
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM7570L/ MSM7590L 3V Single-Rail ADPCM CODECs D E S C R IP TIO N The M SM 7570L and M SM 7590L are single-rail, low -voltage, single-channel, full-duplex AD PCM CODECs which perform voice digitization using presampling and reconstruction filters for transmit and

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    MSM7570L MSM7590L MSM7590L MSM7570L 204ameter 2424D Q0n27fl tws 433 tx TSOP32 pad PDF

    com 2X5

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I electronic components OCM 2X4, 2X5 SERIES Bidirectional Optical M O S Relay G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The OCM2X4 and OCM2X5 Series are bidirectional AC optical MOS relays that provide high­ speed response and are capable of handling high-frequency signals. The input portion is a GaAs

    OCR Scan
    10-mA OCM204/205 b72M2M0 Cf1/1244/2 b72M24D com 2X5 PDF


    Abstract: SHARP IC 701 I X11 hs 757 sami csi
    Text: OKI Semiconductor MSM6688 ADPCM SOLID-STATE RECORDER LSI • GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6688 is a “solid-state-recorder” LSI developed using the ADPCM method. By externally connecting a microphone, a speaker, a speaker drive amplifier, and dedicated DRAM through the

    OCR Scan
    MSM6688 MSM6688 MSM6791 096MHz HS-757 SHARP IC 701 I X11 hs 757 sami csi PDF


    Abstract: MSM66
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM66P54 One-Tim e Program m able OTP Speech Synthesizer DESCRIPTION The MSM66P54 is a one-time-programmable (OTP) version of the MSM6654 speech synthesizer, suitable for evaluation of the MSM6650 family and code development. This part is also suitable for applications

    OCR Scan
    MSM66P54 MSM66P54 MSM6654 MSM6650 AR76-202 MSM66P54. 002300b MSM66 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OKI Semiconductor MSM64162-005 Clock with Thermometer and Hygrometer Functions G EN ER A L DESCRIPTIO N The MSM64162-005 is a clock IC with a temperature and a hum idity measuring function. FEATURES • Clock function display of "hour", "minute", and "AM/PM". Time format switchable 12 hours

    OCR Scan
    MSM64162-005 MSM64162-005 over-10Â b724240 80-PIN QFP80-P-1420-K QFP84-P-1420-BK b724240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM514170A/ASL 262,144-Word x 16-Bit DYNAMIC RAM : FAST PAGE MODE TYPE DESCRIPTION The MSM514170A/ASL is a 262,144-word x 16-bit dynamic RAM fabricated in OKI's CMOS silicon gate technology. The MSM514170A/ASLachieves high integration, high-speed operation, and lowpower consumption due to quadruple polysilicon single metal CMOS. The MSM514170A/ASL is

    OCR Scan
    MSM514170A/ASL 144-Word 16-Bit MSM514170A/ASL MSM514170A/ASLachieves 40-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 6652-X X X /M S M 6653-X X X / M S M 6654-X X X /M S M 6655-X X X / M SM 6656-XXX_ Internal MASK ROM Speech Synthesis LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 6650 fam ily is a su ccesso r to the M SM 6375 fam ily that are speech synthesis LSIs w ith

    OCR Scan
    6652-X 6653-X 6654-X 6655-X 6656-XXX_ 12bit 09MGU 09MGWU 2424D MSM6652/6653/6654/6655/6656 PDF


    Abstract: MSM5839B MSM5839BGS-2K MSM5839BGS-K MSM5839BGS-L2
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5839B 40-DQT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 5839B is a dot m atrix LC D segm ent d river LSI w hich is fabricated by low pow er C M O S m etal gate technology. This LSI consists of 40-bit shift register tw o 20-bit shift registers , 40-bit

    OCR Scan
    MSM5839B 40-DQT MSM5839B 40-bit 20-bit DO20 MSM5839BGS-2K MSM5839BGS-K MSM5839BGS-L2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MK31VT864A-8YC 98.06.26 O K I Semiconductor MK31VT864A-8YC 8,388,608 W ord x 64 Bit SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAM MODULE (1 BANK);_ DESCRIPTION The Oki MK31VT864A-8YC is a fully decoded, 8,388,608 x 64bit synchronous dynamic random access memory composed of eight 64M b DRAMs(8Mx8) in TS O P packages

    OCR Scan
    MK31VT864A-8YC MK31VT864A-8YC 64bit 168-pin x64-Bit b72424Q PDF