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    LA 4420 Search Results

    LA 4420 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    844201BG-45LFT Renesas Electronics Corporation FemtoClock® Crystal-to-LVDS Clock Generator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    9VRS4420DKILF Renesas Electronics Corporation CK-µS for Intel µServers with 1GbE, PCIe Gen1-3 and SATA 1-3 Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HXT44420-EVB Renesas Electronics Corporation 56Gb/s PAM4 DML Driver, Gen2 Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    9VRS4420DKLF Renesas Electronics Corporation CK-µS for Intel µServers with 1GbE, PCIe Gen1-3 and SATA 1-3 Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    844201BKI-45LF Renesas Electronics Corporation FemtoClock® Crystal-to-LVDS Clock Generator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    LA 4420 Price and Stock

    Schneider Electric SQR44201LA

    AC Power Plugs & Receptacles TR 20A RECEPTACLE COMM LA
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    Mouser Electronics SQR44201LA
    • 1 $8.37
    • 10 $7.85
    • 100 $7.85
    • 1000 $7.29
    • 10000 $7.29
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    Amphenol Corporation DCL-A4420-A00

    Test Clips 14241429 clip
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    Mouser Electronics DCL-A4420-A00
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.068
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    LA 4420 Datasheets (5)

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    LA4420 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    LA4420 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    LA4420 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    LA4420 Sanyo Semiconductor Sanyo Datasheets, Cross References and Circuit Examples Scan PDF
    LA4420 Sanyo Semiconductor 5.5W Audio IC Scan PDF

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    RFI filter cost

    Abstract: 4120R 4420P 4420R-601-RC
    Text: oH VE S CO AV R M AI SIO PL LA N IA BL S NT E *R Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ Cost effective R-C construction Insulation resistance testing for reliability Molded surface mount or DIP packaging Compatible with automatic assembly equipment Custom value capability

    4420P 100pF 180pF 200pF 4420P-601- 4120R-601- 4118R-601- 18-pin 20-pin RFI filter cost 4120R 4420P 4420R-601-RC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: oH VE S CO AV R M AI SIO PL LA N IA BL S NT E *R Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ Cost effective R-C construction Insulation resistance testing for reliability Molded surface mount or DIP packaging Compatible with automatic assembly equipment Custom value capability

    4420P 100pF 180pF 200pF 4420P-601- 4120R-601- 4118R-601- 18-pin 20-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *R oH V SC AV ER OM AI SIO PL LA N IA BL S NT E Features • Cost-effective R-C construction ■ Insulation resistance testing for reliability ■ RoHS compliant version available “L” part number suffix ■ Molded surface mount or DIP packaging ■ Compatible with automatic assembly

    4420P 4420P-601- 4120R-601- 4118R-601- 18-pin 20-pin PDF

    microchip pic

    Abstract: 27C256-15 Eprom program for pic16c54c digital clock EM167200 PIC16F84 usb programmer circuit MPLAB-ICD PIC16F877 psp PIC16F628 i2c slave

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    Abstract: AEC-4420S 4420S ars-2160 PC MOTHERBOARD SERVICE MANUAL dell Vostro burners ARS-2053P DVD BURNER SATA hard disk controller
    Text: AEC-4420S USB Link Host for SATA Copy Controller User's Manual Version: 1.1 Attention: Wait over 5 seconds to power on after shutdown to prevent the abnormal operation of the system. Copyright 2008 ACARD Technology Corp. Release: December 2008 Copyright and Trademarks

    AEC-4420S ARS-2160) ARC286 4420S ars-2160 PC MOTHERBOARD SERVICE MANUAL dell Vostro burners ARS-2053P DVD BURNER SATA hard disk controller PDF


    Abstract: HA 13431 chen yi tda 2850
    Text: M CRF20 2 Pa ssive RFID Device w ith Sensor Inpu t FEATU RES • Sens or inpu tpola rity inverts da ta s trea m • Rea d only da ta tra ns m is s ion • 96- or 128-bits offa ctory prog ra m m ing u s er m em ory a ls o s u pports 48 a nd 64-bitprotocols

    CRF20 128-bi 64-bi DS2130 OD128 HA 13431 chen yi tda 2850 PDF


    Abstract: DIN47100 fiche M12 FFC08 LM294 BUCHSENKONTAKT em09m23seh jaeger FMB212M23 "GENERAL CATALOG"
    Text: Systèmes d’interconnexion Interconnection system - Verteiler Systeme connectez - vous à l’innovation - connect to innovation - Verbinden Sie sich mit der Innovation Systèmes d’interconnexion Interconnection system - Verteiler Systeme JAEGER Connecteurs



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Single - Turret Feed - Thrus advanced , in te rc o n n e c tio n s 5 Energy Way, P.O. Box 1342, West Warwick, Rl 02893 • Tel. 401 -823-5200 • FAX 401 -823-8723 • TWX 9102403454 EMC°Product "STF” Series P la tin g : '14: 400p." Tin term inal, 200|i" Cadm ium C hrom ate base/eyelet

    OCR Scan
    QQ-B-626 MIL-M-14F PDF

    FD6666 diode

    Abstract: diode BY100 1N4Q07 BA100 diode BY164 BB139 BAY38 diode aa119 1S184 diode 1N82
    Text: mil UIIAGHRISnCS [M IN IS i SDISlimiS BY B J . B AB A N I la TANDY CORPORATION Although every c are is taken with the p rep aration of this book the p u b lish ers will not be resp on sib le for any e r r o r s that might occur. 1975 I. S. B. N. 0 900162 46 5

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    A4/10 A5/62 A5/105 A1000 AA100 AA110 AA111 AA112 AA113 AA114 FD6666 diode diode BY100 1N4Q07 BA100 diode BY164 BB139 BAY38 diode aa119 1S184 diode 1N82 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET_ NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT uPD16750 384-OUTPUT TFT-LCD SOURCE DRIVER COMPATIBLE WITH 256-GRAY SCALES DESCRIPTION The /j, P D 1 67 50 is a sou rce d rive r for T F T -L C D s ca p a b le o f d e aling w ith d isp la ys w ith 2 5 6 -g ra y scales. D ata in pu t is

    OCR Scan
    384-OUTPUT 256-GRAY IZAC1003 S13719EJ2V0DS00 PDF


    Abstract: C281 G42-88 TC1016 MARKING GA
    Text: TC1016 M i c r o c h ip 8OmA, Tiny CMOS LDO With Shutdown Features General Description • S pa ce-S a ving 5-P in SC -70 P ackage T he T C 10 16 is a high a ccu ra cy typica lly ±0 .5 % C M O S up gra de fo r b ip o la r low d ro p o u t regulators. It is

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    TC1016 SC-70 TC1016 D-81739 DS21666A-page DS21666A AN792 C281 G42-88 MARKING GA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIC4420/4429 6A-Peak Low-Side MOSFET Driver Bipolar/CMOS/DMOS Process General Description Features C M O S C o n stru ctio n La tch-U p P rote cted: W ill W ith sta n d > 50 0m A R e ve rse O u tp u t C u rre n t Lo gic Inp ut W ill W ith sta n d N e g a tive S w in g of Up

    OCR Scan
    MIC4420/4429 4420b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZNBG4000 ZNBG4001 ZNBG6000 ZNBG6001 FET BIAS CONTROLLER ISSUE 2 -JUNE 1998 DEVICE DESCRIPTION T he ZN BG series of devices are de sig n ed to m e e t th e bias re q u ire m e n ts of GaAs and H E M T FETs c o m m o n ly used in s a te llite rece ive r LNBs, PM R, c e llu la r te le p h o n e s etc.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Bulletin 125176/A International S Rectifier ST203C.C s e r ie s INVERTER GRADE THYRISTORS Hockey Puk Version Features • M e ta l c a s e w ith c e ra m ic in s u la to r ■ In te rn a tio n a l s ta n d a rd c a s e T 0 -2 0 0 A B A -P U K ■ A ll d iffu s e d d e s ig n

    OCR Scan
    125176/A ST203C. 204AS5452 002730b D-538 DD273DÃ ST203C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 4N32/4N33 PHOTODARLINGTON OPTOCOUPLER P a c k a g e D im e n s io n s in In c h e s m m * V e ry H ig h C u rre n t T ra n s fe r R atio, 5 00 % Min. t * H ig h Is o latio n R e s is ta n c e , 1 0 " Q T y p ica l 2AB (6 2frf\ (6 * S ta n d a rd P la s tic D IP P a c ka g e

    OCR Scan
    4N32/4N33 -X001 4N32/33 PDF


    Abstract: MAX4420 MAX4420ESA MAX4426 MAX4427 MAX627 MAX4420CSA MAX4420EPA MXT429 J429
    Text: 19-0039; Rev 0; 11/92 yi/i/jxi/i/i H ig h -S p eed , 6A S in g le M O S F E T D rivers A 4 0 n s d e la y tim e a n d a 2 5 n s rise o r fall tim e w hile d riv in g 2 5 0 0 p F to 18V m in im ize p o w e r losses d u rin g MOSFET s w itc h in g tra n s itio n s .

    OCR Scan
    MAX4420, MAX4429 MXT429 2500pF MAX4420/MAX4429/MXT429 1MXT429ESA MXT429MJA MIL-STD-883 MAX4420 MAX4420ESA MAX4426 MAX4427 MAX627 MAX4420CSA MAX4420EPA J429 PDF


    Abstract: 5082-4520
    Text: HERMETIC SOLID STATE LAMPS H E W L E T T jjjÿjj P A C K A R D COM PONENTS RED H IG H E F F IC IE N C Y R E D YELLO W G R EEN 5082-4420 5082-4620 5082-4520 5082-4920 T E N T A T IV E D A T A A P R IL 1 9 7 6 Features CH O IC E OF 4 COLORS Red High Efficiency Red

    OCR Scan
    5082-44K 5082-4420 5082-4520 PDF


    Abstract: transformateurs transformateur 44202 2X18V as 61558-2-4 MYRRA EL38 32VA MYRRA 44200 44201
    Text: MARQUAGE 2 0 * 0-5 Bgl 00.8 M «M CE 10 9 Ref Primaire Secondaire Fusible ta 44199 230V 2x6V 315mA 70/B 44200 230V 2x9V 200mA 70/B 44201 230V 2x12V 160mA 70/B 44202 230V 2x15V 125mA 70/B 44203 230V 2x18V 100mA 70/B -H — O Il ^ 7 6 5 10 5 40.6±0-5 DSI QJ

    OCR Scan
    50/60HZ 000mA ta70/B 2x12V 2x15V 2x18V 315mA 200mA 160mA ta70-b transformateurs transformateur 44202 2X18V as 61558-2-4 MYRRA EL38 32VA MYRRA 44200 44201 PDF


    Abstract: TDA4421 TDA4400 4420 LA 4420 tda 4420 tda power amplifier circuit diagram tda 136 4421 tda 4400
    Text: TDA 4420 • TDA 4421 'W Monolithisch Integrierte Schaltung Monolithic Integrated Circuit Anwendungen: Bild-ZF- und AFC-Schaltung fü r Farb- und Schwarz-W eiß-Fernsehem pfänger TDA 4420 bei PNP-Tunern TDA 4421 bei NPN-Tunern Applications: Video-IF- and AFC circu it lo r co lo u r and m onochrom e television receivers.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 100-C PU3120 PU3220 PU4220 PU4420 PU4520 Scans-0013919
    Text: Power Transistor Arrays PU 3120, P U 4120, P U 4420 PU3120, PU4120, PU4420 • P a c k a g e D im e n s io n s Silicon NPN Triple-Diffused Planar Darlington Type PU3120 P o w e r A m p lifie r, S w itc h in g C o m p le m e n ta ry P a ir w ith P U 3 2 2 0 , P U 4 2 2 0 , P U 4 52 0

    OCR Scan
    PU3120, PU4120, PU4420 PU3220, PU4220, PU4520 PU3120: PU4120 100-C PU3120 PU3220 PU4220 PU4420 PU4520 Scans-0013919 PDF


    Abstract: ECH 42 47 vfk PHILIPS ECH42 EAF42 ks philips EAP42 33 vfk Philips KS 40 yb 939
    Text: PHILIPS ECH42 TRIODE-HEXODE for use as frequency changer and phase inverter TRIODE-HEXODE pour l'utilisation comme changeuse de fréquence et comme tube inverseur de phase TRIODE-HEXODE zur Verwendung als Mischröhre und Pha­ senumkehrröhre Heating: indirect by A.C. or D.C.;

    OCR Scan
    jnax22v ECH42 ECH42 ECH 42 47 vfk PHILIPS ECH42 EAF42 ks philips EAP42 33 vfk Philips KS 40 yb 939 PDF

    rgk 20

    Abstract: gbr relais GBR111 rgk 20/1 Relais RGI RGI GBR 7 elektronik DDR rgk grossbreitenbach tgl 200-3796 rgk 30
    Text: NEUTRALE ELEKTROMAGNETISCHE RELAIS DER INFO RM ATIO N STEC H NIK I R I M Ì V IB RELAISTECHNIK GROSSBREITENBACH • ILMENAU M it dem vo rlie g e n d e n K atalog hoffen wir einem h ä u fig an uns h e ra n g e tra g e n e n Wunsch gerecht zu w erden, indem w ir ein e

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: LTB190E1-L01 LTB150X1-L01 LTN190W1 LTS190QC LTA150XH-L06 LTN150XG LTB190E2-L02 LTM190M2 LTA400WT
    Text: NORTH AMERICA SA M S U N G SEM ICO N D UCTO R IN C. 3655 North First Street, S a n Jo s e . CA 9515*. U SA T E L : 1-4C8-544-4816/ FAX: 1-408-544-4941 EUROPE SA M S U N G SEM ICO N D UCTO R EU RO PE GM BH Sam sung Haus, A m Kronberger Hang 6. 65824, S ch w alb ach /T s, Germ any

    OCR Scan
    1-4C6-544-4816/FAX: 44-208-3807200/FAX LTA400HT LTB190E1-L01 LTB150X1-L01 LTN190W1 LTS190QC LTA150XH-L06 LTN150XG LTB190E2-L02 LTM190M2 LTA400WT PDF


    Abstract: 32442 tgl gbr ddr veb tic relay der ddr TGL32442 GBR 10.1 Scans-048 EARTH LEAKAGE RELAY
    Text: Electro-magnetic Relays of the Information-technics Relay GBR 111 The relays GBR 111 a cco rd in g to TGL 32442 are cla ssifie d as beak relays on a cco u n t o f th e ir structure. The in te rn a tio ­ n a l d e sig n a tio n is C rystal-C an relay. They have a m etal

    OCR Scan
    The0-0057 DDR-1026 GBR111 32442 tgl gbr ddr veb tic relay der ddr TGL32442 GBR 10.1 Scans-048 EARTH LEAKAGE RELAY PDF