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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: integrated Magnetics jack integrated magnetics & LEDs 10/100 Base T & 1000 base T MtJ Series Introduction: Adam Tech MTJ series RJ-45 connectors with integrated magnetics are designed to support Base 10, 100 and 1000-T applications such as hubs, routers, ADSL modems, and ATM

    RJ-45 1000-T 1000pF MX41000 PDF


    Abstract: transfor 30MHZ standard RJ45 plug dimension drawing s tech rj45 usb jack p10 type 44-45 MTJ-DUSB-88JX1-FS-PG-LL-M1 MX41000
    Text: INTEGRATEd MAGNETICs JACk INTegRATed mAgNeTIcS & leds 10/100 BASe T & 1000 BASe T Adam Technologies, Inc. mTJ SeRIeS INTRODUCTION: Adam Tech MTJ series RJ-45 connectors with integrated magnetics are designed to support Base 10, 100 and 1000-T applications such as hubs, routers, ADSL modems, and ATM

    RJ-45 1000-T 1000pF 1000p MX41000 MTJ-88CX1-FSP-PG-LG-M3 transfor 30MHZ standard RJ45 plug dimension drawing s tech rj45 usb jack p10 type 44-45 MTJ-DUSB-88JX1-FS-PG-LL-M1 MX41000 PDF

    TIA RJ45 plug dimension drawing

    Abstract: RJ 45 8p8c MTJ-889X1 RJ-45 8P8C fsp 235 RJ45 8P8C PCB JACK Y091 RJ45 Jack low profile with led MTJ-88CX1-FSP-PG-LG-M3 MTJG-4-88ARX1-FSM-PG-LG
    Text: MODULAR JACKS MTJ SERIES Introduction: Adam Tech MTJ series Modular Jacks are a complete line of PCB and wire leaded jacks which are UL and CSA approved and meet all required FCC rules and regulations. Adam Tech offers a multitude of sizes 4P2C thru 10P10C with styles including single, ganged and

    10P10C) MTJG-8-88JX1-FSE-LD-M1 TIA RJ45 plug dimension drawing RJ 45 8p8c MTJ-889X1 RJ-45 8P8C fsp 235 RJ45 8P8C PCB JACK Y091 RJ45 Jack low profile with led MTJ-88CX1-FSP-PG-LG-M3 MTJG-4-88ARX1-FSM-PG-LG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODULAR JACKS MTJ SERIES Introduction: Adam Tech MTJ series Modular Jacks are a complete line of PCB and wire leaded jacks which are UL and CSA approved and meet all required FCC rules and regulations. Adam Tech offers a multitude of sizes 4P2C thru 10P10C with styles including single, ganged and


    RJ 45 8p8c

    Abstract: 10P10C 4P4C handset 616E 4P4C modular jack surface mount shielded dual stacked 88AR 6P6C PLUG fsg 620 4P2C 4P4C plug to USB
    Text: MOdulAR JACks mTJ SeRIeS Adam Technologies, Inc. INTRODUCTION: Adam Tech MTJ series Modular Jacks are a complete line of PCB and wire leaded jacks which are UL and CSA approved and meet all required FCC rules and regulations. Adam Tech offers a multitude of

    10p10c) MTJC-88XIV MTJC-88-XBS MTJC-88XB-S RJ 45 8p8c 10P10C 4P4C handset 616E 4P4C modular jack surface mount shielded dual stacked 88AR 6P6C PLUG fsg 620 4P2C 4P4C plug to USB PDF


    Abstract: AN7260 AN9321 AN9322 RFF70N06 RFG70N06
    Text: RFF70N06 Data Sheet March 1999 25A, 60V, 0.025 Ohm, N-Channel Power MOSFET File Number 4073.2 Features • 25A†, 60V The RFF70N06 N-Channel power MOSFET is manufactured using the MegaFET process. This process, which uses feature sizes approaching those of LSI circuits gives

    RFF70N06 RFF70N06 MIL-S-19500. AN7254 AN7260 AN9321 AN9322 RFG70N06 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 1P SOT23 NPN pnp MATCHED PAIRS PNP 5GHz transistor pnp 3015 HFA3134 HFA3134IH96 HFA3135 HFA3135IH96 H05 SOT23 5
    Text: HFA3134, HFA3135 Data Sheet February 1998 Ultra High Frequency Matched Pair Transistors File Number 4445 Features • NPN Transistor fT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.5GHz The HFA3134 and HFA3135 are Ultra High Frequency Transistor pairs that are fabricated with Intersil Corporation’s

    HFA3134, HFA3135 HFA3134 HFA3135 TRANSISTOR SOT23, Vbe 8V TRANSISTOR 1P SOT23 NPN pnp MATCHED PAIRS PNP 5GHz transistor pnp 3015 HFA3134IH96 HFA3135IH96 H05 SOT23 5 PDF

    NPN pnp MATCHED PAIRS array

    Abstract: LA 4451
    Text: HFA3134, HFA3135 Data Sheet February 1998 Ultra High Frequency Matched Pair Transistors [ /Title HFA3 134, HFA31 35 /Subject (Ultra High Frequency Matche d Pair Transistors) /Autho r () /Keywords (Intersil Corporation, semiconductor, two, transistor array,

    HFA3134, HFA3135 HFA31 HFA3134 HFA3135 NPN pnp MATCHED PAIRS array LA 4451 PDF


    Abstract: emetteur video MAX498 MAX4436 MAX4412 MAX4413 MAX4414 MAX4415 MAX4416 MAX463
    Text: VIDEO Fiches techniques 8 ANALOG DESIGN GUIDE • Notes d’applications • Echantillons gratuits me 6è 1 La plus grande matrice de commutation vidéo au monde avec tampons de sortie Cette matrice de commutation 32x16 offre une insertion d’affichage sur écran

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    pt 7313

    Abstract: "mm-wave" dk52
    Text: US Sales Representatives. 9 9 MCE / Weinschel Corporation 3 2 3 1 3 10 4 2 1 2 15 5 2 1 2 5 15 13 12 5 14 13 McNamara Associates, 5936 Busch Drive, Malibu, CA 90265, Tel: 310-457-4478 Express #: 800-542-4457 Fax: 775-261-5235 email: [email protected] 5 1 11


    CCIR 468-2

    Abstract: u 2829 4445 DIP SWITCH 10 PIN U2829 TDA audio power amplifier tda audio amplifier TDA4445 4445a IF5249
    Text: TDA 4445 A-TDA4445 B TTllLlFtLDKlCSSKi electronic C reativ e T ec hn o lo g ie s QUASI PARA LL EL SOUND PR OC ES SI NG WI TH QU AD RA TU RE INTERCARRIER DE MO DU LA TO R T D A 44 45 B ADDITIONAL: AM DE MODULATOR Technology: Bi po la r . Fe atures : o Very high input sensitivity

    OCR Scan
    16-pin TDA4445 53aoos_ 16-leads CCIR 468-2 u 2829 4445 DIP SWITCH 10 PIN U2829 TDA audio power amplifier tda audio amplifier 4445a IF5249 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CONDENSATEURS A USAGE INDUSTRIE!. GENERALITES Technologie et application des condensateurs Eurofarad Les productions Eurofarad repondent aux applications les plus variees dans les domaines militaires, professionnels et industriels suivant les technologies les mieux adaptees aux

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    matiere1521 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: p o w er assem blies clamps D e vice C lam p s To achieve optimum performance and to ensure safe operation, disc sem iconductor devices require application of the correct clamping force. The correct clamping force for a device can be obtained from datasheets and this

    OCR Scan
    AN4839) 30504A2-0220-165 -165mm -22kN 31081A3-XXXX-XXX 30504A2-0220-165 PDF


    Abstract: 51414X Ge APD
    Text: Lichtwellenleiter Fiber-Optic-Systems Neues Typenbezeichnungsschema New type designations General information transmitter/receiver Transm itter type Type and w avelength range A: Analog application B C D: Digital application E F G H: High power 22mW Receiver

    OCR Scan
    SBL51414x 51414x SBL51414 Ge APD PDF


    Abstract: ee 2020
    Text: of Contents EMI/RFI Suppressors Radial Leaded Series 2020 Series 2534 5 4 6 10 11 12 Series Series Series Series 2727 4445 4554 4564 Series 4669 Series 9405 Series 9406 60 63 61 62 64 64 65 66 66 13 14 15 16 18 17 27 28 29 30 39 22 24 25 26 39 31 32 7 8 33

    OCR Scan
    CM6296 CM6149 CM6350 CM6460 CM6560 CM6594 CM7560 CM9900 P1330 P1812 M1330 ee 2020 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SFH 4445 TRANSCEIVER OPTICAL MODULE P a cka g e D im e n sio n s in mm 04 0 Max E m ilte r [a J C l] D e te c to r V MD ' ' " i [4 ] LD W FEATURES Maximum Ratings * Bidirectional Module with Integrated WDM O u tp u t pow e r ra ting s refer to the SM fib er o utp ut. The o pe ra tin g

    OCR Scan

    bd 9h

    Abstract: 11J11B 17D 1A 24 1623B
    Text: PART NUMBER UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT L C D -H 1001M20TR—D REV, A B co ON ' 7 S. 00 [ 2 .8 3 5 ] 67 .00 [2 . 6 3 8 ] V .A . L 2,00 C0.079] E.C.N. NUMBER AND REVISION COMMENTS E.C.N, #10507. E.C.N. #11148. 2.80 [0.110] MAX. 40 III1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

    OCR Scan
    03NFCENTIAL D65EMNATHN bd 9h 11J11B 17D 1A 24 1623B PDF

    IC str 1229

    Abstract: fairchild 90028 L4W 63
    Text: FAIRCHILD SALES REPRESENTATIVES C A LIFO R N IA CELTEC COMPANY 7380 C lairem ont Mesa Blvd., Suite 109 San Diego, C alifornia 92111 Tel: 714-279-7961 TWX: 910 -33 5-15 12 KANSAS B.C. ELECTRONICS 1015 W est Santa Fe Olathe, Kansas 66061 Tel: 913 -78 2-66 96 TWX: 910 -74 9-64 14

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PERFORMANCE / TEST SPECIFICATIONS Q U A L IT Y Q u a lit y Pro g ram M ilit a r y S p e c ific a t io n s S a m p lin g R e q u ir e m e n t s • C o n n e c to rs P ro c e d u re s a n d Q u a lity A s s u ra n c e C a lib r a t io n T a b le s f o r In s p e c t io n

    OCR Scan
    -B-750/ASTM CA770 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LG Semicon Co.,Ltd. Description The G M M 7361000BSS/SGS is an 1M x 36 bits Dynamic RAM MODULE which is assembled 8 pieces o f 1M x 4bit DRAMs in 20/26 pin SOJ package and 4 pieces of 1M x lb it DRAM s in 20/26 pin SOJ package on both sides the printed circuit board with

    OCR Scan
    GMM7361000BSS/SGS-60/70/80 7361000BSS/SGS GMM7361OOOBSS/SGS 111111m1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: £0 HFA3134, HFA3135 February iggs Ultra High Frequency Matched Pair Transistors Features Description • NPN Transistor f y . 8.5GHz The HFA3134 and HFA3135 are Ultra High Frequency Tran­ sistor pairs that are fabricated with Harris Sem iconductor’s

    OCR Scan
    HFA3134, HFA3135 HFA3134 HFA3135 1-800-4-HARRIS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ jj H S E MA I C OR N DR U C TIS O R HFA3134, HFA3135 " " " • W ■ W " J M mm M ■ W ' U W W Ultra High Frequency Matched Pair Transistors February 1998 Description Features • NPN Transistor f r . 8.5GHz

    OCR Scan
    HFA3134, HFA3135 HFA3134 HFA3135 1-800-4-HARRIS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡2 HARRIS IRFF220/221/222/223 IRFF220R/221R/222R/223R N-Channel Power MOSFETs Avalanche Energy Rated* A u g u s t 1991 F e a tu re s Package TQ-205AF • 3.0 A a n d 3.5 A , 1 5 0V - 2 0 0V • r D S on = ° - 8 n a n d 1 - 2 il • S in g le P ulse A v a la n c h e E n e rg y R a te d *

    OCR Scan
    IRFF220/221/222/223 IRFF220R/221R/222R/223R TQ-205AF IRFF220, IRFF221, IRFF222, IRFF223 IRFF220R, IRFF221R, IRFF222R, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • M3 D5 E7 1 0 0 5 4 15 0 T74 ■ 2 3 H A R R IS HAS IRFF220/221/222/223 IRFF220R/221R/222R/223R N-Channel Power MOSFETs Avalanche Energy Rated* August 1991 Package Features TQ-205AF • 3.0 A a n d 3.5 A , 1 5 0V - 2 0 0V • r D S on = ° - 8 f i an d

    OCR Scan
    IRFF220/221/222/223 IRFF220R/221R/222R/223R TQ-205AF IRFF220, IRFF221, IRFF222, IRFF223 IRFF220R, IRFF221R, IRFF222R, PDF