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    Tempo Communications Inc DS-LD-RJF-BTM

    Test Lead - Rj48 (F) To Dual Bantam |Tempo Communications DS-LD-RJF-BTM
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Newark DS-LD-RJF-BTM Bulk 1
    • 1 $99.69
    • 10 $92.6
    • 100 $80.46
    • 1000 $80.46
    • 10000 $80.46
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    Amphenol Corporation 225-100J-52S

    RF Connectors / Coaxial Connectors RF Connector 2.2-5 StraightPnlSldrJack
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    TTI 225-100J-52S Each 100
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $14.01
    • 1000 $14.01
    • 10000 $14.01
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    LDRB SOT-23

    Abstract: LTC2634-L LTC2602 LTDRZ LTC2634 LTC2634-12 LTC2634C LTC2634H LTC2634-H LTC2634I
    Text: LTC2634 Quad 12-/10-/8-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs with 10ppm/°C Reference FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2634 is a family of quad 12-, 10- and 8-bit voltage output DACs with an integrated, high accuracy, low drift 10ppm/°C reference in 16-lead QFN and 10-lead

    LTC2634 12-/10-/8-Bit 10ppm/ 16-lead 10-lead LTC2634-L LTC2634-H 10ppmge, 10pmm/ LDRB SOT-23 LTC2602 LTDRZ LTC2634 LTC2634-12 LTC2634C LTC2634H LTC2634I PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC2634 Quad 12-/10-/8-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs with 10ppm/°C Reference FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n DESCRIPTION Integrated Precision Reference 2.5V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C LTC2634-L 4.096V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C (LTC2634-H) Maximum INL Error: ±2.5 LSB (LTC2634-12)

    LTC2634 12-/10-/8-Bit 10ppm/Â LTC2634-L) LTC2634-H) LTC2634-12) 75mVP-P 200KHz PDF


    Abstract: ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltls e3 Weston 2281 thermometer LT3060ITS8 Transistor SR 6863 TO-126 LTC3855EUH-1 LTPG e3 5Dx diode SMD LTABA
    Text: November 2009 Product Selection Guide Amplifiers Data Converters Linear Regulators Switching Regulators µModule DC/DC Converters Battery Chargers LED Drivers Hot Swap Interface Filters RF/Wireless Silicon Oscillators Comparators Supervisory Circuits References

    D-59387 D-73230 1-800-4-LINEAR SMD LTYN ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltls e3 Weston 2281 thermometer LT3060ITS8 Transistor SR 6863 TO-126 LTC3855EUH-1 LTPG e3 5Dx diode SMD LTABA PDF


    Abstract: LTC2634-L LTC2634-LZ12 LDRB SOT-23 LTC2634 LTC2634-12 LTC2634C LTC2634H LTC2634-H LTC2634I
    Text: LTC2634 Quad 12-/10-/8-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs with 10ppm/°C Reference FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2634 is a family of quad 12-, 10- and 8-bit voltage output DACs with an integrated, high accuracy, low drift 10ppm/°C reference in 16-lead QFN and 10-lead

    LTC2634 12-/10-/8-Bit 10ppm/ 16-lead 10-lead LTC2634-L LTC2634-H 10ppmpm/ LTC2636 LTDRZ LTC2634-LZ12 LDRB SOT-23 LTC2634 LTC2634-12 LTC2634C LTC2634H LTC2634I PDF


    Abstract: LTC2634C LTC2634H LTC2634-H LTC2634I LTC2634-L LTC2634-LZ12 LTC2634-12
    Text: LTC2634 Quad 12-/10-/8-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs with 10ppm/°C Reference Features Description Integrated Precision Reference 2.5V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C LTC2634-L 4.096V Full-Scale 10ppm/°C (LTC2634-H) n Maximum INL Error: ±2.5 LSB (LTC2634-12) n Low Noise: 0.75mV

    LTC2634 12-/10-/8-Bit 10ppm/ LTC2634-L) LTC2634-H) LTC2634-12) 200KHz LTC2634 LTC2634C LTC2634H LTC2634-H LTC2634I LTC2634-L LTC2634-LZ12 LTC2634-12 PDF


    Abstract: LTC2634 LTC2634-12 LTC2634C LTC2634H LTC2634-H LTC2634I LTC2634-L LTC2634-LZ12
    Text: LTC2634 Quad 12-/10-/8-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs with 10ppm/°C Reference FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 2634 is a family of quad 12-, 10- and 8-bit voltage output DACs with an integrated, high accuracy, low drift 10ppm/°C reference in 16-lead QFN and 10-lead

    LTC2634 12-/10-/8-Bit 10ppm/ 16-lead 10-lead LTC2634-L LTC2634-H 10ppmpm/ LTC2636 LTDRZ LTC2634 LTC2634-12 LTC2634C LTC2634H LTC2634I LTC2634-LZ12 PDF


    Abstract: ITMC2220 TMC2220 TMC2221 2220H8C marking AJ 7 marking AJ marking BOJ
    Text: TMC2220/TMC2221 7 # ? ìV C M O S Programmable Digital Output Correlators 4x 32 Bit, 20MHz 1 x 128 Bit, 20MHz The TM C 2220 20MHz, TTL compatible CMOS correlator is composed of four separate 1 x 32 correlator modules. The correlation scores of the four modules are weighted,

    OCR Scan
    TMC2220/TMC2221 20MHz 20MHz TMC2220 20MHz, 32-bit 2221B6C LDRJ ITMC2220 TMC2221 2220H8C marking AJ 7 marking AJ marking BOJ PDF


    Abstract: 2220H8C bz ae1 MARK A03 TMC2220 TMC2221 radar digital correlator
    Text: FAIRCHILD MlC O N D U C T O R T M C 2 2 2 0 / T M C 2 2 2 1 CMOS P ro g ra m m a b le Digital Output C orrelators 4 x 32 B i t , 20 M H z ; 1 x 1 28 Bi t 20 M H z .Features 20 M H z continuous correlation rate Fully program m able m asking

    OCR Scan
    TMC2220/TMC2221 TMC2220) TMC2220 68-pin 69-pin TMC2221 28-pin DS30002220 correlator 2220H8C bz ae1 MARK A03 radar digital correlator PDF

    xnor fairchild semiconductor ic

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M IC O N D U C T O R w w w .fa irc h ild s e m i.c o m tm TMC2220/TMC2221 CMOS Pr ogr ammabl e Digital Output Correl at or s 4 x 32 Bit, 20 MHz; 1 x 128 Bit 20 MHz .Features Applications • 20 MHz continuous correlation rate • Fully programmable masking

    OCR Scan
    TMC2220/TMC2221 TMC2220) TMC2220 68-pin 69-pin TMC2221 28-pin DS30002220 xnor fairchild semiconductor ic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F A I R C H I L D M lC O N D U C T O R T M C 2 2 2 0 /T M C 2 2 2 1 CMOS P ro g ra m m a b le Digital O utput C orre la to rs 4 x 32 Bi t , 20 MH z ; 1 x 128 Bi t 20 M H z Features 20 MHz continuous correlation rate Fully programmable masking

    OCR Scan
    TMC2220) TMC2220 69-pin TMC2221 28-pin 2220G8C1 PDF


    Abstract: c2221
    Text: TMC2220/TMC2221 7V 7 CMOS Programmable Digital Output Correlators 4 x 3 2 Bit, 2 0 M H z 1 x 128 Bit, 2 0 M H z The TM C 22 20 20M Hz, TTL compatible CM O S is composed of four separate 1 x 32 correlator The correlation scores of the four modules are combined and output on two separate parallel,

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    TMC2220/TMC2221 32-bit BX315 c2221 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division TMC2220/TMC2221 CMOS Pr ogr ammabl e Digital Output Correl at or s 4 x 32 Bit, 20 MHz; 1 x 128 Bit 20 MHz Features Applications • 20 MHz continuous correlation rate • Fully programmable masking • Two's complement or unsigned magnitude correlation

    OCR Scan
    TMC2220/TMC2221 TMC2220) TMC2220 68-pin 69-pin TMC2221 28-pin DS70002220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TRww TMC2220/TMC2221 CMOS Programmable Digital Output Correlators 4 x 3 2 Bit, 20MHz 1 x 128 Bit, 20MHz The TM C 2220 20M H z, TTL com patible CMOS is composed of four separate 1 x 32 correlator The correlation scores of the four modules are com bined and output on tw o separate parallel,

    OCR Scan
    TMC2220/TMC2221 20MHz 2220G8C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division TM C2220/TM C2221 CMOS Program m able D igital O utput C orrelators 4 x 3 2 Bit, 20 M H z; 1 x 128 B it 20 M H z Features • 20 M H z c o n tin u o u s co rrelatio n rate BROADCAST VIDEO Applications Signal detection

    OCR Scan
    C2220/TM C2221 0TMC2220G8V1 MIL-STD-883, 20MHz 2220G8V1 TMC2220H8C 17MHz 2220H8C TMC2220H8C1 PDF