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    LE MARKING Search Results

    LE MARKING Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    5962-8950303GC Rochester Electronics LLC ICM7555M - Dual Marked (ICM7555MTV/883) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    54HC221AJ/883C Rochester Electronics LLC 54HC221AJ/883C - Dual marked (5962-8780502EA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    MG8097/B Rochester Electronics LLC 8097 - Math Coprocessor - Dual marked (8506301ZA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    5490/BCA Rochester Electronics LLC 5490 - Decade Counter - Dual marked (M38510/01307BCA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    5405/BCA Rochester Electronics LLC 5405 - Gate - Dual marked (M38510/00108BCA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

    LE MARKING Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lB b o o b d o b o b B ISIEIOEIEIEIEIEIEIEIEI OE1IÄ1E1E1IÄ11S11Ä1E1E1IÄ1 E lE lO E llS lE lE lE lE lE lE l E]E1E]E1E]IS1E1E1E1E1IS1 E1E1I3E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1 S lE lE lE lO E lE lE lE lE lE lr H EIEIEIEIEIEIEIEIEIE]' HEIEIEIEIEIEIKIEIEIE] 51E1E1IÄ1E1E1E1E1IÄ1IÄ1E1ä ][ä ][ä

    OCR Scan
    51E1E1I 11S11 2AM154PL0 QWIF073A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5V/3.3V 1:9 DIFFERENTIAL CLOCK DRIVER w/ENABLE Micrel, Inc. Precision Edge SY10E111AE/LE Precision Edge® SY100E111AE/LE SY10E111AE/LE SY100E111AE/LE FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 5V and 3.3V power supply options 200ps part-to-part skew

    SY10E111AE/LE SY100E111AE/LE 200ps MC10/100E111 28-pin SY10/100E111AE/LE 100E111AE/LE SY10/100E111, SY10E111AEJY-TR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5V/3.3V 1:9 DIFFERENTIAL CLOCK DRIVER w/ENABLE Micrel, Inc. Precision Edge SY10E111AE/LE Precision Edge® SY100E111AE/LE SY10E111AE/LE SY100E111AE/LE FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 5V and 3.3V power supply options 200ps part-to-part skew

    SY10E111AE/LE SY100E111AE/LE 200ps MC10/100E111 28-pin SY10/100E111AE/LE 100E111AE/LE SY10/100E111, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: wdu« WDU 16N Feed Through Terminals O <g> wdu35 WDU 35N q I> * S in g le Lev el S in g le Lev el - - A W o S in g le L e v e l Jl / S in g le L e v e l Terminal Block Selection Data Available Options Version Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Beige Wemid

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 F o r icke d ire k t to le r a n s s a tta m it t R ev Change ord er Change: A = A dd ed W = W as D = D e le te d C = Changed D a te Sign ga lle r to le ra n s k la s s Ge ne ral tolera n c es if n o t o th e r­ L A S E R M A R K N I N G / L A S E R MARKING:

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 27C64MQB
    Text: O THOMSON COMPOSANTS MILITAIRES ET SPATIAUX_ 27C64 CMOS 65, 536 BIT 8192 x 8 UV ERASABLE PROM MEMORY DESCRIPTION Th e 27C 64 is a h ig h -s p e e d 6 4 K U V e ra s a b le and e le c tric a lly rep ro g ram m a b le EPR O M id e a lly suited

    OCR Scan
    27C64 32-pad 90113-OOx 90113-OOx 27C64MQ25 27C64MQ30 27C64MEQ25 27C64MQB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 For icke direkt to le ra n ssa tta m itt Rev Change order Change: A = Added W = W as D = Deleted C = Changed Date Sign galler to le ra n skla ss LASERMARKNING/LASER MARKING: General tolerances if not other­ wise stated NOM DIM MM From To 1 6 A TOL C L A S S

    OCR Scan

    clarostat cm POTENTIOMETER

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Typö G Hot-Molded Panel Potentiometers Features- Benefits • Iffu w a rs io tt S c a le d ■ W a s h a b le . ■ Linear and Non-Linear Tapers . ■ S tyle RV6 .

    OCR Scan
    MIL-R-94 clarostat cm POTENTIOMETER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R EV ISIO N S LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-OA A Page 8 , term in al co nn ectio n , change to ta b le form. E d it o r ia l changes throughout document. Changed CAGE code to 67268. Add fig u re 4 to draw ing. Added subgroup 8 to ta b le I I . Add VC£ to 1 .4 . T ech n ical changes to ta b le I .

    OCR Scan
    5962-8756201EX 10H560/BEAJC 5962-8756201FX 10H560/BFAJC 5962-87562012X 10H560M/B2AJC E-11592 PDF


    Abstract: 363P 2 mm sq. Trimmer
    Text: S e r ie s 363 E le c tric a l S p e c if ic a t io n s S e rie s 363 3/8 in. sq, .5 Watt per MIL-R-22097 where para, is noted S ing le -tu rn , S e a le d , C e rm e t T rim m e r Resistance Range 10Q thru 2 megohms Resistance Tolerance iM mm (±io% H Power Rating

    OCR Scan
    MIL-R-22097 363-M-200K 363M 363P 2 mm sq. Trimmer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Cozv -profite t 2l CO M PA TIBLE 4-BIT PROGRAMMABLE -LOGIC .DELAY LINE # T 2 L in p u t and o utp u t # D elays s ta b le and p recise # 2 4 -p in D IP p a c ka g e J ji# L ead s - th ru -h o le , J, G ull W in g o r T u cked # A v a ila b le in d elays up to 1509ns

    OCR Scan
    1509ns 100ns C/111092 PFLDL-TTL-9-2 PDF


    Abstract: FDD8780 equivalent FDU8780
    Text: LE A REE I DF M ENTATIO LE N MP FDD8780/FDU8780 N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 25V, 35A, 8.5mΩ General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM

    FDD8780/FDU8780 FDD8780/FDU8780 FDD8780 FDD8780 equivalent FDU8780 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CONDENSATEURS CHIPS CERAMIQUE CLASSE 1 CERAMIC CHIP CAPACITORS CLASS 1 CONTROLE DE QUALITE QUALITY CONTROL Le contrôle de qualité, détaillé dans le tableau 10 ci-après, est effectué en conformité avec la norme CECC 32100, essais des groupes A et B. Cette



    Abstract: FDU8780
    Text: LE A REE I DF M ENTATIO LE N MP FDD8780/FDU8780 N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET 25V, 35A, 8.5mΩ General Description Features This N-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM

    FDD8780/FDU8780 fdd8780 FDU8780 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Thto document le the property of Amphenol Corporation end b delivered on the express condition that It le not to be dlBdoeed, reproduced or used, in whole or in part, for manufacture or eale by anyone other than Amphenol Corporation without Its prior concert, It that no right is granted to disclose

    OCR Scan
    16/ZS/0t L77TWB17 PDF

    marking 535 14pin

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: low profite t 2l C O M PA T IB L E 3-BIT PROGRAMMABLE JH 3T LOGIC DELAY LINE T 2 L In p u t and o u tp u t D elay s s ta b le a n d p recise # -iis* 14-p ln D IP p a c ka g e L ead s - th ru -h o le , J, G ull W in g o r T u ck ed # A v a ila b le in d e la y s up to 3 55 n s

    OCR Scan
    L-TTL-5-12 L-TTL-5-13 L-TTL-5-14 L-TTL-5-15 L-TTL-5-20 L-TTL-5-25 L-TTL-5-30 L-TTL-5-35 L-TTL-5-40 L-TTL-5-45 marking 535 14pin PDF


    Abstract: 74AUP1G373GF 74AUP1G373GM 74AUP1G373GW
    Text: 74AUP1G373 Low-power D-type transparent latch; 3-state Rev. 4 — 15 July 2010 Product data sheet 1. General description The 74AUP1G373 provides the single D-type transparent latch with 3-state output. While the latch-enable LE input is high, the Q output follows the data (D) input. When pin LE is

    74AUP1G373 74AUP1G373 74AUP1G373GF 74AUP1G373GM 74AUP1G373GW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A. 3 4 This document le the property of Amphenol Corporation and To delivered on the exprese condition that it le not to be dtecleeed, reproduced or used. In whole or in port, for manufacture or tale by anyone other than Amphenol Corporation without Its prior concert, * that no right la granted to dieeloBe

    OCR Scan
    75/30/D L17HTNXP4R2C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN NN01Z Z10Q Q Logic Le evel N-Ch Po ower MOSFE ET L Logic Le evel Ga ate Drive App plicatio on Fe eatures • Logic levell gate drive e • Max. RDS ONN = 0.24Ω at VGS = 10V, ID = 0.5A • Low RDS(on) provides hiigher efficie ency • ESD proteccted: 2000V

    NN01Z OT-223 SNN01Z SNN01Z10 SNN01 1Z10Q 24-NOV-11 KSD-T5A011-000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN NN01Z Z60Q Q Logic Le evel N-Ch Po ower MOSFE ET L Logic Le evel Ga ate Drive App plicatio on Fe eatures • Logic levell gate drive e • Max. RDS ONN = 135mΩ at a VGS = 10V V, ID = 0.5A • Low RDS(on) provides hiigher efficie ency • ESD proteccted: 1000V

    NN01Z OT-223 SNN01Z SNN01Z6 01Z60 24-SEP-12 KSD-T5A014-000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Z-Power LE DX10490 Technical Data Sheet Spe cifica t ion AW T8 0 1 - S Drawn Approval Approval Re v. 0 3 N ove m be r 2 0 0 9 w w w .a cr iche .com SSC-QP-7-07-24 Rev.00 Z-Power LE DX10490 Technical Data Sheet CON TEN TS 1. Description 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings

    X10490 SSC-QP-7-07-24 AWT801-S STD883D 100pF PDF

    2.1 ch power 1000w amplifier

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UC CAPACITORS CHIP MICA CAPACITORS • S O S H IN has b e en m a n u fa c tu rin g m ica d ie le ctric c ap a c ito rs since 1938 and is one o f the p ro g ressiv e le a d ers o f the in d u stry to d ay . A d v an ced re sea rc h an d im p ro v ed te c h n iq u es has led to the d e v elo p m en t o f a h ig h ly re lia b le chip

    OCR Scan
    1200pF 2.1 ch power 1000w amplifier PDF


    Abstract: 3099P-1-500 potentiometer dual 3099P-1-102 3099P-1-203 3099P 3099P-1-205 3099P-1-502 trimpot 100 ohm 3099P-1-504
    Text: TRIMPOT A D JU S T M E N T POTENTIOMETER Model 3099 In-Line P otentiom eter C erm et Element 3A " Long FEATURES Actual Size • Stan d ard D IP size TO-116 . • C om p atib le with D IP autom atic insertion equipm ent. • Se a le d to m eet M IL-R -22097 im m ersion

    OCR Scan
    5M/8780/5 3099P-1-100 3099P-1-103 3099P-1-200 3099P-1-203 3099P-1-500 3099P-1-503 3099P-1-101 3099P-1-104 3099P-1-201 3099P-1-103 potentiometer dual 3099P-1-102 3099P-1-203 3099P 3099P-1-205 3099P-1-502 trimpot 100 ohm 3099P-1-504 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CONTACT ARRANGEMENT NOTES: MATERIA! : A1 \HOUSING: THERMOPLASTIC GLASS—FILLED, taaiODDODDODDODODOODDODDOd z E ][£ ]|£ ll£ ]|£ lE ][ç ] [£ ] | ç ]| ü ] |ç ] |ü ] [ ç ] |ç ] |ç ] | ü ]| ç ] [ S S l£ ll£ ] | £ lE ] [ £ ] |£ ] • H E IS IS H E E] E] E] IS E IS E] IS IS IS IS E] BIS IS HIB E] IS b

    OCR Scan
    10E0I0I 100B001 1BSB101 100S PDF