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    LEG 037 64 Search Results

    LEG 037 64 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MTA, CST-100 II, SL-156 and AMP Economy Power EP Connectors MTA-100 Friction Lock Headers—Straight and Right-Angle Material and Finish Straight Post (.025 [0.64] Square) MTA-100 .100 [2.54] Housing — UL94V-0 rated, polyester, white Posts — Copper alloy, tin plated,

    CST-100 SL-156 MTA-100 MTA-100 UL94V-0 UL94V-0, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MTA, CST-100 II, SL-156 and AMP Economy Power EP Connectors MTA-100 Polarized Headers—Straight and Right-Angle Material and Finish Straight Post (.025 [0.64] Square) Housing — UL94V-0 rated, polyester, white Posts — Copper alloy, tin plated, .000030 [0.00076] or .000015

    CST-100 SL-156 MTA-100 UL94V-0 UL94V-0, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MTA, CST-100 II, SL-156 and AMP Economy Power EP Connectors MTA-100 Narrow Flat Headers—Straight and Right-Angle Material and Finish Straight Post (.025 [0.64] Square) Right-Angle Post (.025 [0.64] Square) Housing — UL94V-0 rated, polyester, white Posts — Copper alloy, tin plated,

    CST-100 SL-156 MTA-100 UL94V-0 MTA-100 UL94V-0, PDF


    Abstract: c25f
    Text: MBS2 - MBS10 Single Phase 0.8 AMPS. Glass Passivated Bridge Rectifiers MBS .193 4.90 .177(4.50) .033(0.84) Features .022(0.56) .157(4.00) .142(3.60) UL Recognized File # E-96005 Ideal for printed circuit board Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded

    MBS10 E-96005 MIL-STD-202 50mVp-p 300ms MBS10 c25f PDF


    Abstract: RMB2S
    Text: RMB2S - RMB6S 0.8Amps Miniature Glass Passivated Fast Recovery Surface Mount Bridge Rectifiers MBS .193 4.90 .177(4.50) .033(0.84) Features .022(0.56) Ideal for printed circuit board Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic technique High surge current capability

    MIL-STD-202 50mVp-p 50Vdc RMB6S RMB2S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCC TM Micro Commercial Components MBR30150FCT   omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth    !"# $ %    !"#  Features 30 Amp • • • • Low Power Loss, High Efficiency Guardring for overvoltage protection

    MBR30150FCT ITO-220AB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SBL1630CT AND SBL1640CT SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER VOLTAGE RA N G E - 30 and 40 Volts C U R R E N T -16.0 Amperes FEATURES TO -220A B 190 4.83 .160(4.06) . .055(1.40) 1 .045(1.14) j4 S (3(3.68) .l .380(9.65)rVL/.145 .150 (3.81) ,130 (3.30) m .640 (16.26) .620(15.75)

    OCR Scan
    SBL1630CT SBL1640CT -220A 300ns ESAD82-004 PDF

    IFR 640

    Abstract: MBR20S0CT
    Text: MBR2050CT AND MBR2060CT SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER VOLTA GE RANGE - 50 and 60 Volts CURRENT - 20.0 Amperes FEATURES TO-22QAB .IS O 4.83 .1 60 (4.0 6 ) . .055 (1.4 0 ) .045 (1.1 4 ) & IjS U iA S i. .640 (16.26) .620(15.75) . 150 (3.81) .130 (3.30) .600(15.24) .575(14.61)

    OCR Scan
    MBR2050CT MBR2060CT O-22QAB IFR 640 MBR20S0CT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MTA, C ST-100 II, S L -1 5 6 and A M P Econom y Power EP Connectors tijca Electronics AMP M TA-100 Friction Lock H eaders— Straight and Right-Angle Material and Finish Straight Post (.025 [0.64] Square) Right-Angle Post (.025 [0.64] Square) Housing — U L 9 4V -0 rated, polyester,

    OCR Scan
    ST-100 TA-100 UL94V-0, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MTA, CST-100 II, SL-156 and AM P Economy Power EP Connectors tifca Electronics AMP MTA-100 Polarized Headers— Straight and Right-Angle Material and Finish Straight Post (.025 [0.64] Square) Housing— UL94V-0 rated, polyester, white Posts— Copper alloy, tin plated,

    OCR Scan
    T-100 MTA-100 UL94V-0, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: u fliú iu y l o u i j i j Issued 9-99 MTA-100 Connectors C ontinued Friction Lock Headers — Straight and Right Angle Material and Finish: Straight Post (0.64 [.025] Square) Right Angle Post (0.64 [.025] Square) Housing — UL94V-0 rated, polyester, white

    OCR Scan
    MTA-100 UL94V-0 1-64112S-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Catalog 1307515 Issued 9-99 MTA-100 Connectors Continued Polarized Headers — Straight and Right Angle M aterial and Fin ish : Housing — UL94V-0 rated, polyester, white Posts — Copper alloy, tin plated, 0.00076 [.000030] or 0.00038 [.000015] gold over nickel

    OCR Scan
    MTA-100 UL94V-0 PDF


    Abstract: 82CNQ030 FST8230
    Text: F- rWKh A N, 2-PLC Sr P 1 2 Ô 3 Ô Dim. Inches Ò 1 2 3 Common Cathode A C E F G H J K L M N P H <A>h 1 2 3 A=Common Anode M— 3 PINS eq sp at .200 — Ki i4c>h ci " 1 2 3 D=Doubler i~ l Millimeter Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Notes 1.180 .027 .350

    OCR Scan
    FST8230* 82CNQ030, 2X40 82CNQ030 FST8230 PDF


    Abstract: FST8230SM
    Text: Schottky MiniMod FST8230SM H>H<h Dim. Inches 1 2 3 Common Cathode M, T K 3 PINS eq sp at A C E F G H J K L M rKhrWi L^l 1 2 3 A=Common Anode .200 H _L H TTT 1 2 3 D=Doubler M illim eter Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Notes .765 .027 .340 .650 .065 .215 .110

    OCR Scan
    FST8230SM FST8230SM* 2X40 FST8230SM PDF


    Abstract: 80CNQ035 80CNQ040 80CNQ045 84CNQ035 84CNQ040 84CNQ045 FST8130 FST8135 FST8140
    Text: Schottky MiniMod FST8130 - FST8145 FA H >A <h N 2-P LC S Dim. Inches Ô o 1 2 3 Common Cathode E L Ô Ô Ô 1 2 3 A=Common Anode M— 3 PINS eq sp at .200 — I“ rwît>h ' 1 2 3 D=Doubler f i Millimeter Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Notes A C E F G

    OCR Scan
    FST8130 FST8145 84CN0045 80CNQ035 80CNQ040 80CNQ045 84CNQ035 84CNQ040 84CNQ045 FST8135 FST8140 PDF


    Abstract: FST8515
    Text: 80 Amp Schottky OR’ing Rectifier FST8515 o •F A- Dim. Inches N 2 -P L C S - Ô Ô Ô 1 2 3 Common Cathode P, o ô ô ô 1 2 3 A=Common Anode M— o 3 PINS eq sp at .200 — l~ i ^ ô ô ô 1 2 3 D=Doubler " i~ l A C E F G H J K L M N P M illim eter Minimum

    OCR Scan
    FST8515 FST8515* 85CNQ015 FST8515 PDF


    Abstract: FST8515
    Text: 80 Amp Schottky OR’ing Rectifier FST8515 •F A b N 2-P LC S L [W - H > h c> ( d!7> c » A=Common Anode 1 1 1 1U1a 1 ^ a a U 1 j I — L 1 1 Millimeter Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Notes Common Cathode 3 PINS eq sp at .200 H N Ci1 1 r Dim. Inches

    OCR Scan
    FST8515 FST8515* 85CNQ015, 85CNQ015 FST8515 PDF


    Abstract: 2X40 FST8230SM
    Text: Schottky Min¡Mod FST8230SM -A 1 -A 2 - - K - f L tí m " W M -J f— & SM3 SM1 I SM 4 M r ¥ W ~Pm > & SM5 TYP. PIN CONñGURATION TYP. PIN CONFIGURATION FOR SM1. SM3. tc SM5 FOR SM2. SM4. tc SM6 Microsemi Catalog Number Ô Ô Ô 1 2 3 A=Common Anode <Se S M 2

    OCR Scan
    FST8230SM 14T-D qc25c 2X40 FST8230SM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C a ta lo g 1 3 0 7 5 1 5 Issued 9-99 M TA-100 Connectors Continued Friction Lock Headers — Straight and Right Angle Straight Post (0 .6 4 [.0 2 5 ] Square) M aterial and Fin ish : Right An gle Post (0 .6 4 [.0 2 5 ] Square) Ho u sin g — UL94V-0 rated, polyester,

    OCR Scan
    TA-100 UL94V-0 T-100 2-640456-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A I V I P Catalog 1307612 MTA-100 Headers Revised 7-01 P o la riz e d H e a d e rs — S tra ig h t a n d R ig h t-A n g le Material and Finish: Straight Post .025 [0.64] Square Housing — UL94V-0 rated, polyester, Right-Angle Post (.025 [0.64] Square)

    OCR Scan
    MTA-100 UL94V-0 UL94V-0, PDF

    BYV 35

    Abstract: 9YV32-50
    Text: BYV32-50 THRU BYV32-200 FAST EFFICIENT GLASS PASSIVATED RECTIFIER Voltage 50 to 150 Volts - Current - 18.0 Amperes FEATURES TO-22QAB ♦ Dual rectifier construction, positive centertap ♦ Plastic package has Underwriters Laboratory Flammability Classification 9 4 V -0

    OCR Scan
    BYV32-50 BYV32-200 O-22QAB BYV 35 9YV32-50 PDF

    94v0 c29

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MBR2550CT AND MBR2560CT SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER VOLTAGE RANGE - 50 and 60 Volts CURRENT - 30 Amperes _ _ Plastic package has Underwriters Laboratory Flammability Classific­ ations 94V-0 Metal to silicon rectifier, majority carrier conduction Low power loss, high efficiency'

    OCR Scan
    MBR2550CT MBR2560CT TQ-220AB 94v0 c29 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NP16AT THRU NP16MT HIGH CURRENT PLASTIC SILICON RECTIFIER VOLTAGE - 50 to 1000 Volts CURRENT - 16.0 Ampere FEATURES TO-220CT ♦ The plastic package carries Underwriters Laboratory Flammability Classification 94V-0 •190M-83 .160 4.06) •055(1.48) H4SÜ.TO

    OCR Scan
    NP16AT NP16MT O-220CT 190M-83) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TSC EE MBR1535CT THRU MBR1560CT 15.0 AMPS. Schottky Barrier Rectifiers Voltage Range 35 to 60 Volts Current 15.0 Amperes TO-220 Features •$- -v-v■0■> • i- ❖ Plastic m aterial used carries U nderwriters Laboratory C lassifications 94V-0 Metal silicon junction, m ajority carrier conduction

    OCR Scan
    MBR1535CT MBR1560CT O-220 1560C flfl355i GDQ053b PDF