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    LEM HA 400 Search Results

    LEM HA 400 Datasheets Context Search

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    Current transducer HA 400 SU

    Abstract: lem HA 200-SU 300-SU 500-SU lem ha 400 Current transducer HA 200 SU HA200
    Text: IPN = 200 . 500 A Current Transducer HA 200 to 500-SU For the electronic measurement of unipolar DC, AC and pulsed currents, with a galvanic isolation between the primary high power circuit and the secondary (electronic) circuit. Electrical data Type HA 200-SU

    500-SU 200-SU 300-SU 400-SU Current transducer HA 400 SU lem HA 200-SU 300-SU 500-SU lem ha 400 Current transducer HA 200 SU HA200 PDF

    LEM HA 200-SRU

    Abstract: lem HA 200-SRU 400-SRU 500-SRU HA200 300-SRU
    Text: Current Transducer HA 200 to 500-SRU IPN = 200 . 500 A For the electronic measurement of DC, AC and pulsed currents, with a galvanic isolation between the primary high power circuit and the secondary (electronic) circuit. Electrical data Type Primary nominal

    500-SRU 200-SRU 300-SRU 400-SRU 500-SRU LEM HA 200-SRU lem HA 200-SRU 400-SRU HA200 300-SRU PDF


    Abstract: lem HA lem HA 200-sb lem HA 200 sb 300-SB LEM Components HA200
    Text: IPN = 200 . 500 A Current Transducer HA 200 to 500-SB For the electronic measurement of DC, AC and pulsed currents, with a galvanic isolation between the primary high power circuit and the secondary (electronic) circuit. Electrical data Type HA 200-SB HA 300-SB

    500-SB 200-SB 300-SB 400-SB 400-SB lem HA lem HA 200-sb lem HA 200 sb 300-SB LEM Components HA200 PDF

    LEM HA 200-SRI

    Abstract: lem HA 200-SRI LEM Components 300-SRI lem ha 400 HA200
    Text: Current Transducer HA 200 to 500-SRI IPN = 200 . 500 A For the electronic measurement of DC, AC and pulsed currents, with a galvanic isolation between the primary high power circuit and the secondary (electronic) circuit. Electrical data Type HA 200-SRI

    500-SRI 200-SRI 300-SRI 400-SRI LEM HA 200-SRI lem HA 200-SRI LEM Components 300-SRI lem ha 400 HA200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 巻線チップインダクタ WOUND CHIP INDUCTORS LB SERIES OPERATING TEMP. K25VJ105C(製品自己発熱含む) fIncluding self-generated heatg 特長 FEATURES 豊富なラインアップ形状と標準低Rdc、大電流シリーズでお客様の広範囲

    K25VJ105C YLB3218fg3225 YLBMF1608fg YLB3218 YLBMF1608 100AH PDF

    has 50-s lem

    Abstract: has lem HAS 50-S TECHNICAL FILE 5045-04A 94v-0 motor
    Text: Current Transducers HAS 50 to 600-S For the electronic measurement of currents: DC, AC, pulsed, mixed, with a galvanic isolation between the primary circuit high power and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit). IPN = VOUT = 50 . 600 A ±4V Electrical data

    600-S 100-S 200-S 300-S 400-S 500-S 045-04A has 50-s lem has lem HAS 50-S TECHNICAL FILE 5045-04A 94v-0 motor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducers HAS 50 to 600-S For the electronic measurement of currents: DC, AC, pulsed, mixed, with a galvanic isolation between the primary circuit high power and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit). IPN = 50 . 600 A VOUT = ± 4 V Electrical data

    600-S 100-S 200-S 300-S 400-S 500-S 94-V0 PDF

    lem HA

    Abstract: 300-SRID split core
    Text: Current Transducer HT 200 to 500-SRID IPN = 200 . 500 A For the electronic measurement of DC, AC and pulsed currents, with a galvanic isolation between the primary high power circuit and the secondary (electronic) circuit. Electrical data Type HT 200-SRID

    500-SRID 200-SRID 300-SRID 400-SRID lem HA 300-SRID split core PDF


    Abstract: 500-SRID 400-SRID lem HA 300-SRI 300-SRID
    Text: Current Transducer HT 200 to 500-SRID IPN = 200 . 500 A For the electronic measurement of DC, AC and pulsed currents, with a galvanic isolation between the primary high power circuit and the secondary (electronic) circuit. Electrical data Type Primary nominal

    500-SRID 200-SRID 300-SRID 400-SRID 500-SR 500-SRID 400-SRID lem HA 300-SRI 300-SRID PDF

    LEM 3225

    Abstract: LEM Taiyo Yuden JISC0051
    Text: 信号系巻線チップインダクタ WOUND CHIP INDUCTORS FOR SIGNAL LINE LB SERIES M TYPE OPERATING TEMP. K25VJ105C(製品自己発熱含む) fIncluding self-generated heatg 特長 FEATURES YLBM2016(新製品) 下面電極構造を採用により高Q化および狭公差化を実現しました。信号

    K25VJ105C YLBM2016 LEM 3225 LEM Taiyo Yuden JISC0051 PDF

    pwm fa 552

    Abstract: Cmosic pwm 8pin
    Text: S P E C IF IC A T IO N Fuji £l*cts1c Co .ltd. Tn*y *ha!l bt n*lth«r rtproduced, copied, lem. or disc los ta in ai y way w h í l t o í v t r f o r < r > * in t o f i n y Type Namp Spec. No. FA I : 3 8 4 2 P M S 6 NO 3 3 1 a F u ji E l e c t r i c Co . Ltd.

    OCR Scan
    MS6N0331a H04-004-07 DDDL325 MS6N0331a H04-004-03 DGDb333 MS6N033 0G0b334 pwm fa 552 Cmosic pwm 8pin PDF


    Abstract: lem ha400-s lem HA lem module HA500S HA400-S LEM transducer Current transducer HA 400 SU
    Text: LEM CURRENT TRANSDUCERS M odu les H A 400-S B , H A 400-S U , H A 400-S I H A 500-S B , H A 500-S U , H A 500-S I In sta n ta n e o u s O u tp u ts Definition - Principle The LEM type HA400S and HA500S are transducers employing the Hall Effect to measure D.C. and complex

    OCR Scan
    400-S 500-S HA400S HA500S HA400-S HA500-S lem ha400-s lem HA lem module HA400-S LEM transducer Current transducer HA 400 SU PDF

    lem HA

    Abstract: ha500sr lem ha 400 lem module ha HA500-SR lem module LEM transducer lem current 400sr HA400S
    Text: LEM CURRENT TRANSDUCERS M o d u les H A 400-SR U , H A 400-SR I H A 500-SR U , H A 500-SR I T ru e RM S O u tp u ts Definition - Principle The LEM type HA400SR and HA500SR are transducers employing the Hall Effect to measure D.C. and complex waveform A.C. currents in a non invasive manner. Galvanic isolation is provided between the primary (measured) and

    OCR Scan
    400-SR 500-SR HA400SR HA500SR HA400-SR HA500-SR HA500SR lem HA lem ha 400 lem module ha HA500-SR lem module LEM transducer lem current 400sr HA400S PDF


    Abstract: HA200SR lem current lem HA 200-SRU lem module hall effect lem ha 400 300-SR lem module 200-SR
    Text: LEM CURRENT TRANSDUCERS M o d u les H A 200-SR U , H A 200-SR I H A 300-SR U , H A 300-SR I T ru e RM S O u tp u ts Definition - Principie The LEM type HA200SR and HA300SR are transducers employing the Hall Effect to measure D.C. and complex waveform A.C. currents in a non invasive manner. Galvanic isolation is provided between the primary (measured) and

    OCR Scan
    200-SR 300-SR HA200SR HA300SR HA200-SR HA300-SR HA300SR lem current lem HA 200-SRU lem module hall effect lem ha 400 lem module PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AW02G THRU AW08G SERIES MINIATURE GLASS PASSIVATED CONTROLLED AVALANCHE SINGLE - PHASE SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIER VOLTAGE - 200 to 800 Volts C U R R E N T -1.5 Amperes FEATURES ♦ Glass passivated chip junctions ♦ Plastic material used carries Underwriters

    OCR Scan
    AW02G AW08G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOT223 NPN SILICON PLANAR MEDIUM POWER HIGH GAIN TRANSISTOR FZT689B I S S U E 3 - O C T O B E R 1995 _ FEATU RES * G ain o f 400 at lc=2 A m p s a n d lo w saturation v o lta ge * Extrem ely lo w e q u iva le nt o n -re sistan ce; R CElMti 9 2 m Q at 3 A

    OCR Scan
    OT223 FZT689B FZT789B FZT689B 300ji lc/lBa10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER IO R 73 D | MflSSMSa □0071ÖM i f T'-¿>/' 2'3 Data Sheet No. PD-2.134 In t e r n a t i o n a l , r e c t i f i e r R23D & R23DR SERIES 600 - 400 VOLTS RANGE 350 AMP AVG STUD MOUNTED DIFFUSED JUNCTION RECTIFIER DIODES VOLTAGE RATINGS

    OCR Scan
    R23DR D0-205AB R23DGR4A. 4fl55452 00071flfl PDF

    lem lt 100 p

    Abstract: N24-N2 Lem LT 80 p lem current lt 100 LG jtag
    Text: P R E L IM IN A R Y D A T A S H E E T M it s u b is h i < d ig it a l a s s p > M66244FP June 1998 Ver.8.0.0 High Speed Monolithic Pulse Width Modulator NO TE:This is not final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change DESCRIPTION The M66244FP is a high-speed digitally programmable pulse width modulator PWM which

    OCR Scan
    M66244FP M66244FP 72MHz. 45MHz 72MHz lem lt 100 p N24-N2 Lem LT 80 p lem current lt 100 LG jtag PDF


    Abstract: lem la 55 p
    Text: AKBPC2502 thru 2508 L I T E M E I SEMICONDUCTORS rtnnnqUMi VOLTAGE RANGE 200 to 800 Volts CURRENT 25 Amperes aw uauche KBPC KBPC-W FEATURES ' 1.2 MIN. 130.5 .432 [I0-97Ii.q'm a x • C ontrolled Avalanche Series w ith 2 5 0 V , _ 4 5 0 V , 6 5 0 V , and 8 5 0 V minimum

    OCR Scan
    AKBPC2502 I097Ii AKBPC2508 lem la 55 p PDF


    Abstract: itt 2222a LT89000 2203a ses cree 3535 PS-303 AD clt850 LT8600 2168A LT8500
    Text: Æ | M IT - L I f 1 w II CLA80000 SERIES I Km*Ink HIGH DENSITY CMOS GATE ARRAYS SEMICONDUCTOR DS3820-2.1 July 1997 INTRODUCTION ARRAY SIZES T he C L A 8 0 k gate array se rie s from M itel S e m ico n d u cto r offers advan ta ge s in spe ed and d e n sity over previous array

    OCR Scan
    CLA80000 DS3820-2 rra635 MLA85 MLA87 MLT88 MLT89 GA84-ACA-2828 PGA100-ACA-3434 PGA120-ACA-3434 LT8900 itt 2222a LT89000 2203a ses cree 3535 PS-303 AD clt850 LT8600 2168A LT8500 PDF

    "Q-bit Corporation"

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5 - 500 MHz Standard Hybrid Amplifier Param eters 5-500 MHz Temperature bandwidth Frequency range Gain vs. temperature Low V SW R °c MHz dB dB Max Gain flatness 1.0 dB M ax p-p Reverse isolation 25 dB Min VSW R 1.5:1 1.5:1 +15 dBm Min 3rd O rd e r +30 dBm Min

    OCR Scan
    QBH-233 -55to fig26 H91-0233 "Q-bit Corporation" PDF

    lem 732 733

    Abstract: lem 731 IRF3303 lem 733 1rf730 IRF330-333 5N40 MTP5N35 733 331 lem* 731
    Text: FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR A4 DE I 34b‘ïb74 0 0 5 7 0 ^ □ IRF330-333/IRF730-733 M TM /M TP5N35/5N40 N-Channel Power M O SF ET s, 5.5 A, 350 V/400 V FAIRCHILD A Schlumberger Company Power And Discrete Division — Description TO-204AA TO-220AB IRF330 IRF331

    OCR Scan
    IRF330-333/IRF730-733 MTM/MTP5N35/5N40 T-39-11 O-22QAB IRF730 IRF731 IRF732 IRF733 MTP5N35 MTP5N40 lem 732 733 lem 731 IRF3303 lem 733 1rf730 IRF330-333 5N40 MTP5N35 733 331 lem* 731 PDF


    Abstract: lem module ha
    Text: KA3846 SMPS CONTROLLER CURRENT MODE PWM CONTROLLER The kA3846 control 1C provides all of the necessary features to imple­ ment fixed frequency, current mode control schemes while maintaining a minimum external parts count. The superior performance of this technique can be measured in Impr­

    OCR Scan
    KA3846 KA3846 145CT ml45Cr lem module ha PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BPX90 BPX 90F DAYLIGHT FILTER SILICON PLANAR PHOTODIODE Package Dimensions in Inches mm .2 1 2 ( 5 .4 ) - Chip position ¡4 - / . m FEATURES Photosensitive /~ a re a 069 x 124 (1.75 x3 .1 5 ) . 051 (1.3) ! ! ! I • Silicon Planar Photodiode * Package

    OCR Scan
    BPX90 BPX90F: 90/BPX BPX90S PDF