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    lem lt 2000

    Abstract: M66244FP
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MITSUBISHI <DIGITAL ASSP> M66244FP June 1998 Ver.8.0.0 High Speed Monolithic Pulse Width Modulator NOTE:This is not final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change DESCRIPTION The M66244FP is a high-speed digitally programmable pulse width modulator PWM which

    M66244FP M66244FP 72MHz. 45MHz 72MHz 16bit) 11bit) lem lt 2000 PDF

    lem current lt 100

    Abstract: lem current lt 2005-s lem lt 2000 LEM LT 2005-s LEM Components SMPS IC 2005
    Text: Current Transducer LT 2005-S IPN = 2000 A For the electronic measurement of currents : DC, AC, pulsed., with a galvanic isolation between the primary circuit high power and the secondary circuit (electronic circuit). Electrical data IPN IP RM Primary nominal r.m.s. current

    2005-S lem current lt 100 lem current lt 2005-s lem lt 2000 LEM LT 2005-s LEM Components SMPS IC 2005 PDF


    Abstract: LEM LT 308 S7 Lem LT 300 - t Lem LT 300 308-S7 LEM LT 308 lem lt 2000 LT308-S
    Text: 电 流 传 感 器 LT 308-S7 IPN = 原边和副边之间是绝缘的 ,用于测量直流 300 A 交流和脉冲电流 。 电参数 性能 原边额定有效值电流 原边电流, 测量范围 测量电阻 @ IPN IP RM with ± 12 V with ± 15 V 精度

    308-S7 94-V0 LT308-S7 LT308-S7 LEM LT 308 S7 Lem LT 300 - t Lem LT 300 308-S7 LEM LT 308 lem lt 2000 LT308-S PDF

    LEM LT 308

    Abstract: Lem LT 300 LT308-T7 Lem LT 500 t7 308
    Text: 电流传感器 LT 308-T7 IPN = 原边和副边之间是绝缘的,用于测量直流 300 A 交流和脉冲电流 。 电参数 性能 原边额定有效值电流 原边电流, 测量范围 测量电阻 @ IPN IP RM with ± 12 V with ± 15 V 精度 L • 应用霍尔原理的闭环(补偿)电流传感

    308-T7 94-V0 LT308-T7 LEM LT 308 Lem LT 300 LT308-T7 Lem LT 500 t7 308 PDF

    Lem LT 300

    Abstract: LT308-S6 308-S6 LEM LT 308 LT308-S
    Text: 电流传感器 LT 308-S6 原边和副边之间是绝缘的,用于测量直流 IPN = 300 A 交流和脉冲电流 。 电参数 性能 原边额定有效值电流 原边电流, 测量范围 测量电阻 @ IPN IP RM 300 0 . ± 500 with ± 18 V 精度

    308-S6 94-V0 LT308-S6 Lem LT 300 LT308-S6 308-S6 LEM LT 308 LT308-S PDF

    LTSR 6-NP

    Abstract: LTSR 25-NP ch-1228 nanalem lem lt 100 p LTS 25-NP hall current transducer lts 6-np LEM hall effect sensor voltage offset cancellation LTSR 15-NP LA 25-NP
    Text: Technical Information LTSR: ASIC Based Closed-Loop Transducers from 6 A up to 25 A nominal with reference access LTSR: ASIC Based Closed-Loop Transducers from 6 A up to 25 A nominal with reference access. By Stéphane Rollier, Christophe Benz & Hans Dieter Huber.

    25-NP c4-0021 ROC-10483 CH-1228 LTSR 6-NP LTSR 25-NP nanalem lem lt 100 p LTS 25-NP hall current transducer lts 6-np LEM hall effect sensor voltage offset cancellation LTSR 15-NP LA 25-NP PDF


    Abstract: Lem LT 200 Lem LT 300 - t LT208 Lem LT 300 208-S7 Lem LT 500 Lem LT 208
    Text: 电 流 传 感 器 LT 208-S7 IPN = 原边和副边之间是绝缘的 ,用于测量直流 200 A 交流和脉冲电流 。 电参数 性能 原边额定有效值电流 原边电流, 测量范围 测量电阻 @ IPN IP RM with ± 12 V with ± 15 V 精度

    208-S7 94-V0 kHz00 LT208-S7 LT208-S7 Lem LT 200 Lem LT 300 - t LT208 Lem LT 300 208-S7 Lem LT 500 Lem LT 208 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R E U M tfM A R Y D A T A S H E E T M it s u b is h i < d ig it a l a s s p > M66244FP June 1998 Ver.8.0.0 High Speed M onolithic Pulse W idth Modulator NOTE:This is not final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change DESCRIPTION The M66244FP is a high-speed digitally programmable pulse width modulator PWM which

    OCR Scan
    M66244FP M66244FP 72MHz. 45MHz 72MHz 16bit) D02b411 PDF

    thyristors 5000 volt 3000 amperes

    Abstract: Lem LT 300 - t CODE 1AM powerex T9G T9G0 Lem LT 300
    Text: P0U1EREX INC m u o D5 a x DE 1 7 5 c14bEl QD03DSb S _ T - 2 S *2 tf T9G0 Pow erex, Inc. Hlllls Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15897 412 925 -7 2 7 2 Phase Control SCR P o w e re x Europe, S.A., 4 28 Ave. Q. Durand, BP107, 72003 LeM ana, France (43 ) 72.75.1S

    OCR Scan
    14bEl QD03DSb BP107, Amperes/2400-4000 AX/10 thyristors 5000 volt 3000 amperes Lem LT 300 - t CODE 1AM powerex T9G T9G0 Lem LT 300 PDF

    Lem LT 300 - t

    Abstract: noble 15am
    Text: I Multi-Section Potentiometer for Car-Audio XVB93 Series 7 .0 5 s p z c iw c & T io m 15 •íotalfiotalinnalJUigíB:- 300 ± 5 ° S in gle -E le m e nt Single S h a ft Type : 2 to 15 m N m :Bofafionaf:t-orque:- D ual-S haft lnner T ype : 2 to 15 mN m

    OCR Scan
    XVB93 100kQ AC50V, DC10V Lem LT 300 - t noble 15am PDF

    Lem LT 300 - t

    Abstract: NDL5200 L5104
    Text: N E C h2E D ELECTRONICS INC • b427525 0030074 22T M N E C E PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET NEC PHOTO DIODE NDL5103P, NDL5103P1 ELECTRON DEVICE 1 300 nm OPTICAL FIBER COM M UNICATIONS <t>50 G ERM AN IU M A V A LA N CH E PHOTO DIODE M O DULE DESCRIPTION NDL5103P and NDL5103P1 are Germanium Avalanche Photo Diodes with optical fiber, especially designed for detectors of

    OCR Scan
    b427525 NDL5103P, NDL5103P1 NDL5103P NDL5103P1 NDL5103P NDL51Q3P1 NDL5100C NDL5104P1 NDL5102 Lem LT 300 - t NDL5200 L5104 PDF


    Abstract: MPY-16HJ WTL1016 weitek 1516B MSP 3140 64 bit booth multiplier trw 1016 "Pin for Pin"
    Text: .-I H y.- r ^L/rrL^ 7 IN N O V A T IO N S IN M I C R O S Y S T E M T E C H N O L O G Y 0 3b j ^ f A ' WTL 1516/1516A/1516B Features Description • 16 X 16 p arallel a rra y m ultip lier T h e W T L 1516/1516A/1516B are N M O S 16 X 16 p arallel arra y, m ultipliers characterized

    OCR Scan
    1516/1516A/1516B 1516B, 100ns 1516B MPY16HJ Am29516 MIL-STD-883 Diagr40 1258C WTL151 MPY-16HJ WTL1016 weitek 1516B MSP 3140 64 bit booth multiplier trw 1016 "Pin for Pin" PDF

    2322 m

    Abstract: Lem LT 300 - t lem lt 100 p
    Text: M odel PP- 17 Modular C o n tro l P otentio m eter SPECIFICATIONS Carbon Composition Element Cermet Element Electrical Resistance Range Linear 220 i i to 2.2 M il 220 i l to 2.2 M i N on Linear 2.2 KJ1 to 470 K ii N ot Applicable Resistance Tolerance ± 20% Standard

    OCR Scan
    10nvn 100nmi ft88j) 2322 m Lem LT 300 - t lem lt 100 p PDF


    Abstract: itt 2222a LT89000 2203a ses cree 3535 PS-303 AD clt850 LT8600 2168A LT8500
    Text: Æ | M IT - L I f 1 w II CLA80000 SERIES I Km*Ink HIGH DENSITY CMOS GATE ARRAYS SEMICONDUCTOR DS3820-2.1 July 1997 INTRODUCTION ARRAY SIZES T he C L A 8 0 k gate array se rie s from M itel S e m ico n d u cto r offers advan ta ge s in spe ed and d e n sity over previous array

    OCR Scan
    CLA80000 DS3820-2 rra635 MLA85 MLA87 MLT88 MLT89 GA84-ACA-2828 PGA100-ACA-3434 PGA120-ACA-3434 LT8900 itt 2222a LT89000 2203a ses cree 3535 PS-303 AD clt850 LT8600 2168A LT8500 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HOLTEK rnr^ HT48CA0 8-bit Microcontroller Features • • • • • • • • • • O p e ra tin g voltage: 2.2V~3.6V T en b id ire ctio n a l I/O lines Six sc h m itt trig g e r in p u t lines O ne c a rrie r o u tp u t 1/2 or 1/3 duty O n-chip cry sta l a n d RC oscillator

    OCR Scan
    HT48CA0 14-bit PDF

    ssi 202

    Abstract: HER301 HER308 Z03E
    Text: E HER301 -HER308 TAIWAN SEMICONDUC tà RoHS CO M PLIANCE 3.0 AMPS. High Efficient Rectifiers DQ.-2Q1AD .220 lÿ.lil .TTiTFiïï Dia. 1.0 2S.4 MIN. Features v •fr <> v v High efficie ncy. Low VF High current caps bilily High reliability High surgu currunl capability

    OCR Scan
    HER301 -HER308 157PF MIL-STD-202. ssi 202 HER308 Z03E PDF


    Abstract: 2N6115 2N6114 GES621I Voltaire unijunction
    Text: Silicon Complementary Unijunction Transistor 2 N 6 2 1 8 -2 4 SEE G ES621I*2 COMPLEMENTARY UNIJUNCTION T he G eneral E le c tr ic C om p lem en tary U n iju n ctio n T ra n sisto r is a silicon planar, m on olith ic in teg ra ted circu it. It h as u n iju n ction c h a r a c te r istic s w ith

    OCR Scan
    2N6218-24 GES621I 2N6218 2N6115 2N6114 GES621I Voltaire unijunction PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IMX1 /Transistors I M X 1 7 < 7 1 / - T 7 K ^ - ;E - ^ K t / H 7 —fix/H f ^ * a lflIffl/G eneral Small Signal Amp. Isolated Mini-Mold Device • • ^. g-^->i@ /Dim ensions U n it: mm) 1) SMT (SC-59) t m — f t t H c 2 f@(7) h 7 > - > ' X 5 i ! A o Zi'&o

    OCR Scan
    SC-59) PDF

    tube 6c4

    Abstract: 6c4 tube TRIODE 6C4 TL604 I960 rs tube general electric
    Text: jam 6C4 6C4 ET-T1604 Page 1 3-6 0 TRIODE TUBES DESCRIPTION A N D RAT IN G 1 BASING DIAG RAM T h e 6 C 4 is a m in ia tu re , m e d iu m -m u trio d e su ita b le fo r use in a w id e v a r ie t y o f g e n e ra l-p u rp o se a p p lica tio n s. I t is e sp e c ia lly u se fu l a s a lo ca l o scilla to r in

    OCR Scan
    K-556Il-TO104-3 K-556I tube 6c4 6c4 tube TRIODE 6C4 TL604 I960 rs tube general electric PDF


    Abstract: CT 2048 CD182 CCD182 Fairchild Imaging
    Text: Fairchild Imaging Sensors Sensors PRELIMINARY i- o r a /v i- CCD182 2588 Element Linear Image Sensor FEATURES • 2 5 8 8 x 1 ph oto s ite array s im ila r to th e CCD181 ■ Very high sp e e d o p eration up to 6 0M H z data rate ■ V oltag e-s e le c tab le leng ths

    OCR Scan
    CCD182 CCD181 10fim ct-2048 CT 2048 CD182 Fairchild Imaging PDF

    Bridge Rectifier ccz

    Abstract: SB25005 SB2501 SB2502 SB2504 SB2506 SB2510 E127707
    Text: SB25005 THRU SB2510 25.0 AMP SILICON BRIDGE V O LTA G E RAN G E FEATURES 50 to 1000 V olts * U niversale 4~way term inals: sn a p -o n , w rap-around, CURRENT solder or P .C . board m ounting 25.0 Am peres * T h is se rie s is U L recognized under com ponent index,

    OCR Scan
    SB25005 SB2510 E127707 MIL-STD-202 secondsA375" Bridge Rectifier ccz SB2501 SB2502 SB2504 SB2506 SB2510 E127707 PDF

    truth table for ic 74138

    Abstract: 16CUDSLR ALU IC 74183 IC 74151 diagram and truth table 74183 alu 74147 pin diagram and truth table pin diagram of IC 74184 HP-7475A 7408 ic truth table IC 74373 truth table
    Text: PLCAD-SUPREME & PLS-SUPREME A+PLUS Programmable Logic Development System & Software Data Sheet September 1991, ver. 1 Features J J J J □ □ H igh-level su p p o rt for A ltera's general-purpose Classic EPLDs M ultiple design entry m ethods LogiCaps schem atic capture

    OCR Scan
    44-Mbyte, 386-based truth table for ic 74138 16CUDSLR ALU IC 74183 IC 74151 diagram and truth table 74183 alu 74147 pin diagram and truth table pin diagram of IC 74184 HP-7475A 7408 ic truth table IC 74373 truth table PDF


    Abstract: 6ab4 tube general electric
    Text: 6AB4 6AB4 EM Cm OM íCS ET-T587C Page 1 TRIODE 12 - 6 DESCRIPTION AND RATING^ T h e 6AB4 is a m in ia tu re trio d e designed for use as a grounded-grid rad io-frequency am plifier, freq u en cy converter, or oscillator a t frequencies below a p p ro x im ately 300 m egacycles.

    OCR Scan
    ET-T587C 6AB4 6ab4 tube general electric PDF

    LTE Receiver

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7B4663 Integrated 10BASE-FL Ethernet Transceiver Features F unctional Description Single chip Ethern et solution C om plie s with IEEE 802.3 10BAS E-FL standard Pin com patible with the popular 4663 110 mA LED current drive capability AUI interface allows both transform er and capacitive

    OCR Scan
    CY7B4663 10BASE-FL 10BAS LTE Receiver PDF