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    LK AC 472M Search Results

    LK AC 472M Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    1008PS-472MB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 4.7uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 1515, CHIP Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    DO1813H-472MLD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 4.7uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 3524, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    DO3314-472MXB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 4.7uH, 20%, 1 Element, SMD, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    DO3316P-472MLB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 4.7uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 5137, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
    DO3316T-472MLD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 4.7uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 5239, CHIP, 5239, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc

    LK AC 472M Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: RTL8111 RTL8111 schematic rsn 3502 a RS780M CLEVO LG-2402P-1 RS780MC 6-71- M74 oz839
    Text: Preface Notebook Computer M740J/M740JU/M760J/M760JU Service Manual Preface I Preface Notice The company reserves the right to revise this publication or to change its contents without notice. Information contained herein is for reference only and does not constitute a commitment on the part of the manufacturer or any subsequent vendor. They assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this publication nor are

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    Abstract: capacitor 222k 1kv samwha sd series 222K 1KV b 472K 1kv ceramic capacitor B 471K 1KV E 222M 2KV 221K 1kv 222m swc 103 1KV SWC
    Text: Ceramic Type Ceramic Type Capacitance in picofarads The first two digits indicate significant digits. The 3rd digit indicate the number of zero following. R denotes decimal. Ex.)0.5㎊-OR5, 10㎊-100, 100㎊-101 Introduction Cap. Tolerance SAMWHA disc ceramic capacitors are designed and producted to offer the user capacitors with high

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    Abstract: 472M swc 103 1KV SWC 222m 250v x1 100 y2 400 221K 1kv 222K 1KV 222m swc E 222M 2KV b222k1kv sc 222m
    Text: Ceramic Type Ceramic Type Capacitance in picofarads The first two digits indicate significant digits. The 3rd digit indicate the number of zero following. R denotes decimal. Ex.)0.5㎊-OR5, 10㎊-100, 100㎊-101 Introduction Cap. Tolerance SAMWHA disc ceramic capacitors are designed and producted to offer the user capacitors with high


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    Abstract: capacitors samwha capacitor 271k 2kv b 472K 1kv ceramic capacitor 222M 1kv CAPACITOR 3D 3KV 102k 2kv 222K 1KV swc 103 2KV 103 1KV SWC
    Text: DISC CERAMIC CAPACITORS SAMWHA disc ceramic capacitors are designed and producted to offer the user capacitors with high reliability and small size. With wide selection of temperature characteristics and voltage ratings, the user can make use for in various circuit application.

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    Abstract: capacitor 222k 1kv 103 1KV SWC 221K 1kv b 472K 1kv ceramic capacitor B 471K 1KV E 472M 3KV capacitor 271k 2kv 102K 1KV CAPACITOR 102k 2kv
    Text: Ceramic Type Ceramic Type Capacitance in picofarads The first two digits indicate significant digits. The 3rd digit indicate the number of zero following. R denotes decimal. Ex.)0.5㎊-OR5, 10㎊-100, 100㎊-101 Introduction Cap. Tolerance SAMWHA disc ceramic capacitors are designed and producted to offer the user capacitors with high

    100ppm, 1000ppm 222K 1KV capacitor 222k 1kv 103 1KV SWC 221K 1kv b 472K 1kv ceramic capacitor B 471K 1KV E 472M 3KV capacitor 271k 2kv 102K 1KV CAPACITOR 102k 2kv PDF

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    Abstract: 221k capacitor 4kv fz 79 470 16V 103 1KV SWC LR603 capacitor 222k 1kv 222K 1KV E 222M 2KV 471k 2kv LK ac 472m
    Text: Ceramic Type Ceramic Type Capacitance in picofarads The first two digits indicate significant digits. The 3rd digit indicate the number of zero following. R denotes decimal. Ex.)0.5㎊-OR5, 10㎊-100, 100㎊-101 Introduction Cap. Tolerance SAMWHA disc ceramic capacitors are designed and producted to offer the user capacitors with high

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    Abstract: Z5U 103M 1KV samwha capacitor part numbers SVC 561 14 varistor 472m varistor svc 471 14 SVC 561 10 Varistor sck 055 varistor 332m varistor SVC 561
    Text: Contents_ Company History 2 Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitors SMD Type 5 SMD Type-High Voltage 13 Automotive Application 26 Radial & Axial 38 Chip Beads & Inductors Chip Ferrite Beads 46 Chip Ferrite Beads Arrays 65 Chip Ferrite Inductors 68 Chip Power Inductors

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    Abstract: EKZH 1001N CE692 EMVE160ADA100MD55G EGPA250E562MM35S EMKB401ADA3R3MJA0G EKZH250E151MF11D e55 f55 f61 EKMA160
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    Abstract: FZ 77 470 16v E 222M 2KV ah 471k 222K 1KV 400-0150 y1250 P350-N1000 bn471k E 222M 1kv
    Text: Ceramic Type Introduction SAMWHA disc ceramic capacitors are designed and producted to offer the user capacitors with high reliability and small size. With wide selection of temperature characteristics and voltage ratings, the user can make use for in various

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    Abstract: LK ac 472m uk ac 472m sd472m sc 472m 472M 2kv 222K 1KV E154171 222 2kv swc E 472M 2KV
    Text: Ceramic Type Introduction S A M W H A d is c c e ra m ic c a p a c ito rs a re d e s ig n e d an d p ro d u c te d to o ffe r th e u se r c a p a c ito rs w ith high re liab ility an d sm all size. With w id e se le ctio n of te m p e ra tu re ch aracte ristics an d v o lta g e ratings, th e u se r can m a k e u se fo r in v a rio u s

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