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    BIT 3195 G

    Abstract: 8086 microprocessor introduction

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    lntel386TM 32-BIT BIT 3195 G 8086 microprocessor introduction PDF


    Abstract: CT674 sd4093 ca10 switch a007 LT1667 socket lga 1156 pinout 451 80 N02 LT1651 LT1665 u1620
    Text: in te i lntel386 SL MICROPROCESSOR SuperSet Highly-Integrated Static Intel386™ SL Microprocessor Complete ISA Peripheral Subsystem System-Wide Power Management — H ig h -S p ee d P erip h eral In te rfa c e Bus P l-B u s S u p p o rt — N e w id e a P o rt In te rfa c e fo r H a rd w a re

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    lntel386â Intel386â lntel386TM Intel386 IOCS16* MEMCS16* Ct409 Ct227 82360sl CT674 sd4093 ca10 switch a007 LT1667 socket lga 1156 pinout 451 80 N02 LT1651 LT1665 u1620 PDF

    intel 24018

    Abstract: 80286 microprocessor pin out diagram SX 115C Intel 386 SX
    Text: A IS M f t K K S B 0KllF@ lK05SlATD@ fi0 Intel386 SXSA EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR • Static lntel386TM CPU Core — Low Pow er Consumption — Operating Power Supply 4.5V to 5.5V— 25 MHz and 33 MHz 4.75V to 5.25V— 40 MHz — Operating Frequency SA-40 = 40 MHz

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    lK05SlATD@ Intel386TM lntel386TM SA-40 SA-33 SA-25 32-blt 32-bit Intel386 intel 24018 80286 microprocessor pin out diagram SX 115C Intel 386 SX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lntel386TM DX MICROPROCESSOR decoupling capacitors as much as possible. Capaci­ tors specifically for PGA packages are also commer­ cially available, for the lowest possible inductance. 9. ELECTRICAL DATA 9.1 INTRODUCTION The following sections describe recommended elec­

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    lntel386TM Intel386 Intel387 Intel386TM 231630 PDF

    practical applications of 8086 microprocessor

    Abstract: Cpi 8086 8237 microprocessor architecture 386TM microprocessor peripherals
    Text: lntel386TM EX EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR 3.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The Intel386 EX microprocessor is a fully static, 32bit processor optimized for embedded applications. It features low power and low voltage capabilities, integration of many commonly used DOS-type pe­

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    lntel386TM Intel386 32bit 32-bit 6n\32 8n\31 Intel386TM 132-lead practical applications of 8086 microprocessor Cpi 8086 8237 microprocessor architecture 386TM microprocessor peripherals PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lntel386TM DX MICROPROCESSOR 1. PIN ASSIGNMENT The Intel386 DX pinout as viewed from the top side of the component is shown by Figure 1-1. Its pinout as viewed from the Pin side of the component is Figure 1-2. Vcc and GND connections must be made to multi­

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    lntel386TM Intel386 Intei386 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lntel386TM EX EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR 6.0 AC SPECIFICATIONS Table 7 lists output delays, input setup requirements, and input hold requirements. All AC specifications are relative to the CLK2 rising edge crossing the Vcc/2 level. Figure 6 shows the measurement points for AC

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    lntel386TM Ht114 -------Ht113 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: lntel386TM SX MICROPROCESSOR in t e l. 1.0 PIN DESCRIPTION o q isssîsag< >ass > < > > o û û û û > q S û o o > > Q O Û 4 S K > 0 dO <D <C B 0 > A20 > A18 >A18 >A17 68 67 63 62 61 > VSS >A15 > AM >AIJ >Vjs > A12 >A11 > AIO mi i o « k œ o *o —r^w^i/ «K«gq>o —

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    lntel386TM l386T lntel386SX Intel386 PDF


    Abstract: CD 2399 GP
    Text: 0 M [F § Ä Ä ? 0 M in te i Intel386 SL MICROPROCESSOR SuperSet Highly-Integrated Static Intel386™ SL Microprocessor Complete ISA Peripheral Subsystem System-Wide Power Management Static lntel386TM SL CPU — Runs MS-DOS*, W IN D O W S’ , O S /2 *

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    Intel386â lntel386TM Intel386 IOCS16# MEMCS16# Ct409 Ct227 82360SL CD 2399 GP PDF

    82350DT EISA Chip Set Design Guide

    Abstract: intel 82353 intel 82350DT
    Text: in te i Intel486 DX2 MICROPROCESSOR IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan Compatibility Binary Compatible with Large Software Base - M S -D O S ’ , O S /2 *’ , Windows — UNIX” ’ System V/lntel386 — IRMX , iRMK Kernels High Performance Design — 50 MHz/66 MHz Core Speed Using

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    Intel486â /lntel386 Hz/66 Hz/33 32-Bit 82350DT EISA Chip Set Design Guide intel 82353 intel 82350DT PDF


    Abstract: 18CV EZ-319 p85c22066 ep330 85C220 intel PLD 290134 p85c220-80
    Text: INTEL CORP intgJ Mû Sb 17b 00721=52 7 MME D MEMORY/PLD/ XTL2 85C220-80 FAST 1-MICRON CHMOS 8-MACROCELL jmPLD High-Performance, Low-Power Upgrade for SSI/MSI Logic and Bipolar PALs* in lntel386TM, 1486TM, i860 , 80960 Series, and Other High-Performance Systems

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    85C220-80 20-pin EP320, EP330, 5C032 300-mil lntel386TM, 1486TM, Q07S 18CV EZ-319 p85c22066 ep330 85C220 intel PLD 290134 p85c220-80 PDF


    Abstract: LT1665 CA10 A058 dk 300 a008 82360SL LCD CMC 116 L01 2164 intel INTEL 82360 CD 2399 GP A049 crystal
    Text: 5bE ]> • 4ÔSbl7S D i n o S M E34 « I T L 1 up/prpHLS irrte* Intel386 CORP SL MICROPROCESSOR SuperSet INTEL 'T~-(4c\ 1 7 -3 ^ Highly-Integrated Static Intel386™ SL Microprocessor Complete ISA Peripheral Subsystem System-Wide Power Management Static lntel386TM SL CPU

    OCR Scan
    Intel386TMCORP Intel386TM lntel386TM Intel386 IOCS16# MEMCS16# Ctg27 LT1667 LT1665 CA10 A058 dk 300 a008 82360SL LCD CMC 116 L01 2164 intel INTEL 82360 CD 2399 GP A049 crystal PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A D JW A M Q E O M P IRIiM irO i8 N Intel386 SXSA EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR • Static lntel386TM CPU Core — Low Power Consumption — Operating Power Supply 4.5V to 5.5V—25 MHz and 33 MHz 4.75V to 5.25V—40 MHz — Operating Frequency SA-40 - 40 MHz

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    Intel386â lntel386TM SA-40 SA-33 SA-25 Intel386 32-bit 4fl2bl75 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: inter [P ^ P(U (ST PIH1E¥0EW M85C224 FAST 1-MICRON CHMOS 8-MACROCELL /¿PLD • High-Performance, Low-Power Upgrade for SSI/MSI Logic and Bipolar PLDs in lntel386TM, ¡486 t m , |860 t m , 80960 Series, and Other High-Performance Systems ■ 66 MHz Max Frequency (External

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    M85C224 lntel386TM, 24-pin Intel386, INP14 INP13 INP12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A W Â M ! D M IF iO ^G töA TF O !^ in te i SPECIAL ENVIRONMENT lntel386TM EX EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR • Static ln tel38 6 T M CPU Core — Low Power Consumption — 5V ± 5% Operating Power Supply — 25 MHz Operating Frequency ■ Transparent Power-management

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    lntel386TM tel38 32-bit Intel386 16-bit 168-lead 164-lead PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: irrtel P œ o y C T [PF3EW0EW Intel386 CX EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR Static lntel386TM CPU Core — Low Power Consumption — Operating Power Supply 2.7V to 5.5V — Operating Frequency 12 MHz at 2.7V to 3.3V; 20 MHz at 3.0V to 3.6V; 25 MHz at 4.5V to 5.5V

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    Intel386â lntel386TM 32-Bit Intel386 386TM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i lntel386TM EX EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR Static Intel386 CPU Core — Low Power Consumption — Operating Power Supply 2.7V to 5.5V — Operating Frequency 16 MHz at 2.7V to 3.3V; 20 MHz at 3.0V to 3.6V; 25 MHz at 4.5V to 5.5V integrated Memory Management Unit

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    lntel386TM Intel386â Intel386 PDF


    Abstract: PLCC 68 intel
    Text: in te i Intel387 SX MATH COPROCESSOR Compatible with the lntel386TM SX Microprocessor — Extends CPU Instruction Set to Include Trigonometric, Logarithmic, and Exponential New Automatic Power Management — Low Power Consumption — Typically 100 mA In Dynamic Mode,

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    Intel387TM Intel387 lntel386 80-Bit 68-Pin tel387TM lntel387T" Intel386 231369 PLCC 68 intel PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: int ! P » D U © T IP K IIW O E W Intel386 EX EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR Static lntel386TM CPU Core — Low Power Consumption — Operating Power Supply 2.7V to 5.5V — Operating Frequency 16 MHz at 2.7V to 3.3V; 20 MHz at 3.0V to 3.6V; 25 MHz at 4.5V to 5.5V

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    Intel386â lntel386TM Intel386 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in t e i SPECIAL ENVIRONMENT lntel386TM EX EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR • Static Intel386 CPU Core — Low Power Consumption — 5V + 5% Operating Power Supply — 25 MHz Operating Frequency ■ Transparent Power-management System Architecture ■ Powerdown Mode

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    lntel386TM Intel386â 32-bit Intel386 16-bit 168-lead 164-lead PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i SPECIAL ENVIRONMENT l n t e l 386 TM EX EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR Numerics Support with Special Environment Intel3 8 7 SX Math Coprocessor • Static lntel386TM CPU Core — Low Power Consumption — 5V ± 5% Operating Power Supply — 25 MHz Operating Frequency

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    lntel386TM 168-Pin 164-Pin 32-bit 168-lead 164-lead Intel386 tntel387 Intel387 PDF

    gigabyte motherboard g 8i845gvm-rz

    Abstract: bts 2140 1b D1273 Intel 486 DX2
    Text: INTEL CORP int^l U P/P R PH LS h?E D • 4û 2b l? 5 DlE ? lb l IP lfä iy G ü ilQ IM ß W Intel486 DX2 MICROPROCESSOR Binary Compatible with Large Software Base -M S -D O S *, O S /2*, Windows — U N IX* System V/lntel386 — iRMX , iRMK Kernels

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    Intel486â /lntel386 Hz/66 Hz/33 32-Bit 168-Pin gigabyte motherboard g 8i845gvm-rz bts 2140 1b D1273 Intel 486 DX2 PDF

    microprocessor 80286 internal architecture

    Abstract: Intel 8086 physical characteristics embedded microprocessor SX 115C
    Text: Â flW A N C B DNF^M A'U'IH&W Intel386 CXSA EMBEDDED MICROPROCESSOR • Static lntel386TM CPU Core — Low Power Consumption — Operating Power Supply 4.5V to 5.5V—25 MHz and 33 MHz 4.75V to 5.25V—40 MHz — Operating Frequency SA-40 = 40 MHz SA-33 = 33 MHz

    OCR Scan
    Intel386TM lntel386TM V--25 5V--40 SA-40 SA-33 SA-25 32-bit 32-blt microprocessor 80286 internal architecture Intel 8086 physical characteristics embedded microprocessor SX 115C PDF


    Abstract: ICE-Intel386
    Text: Intel386 DX MICROPROCESSOR J - . . — — |0 .B 5 " I 231630-64 Figure 7-1. Processor Module Dimensions 7. DESIGNING FOR ICETM.|ntel386 DX EMULATOR USE The Intel386 DX in-circuit emulator products are ICE-lntel386 DX 25 MHz or 33 MHz both referred to

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    Intel386TM ntel386 Intel386 ICE-lntel386 ICE-lntei386 Icel ICE-Intel386 PDF