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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET JUNE 1999 Revision 1.0 LXT350/351 Integrated T1/E1 S/H Transceivers with Crystal-less Jitter Attenuation General Description The LXT350 and LXT351 are full-featured, fullyintegrated transceivers for T1 and E1 short-haul applications. They are software switchable between T1 and

    LXT350/351 LXT350 LXT351 PDS-T350/351-R1 PDF

    E1 HDB3

    Abstract: E1 PCM encoder HDB3 AMI ENCODER DECODER remote control encoder decoder v 10 k 431 varistor 1 phase SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER Z 151 VARISTOR ES64 LXT350 LXT350NE
    Text: 350_5.fm4 Page 153 Friday, August 2, 1996 10:12 AM Preliminary Information DATA SHEET APRIL, 1996 LXT350/351 Integrated T1/E1 S/H Transceivers With Crystal-less Jitter Attenuation General Description Features The LXT350 and LXT351 are full-featured, fully-integrated transceivers for T1 and E1 short-haul applications.

    LXT350/351 LXT350 LXT351 LXT350/LXT351 LXT350/ LXT351 E1 HDB3 E1 PCM encoder HDB3 AMI ENCODER DECODER remote control encoder decoder v 10 k 431 varistor 1 phase SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER Z 151 VARISTOR ES64 LXT350NE PDF


    Text: JULY 1996 DATA SHEET Revision 0.0 LXT350/351 Integrated T1/E1 S/H Transceivers With Crystal-less Jitter Attenuation General Description Features The LXT350 and LXT351 are full-featured, fully-integrated transceivers for T1 and E1 short-haul applications. They are software switchable between T1 and E1 operation, and offer pulse equalization settings for all short-haul


    Ralink rt

    Abstract: interlaken network processor LXT360PE
    Text: TM Cortina Systems LXT360 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications Datasheet: Long Form The Cortina Systems® LXT360 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications LXT360 Transceiver is a fully integrated, combination transceiver for T1/E1 ISDN Primary Rate Interface

    LXT360 975/G com/products/category/13 LXT6155 LXT312A/315AT1 64LQFP 16PDIP Ralink rt interlaken network processor LXT360PE PDF


    Abstract: LXT361PE LXT360LE LXT360 LXT360NE LXT360QE LXT361 LXT361NE LXT361QE coax a61
    Text: DATA SHEET AUGUST 1998 Revision 3.0 LXT360/361 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications General Description The LXT360 and LXT361 are the first full-featured, fully integrated, combination transceivers for E1 ISDN Primary Rate Interface and T1 long and short haul applications.

    LXT360/361 LXT360 LXT361 44-pin PDS-T360/361-R3 LXT360PE LXT361PE LXT360LE LXT360NE LXT360QE LXT361NE LXT361QE coax a61 PDF


    Abstract: EC11 ES64 LOS2048 LXT363 LXT363LE LXT363PE LXT363QE PE-65388 PE-65770
    Text: LXT363 Integrated T1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications Datasheet The LXT363 is a fully integrated, combination transceiver for T1 ISDN Primary Rate Interface and general T1 long and short haul applications. The device operates over 22 AWG twisted-pair

    LXT363 LXT363 31AD011 EC11 ES64 LOS2048 LXT363LE LXT363PE LXT363QE PE-65388 PE-65770 PDF


    Abstract: ES64 LOS2048 LXT351 LXT351PE LXT351QE PE-65388 PE-65770
    Text: LXT351 T1/E1 Short Haul Transceiver with Crystal-less Jitter Attenuation Datasheet The LXT351 is a full-featured, fully-integrated transceiver for T1 and E1 short-haul applications. The LXT351 is software switchable between T1 and E1 operation, and offers pulse

    LXT351 LXT351 249030 ES64 LOS2048 LXT351PE LXT351QE PE-65388 PE-65770 PDF


    Abstract: nrz to hdb3 16Z5936 671-5832 E1 PCM encoder HDB3 to Unipolar Binary Code Z 151 VARISTOR EC11 ES64 LOS2048
    Text: LXT360 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications Datasheet The LXT360 is a fully integrated, combination transceiver for T1/E1 ISDN Primary Rate Interface ISDN PRI and general T1/E1 long and short haul applications. It operates over 0.63

    LXT360 LXT360 LXT360PE nrz to hdb3 16Z5936 671-5832 E1 PCM encoder HDB3 to Unipolar Binary Code Z 151 VARISTOR EC11 ES64 LOS2048 PDF


    Abstract: EELXT351E 24903* intel
    Text: LXT351 T1/E1 Short Haul Transceiver with Crystal-less Jitter Attenuation Datasheet The LXT351 is a full-featured, fully-integrated transceiver for T1 and E1 short-haul applications. The LXT351 is software switchable between T1 and E1 operation, and offers pulse

    LXT351 LXT351 B5570-01 B5568 EELXT351E 24903* intel PDF


    Abstract: LXT350 LXT351 LXT360 LXT361 circuit diagram for seven segment display in fpga es64 schematic diagram BNC to VGA ds24 monitor
    Text: USER GUIDE JANUARY 1998 Revision 2.0 LDB350/360 Evaluation Board for T1/E1 Short and Long Haul Applications General Description Features The LDB350/360 Evaluation Board Eval Board is a versatile tool for engineers involved in designing T1/E1 shortor long-haul applications. It uses an LXT350, LXT351,

    LDB350/360 LXT350, LXT351, LXT360 LXT361 LXT360/361 LXT350/351 UG-LDB350/360-1297-5K LXT360E LXT350 LXT351 circuit diagram for seven segment display in fpga es64 schematic diagram BNC to VGA ds24 monitor PDF


    Abstract: LXT361PE HDB3 to Unipolar Binary Code EC11 ES64 LOS2048 LXT361 LXT361LE LXT361QE
    Text: LXT361 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications Datasheet Applications • ■ ■ ISDN PRI CSU/NTU interface to T1/E1 Service Wireless Base Station interface ■ ■ ■ T1/E1 LAN/WAN bridge/routers T1/E1 Mux; Channel Banks Digital Loop Carrier - Subscriber Carrier

    LXT361 31ad011 LXT361PE HDB3 to Unipolar Binary Code EC11 ES64 LOS2048 LXT361 LXT361LE LXT361QE PDF


    Abstract: LXT360QE
    Text: TM Cortina Systems LXT360 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications Datasheet: Long Form The Cortina Systems® LXT360 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications LXT360 Transceiver is a fully integrated, combination transceiver for T1/E1 ISDN Primary Rate Interface

    LXT360 LXT360PE LXT360QE PDF

    20 band equalizer

    Abstract: HDB3 to Unipolar Binary Code fil-mag LXT361PE LXT360PE 1 phase SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER 5.1 5 band equalizer DTH11 ask rf remote control encoder decoder E1 PCM encoder
    Text: 360_4.fm4 Page 55 Sunday, August 4, 1996 5:41 PM Preliminary Information APRIL, 1996 DATA SHEET LXT360/361 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceivers for DS1/DSX-1/CSU or NTU/ISDN PRI Applications General Description The LXT360 and LXT361 are the first full-featured, fully

    LXT360/361 LXT360 LXT361 LXT360/LXT361 LXT360/ LXT361 20 band equalizer HDB3 to Unipolar Binary Code fil-mag LXT361PE LXT360PE 1 phase SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER 5.1 5 band equalizer DTH11 ask rf remote control encoder decoder E1 PCM encoder PDF


    Abstract: EELXT350PE.A2 EELXT350E sdh markings NLXT350PE LXT350PE
    Text: LXT350 T1/E1 Short Haul Transceiver with Crystal-less Jitter Attenuation Datasheet The LXT350 is a full-featured, fully-integrated transceiver for T1 and E1 short-haul applications. The LXT350 is software switchable between T1 and E1 operation, and offers pulse

    LXT350 LXT350 B5971 EELXT350PE EELXT350PE.A2 EELXT350E sdh markings NLXT350PE LXT350PE PDF

    Z 151 VARISTOR

    Abstract: EC11 ES64 LOS2048 LXT362 LXT362LE LXT362PE LXT362QE PE-65388 PE-65770
    Text: LXT362 Integrated T1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications Datasheet The LXT362 is a fully integrated, combination transceiver for T1 ISDN Primary Rate Interface and general T1 long and short haul applications. It operates over 22 AWG twisted-pair cables

    LXT362 LXT362 Z 151 VARISTOR EC11 ES64 LOS2048 LXT362LE LXT362PE LXT362QE PE-65388 PE-65770 PDF


    Abstract: SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER varistor ENC series Z 151 VARISTOR ES64 LOS2048 LXT350 LXT350QE PE-65388 PE-65770
    Text: LXT350 T1/E1 Short Haul Transceiver with Crystal-less Jitter Attenuation Datasheet The LXT350 is a full-featured, fully-integrated transceiver for T1 and E1 short-haul applications. The LXT350 is software switchable between T1 and E1 operation, and offers pulse

    LXT350 LXT350 LXT350PE SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER varistor ENC series Z 151 VARISTOR ES64 LOS2048 LXT350QE PE-65388 PE-65770 PDF


    Abstract: LXT361LE LXT361PE LXT361QE NLXT361PE ES64 LXT351 LXT361 24903* intel 31AD011
    Text: LXT361 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications Datasheet Applications • ■ ■ ISDN PRI CSU/NTU interface to T1/E1 Service Wireless Base Station interface ■ ■ ■ T1/E1 LAN/WAN bridge/routers T1/E1 Mux; Channel Banks Digital Loop Carrier - Subscriber Carrier

    LXT361 B5571-01 EELXT361PE LXT361LE LXT361PE LXT361QE NLXT361PE ES64 LXT351 LXT361 24903* intel 31AD011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TM Cortina Systems LXT360 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications Datasheet: Long Form The Cortina Systems® LXT360 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications LXT360 Transceiver is a fully integrated, combination transceiver for T1/E1 ISDN Primary Rate Interface

    LXT360 LXT360PE PDF


    Abstract: bone density detector TPO displays corp Midcom CR 0090
    Text: M AY 1996 LXT360/361 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceivers for DS1/DSX-1/CSU or NTU/ISDN PRl Applications General Description The LXT360 and LXT361 are the first full-featured, fully integrated, combination transceivers for El ISDN Primary Rate Interface and Tl long- and short-haul applications.

    OCR Scan
    LXT360/361 LXT360 LXT361 360-0496-5K LXT360PE bone density detector TPO displays corp Midcom CR 0090 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET J U N E 1999 Revision 1.0 LXT350/351 Integrated T1/E1 S/H Transceivers with Crystai-iess Jitter Attenuation General Description The LXT350 and LXT351 are full-featured, fullyintegrated transceivers for T1 and E l short-haul applications. They are software switchable between T1 and

    OCR Scan
    LXT350/351 LXT350 LXT351 dat29: 44-pin LXT350QE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AUGUST 1998 Revision 3.0 LXT360/361 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications The LXT360 and LXT361 are the first full-featured, fully integrated, combination transceivers for E l ISDN Primary Rate Interface and T1 long and short haul applications.

    OCR Scan
    LXT360/361 LXT360 LXT361 lxt361pe PDF


    Text: DATA S H E E T AUGUST 1998 Revision 3.0 LXT360/361 Integrated T1/E1 LH/SH Transceiver for DS1/DSX-1 or PRI Applications _ General Description The LXT360 and LXT361 are the first full-featured, fully integrated, combination transceivers for E l ISDN Primary

    OCR Scan
    LXT360/361 LXT360 LXT361 LXT360/361 44-Pin LXT360LE LXT360PE ADI LABLE INFORMATION PDF

    receiver in FTA asi out

    Abstract: TNF-G
    Text: Revision. 1.0 LXT350/351 Integrated T1/E1 S/H Transceivers With Crystal-iess Jitter Attenuation General Description Features The LXT350 and LXT351 are full-featured, fully-inte­ grated transceivers for T l and E l short-haul applications. • Fully integrated transceiver for short-haul T l or E l in­

    OCR Scan
    LXT350/351 PDS-T350-0596-5k receiver in FTA asi out TNF-G PDF