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    LOWA20 Search Results

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    1mx1 DRAM

    Abstract: AA2035 UM82C380 256KB static RAM 6182s UM82152 UM82C384 AADS PA10 Unicorn Microelectronics
    Text: UNICORN MICROE LE CTRON ICS E4E D • =1270700 QOQOTOH T ■ UM82C389 Austek Cache Interface I General Description The UM82C389 Cache Interface Chip is one of the UMC UM82C380 series High End AT HEAT chip set. As a DRAM controller, UM82C389 works in tandem with

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    UM82C389 UM82C389 UM82C380 UM82152 UM80386 UM82C384 256Kx1 1mx1 DRAM AA2035 256KB static RAM 6182s AADS PA10 Unicorn Microelectronics PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNITED MICROELECTRONICS 3QE D ^355555 □□□015 M • T - i4 . ° | U M 8 2 C 3 8 0 Series Page Mode Features ■ Highly integrated 25MHz/0 wait state 80386 PC/AT compatible ■ 32-bit memory bus interface ■ Slow DRAM 100/80 ns at 20/25 MHz 0 wait state

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    25MHz/0 32-bit 1M/256K 12MBytes, 32MBytes SEL30T CLK143M PERE0287 LOWA20 UM82C389 PDF


    Abstract: um6164 UM82C482 weitek intel 80486 pin diagram UM61416K-20L intel 80386 pin diagram UM82C206 UM82C480 82C481
    Text: U M 82C 480 3 8 6 / 4 8 6 PC Chip S e t I General Description The UM82C480 is a highly integrated, IBM PC/AT compatible chip set for high performance 80386/80486 based personal computer systems. Built with exquisite cache controller in ad­ vanced 1.0|Lim CMOS technology, UM82C481 Integrated Memory Controller, EMC ,

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    UM82C480 UM82C481 UM82C482 UM82C206 LOWA20# -------------------------XA11 ADSTB16 OSC14 33S33833g UM82C481 um6164 UM82C482 weitek intel 80486 pin diagram UM61416K-20L intel 80386 pin diagram UM82C206 82C481 PDF