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    LS 7400 Search Results

    LS 7400 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    874003DG-02LF Renesas Electronics Corporation PCI Express® Jitter Attenuator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    7MPV6274-000 Renesas Electronics Corporation SRAM MODULE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    874003AG-02LF Renesas Electronics Corporation PCI Express™ Jitter Attenuator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    874003DGI-02 Renesas Electronics Corporation PCI Express® Jitter Attenuator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DA7400-DEVKT Renesas Electronics Corporation DA7400 Development Kit Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    SF Impression Pixel

    LS 7400 Price and Stock

    ITT Interconnect Solutions SNPFL-S-C25-25S-Y

    Heavy Duty Power Connectors
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics SNPFL-S-C25-25S-Y
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $106.34
    • 1000 $106.34
    • 10000 $106.34
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    Sensata Technologies JTMP-2-1RLS4-37877-400

    Circuit Breakers Cir Brkr Hyd Mag
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics JTMP-2-1RLS4-37877-400
    • 1 -
    • 10 $1121.39
    • 100 $1121.39
    • 1000 $1121.39
    • 10000 $1121.39
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    Sensata Technologies JTMP-2-1RLS4-37967-400-S

    Circuit Breakers Cir Brkr Hyd Mag
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    Mouser Electronics JTMP-2-1RLS4-37967-400-S
    • 1 -
    • 10 $1281.34
    • 100 $1281.34
    • 1000 $1281.34
    • 10000 $1281.34
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    Eaton Cutler-Hammer GLS7400FAM (ALTERNATE: GLS7400FAM)

    Eaton Elect. Labeled LGS 4P 400A, fixed therm, adj mag w/end | Eaton - Cutler Hammer GLS7400FAM
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    RS GLS7400FAM (ALTERNATE: GLS7400FAM) Bulk 2 Weeks 1
    • 1 $15332.16
    • 10 $14565.55
    • 100 $14565.55
    • 1000 $14565.55
    • 10000 $14565.55
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    LS 7400 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    74LS08 fan-in

    Abstract: 74LS398 74LS273 74LS14 Hex Inverter definition MC74F579 74LS181 74ls795 74LS299 Decade Up/Down counter 3 State ttl buffer 74LS245
    Text: Selection Information FAST/LS TTL 1 Circuit Characteristics 2 Design Considerations, Testing and Applications Assistance Form 3 FAST Data Sheets 4 LS Data Sheets 5 Reliability Data 6 Package Information Including Surface Mount 7 FAST AND LS TTL DATA CLASSIFICATION

    81LS96) 81LS97) 81LS98) 74LS08 fan-in 74LS398 74LS273 74LS14 Hex Inverter definition MC74F579 74LS181 74ls795 74LS299 Decade Up/Down counter 3 State ttl buffer 74LS245 PDF

    F240 transistor

    Abstract: TTL LS 7400 Transistor F240 LS00 from Motorola 12MRM IC TTL 7400 propagation delay LS TTL family characteristics 7400 TTL ls 7400 LS00
    Text: Circuit Characteristics FAST AND LS TTL 2 CIRCUIT CHARACTERISTICS FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS LS TTL The Low Power Schottky LSTTL family combines a current and power reduction improvement over standard 7400 TTL by a factor of 5. This is accomplished by using Schottky diode clamping to prevent saturation and advanced processing.

    54/74S) Mil-Std-883C 12MRM 3831A 3830A F240 transistor TTL LS 7400 Transistor F240 LS00 from Motorola IC TTL 7400 propagation delay LS TTL family characteristics 7400 TTL ls 7400 LS00 PDF

    TTL LS 7400

    Abstract: 74 LS 00 Logic Gates Advanced Schottky Family 4 bit barrel shifter LS 00 Logic Gates ls 7400 7400 ls 74lsxxx TTL 7400 LS TTL family characteristics
    Text: Selection Information FAST/LS TTL FAST AND LS TTL 1 GENERAL INFORMATION TTL in Perspective FAST is manufactured on Motorola’s MOSAIC oxideisolated process.This process provides FAST with inherent speed/power advantages over the older junction-isolated 74S


    IC TTL 74LS00

    Abstract: TTL LS 7400 IC TTL 74 ls 04 7400 fan-out cmos 7400 fan-out TTL 7400 catalog TTL 74ls00 TTL 7400 rise and fall time of ic 74ls00 74LS00 gate
    Text: Design Considerations, Testing and Applications Assistance Form FAST AND LS TTL FAST AND LS TTL DATA 3-1 3 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS SELECTING TTL LOGIC. TTL Families may be mixed in a system for optimum performance. For instance, in new designs, ALS would commonly be used in non-critical speed paths to minimize power consumption while FAST TTL would be used in high



    Abstract: 779-02-FN
    Text: FAST AND LS TTL Package Information Including Surface Mount 7 BIPOLAR LOGIC SURFACE MOUNT Surface Mount components are sent directly to the assembly line, eliminating an intermediate step. Automatic placement equipment is available that can place Surface Mount components at the rate of a few thousand per

    reache10 751A-02 779-02-FN PDF


    Abstract: IC TTL 7400 diagram and truth table 74lsxxx data sheet 74 LS147 pin configuration layout INTERNAL STRUCTURE LS156 SN74LS47N pin configuration DL121 IC 7400 diagram and truth table philips semiconductor data handbook sn74ls47n counter
    Text: DL121/D Rev. 6, Jan-2000 ON Semiconductor LS TTL Data ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC SCILLC . SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does

    DL121/D Jan-2000 r14525 DL121 SN74LS47N PIN DIAGRAM IC TTL 7400 diagram and truth table 74lsxxx data sheet 74 LS147 pin configuration layout INTERNAL STRUCTURE LS156 SN74LS47N pin configuration DL121 IC 7400 diagram and truth table philips semiconductor data handbook sn74ls47n counter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: December 1989 Semiconductor DM74ALS37A Quadruple 2-Input NAND Buffer Advanced oxide-isolated, ion-implanted Schottky TTL process Functionally and pin for pin compatible with LS TTL counterpart Improved AC performance over LS37 Improved line receiving characteristics

    OCR Scan

    1n813 fairchild

    Abstract: 2N3303 abb inverter manual acs 800 FD6666 diode 2N3137 UA703 equivalent FD200 diode 2N2369 AVALANCHE PULSE GENERATOR UA716 Fairchild dtl catalog
    Text: Fairchild Semiconductor Dab Cataloi 196! The Fairchild Semiconductor Data Cataloc — an all-inclusive volume of product infor mation covering diodes, transistors, digita and linear integrated circuits, MSI and LS devices from the world's largest suppliei

    OCR Scan
    BR-BR-0034-58 1n813 fairchild 2N3303 abb inverter manual acs 800 FD6666 diode 2N3137 UA703 equivalent FD200 diode 2N2369 AVALANCHE PULSE GENERATOR UA716 Fairchild dtl catalog PDF

    ALU IC 74181 circuit diagram

    Abstract: Alu 74181 ALU IC 74181 ALU IC 74181 FUNCTION TABLE ALU 74-181 amd 2900 ALU IC 74181 circuit IC 74181 alu 74181 ic pin diagram 32 bit carry select adder
    Text: LS I lo g ic lì LSA2001 Silicon-Gate HCMOS Structured Array o /'•As t< 2 ! o U 005793 o 1PDescription The LSA2001 is a member of LSI Logic Corporation's 2-micron HCMOS Structured Array family. These very high-performance application-specific integrated cir­

    OCR Scan
    LSA2001 LSA2001 16-Bit 32-Bit ALU IC 74181 circuit diagram Alu 74181 ALU IC 74181 ALU IC 74181 FUNCTION TABLE ALU 74-181 amd 2900 ALU IC 74181 circuit IC 74181 alu 74181 ic pin diagram 32 bit carry select adder PDF


    Abstract: 74000N CI 7408 7408 hct 74002N 74081 64011N 64025n 74001 74011
    Text: U NITRO M C Y 74000N MCY 64000N CEMI Dwukrotrva 3-wej¿c¡Ovva bramka NOfl + inwerter Seria logiczaych bramek przeznaczonych do pracy » syatemach cyfrowych gdzie vjymagane aqj niski pobdr mocy i/lub wysoka odpornosd na zakîocenia. Charak1:eryzuje siç buforowaflymi wej sciami i wyjseiami oraz symetrycznymi oharakterystykami wyjàciowymi w stallie nisklm i wyaokim.Typowa obcÍQ¿alnos<5 wynoai. - dwa wejscia TTL-L lub jedno TTL-LS.

    OCR Scan
    74000N 74073 CI 7408 7408 hct 74002N 74081 64011N 64025n 74001 74011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LS Is DRAM MODULE MH8M36CJ-5,-6,-7/ MH8M36CNJ-5,-6,-7 FAST PAGE MODE 301989888-BIT (8388608-WORD BY 36-BIT) DYNAMIC RAM DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) (Double side) The M H 8M 36C J /C N J is 8388608-w ord by 36-bit dynamic 1 2 3 4 5

    OCR Scan
    MH8M36CJ-5 MH8M36CNJ-5 301989888-BIT 8388608-WORD 36-BIT) 8388608-w 36-bit W8M36CJ/CNJ-5 MH8M36CJ/CNJ-6MH8M36CJ/CNJ-7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R o h r k a b e ls c h u h e K u rz e Cable lugs V e r s io n S h o r t v e rs io n Artikel-Nummer Leiter- Bolzen Abmessungen mm Verp.-Einh. Stud Dimensions mm Standard querschnitt Part number Wire size Stuck packing mm2 M d2 d3 L P S 1 a d1 r s Piece RSQ 7400 A 3.5 - 2

    OCR Scan

    7400 ecl inverter

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S LS I LOGIC C O RPO RA TIO N ~ /7 / ' ^ ; S 'S 000980 f ?^ LL8000 Series »•■■conu a ie HCMOS Logic Arrays S Ì* General D escription The LL8000 series is a fam ily o f high performance medium density HCMOS logic arrays that have been configured to be com patible with applications

    OCR Scan
    LL8000 7400 ecl inverter PDF

    ssc 6200

    Abstract: 74590 IC 74090 ic 74210
    Text: PICO’S Pulse Transformers SIZE 1 TUANS P IC O • Units manufactured to MIL-T21038 T P 7 S X N N N N K 2 • TER M IN A LS:. AH Units Tested al 500 V RM S. • INSULATION RESISTANCE: e WEIGHT SIZE: Greater Than 10.000 M egohm s at 700 V DC.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: df 085 74S03 7403 ba111
    Text: — 18 — Quad 2 Input O. C. NAND 7403 Vcc 40 4A 4V 3B 3A 3V 1A IB IV 2A 26 2Y GND o7 4 1 y- ¿ i B j u ä f t i: I £ * 4 7 o 7400to 74LS03 if s tpd *'J' max tpd VOtt lee Icc UK max max III IOH IOL «ax max max nax xm IN till OUT L— H T B-»L 1 N LS 45 32

    OCR Scan
    O740lmAit, O7400a 74LS03 74S03 74LS03 df 085 74S03 7403 ba111 PDF

    7400 fan-out

    Abstract: 8T18 7400 quad 2-input NAND gate 8T18+signetics
    Text: lansdale sem ico nducto r 17E D • SBbTflQB 0 G D D 3 1 â T ■ T -15-n ç-o i T-5Z-3 T-lS-HS-O^ T-52-23&#39; 0 3 MAXIMUM RATINGS - r - c7 - / I Rating Value 5.0 ± 5 . 0 % V Input Voltage - Vln 5.5 V Output Voltage - Vout 7.0 V o< o Signetics Integrated Circuits

    OCR Scan
    -15-n T-52-23' 14-LEAD 16-LEAD 10-LEAD 7400 fan-out 8T18 7400 quad 2-input NAND gate 8T18+signetics PDF

    IC 7410

    Abstract: 7410 JRC IC 7430 IC 7420 IC 7400 nand OF IC 7410 7410 ic ls 7400 hc 7400 7410 1c
    Text: - 25- Triple 3 Input NAND 7410 Vcc 1C IV ac 38 3A 3Y ninininiLriiniriif ft IB 2A 2B 2C 2Y GND O Y = A •B •C 74S10 N LS ALS ALSK F S AS AC max L-*H T 22 15 11 8 6 4.5 4.5 11.1 12. 3,24 30 ns tpd max H—»L 1 15 15 10 7 5. 3 5 4.5 11.1 12.3 24 30 ins IN

    OCR Scan

    ls 7400

    Abstract: ls 7404 7410 JRC HC 7404 hc 7400 7404 ls TTL 7404 7400 hc 7404 74LS04 NOT gate
    Text: 7404 - 19- Hex Inverters 74LS04 « 0 * tpd max tpd A ?] IN 74S04 Util OH N LS ALS ALSK F S AS AC ACT HC HCU HCT L-»H t 22 15 11 7 4. 5 5 5 .9 8 .5 23 19 24 23 19 24 1 max 6 8 .5 8 6 5 .3 5 4 5 .9 2 .4 1.1 3 4 .2 24 4.8 0 .0 4 0 .0 4 0 .0 2 0.02 0.0 2 oA

    OCR Scan
    74LS04 ls 7400 ls 7404 7410 JRC HC 7404 hc 7400 7404 ls TTL 7404 7400 hc 7404 74LS04 NOT gate PDF

    ferranti ula

    Abstract: pia 6820 yx 805 led driver IC CD 4440 cs pic RAM 2102 RADIO SHACK PARTS CROSS REF 74L73 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER yx 801 led driver 1702a eprom
    Text: O <D & P o O o o ^ 0 3 1 0897-X $ 1 4.50 THE S-100 BUS HANDBOOK Dave Bursky H e r e ’s a c o m p re h e n s iv e b o o k th a t d is c u s s e s th e S -1 0 0 bus e q u ip m e n t an d h o w it is o rg a n iz e d . It c o v e rs c o m p u te r fu n d a m e n ta ls , b a s ic e le c tro n ic s ,

    OCR Scan
    0897-X S-100 ferranti ula pia 6820 yx 805 led driver IC CD 4440 cs pic RAM 2102 RADIO SHACK PARTS CROSS REF 74L73 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER yx 801 led driver 1702a eprom PDF


    Abstract: TAA 981 E25C5 TC8066PB sn 8400 sn 8408 selen-gleichrichter Halbleiterbauelemente DDR A109D SY 170
    Text: [ n r D D lk D ^ i^ B lB k f a n a n ilK Halbleiter-Bauelemente Kurzinformation D ie M ik ro e le k tro n ik e rw e is t sich in te rn a tio n a l m e h r u n d m eh r a ls e in e n ts c h e id e n d e r F a k to r be i d e r D u rc h s e tz u n g d e s w isse n s c h a ftlic h -te c h n is c h e n F o rts c h ritte s a lle r B ere ich e d e r W irts c h a ft un d

    OCR Scan

    pin diagram for all 74 series ttl gates

    Abstract: 7430N 7400N 7401N 7402N 7403AN 7403N 7404N 7405AN 7405N
    Text: IN TEG RATED C IR C U IT S LIST OF C O M P A R A B L E TYPES T T L RANGE COM M ERCIAL V ERSIO N S Type No. 7400N 7401N 7401 AN 7402N 7403N 7403AN 7404N 7405N 7405AN 741 ON 7420N 7430N 7440N 7441 A N 7442N 7450N 7451N 7453N Mullard types FJH131 FJH231 FJH311

    OCR Scan
    7400N 7401N 7402N 7403N 7403AN 7404N 7405N 7405AN 7420N 7430N pin diagram for all 74 series ttl gates PDF

    ls 7400

    Abstract: 7400 signetics TTL TTL LS 7400 7400 ls 7400 pin configuration TTL 7400 propagation delay 74l500 74LS00 signetics 74ls00 tr tf 74LS00 function table
    Text: Signetìcs I 7400, LS00, S00 Gates Quad Two-Input NAND Gate Product Specification Logic Products TY PE T Y P IC A L PR O P A G A TIO N D E LA Y T Y P IC A L SU P P LY C U R R E N T TO T A L 9ns 8m A 74LS00 9.5ns 1.6mA 74SOO 3ns 15m A 7400 ORDERING CODE C O M M E R C IA L RA NG E

    OCR Scan
    74LS00 74SOO N7400N, N74LS00N, N74S00N N74LS00D, N74S00D 10Sul 10LSul WF07570S ls 7400 7400 signetics TTL TTL LS 7400 7400 ls 7400 pin configuration TTL 7400 propagation delay 74l500 74LS00 signetics 74ls00 tr tf 74LS00 function table PDF


    Abstract: MC7493
    Text: Il / 4-B IT B IN A R Y C O U N TE R MTTL M C 5400/7400 Series Complex Functions MC5493L* MC7493L,P* This 4-b it co u n te r is com prised o f tw o sections: a divide by tw o section and a divide-by-eight section. These sections can b e used inde­ pen d e n tly , o r can b e co n n e cted to provide th e divide-by-16 function.

    OCR Scan
    MC5493L* MC7493L divide-by-16 MC5493L, MC7493L, T2368 MC7493 PDF

    7473N TTL

    Abstract: 7400N 7473N FJJ121 7442n 7401N 7402N 7403AN 6451N 7404N
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LIST OF COMPARABLE TYPES T T L RANGE C O M M E R C IA L V E R S IO N S Type No. 7400N 74 01N 7401 AN 74 02N 74 03N 7403AN 7404N 7405N 7405AN 741 ON 7420N 7430N 7440N 7441 AN 7 4 42N 7450N 7451N 7453N Mullard types FJH131 FJH231 FJH311 FJH221

    OCR Scan
    7400N 7401N 7402N 7403N 7403AN 7404N 7405N 7405AN 7420N 7430N 7473N TTL 7473N FJJ121 7442n 6451N PDF