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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    BQ27411DRZT-G1A Texas Instruments Pack-Side Impedance Track™ Fuel Gauge | Battery Gas Gauge 12-SON -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    TLV74115PDBVR Texas Instruments 150mA Low-Dropout (LDO) Regulator With Foldback Current Limit for Portable Devices 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    TLV74111PDQNR Texas Instruments 150mA Low-Dropout (LDO) Regulator With Foldback Current Limit for Portable Devices 4-X2SON -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    TLV74112PDBVR Texas Instruments 150mA Low-Dropout (LDO) Regulator With Foldback Current Limit for Portable Devices 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
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    Sensata Technologies CMLHPB111-1RLS4R-38097-225-V

    Circuit Breakers Cir Brkr Hyd Mag
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    Mouser Electronics CMLHPB111-1RLS4R-38097-225-V 3
    • 1 $437.45
    • 10 $437.45
    • 100 $437.45
    • 1000 $437.45
    • 10000 $437.45
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    Sensata Technologies LMLB1-1RLS4R-36825-100-V

    Circuit Breakers CIRCUIT BREAKER
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    Mouser Electronics LMLB1-1RLS4R-36825-100-V 2
    • 1 $96.26
    • 10 $96.26
    • 100 $96.26
    • 1000 $96.26
    • 10000 $96.26
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    Crouzet 84211M04LNNSPLSMIN

    Switch Hardware DIG RK SW M04 LNNS
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    Mouser Electronics 84211M04LNNSPLSMIN
    • 1 $63.05
    • 10 $50.24
    • 100 $45.37
    • 1000 $45.37
    • 10000 $45.37
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    Sensata Technologies LMLHK11-1RLS4-52-100.-A-01-V

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    Mouser Electronics LMLHK11-1RLS4-52-100.-A-01-V
    • 1 -
    • 10 $213.11
    • 100 $213.11
    • 1000 $213.11
    • 10000 $213.11
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    Sensata Technologies CMLHPK11-1RLS4-52-200.-A-01-V

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    Mouser Electronics CMLHPK11-1RLS4-52-200.-A-01-V
    • 1 -
    • 10 $269.8
    • 100 $269.8
    • 1000 $269.8
    • 10000 $269.8
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    LS 7411 Datasheets Context Search

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    ssc 6200

    Abstract: 74590 IC 74090 ic 74210
    Text: PICO’S Pulse Transformers SIZE 1 TUANS P IC O • Units manufactured to MIL-T21038 T P 7 S X N N N N K 2 • TER M IN A LS:. AH Units Tested al 500 V RM S. • INSULATION RESISTANCE: e WEIGHT SIZE: Greater Than 10.000 M egohm s at 700 V DC.

    OCR Scan

    mx 362-0

    Abstract: 7853b J-787-12
    Text: m olex Molex-ETC LISTED Ring Tongue Terminals — - : o !( ) i_ i Material: Copper j§ !<§ Krimptite Insulkrimp® Versakrimp® (PVC Insulation) W in H u g e AWG Sted Size S 0 (1 .5 ) 2 (2 ) 24-26 (0.10-0 281 4 (2.6) 6 (3.5) 8 (4) 10 1) 1-2 (2) S o ld e rle s s T e rm in a ls

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    BCL-2014-CC BCL-20516-CC BCL-2038-CC BCL-20I2-CC BCL-405I6-CC BCL-40381-CC BCL-4012-CC 25012-CC mx 362-0 7853b J-787-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R o h r k a b e ls c h u h e K u rz e Cable lugs V e r s io n S h o r t v e rs io n Artikel-Nummer Leiter- Bolzen Abmessungen mm Verp.-Einh. Stud Dimensions mm Standard querschnitt Part number Wire size Stuck packing mm2 M d2 d3 L P S 1 a d1 r s Piece RSQ 7400 A 3.5 - 2

    OCR Scan

    ls 7408

    Abstract: 7408 TTL TTL 7408 74L508 7408 LS 7411 7408 hct 7408 and ML 7408 ls 7421
    Text: - 7408 23- Quad 2 Input AND Vcc 4B 4A 4Y 38 3A 3V 1B 1Y 2A 2B 2Y GNO 0 7400cf A N D ? -f 7' O Y = A •B II u -k'b ta-fj OUT N LS ALS ALSK r S AS AC ACT tpd max L-*H ! 27 15 14 9 6.6 7 5.5 7. 9 11.7 23 tpd wax H— L i 19 20 10 9 6. 3 7. 5 5.5 7.9 11.7 23

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    7400CO ls 7408 7408 TTL TTL 7408 74L508 7408 LS 7411 7408 hct 7408 and ML 7408 ls 7421 PDF

    LS 7411

    Abstract: ls 7408 7411 triple 3-input AND 7408 hct 3- input 7408 ls 7421 7408 T4015 7408 LS
    Text: - 26 T rip le 3 In p u t A N D 741 1 VCC 1C 1Y 3C 1A 16 2A 26 39 3A 3Y 07410<7>AND* -f 7 Y = A • B •C 74LS11 IM S ± 'h K ~ h N LS ALS ALSK F S AS AC tpd max L^ H t 40 15 13 10 6 .6 7 6 8 .5 25 tpd max H— L 1 25 20 10 9 OUT 6. 5 7 .5 5 .5 7 .5 6 .2 24

    OCR Scan
    07410WAND; LS 7411 ls 7408 7411 triple 3-input AND 7408 hct 3- input 7408 ls 7421 7408 T4015 7408 LS PDF


    Abstract: 74112 74ls76 74112 FF JK 74S112 IS5038 74112+asynchronous+4bit+up+down+counter+using+jk+flip+flop
    Text: - 92 - Dual JK-FFs with Preset and Clear 74112 1 2 èhm. 74LS76 O * i f 7 - 4 7' ' — t ' 4 > 7 * - / V h ') ft m 0 « ] i^ li7 4 L S 7 6 ir e R - t su S AS AC ACT HC 30 100 80 175 125 80 21 22 MHz 20 16.5 5 6 5.0 8.0 20 20 ns 16.5 5 6.5 8.0 20 20 ns

    OCR Scan
    74LS76 li74LS76Â 74LS112 74S112 74LS112 74112 74ls76 74112 FF JK 74S112 IS5038 74112+asynchronous+4bit+up+down+counter+using+jk+flip+flop PDF

    IC 74116 pin diagram

    Abstract: s74116 74116
    Text: 74116 S ig n e t ic s Latch Dual 4-Bit Transparent Latch Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION TYPE TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY— DATA TO OUTPUT TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 11ns 50mA 74116 ORDERING CODE COMMERCIAL RANGE Vcc = 5 V ± 5 % ; T a = 0 “C to +70°C

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    1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns IC 74116 pin diagram s74116 74116 PDF

    TTL 7411

    Abstract: PIN CONFIGURATION 7410 74LS11 function table TTL LS 7411 74 LS 00 Logic Gates LS 7411 74LS10 pin configuration TTL 7410 TTL 7410 AND propagation delay PIN CONFIGURATION 74ls10
    Text: Signetics I 7410, 7411, LS10, LS11, S10, S11 Gates Logic Products Triple Three-Input NAND '10 , AND ('11) Gates Product Specification I TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPE TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT (TOTAL) 7410 9ns 6mA 74LS10 10ns 1.2mA 74S10 3ns 12mA 7411 10ns 11mA

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    74LS10 74S10 74LS11 74S11 N7410N, N74LS10N, N74S10N N7411N, N74LS11N, N74S11N TTL 7411 PIN CONFIGURATION 7410 74LS11 function table TTL LS 7411 74 LS 00 Logic Gates LS 7411 74LS10 pin configuration TTL 7410 TTL 7410 AND propagation delay PIN CONFIGURATION 74ls10 PDF


    Abstract: VU peak hold 1N3064 1N916 74LS N74116N 74116 24 pin
    Text: Sgnelics 74116 Latch Dual 4-Bit Transparent Latch Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The '116 has two independent 4-bit transparent latches. Each 4-bit latch is controlled by a two-input active LOW Enabje gate Eo and E i . When both Eo and E1 are LOW, the data enters the

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    1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 74116 VU peak hold 1N3064 1N916 74LS N74116N 74116 24 pin PDF

    jrc 741

    Abstract: BC 741 74LS107 HC 741 LS 741 a 741 j 1Z 116 74113 74LS107A IL 741 M
    Text: - 93 74113 Dual JK-FFs w ith Preset O* Vcc 2 CK 2K 2J 2 PR 20 20 1 CK 1 PR 10 10 GND 1K if 7- 1 7 " 1J 'J - T 1 > T 'x y y h V t su t hold 07473<7>*fi$!!3 IN OUT ALS ALSK F AC ACT HCU HCT BC S AS CLK 30 30 100 80 175 tw CIK H 20 16. 5 5 6 t* nin CLK L 16. 5

    OCR Scan
    74LS107Â jrc 741 BC 741 74LS107 HC 741 LS 741 a 741 j 1Z 116 74113 74LS107A IL 741 M PDF

    ic ns 4263

    Abstract: IC 9308 pin diagram
    Text: ^National Æuâ Semiconductor 9308/DM9308 Dual 4-Bit Latch General Description The 9308 is a dual 4-bit D-type latch designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. Each latch contains both an active LOW Master Reset input an active LOW Enable inputs. The 74116 is a pin for pin equivalent of

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    9308/DM9308 ic ns 4263 IC 9308 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics 74116 Latch Dual 4-Bit Transparent Latch Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION TYPE TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY— DATA TO OUTPUT TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 11ns 50mA 74116 ORDERING CODE COMMERCIAL RANGE VCC = 5 V ± 5 % ; T a = 0°C to + 7 0 ”C

    OCR Scan
    1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 74116 PDF

    TTL 7411

    Abstract: TTL 7410 PIN CONFIGURATION 7410 PIN CONFIGURATION 7411 74LS10 pin configuration 7410 pin configuration 74LS10 function table 7411 ttl pin configuration of 7410 LS 7411
    Text: Signetics I 74-10, 7411, LS10, LS11, S10, S11 Gates Logic Products Triple Three-Input NAND '10 , AND ('11) Gates Product Specification • TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPE TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT (TOTAL) 7410 9ns 6m A 74LS 10 10ns 1.2m A 74S 10 3ns 12m A 7411

    OCR Scan
    74LS10 74S10 74LS11 74S11 N7410N, N74LS10N, N74S10N N7411N, N74LS11N, N74S11N TTL 7411 TTL 7410 PIN CONFIGURATION 7410 PIN CONFIGURATION 7411 74LS10 pin configuration 7410 pin configuration 74LS10 function table 7411 ttl pin configuration of 7410 LS 7411 PDF

    IC 9308 pin diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1989 Semiconductor 9308/DM9308 Dual 4-Bit Latch General Description The 9308 is a dual 4-bit D-type latch designed for general purpose storage applications in digital systems. Each latch contains both an active LOW Master Reset input an active LOW Enable inputs. The 74116 is a pin for pin equivalent of

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    9308/DM9308 IC 9308 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s -n o y 0 0 1 8 9 1 tfY i ^ j& P R E L IM IN A R Y f t SEMICONDUCTOR HY51C64 65,536X1-Bit CMOS Dynamic RAM FEBRUARY 1986 DESCRIPTION The HY51C64 is a high speed 65,536 bit CMOS dynamic Random Access Memory. Fabricated in CMOS technology, the HY51C64 offers features not

    OCR Scan
    HY51C64 536X1-Bit HY51C64 16-pin 100ns 120ns 150ns K29793/4 PDF


    Abstract: 54175 DM74367 KS 2102 7486 ic truth table signetics 2502 ci 8602 gn block diagram ci 8602 gn 74s281 DM74LS76
    Text: 19 7 6 N atio n al S e m ico n d u cto r C o rp . p 1 ? I m • ' % TTL Data Book D EV IC E MIL i 2502 2503 2504 5400 54H00 54L00 54LS00 5401 54H01 54L01 54LS01 5402 54L02 54LS02 5403 54L03 54LS03 5404 54H04 54L04 54LS04 5405 54H05 54L05 54LS05 5406 5407 5408

    OCR Scan
    54H00 54L00 54LS00 54H01 54L01 54LS01 54L02 54LS02 54L03 54LS03 dm8130 54175 DM74367 KS 2102 7486 ic truth table signetics 2502 ci 8602 gn block diagram ci 8602 gn 74s281 DM74LS76 PDF


    Abstract: 7400 TTL 74LS327 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 80C96 74251 multiplexer 74C923 equivalent Flip-Flop 7473 74LS324 equivalent 74C08 equivalent
    Text: N T E ELECTRONICS INC 17E H ^3125=1 G0G513S Q B - o S V. ! - TRANSISTOR-TRANSISTOR LOGIC INCLUDES SERIES 74C CMOS NTE TYPE NO. •DESCRIPTION . 7214 7400 74C00 74H00 74LS00 74S00 3-State Sel/Mlpx Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos

    OCR Scan
    G0G513S 74C00 74H00 74LS00 74S00 74H01 74LS01 74C02 74LS02 74S02 74LS324 7400 TTL 74LS327 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 80C96 74251 multiplexer 74C923 equivalent Flip-Flop 7473 74LS324 equivalent 74C08 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: Structure rotary phase shifter glass delay line 1av4f30b00100 3579545 crystal oscillator 3m color dropout compensation fm frequency converter VCR modulators alps LA7411 LA7416
    Text: O verview T h e L A 7425 is a sin g le -c h ip LSI t h a t p e rfo rm s N T S C video sig n a l p ro c e ssin g fo r V H S f o rm a t V C R s. C h ip in te r n a l tr im m in g h a s re d u c e d th e n u m b e r o f r e q u ire d a d ju s tm e n ts to a sin g le a d ju s tm e n t a n d

    OCR Scan
    LA7425 0D1B252 2SC2570 Structure rotary phase shifter glass delay line 1av4f30b00100 3579545 crystal oscillator 3m color dropout compensation fm frequency converter VCR modulators alps LA7411 LA7416 PDF


    Abstract: S48 SMD diode mark QML-38535 b09424ft class 10 board ices 2012

    OCR Scan
    5962-e173 qML-38b3S. JML-38535 MIL-BUL-103. MIl-BUL-103 B0942 S48 SMD diode mark QML-38535 b09424ft class 10 board ices 2012 PDF

    motorola transistor 7439

    Abstract: 741TC TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE sprague transistors MC1304 SN75474 ULN2151D MC1310P 3067 dual transistor motorola transistor array 14 pin dip
    Text: Z ir SPRAGUE TRANSISTOR ARRAYS A New Approach to Design Problem Solving Sprague offers nine monolithic active-device arrays which com bine the performance and versatility of discrete devices with th e inherent reliability and matching of integrated circuits.

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    ULS-2045H ULN-2046A ULN-2047A ULN-2054A ULN-2081A MC1439G MC1439P1 MC1741CG MC1741CP1 MC3003 motorola transistor 7439 741TC TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE sprague transistors MC1304 SN75474 ULN2151D MC1310P 3067 dual transistor motorola transistor array 14 pin dip PDF


    Abstract: SN7401 74LS424 54175 SN74298 SN74265 SN74LS630 SN74LS69 National Semiconductor Linear Data Book Transistor AF 138

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510 SN74ALS123 SN7401 74LS424 54175 SN74298 SN74265 SN74LS630 SN74LS69 National Semiconductor Linear Data Book Transistor AF 138 PDF

    TRIAC RCA ca3058

    Abstract: rca ca3240E CA311G CA101AT CA124G sn76013 CA1310 CA555CG Fuji Electric tv schematic diagram 40468A
    Text: RCA Linear Integrated Circuits This DATABOOK contains complete technical information on the full line of RCA standard commercial linear in­ tegrated circuits and MOS field-effect transistors for both industrial and con­ sumer applications. An Index to Devices provides a complete listing of

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    D 5038 Transistor Horizontal

    Abstract: amplificateur audio a base de transistor transistor 2n 892 X1 amplificateur BF transistor ST TYN 616 equivalent of transistor bul 38 da bd 317 schema transistor 3055 out hv ESM214 Transistor bdy 58
    Text: POWER TRANSISTORS TRANSISTORS DE PUISSANCE 1975 NPN S ILIC O N TR A N S IS TO R S , D IF F U S E D MESA TR A N S IS TO R S NP N S IL IC IU M , M ESA D IF F U S E S 2N 1209 • LF large signal amplification A m p lific a tio n B F grands signaux - High current switching

    OCR Scan
    CB-69 14f4g D 5038 Transistor Horizontal amplificateur audio a base de transistor transistor 2n 892 X1 amplificateur BF transistor ST TYN 616 equivalent of transistor bul 38 da bd 317 schema transistor 3055 out hv ESM214 Transistor bdy 58 PDF


    Abstract: NE741 2sc1252 74113 NE74100
    Text: NE74100 NE74113 NE74114 NPN MEDIUM POWER UHF-VHF TRANSISTOR FEATURES_ DESCRIPTION • HIGH GAIN BANDWIDTH PRODUCT: fT = 1.7 GHz The NE741 series of NPN epitaxial silicon transistors is designed for wide bandwidth UHF and VHF amplifiers. Its low

    OCR Scan
    NE74100 NE74113 NE74114 NE741 E74100) NE74114 E74100, NE74100 2SC1365 2sc1252 74113 PDF