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    Carling Technologies LTIGK724-6S-WH-RC-NBL/125N

    Rocker Switches LTIGK7246SWHRCNBL/125N
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    Mouser Electronics LTIGK724-6S-WH-RC-NBL/125N
    • 1 $21.29
    • 10 $19.07
    • 100 $17.89
    • 1000 $17.35
    • 10000 $17.35
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    LT 7246 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODEL 7246 7/8” Diameter 10–Turn Wirewound 2 Precision Potentiometer ELECTRICAL Resistance Range, Ohms Standard Resistance Tolerance Minimum Practical Resistance Tolerance Independent Linearity Minimum Practical Independent Linearity 10 to 125K ±5% ±3%

    MIL-R-12934) Temper10 2606S, 2607S, 2646S, 2647S, BTS+7246 PDF

    lt 7246

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODEL 7246 7/8” Diameter 10–Turn Wirewound 2 Precision Potentiometer ELECTRICAL Resistance Range, Ohms Standard Resistance Tolerance Minimum Practical Resistance Tolerance Independent Linearity Minimum Practical Independent Linearity 10 to 125K ±5% ±3%

    MIL-R-12934) 2606S, 2607S, 2646S, 2647S, lt 7246 PDF

    lt 7246

    Abstract: 7246
    Text: MODEL 7246 7/8” Diameter 10–Turn Wirewound 2 Precision Potentiometer ELECTRICAL Resistance Range, Ohms Standard Resistance Tolerance Minimum Practical Resistance Tolerance Independent Linearity Minimum Practical Independent Linearity 10 to 125K ±5% ±3%

    MIL-R-12934) 2606S, 2607S, 2646S, 2647S, lt 7246 7246 PDF

    lt 7246

    Abstract: 7246 MIL-R-12934 2606S 2607S 2646S 2647S
    Text: MODEL 7246 7/8” Diameter 10–Turn Wirewound 2 Precision Potentiometer ELECTRICAL Resistance Range, Ohms Standard Resistance Tolerance Minimum Practical Resistance Tolerance Independent Linearity Minimum Practical Independent Linearity 10 to 125K ±5% ±3%

    MIL-R-12934) 2606S, 2607S, 2646S, 2647S, lt 7246 7246 MIL-R-12934 2606S 2607S 2646S 2647S PDF


    Abstract: project on circuit diagram online UPS 2000w power amplifier circuit diagram UPS circuit diagram CIRCUIT DIAGRAM UPS 2000w dc to ac inverter Circuit diagram 3 phase UPS block diagram dsp based Online UPS ups design single phase ups circuit diagram
    Text: Application Report SPRA589A Implementing Triple Conversion Single-Phase On-line UPS using TMS320C240 Shamim Choudhury DCS Applications Abstract Uninterruptible power supplies UPS play an important role in interfacing critical loads such as computers, communication systems, medical/life support systems, and industrial controls to the

    SPRA589A TMS320C240 TMS320C24ustomer DSP BASED ONLINE UPS design project on circuit diagram online UPS 2000w power amplifier circuit diagram UPS circuit diagram CIRCUIT DIAGRAM UPS 2000w dc to ac inverter Circuit diagram 3 phase UPS block diagram dsp based Online UPS ups design single phase ups circuit diagram PDF

    STR G 8654

    Abstract: A673 transistor transistor A673 transistor Bu 45080 TT 2188 mx 362-0 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 3401 diode BZW 70-20 sfh 202 diode 3302 81a ir receiver
    Text: Foreword Foreword Foreword Vorwort The information in this catalog is correct as of March 2011. Die Angaben in diesem Katalog entsprechen dem Stand März 2011. All products listed in this catalog are RoHS compliant, a fact that will be explicitly noted in the respective data sheet. For up-to-date


    LT 7229

    Abstract: lt 7233 LT 7238 lt 7246 LT 7242 LT 7232 LT 7227 VDO Rb3
    Text: 19-1066; Rev 0; 6/96 V M y jX IV M +2.375V, Low-Power, 8-Channel, S erial 12-B lt ADC The 4-wire serial interface directly connects to SPI , QSPI™, and Microwire™ devices without external logic. A serial stro b e ou tp u t allow s d ire ct con ne ction to

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    MAX1245 12-bit TMS320-family S320LC3x X1245 AX124S MAX1245-to-TMS320 TMS320 MAX1245AEPP LT 7229 lt 7233 LT 7238 lt 7246 LT 7242 LT 7232 LT 7227 VDO Rb3 PDF

    lt 7246

    Abstract: 7246
    Text: MODEL 7246 7 /8 " Diam eter 10-Turn W i rewound Precision Potentiom eter ELECTRICAL Resistance Range, Ohms 10 to 125K Standard Resistance Tolerance ±5% M in im u m Practical Resistance Tolerance ±3% Independent Linearity ±0.25% M inim um Practical Independent Linearity

    OCR Scan
    10-Turn 2606S, 2607S, 2646S, 2647S, lt 7246 7246 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TC7W02F/FU Dual 2-Input NOR Gate The TC7W 02 is a high speed C2MOS 2-input NOR Gate fabricated with silicon gate C2MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation sim ilar to equivalent LSTTL while maintaining the C2MOS low pow er dissipation.

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    TC7W02F/FU PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TC7W04F/FU 3 Inverters The TC7W04 is high speed C2MOS Buffer fabricated with silicon gate C2MOS technology. The internal circuit is composed of 3 stages including buffer output, which enables high noise immunity and stable output.

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    TC7W04F/FU TC7W04 PDF


    Abstract: IEC-950 AMP PBT connector gg3b AMP PBT connector tool
    Text: AMP Catalog 124153 Blindmate Connectors Compilation Issued 3-96 Blindmate, High Current Hybrid Drawer Connectors (Continued) Crimp, Snap-In Contact (For Signal Circuit/Herm aphroditic) Material and Finish: Phosphor bronze, selectively goldplated w ith nickel underplate

    OCR Scan
    UL1015 408-097J) 408-151J) 24-position) Q7T7312 DD3bl71 724632-1 IEC-950 AMP PBT connector gg3b AMP PBT connector tool PDF

    cfl circuit diagram

    Abstract: TC55257CFL TC55257CFTL TC55257CPL TC55257CSPL TC55257CTRL
    Text: TOSHIBA TC55257CPL/CFI/CSPL/CFIiycrRL-70/85/10 PRELIMINARY SILICON GATE CMOS 32,768 WORD x 8 BIT STATIC RAM Description The T C 5 5 2 5 7 C P L is a 2 6 2 ,1 4 4 bit C M O S static random access m em ory organized as 3 2 ,7 6 8 w o rd s by 8 bits and operated from

    OCR Scan
    TC55257CPiyCFL/CSPL/CFnyCTRLr70/85/10 TC55257CPL 002b205 TC55257CPL/CFL/CSPL/CFTL/CTRL-70/85/10 T0CI7240 D02bSDb cfl circuit diagram TC55257CFL TC55257CFTL TC55257CSPL TC55257CTRL PDF


    Abstract: on circuit emulation mode 8051 microcontroller 51BH 300 8XC50
    Text: 87C58-20/-3 80C58-20/-3 COMMERCIAL/EXPRESS 20 MHz MICROCONTROLLER 87C58-20/80C58-20—3.5 MHz-20 MHz Vcc = 5V ±20% 87C58-3/80C58-3—24 MHz Internal Operation, VCc = 5V + 20% • High Performance CHMOS EPRO ■ 6 Interrupt Sources ■ 24 MHz Internal Operation -3 only

    OCR Scan
    87C58-20/-3 80C58-20/-3 87C58-20/80C58-20--3 Hz-20 87C58-3/80C58-3--24 16-Bit 67C58 on circuit emulation mode 8051 microcontroller 51BH 300 8XC50 PDF


    Abstract: 170429-2 1-172211-0
    Text: Economy Interconnection El Series Connectors W ire-to-W ire Connectors (2.5m m and 5.0m m ) Catalog 1242174 Issued 6-98 Plug Connectors (Wire Applied) Standard Type Pin Contacts Material: P'C V B ra ; ° r e - l ii P i o s p i ' o ' B - c r P-'DSp-'Or 3 '0

    OCR Scan
    IS-365JÃ 755333-1 170429-2 1-172211-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ODEL 7 2 4 6 7 /8 " Diameter 10-Turn W i rew ound Precision Potentiometer ELECTRICAL Resistance Range, Ohms 10 to 125K Standard Resistance Tolerance ±5% Minimum Practical Resistance Tolerance ±3% Independent Linearity ±0.25% Minimum Practical Independent Linearity

    OCR Scan
    10-Turn 7246 PDF

    lt 7246

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O D EL 7 2 4 6 7 /8 " Diameter 10-Turn W irewound Precision Potentiometer ELECTRICAL Resistance Range, Ohms 10 to 125K Standard Resistance Tolerance ±5% M inim um Practical Resistance Tolerance ±3% Independent Linearity ±0.25% M inim um Practical Independent Linearity

    OCR Scan
    10-Turn 2606S, 2607S, 2646S, 2647S, lt 7246 PDF


    Abstract: 170189-1 172500-1 7228 171358-1 170222-1 172517-1 Multiple Interlock Connectors Mark II 72248 amp-o-lectric terminating machine
    Text: Multiple Interlock Connectors MIC , Mark I and Mark II C atalog 86-783 I s s u e d 2- 87 Features • Mark I and Mark II connectors offer two methods of contact retention ■ Three connector styles available: free-hanging, panel mount and board mount ■ Positive locking— mated

    OCR Scan
    J22692 K27457 RS26651 672047 170189-1 172500-1 7228 171358-1 170222-1 172517-1 Multiple Interlock Connectors Mark II 72248 amp-o-lectric terminating machine PDF


    Abstract: lt 7246
    Text: MODEL 7 2 4 6 7/8" Diameter 10-Turn W i rewound Precision Potentiometer ELECTRICAL Resistance Range, Ohm s 10 to 125K Standard Resistance Tolerance ±5% M inim um Practical Resistance Tolerance ±3% Independent Linearity ±0.25% M inim um Practical Independent Linearity

    OCR Scan
    10-Turn 7246 lt 7246 PDF

    chn 521

    Abstract: BA 7277 chn 548 carrier detect phase shift CHN 65 chn233 SCR 2122 Integrated 7246 MICRONAS BSP carrier detect phase shift key
    Text: * MICRONAS MAS 2122 300/1200 BPS FULL DUPLËX MODEM P IN C O N F IG U R A T IO N S A P P L IC A T IO N S Extended M ode - /j P C ontrolled Bell 212 A, 103 and 113 Modems EXTENDED CCITT V.22 A, B and V.21 Modems DB7 Dialing DB6 DBS Call Progress Tone Monitoring

    OCR Scan
    RS-232C 22-PIN 28-PIN 40-PIN SF-02771 chn 521 BA 7277 chn 548 carrier detect phase shift CHN 65 chn233 SCR 2122 Integrated 7246 MICRONAS BSP carrier detect phase shift key PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GROMMETS MATERIALS: RUBBER - Black Buna-S synthetic rubber SBR , approximately 60 durometer. VINYL - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Black RUBBER GROMMETS PART NO. 2185 91114 2058 2172 91103 2170 91122 91102 91123 91116 91106 2174 91117 91107 2175 91100 91111 91109

    OCR Scan

    DO-213AA 1N4148

    Abstract: sem 5020 MLL4148-1 JANTXV1N4148UR-1 LT 7247 lt 7246 1N4148 DL-35 PACKAGE microsemi DL4448 JANTX1N4148
    Text: Signal/General Purpose Diodes Part Number JANTXV1N4454-1 JANTXV1N4454-1 JANTXV1N4454UR-1 ESA1N4150-1 ESA1N4151-1 BAS16 1N4148 1N4149 1N4446 1N4447 1N4448 1N4448 1N4449 1N914 OL4148 DL4448 DL914 A (B) MLL4148-1 MLL4454-1 MMBD4148 MMBD7000 MMBD914 JAN1N4148-1

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 DO-213AA OT-23 DO-213AA 1N4148 sem 5020 MLL4148-1 JANTXV1N4148UR-1 LT 7247 lt 7246 1N4148 DL-35 PACKAGE microsemi DL4448 JANTX1N4148 PDF

    LT 7232

    Abstract: LT 7238 MB87020 LC 7258 cd 7231 z8080 MB87064 DIC20 6K8k lc 7252
    Text: 16-BIT A /D AND D/À CONVERTER F U JIT S U MB87020 Septem ber 1988 E d itio n 1.0 16-BIT A/D AND D/A CONVERTER T he F u jits u M B 8 7 0 2 0 is a 50kSPS K ilo Sam ple Per Second 1 6 -b it A n alog to -D ig ita l and D ig ita l-to -A n a io g c o n v e rte r fa b ric a te d

    OCR Scan
    16-BIT MB87020 50kSPS 8/16-bit 16-bit 12-bit LT 7232 LT 7238 LC 7258 cd 7231 z8080 MB87064 DIC20 6K8k lc 7252 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMPN3120A20M/U TOSHIBA TENTATIVE TOSHIBA CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TMPN3120A20M, TMPN3120A20U Neuron Chip For Distributed Intelligent Control Networks L o n W o rk s ® The Neuron Chip TMPN3120A20M and TMPN3120A20U provides double the performance of previous Neuron

    OCR Scan
    TMPN3120A20M/U TMPN3120A20M, TMPN3120A20U TMPN3120A20M TMPN3120A20U OP32-P-525-1 QFP44-P-1010-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA ^0^7 240 002flE?75 37ñ TC51V4265DFTS60/70 PRELIMINARY 262,144 WORD X 16 BIT DYNAMIC RAM Description TheTC51V4265D FTS is the new generation dynamic RAM organized 262,144 word by 16 bits. TheTC51V4265DFTS uti­ lizes Toshiba’s CMOS silicon gate process technology as well as advanced circuit techniques to provide wide operating mar­

    OCR Scan
    002flE TC51V4265DFTS60/70 TheTC51V4265D TheTC51V4265DFTS TC51V4265DFTS TC51V4265DFTS-60/70 DR04061194 PDF