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    M 1958 M Search Results

    M 1958 M Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SK1958-T1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Power MOSFETs for Automotive Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    RNA51958AFP#H0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Single-function Reset IC, SOP, /Tape & Reel Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F1958EVB Renesas Electronics Corporation Evaluation Board for F1958 7-bit Digital Step Attenuator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    RNA51958BFP#H0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Single-function Reset IC, SOP, /Tape & Reel Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    RNA51958AP#T0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Single-function Reset IC, DIP, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    M 1958 M Price and Stock

    Allegro MicroSystems LLC ATS19581LSTBTN-FSNHPYM-A

    Speed Sensors GMR GTS Sys-Level Robustness and Efficiency ASIL B(D)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ATS19581LSTBTN-FSNHPYM-A 2,391
    • 1 $8.62
    • 10 $7.41
    • 100 $7.13
    • 1000 $6.43
    • 10000 $6.43
    Buy Now

    CTS Corporation 195-8MST

    DIP Switches / SIP Switches DIP switches/SIP switches, SPST, PIANO, 8 POS, Thru-Hole, TAPE SEALED, TUBE, OFF
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 195-8MST 1,323
    • 1 $1.24
    • 10 $0.924
    • 100 $0.812
    • 1000 $0.639
    • 10000 $0.556
    Buy Now

    CTS Corporation 195-8MS

    DIP Switches / SIP Switches DIP switches/SIP switches, SPST, PIANO, 8 POS, Thru-Hole, NO TAPE SEALED, TUBE, OFF
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 195-8MS 594
    • 1 $1.32
    • 10 $0.999
    • 100 $0.996
    • 1000 $0.717
    • 10000 $0.659
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    Amphenol Corporation 2CMA101958R1000

    Heavy Duty Power Connectors 3P+E Industrial Plug. Replaces Part# 316EP9
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 2CMA101958R1000 20
    • 1 $19.78
    • 10 $17.14
    • 100 $14.13
    • 1000 $12.9
    • 10000 $12.9
    Buy Now


    Circular MIL Spec Backshells MIL SPEC CONN
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MS51958-60 6
    • 1 $31.83
    • 10 $28.74
    • 100 $24.95
    • 1000 $23.57
    • 10000 $23.57
    Buy Now

    M 1958 M Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T E X A S I N S T R U M E N T S - P R O D U C T I ON D ATA Stellaris LM3S1958 Microcontroller DATA SH E E T DS - LM 3S 1958 -1 2 7 4 6 .2 5 1 5 S P M S 035H C opyri ght 2007- 2012 Texas Instruments Incorpor at ed Copyright Copyright © 2007-2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated All rights reserved. Stellaris and StellarisWare® are registered trademarks of Texas Instruments

    LM3S1958 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TE X AS I NS TRUM E NTS - P RO DUCTION D ATA Stellaris LM3S1958 Microcontroller D ATA SHE E T D S -LM3S 1958 - 1 2 7 4 6 . 2 5 1 5 S P M S 035H C o p yri g h t 2 0 07-2012 Te xa s In stru me n ts In co rporated Copyright Copyright © 2007-2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated All rights reserved. Stellaris and StellarisWare® are registered trademarks of Texas Instruments

    LM3S1958 PDF

    power supply ic 1507

    Abstract: horizontal driver transistor D155 tA 1507 LUT20 horizontal driver transistor D148 01AF SPLD801A 1507
    Text: SPLD801A LCD DRIVER WITH 80-CHANNEL GRAY LEVEL OUTPUTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SPLD801A, a 4-gray-level dot matrix LCD driver with high voltage CMOS technology from SUNPLUS, is able to provide varieties of common/segment combinations for LCD applications. Four types of LCD combinations

    SPLD801A 80-CHANNEL SPLD801A, SPLD801A 160-bit 80-bit power supply ic 1507 horizontal driver transistor D155 tA 1507 LUT20 horizontal driver transistor D148 01AF 1507 PDF

    2SB600 NEC

    Abstract: 2SD965 2SD966 2SD2061 2SB600 1951b 2sc3677 2SC3421 2SD1483 2sd1944
    Text: - m % tt Type No. 2S0 1951 2SD 1952 ^ 2SD 1953 ^ 2SD 1955 2S0 1956 2SD 1957 2SD 1958 2SD 2SD 2SD 2SD 2 so « 0 S ft Z SANYO 2SDS79 2SD15Z4 * $ TOSHIBA 2SC3266 H ft iL m NEC tL HITACHI 2SC2873 2SD1887 2SC3299 2SD1548 1953 □— A 2SD1145 2SD1628 2SD 1964 .

    OCR Scan
    2SD879 2SC3266 2SD965 2SD1624 2SC2873 2SD1119 2SD1963 2SD1692 2SD1233 2SC4339 2SB600 NEC 2SD965 2SD966 2SD2061 2SB600 1951b 2sc3677 2SC3421 2SD1483 2sd1944 PDF


    Abstract: Transistor 9012 ax 9012 transistor
    Text: TYPE 2N120 N-P-N GROWN-JUNCTION SILICON TRANSISTOR B U L L E T I N NO. D L -S 58900, M A R C H 1958 76 to 333 beta spread Specifically designed for high gain at high temperatures m echanical d a ta W elded case with glass-to-metal hermetic seal between case and leads. Approximate weight is 1.7 grams.

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    2N120 7S222 Transistor 9012 ax 9012 transistor PDF

    7 pin crt pin out

    Abstract: 30F5 GM8c Scans-0017395 swan SIEMENS EDISON SWAN pentode
    Text: MAZDA 30F5 HIGH SLOPE SCREENED H.F. PENTODE Indirectly heated—for series operation G ENERAL T h e 30F5 is in te n de d fo r use as a stra ig h t te le visio n pentode and is suitable fo r A C / D C se rie s op e ration . R A T IN G 0-3 H e a te r C u r r e n t am ps

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: rs tube M 1958 M general electric
    Text: 6EH8 6EH8 ET-T1501 Page 1 9 - 58 TRIODE-PENTODE f le e t s * * FOR VHF CONVERTER APPLICATIONS TUBES DESCRIPTION A N D RATING = The 6EH8 is a miniature tube which contains a sharp-cutoff pentode and a triode in one envelope. It is intended primarily for use as a combined triode

    OCR Scan
    K-556 K-556II-TD41-6 ET-T1501 6EH8 rs tube M 1958 M general electric PDF

    Thyratron 2D21

    Abstract: 2D21 Thyratron Thyratron 2021 VL958-2 RG2 -relay valve 2D-21 Thyratron+2D21+xenon
    Text: Ref.: 4G/280K Hot-Cathode Gas-Filled Miniature Thyratron Code: 2D2I CV797 Th e 2D21 is a m iniature tetrode-type, inert-gas-filled th yratro n . It is d irectly equivalent to the U .S .A . 2D21 type. CATHODE Indirectly-heated, oxide-coated H eater voltage

    OCR Scan
    4G/280K CV797) Rgl1000a 4G/280Kâ Thyratron 2D21 2D21 Thyratron Thyratron 2021 VL958-2 RG2 -relay valve 2D-21 Thyratron+2D21+xenon PDF

    12dq7 tube

    Abstract: 12DQ7 5000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram Scans-0017276 general electric
    Text: 12DQ7 12DQ7 ET-T1490 Page 1 4-58 PENTODE FOR TV VIDEO AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS TUBES = DESCRIPTION AND RATING = The 12DQ7 is a miniature power pentode primarily designed for use as the video output amplifier in television receivers. Features of the tube include

    OCR Scan
    12DQ7 12DQ7 K-5561I-TD34-I ET-T1490 K-556 IJ-TD36- K-556I I-TD36-2 12dq7 tube 5000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram Scans-0017276 general electric PDF

    Thyratron 5545

    Abstract: Thyratron 501AA S01A GL5545 ABE 950 Ignition Transformer motor operated valve for gas 1958 5S45 CV2215
    Text: Ref.: 3G/501A Hot-Cathode Gas-Filled Thyratron Code: 5S45 CV2215 +- T h e 5545 is a t rio d e type in ert-gas filled th y ra tro n fo r use in m o to r speed and w e ld e r c o n tro l circuits. It is dire ctly equivalent to the U .S.A . G L5545. C ATH O D E

    OCR Scan
    3G/501A CV2215) GL5545. 3G/501Aâ CV22I5) 3G/S01Aâ Thyratron 5545 Thyratron 501AA S01A GL5545 ABE 950 Ignition Transformer motor operated valve for gas 1958 5S45 CV2215 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E DI S W A N MAZDA \ 6FI8 V A R IA B L E M U H.F. P E N T O D E Indirectly heated— for parallel operation TENTATIVE GENERAL The 6F18 is a variable-mu HF. Pentode intended for use in AM/FM Receivers having parallel connected heater chains, and is suitable for use on A.C. Mains.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 12BV7 Scans-0017272 ET-T1315A general electric ET-T1315 K-556II-TD46-3 *E13000
    Text: 12BV7 12BV7 ic ^ ET-T1315A Page 1 l-s? PENTODE TUBES FOR TV VIDEO AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION A N D RATING^ The 12BV7 is a miniature power pentode designed primarily for use as the video output amplifier in television receivers. In application and character­

    OCR Scan
    12BV7 12BY7. 12BY7 K-556 I-TD46-4 -TD46-5 12BV7 ET-T1315A Scans-0017272 ET-T1315A general electric ET-T1315 K-556II-TD46-3 *E13000 PDF


    Abstract: 19S8
    Text: Ref.: G108/1K Miniature Cold-Cathode Yoltage-Stabiliser Code: OB2 CVI833 This valve is a miniature cold-cathode, gas-filled, voltage-stabiliser for use in industrial and radio equipment where a stable source of voltage is required. It is equivalent to the U.S.A. O B 2 type.

    OCR Scan
    G108/1K CVI833) Nom833) G108/1Kâ CVI833 19S8 PDF


    Abstract: 19S8 Scans-0017395
    Text: ED I SW A N MAZDA 30FLI T R IO D E BEAM T E T R O D E Indirectly heated— for series operation TEN TA TIV E G EN ERA L Th is trio d e beam tetrode valve combination has a medium mu trio d e and a high slope beam te tro d e and is intended for use in the Video O u tp u t o r Sync Separator stages of A C /D C

    OCR Scan
    30FLI tetrode 19S8 Scans-0017395 PDF

    866a RECTIFIER

    Abstract: rectifier 866A FULL WAVE RECTIFIER CIRCUITS 4pin bridge rectifier 6360 full wave rectifier 1 PHASE 866a Scans-0017389
    Text: Ref.: 2V/400A Half-Wave MercuryYapour Rectifier Code: 866A CV32 This re c tifie r is equivalent to the U.S.A. 866/866A type. CATH O DE Oxide-coated filam ent, shielded Filament voltage Nom inal cu rre n t M inim um cathode heating tim e 2.5 5.0 30 V A sec

    OCR Scan
    V/400A 866/866A V/400Aâ 27/ib I4-30 866a RECTIFIER rectifier 866A FULL WAVE RECTIFIER CIRCUITS 4pin bridge rectifier 6360 full wave rectifier 1 PHASE 866a Scans-0017389 PDF


    Abstract: stabiliser G180
    Text: Ref.: G180/2G Cold-Cathode Voltage G 180/2M Stabilisers Codes: G180/2G G180/2M CV395 The G180/2G is identical to the G180/2M but is fitted w ith a B8G/F base for w iring directly into the circuit. Both valves have tw o sym metrical anodes which may be used

    OCR Scan
    G180/2G G180/2G G180/2M CV395) G180/2M CV395 stabiliser G180 PDF


    Abstract: CODE 3G
    Text: Ref.: G75/3G Cold-Cathode Voltage-Stabiliser Code: G75/3G CV4030 Th e G75/3G is a gas-filled voltage-stabiliser which has been developed fo r applications w here conditions of vibration and mechanical shock are encountered. Th e valve has tw o anodes which

    OCR Scan
    G75/3G CV4030) G75/3G G75/3Gâ 3G1c CODE 3G PDF


    Abstract: g150
    Text: Ref.: G150/4K Miniature Cold-Cathode Voltage-Stabiliser Code: OA2 CVI832 T h is valve is a m in iatu re cold-cathode, gas-filled, voltage -stabilise r fo r use in in d u stria l and radio e q u ip m e n t w h e re a stable so u rc e of voltage is req uired . It is e q uivalent t o th e U .S.A . O A 2 type.

    OCR Scan
    G150/4K CVI832) 150/4K G150/4Kâ CV1832) CVI832 g150 PDF


    Abstract: g150-2d G150/2D 19S8
    Text: Ref.: G150/2D Cold-Cathode Gas-Filled Triode Code: G150/2D CV4I3 T h e G 1 50/ 2D cold cathode, gas-filled t rio d e has an activated cathode g iv in g a lo w m aintaining voltage, to g e th e r w ith a go o d life perform ance. M E C H A N IC A L D A T A

    OCR Scan
    G150/2D G150/2D CV413) G150/2Dâ CV413 g150-2d 19S8 PDF


    Abstract: TWIN TRIODE Scans-0017358
    Text: EDISWAN N&, MAZDA 20LI \ T E L E V IS IO N T W IN T R IO D E Indirectly heated— for series operation REPLACEMENT TYPE_ * R A T IN G Heater Current amps Heater Voltage (volts) Maximum Anode Voltage (volts) Mutual Conductance (mA/V) Amplification Factor

    OCR Scan

    7 pin crt pin out

    Abstract: Scans-0017252 SIEMENS EDISON SWAN pentode
    Text: EDISWAN MAZDA IOC2 TELEVISIO N T RIO D E PEN TO DE Indirectly heated— for series operation Pentode T rio d e RATIN G 0.1 28.0 amps ih Heater Current (volts) Vh Heater Voltage Maximum Anode Voltage (volts) Va(max) 150 Maximum Screen Voltage (volts) Vg2(max)

    OCR Scan

    voltage stabiliser

    Abstract: CV2194
    Text: Ref.: G400/1K High-Voltage ColdCathode Voltage Stabiliser Code: G400/1K CV2194 The G400/1K is a m iniature lo w cu rre n t, high voltage gas-filled stabiliser specially developed fo r use w here a high degree of sta b ility is required. M E C H A N IC A L D A T A

    OCR Scan
    G400/1K CV2194) G400/1K G400/1Kâ /2t3/32 voltage stabiliser CV2194 PDF

    voltage stabiliser

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ref.: G400/2G High-Voltage ColdCathode Voltage Stabiliser Code: G400/2G CV4047 T h e G 400/2G is a reliable, m in iatu re high-voltage gas-filled sta b ilise r fitted w ith a flying lead base fo r w irin g d ire ctly in to the circuit. It has been de veloped fo r use w h e re a high degree of

    OCR Scan
    G400/2G CV4047) G400/2G G400/2G-1 G400/2Gâ voltage stabiliser PDF


    Abstract: Standard Telephones 705A equivalent Scans-0017389 filament
    Text: Ref.: 2T/450E Half-Wave High-Yacuum Rectifier Code: 70SA CV3587 This rectifier is directly equivalent to the U.S.A. 705A type. CATHODE Thoriated tungsten filament with centre tap Voltage (full filament) Nom inal current (per half filament) 5 5 V A M E C H A N IC A L D A T A

    OCR Scan
    2T/450E CV3587) 2T/450Eâ CV3S87) I22-2S 063MAX 05SMIN 0060MAX II-30 cv3s Standard Telephones 705A equivalent Scans-0017389 filament PDF