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    Abstract: "MOSFET "1500V 10A zener diode 50w 5V MOSFET 1500V 10A Coiltronics CTX03-17677-R
    Text: 19-1914; Rev 0; 3/01 MAX5003-50W Evaluation Kit Features ♦ +5V at 10A Output ♦ ±36V to ±72V Input Voltage Range ♦ 250kHz Switching Frequency ♦ Fully Isolated Design with 1500V Isolation Built into the Transformer ♦ Fully Assembled and Tested Board with Minimum

    MAX5003-50W MAX5003 ma111ct "MOSFET "1500V 10A zener diode 50w 5V MOSFET 1500V 10A Coiltronics CTX03-17677-R PDF

    MOSFET 1500V 10A

    Abstract: mosfet 1500v CTX03-14856 FMMT3904 IRF640N MA111CT MAX5003 MAX5003EVKIT50W SBL2040CT UPW0J561MPH
    Text: 19-1914; Rev 1; 3/02 MAX5003-50W Evaluation Kit The MAX5003 50W forward converter evaluation kit EV kit provides a regulated +5V output voltage at currents up to 10A, when operated from a +36V to +72V input voltage range. This EV kit is fully assembled and tested. The output

    MAX5003-50W MAX5003 MOSFET 1500V 10A mosfet 1500v CTX03-14856 FMMT3904 IRF640N MA111CT MAX5003EVKIT50W SBL2040CT UPW0J561MPH PDF

    coupler MOSFET DRIVER application note

    Abstract: MOSFET sot23-6 68A 35V capacitor GA243DR7E2472MW01L TL431 sot23 ceramic capacitor, .1uF 36V 3A zener MAX9053 TL431 SOT-232
    Text: AUTOMOTIVE Sep 01, 2003 A Compact 36-72V DC Input, 3.3V/10A Output Power Supply A compact power supply that provides a regulated 3.3V at currents up to 10A using the MAX5052A PWM controller is described here. This power supply operates from -36V to -72V and uses synchronous rectification to

    6-72V V/10A MAX5052A OT23-5 TL431IDBVR UCSP/SOT23 MAX9053AEUA PS2913-1-M MAX6501UKP105 coupler MOSFET DRIVER application note MOSFET sot23-6 68A 35V capacitor GA243DR7E2472MW01L TL431 sot23 ceramic capacitor, .1uF 36V 3A zener MAX9053 TL431 SOT-232 PDF


    Abstract: MA111CT-ND atx 300 power supply schematic case sm-8 sot-223 marking S3 amplifier p-MOSFET soft start 60v S3 marking DIODE trigger detracted BSS84ZXCT-ND DLA DIODE TOSHIBA
    Text: ACPI Controllers for Advanced Computer Systems HIP6500BEVAL1, HIP6502BEVAL1 TM Application Note July 2000 AN9862.1 Author: Bogdan M. Duduman Introduction ➤ Connect the Input Power Supply The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface specification (ACPI; [1]), written by a consortium

    HIP6500BEVAL1, HIP6502BEVAL1) AN9862 bss84zx MA111CT-ND atx 300 power supply schematic case sm-8 sot-223 marking S3 amplifier p-MOSFET soft start 60v S3 marking DIODE trigger detracted BSS84ZXCT-ND DLA DIODE TOSHIBA PDF


    Abstract: IN4148WS BZX399-1V8 zener diode 50w 24V GRM188R71H472KA01B CTX03 APP203 MOCD217 C4532X7R2A474M IRF7832
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS Keywords: off line, foward converter, isolated supply, voltage mode, pwm controller, forward converter, offline, power supplies May 16, 2003 APPLICATION NOTE 2039 50W Voltage-Mode Forward Converter Design with the MAX8541

    MAX8541 12pin CTX03-16222 31264R com/an2039 MAX8541: AN2039, APP2039, Appnote2039, CTX03-16222 IN4148WS BZX399-1V8 zener diode 50w 24V GRM188R71H472KA01B CTX03 APP203 MOCD217 C4532X7R2A474M IRF7832 PDF

    ceramic capacitor, .1uF

    Abstract: diode zener c23 Ceramic capacitor 0,1uF 10V power supply 100v 30a schematic DIODE SCHOTTKY 30V 200MA SOT23 MAX5052 MAX5052A MAX6501UKP105 MAX9001 ceramic capacitor 47nf
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > AUTOMOTIVE Keywords: MAX5052, pwm controller, synchronous rectification, forward converter, high efficiency, power supply, power supplies, forward converter, input reverse voltage protection, pulse width modulation, controllers Sep 01, 2003

    MAX5052, 6-72V V/10A MAX5052A MAX5048: MAX5052: MAX5052A: MAX6501: MAX9001: ceramic capacitor, .1uF diode zener c23 Ceramic capacitor 0,1uF 10V power supply 100v 30a schematic DIODE SCHOTTKY 30V 200MA SOT23 MAX5052 MAX5052A MAX6501UKP105 MAX9001 ceramic capacitor 47nf PDF

    optocoupler triac

    Abstract: 7044A TTI8619 GA243DR7E2472MW01L step down transformer 200mA APP2043 FDD120AN15A0 MAX5052A NDS351AN ma111ct
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > AMPLIFIER AND COMPARATOR CIRCUITS Keywords: power converter, power supply, isolated power supply, current-mode, PWM, synchronous rectifier, switch mode, fixed frequency, step down, forward converter May 21, 2003 APPLICATION NOTE 2043 A Compact, Isolated Power Supply, 48V to 3.3V at 7A

    40VDC 60VDC MAX5052A 1500VDC. TLV431ACDBVR MOC3023 com/an2043 MAX5052A: AN2043, APP2043, optocoupler triac 7044A TTI8619 GA243DR7E2472MW01L step down transformer 200mA APP2043 FDD120AN15A0 NDS351AN ma111ct PDF

    zener diode 24V

    Abstract: Schottky Diode 40V 15A dual ic fairchild Zener Diode 18v mosfet 1500v zener diode 5.6v 12.5w CTX01-15 ceramic capacitor, .1uF capacitor 330uF 10V Zener diode D3 20V zener diode 12v 0805
    Text: HOT-SWAP AND POWER SWITCHING CIRCUITS POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS Application Note 1168: Aug 21, 2002 Power Supplies for IEEE802.3af Compliant Power Devices Three practical transformer-coupled circuits are detailed for providing isolated load power from power-over-LAN or power-via-MDI systems. All circuits employ a hot-swap

    IEEE802 MAX5003: MAX5014: MAX5910: MAX5917: com/an1168 zener diode 24V Schottky Diode 40V 15A dual ic fairchild Zener Diode 18v mosfet 1500v zener diode 5.6v 12.5w CTX01-15 ceramic capacitor, .1uF capacitor 330uF 10V Zener diode D3 20V zener diode 12v 0805 PDF

    atx 300 power supply schematic

    Abstract: DLA DIODE TOSHIBA npn transistor da3 MA121CT-ND 2x15 bss84zx trigger detracted y810 AN98 HIP6021
    Text: [ /Title AN98 62 /Subjec t (ACPI Contro llers for Advan ced Compu ter System s (HIP65 00BEV AL1, HIP65 02BEV AL1) /Autho r () /Keyw ords (Intersi l Corpor ation, semico nduCto r, acpi, power manag ement, instantl y ACPI Controllers for Advanced Computer

    HIP65 00BEV 02BEV HIP6500BEVAL1, HIP6502BEVAL1) AN9862 atx 300 power supply schematic DLA DIODE TOSHIBA npn transistor da3 MA121CT-ND 2x15 bss84zx trigger detracted y810 AN98 HIP6021 PDF


    Abstract: DRV-B B2100 BAT46W BSS123 MA111CT MAX5051 MAX5051AUI vstt LXH Series
    Text: 19-2964; Rev 0; 8/03 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA Parallelable, Clamped Two-Switch Power-Supply Controller IC The MAX5051 power-supply controller is primary as well as secondary-side parallelable, allowing the design of scaleable power systems when necessary.

    MAX5051 MAX5051 DRV_B DRV-B B2100 BAT46W BSS123 MA111CT MAX5051AUI vstt LXH Series PDF

    atx 300 power supply schematic

    Abstract: atx power supply schematic dc ATX MOTHERBOARD schematic diode S4 78A atx power supply schematic atx power supply circuit diagram dc input atx power supply schematic AN9901 ATX MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram power switch HIP6503
    Text: An ACPI Controller for ICH2-Based Computer Systems HIP6503EVAL1 Application Note July 2000 AN9901 Author: Bogdan M. Duduman Introduction Circuit Setup The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface specification (ACPI; [1]), written by a consortium representing Intel, Microsoft and Toshiba, attempts to evolve

    HIP6503EVAL1) AN9901 atx 300 power supply schematic atx power supply schematic dc ATX MOTHERBOARD schematic diode S4 78A atx power supply schematic atx power supply circuit diagram dc input atx power supply schematic AN9901 ATX MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram power switch HIP6503 PDF

    atx 300 power supply schematic

    Abstract: atx power supply schematic 1000uf, 25v electrolytic capacitor footprint ATX MOTHERBOARD schematic marking DA1 ATX MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram power switch computer motherboard DDR circuit diagram HIP6020 marking S3 amplifier trigger detracted
    Text: An ACPI Controller for ICH2-Based Computer Systems HIP6503EVAL1 TM Application Note July 2000 AN9901 Author: Bogdan M. Duduman Introduction Circuit Setup The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface specification (ACPI; [1]), written by a consortium representing Intel, Microsoft and Toshiba, attempts to evolve

    HIP6503EVAL1) AN9901 atx 300 power supply schematic atx power supply schematic 1000uf, 25v electrolytic capacitor footprint ATX MOTHERBOARD schematic marking DA1 ATX MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram power switch computer motherboard DDR circuit diagram HIP6020 marking S3 amplifier trigger detracted PDF


    Abstract: npn transistor da3 bss84zx DLA DIODE TOSHIBA BSS84ZXCT-ND MA121CT-ND MA111CT-ND FDV304 HIP6020 HIP6500
    Text: ACPI Controllers for Advanced Computer Systems HIP6500EVAL1, HIP6502EVAL1 Application Note November 1999 AN9862 Author: Bogdan M. Duduman Introduction ➤ Connect the Input Power Supply The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface specification (ACPI; [1]), written by a consortium

    HIP6500EVAL1, HIP6502EVAL1) AN9862 MA121CT npn transistor da3 bss84zx DLA DIODE TOSHIBA BSS84ZXCT-ND MA121CT-ND MA111CT-ND FDV304 HIP6020 HIP6500 PDF


    Abstract: CTX03-16222 BZX399-1V8 MOCD217 50-WATT GRM1885C1H151JA01B uv phototransistor EMK325BJ106MN GRM188R71H152KA01B IRF7832
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS Keywords: forward converter, isolated supply, current mode, pwm controller May 16, 2003 APPLICATION NOTE 2040 50W Current-Mode Forward Converter Design with the MAX8540 Abstract: This application note details the design of a 50-watt, isolated, forward converter, using the MAX8540

    MAX8540 50-watt, 36-75VDC. 200uH 12pin CTX03-16222 31264R com/an2040 MAX8540: in4148WS CTX03-16222 BZX399-1V8 MOCD217 50-WATT GRM1885C1H151JA01B uv phototransistor EMK325BJ106MN GRM188R71H152KA01B IRF7832 PDF