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    Abstract: 2675m5.0 2675m5 LMX267X so8 package marking L28 DO3308-473 DO3308-154 LM2675ADJ DO3308-104 LM2675M-12
    Text: LM2675 概要 composed after updating the pin diag and removing Mini from the SO-8. SN Converted to nat2000 DTD added LLP package info. SN updated the SMS software to 6.0 SN composed the same. SN Recieved lastest file from Marcom, made changes and added revision and sending back to Shantha. lm

    LM2675 nat2000 TL/H/12803 LM267X 3V5V12V SO-88 10BQ050 2675m5.0 2675m5 LMX267X so8 package marking L28 DO3308-473 DO3308-154 LM2675ADJ DO3308-104 LM2675M-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: selos selos Marking accessories for DIN rail terminal blocks Marking plates All blocks / 5 mm wide and larger for marcom 2 marking computer for wieplot 500 plotter system Type Part No. Std. Pack 9075 A/5/10/11 Part No. Std. Pack Single marking tag, unmarked

    705A/5/10 PDF


    Abstract: UT16MX110 Aeroflex Colorado Springs 161mux
    Text: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 15, 2010 CONTACT: Teresa Farris MARCOM Manager Aeroflex Colorado Springs 719-594-8035 voice ; 719-594-8468 (fax) Email: AEROFLEX COLORADO SPRINGS ANNOUNCES A LOW-VOLTAGE LVCMOS INTERFACE

    16-1Muxes UT63MX117 UT16MX110 Aeroflex Colorado Springs 161mux PDF

    GaAs tunnel diode

    Abstract: tunnel diode GaAs MIL-PRF-19500 zener diode 19500/435 germanium diode Book Microelectronic Germanium diode data sheet Gallium Arsenide tunnel diode zener diode reliability fit Germanium Power Diodes
    Text: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 23, 2009 CONTACT: Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Teresa Farris MARCOM Manager 719-594-8035 Aeroflex / Metelics Pete Ciccarelli Product Sales Manager 603-641-3800 x3272

    x3272 MIL-PRF-19500N 1N957B 1N986B 1N746A 1N759A 1N4370A 1N4372A 1N4099 1N4135 GaAs tunnel diode tunnel diode GaAs MIL-PRF-19500 zener diode 19500/435 germanium diode Book Microelectronic Germanium diode data sheet Gallium Arsenide tunnel diode zener diode reliability fit Germanium Power Diodes PDF

    rakon 10MHz

    Abstract: RAKON MIL-PRF-55310 TCXO Quartz oscillator compensated 10 MHz TE310 ECSS-Q-70 ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C ESCC3501
    Text: Space Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator TE310 TCXO series 310 For this product family, a full detailed specification can also be delivered on request. Specific request can be addressed to RAKON-TEMEX Product Description

    TE310 25x25x13 MIL-PRF-55310 40M000000 rakon 10MHz RAKON MIL-PRF-55310 TCXO Quartz oscillator compensated 10 MHz TE310 ECSS-Q-70 ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C ESCC3501 PDF


    Abstract: PE4268 peregrine pe4263 2004 RF Switch qfn
    Text: NEWS RELEASE EDITORIAL CONTACT: Rodd Novak, Director of Marketing 858 731-9464 New Location: Cindy Trotto, PR/MarCom (602) 750-7203 Reader/Literature Inquiries: 9450 Carroll Park Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Richardson Electronics 1-800-737-6937

    PE4268 20-lead PE4263 PE42nce PE4263 peregrine pe4263 2004 RF Switch qfn PDF

    EEPROM 2864

    Abstract: PE3341 PE3342 PE9721 PE9722
    Text: NEWS RELEASE EDITORIAL CONTACT: Rodd Novak, Director of Marketing 858 731-2864 Reader/Literature Inquiries: Richardson Electronics 1-800-737-6937 Cindy Trotto, PR/MarCom (602) 750-7203 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Peregrine Semiconductor PE334x Integer-N PLLs embed EEPROM

    PE334x PE3341 PE3342 EEPROM 2864 PE9721 PE9722 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MarCom Web Marketing / August 2014 Author: Mark Pepe Tel: +1-610‐407‐4816 E‐mail: NEW IR Receivers Gateway


    rakon 10MHz

    Abstract: MIL-PRF-55310 10mhz oven crystal oscillator ECSS-Q-70 ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C ESCC3501 TE420
    Text: Space Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator TE420 OCXO series 420 For this product family, a full detailed specification can also be delivered on request. Specific request can be addressed to RAKON-TEMEX Product Description OCXO Space Plus is designed for Space Clocks, Navigation and Positioning Systems.

    TE420 50x55x30mm) 10M000000 rakon 10MHz MIL-PRF-55310 10mhz oven crystal oscillator ECSS-Q-70 ECSS-Q-ST-70-08C ESCC3501 TE420 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Group: Vishay Semiconductors, Opto Author:Karl Schoppe Tel: +49 7131 672621 E-mail: Sept. 17, 2004 The information below is also available in PDF format which can be read in Adobe Acrobat® by clicking on this link:

    tcnd5000 TCND5000) TCND5000 TCRT5000 PDF

    555 timer

    Abstract: 555 timer 38 khz HMCS43 ARM13 tca 311 555 timer datasheet HMCS400 555 TIMER APPLICATIONS ADE-502-063 09 67 025 9062
    Text: HMCS400 Series Application Note ADE-502-063 Alternate Order Number Marcom Rev. 1.0 9/16/98 Hitachi Ltd. Notice When using this document, keep the following in mind: 1. This document may, wholly or partially, be subject to change without notice. 2. All rights are reserved: No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the

    HMCS400 ADE-502-063 555 timer 555 timer 38 khz HMCS43 ARM13 tca 311 555 timer datasheet 555 TIMER APPLICATIONS ADE-502-063 09 67 025 9062 PDF


    Abstract: atmel Lot Code Identification
    Text: Marcom Nantes Technical Document Release Document Identification Datasheet Lit.# / Rev.letter Application note Manual ✔ Doc. Date Errata Sheet 4373A 08/03/2004 Other technical Part Number Product Description AT89C5131A ERRATA Sheet Distribution Target

    AT89C5131A AT89C5131A atmel Lot Code Identification PDF

    AT89C51RD2 parallel PROGRAMMER

    Abstract: atmel AT89C51RD2 PROGRAMMER AT89C51RD2 PROGRAMMER AT89C51ED2 PROGRAMMER bootloader at89c5131 usb interface code example at89c5131 parallel programmer intel 8051 microcontroller bootloader isp AT89c51rc2 application note for programmer at89c51cc03 parallel programmer
    Text: Marcom Technical Document Release Document Identification ★ Datasheet ★ Application note ★ Manual ★ Errata Sheet Lit.# / Rev.letter Doc. Date 4218C 24/10/2003 Other technical ★ Part Number Product Description Programming T89C51xx and AT89C51xx with Device Programmers

    4218C T89C51xx AT89C51xx T89ich 4218C AT89C51RD2 parallel PROGRAMMER atmel AT89C51RD2 PROGRAMMER AT89C51RD2 PROGRAMMER AT89C51ED2 PROGRAMMER bootloader at89c5131 usb interface code example at89c5131 parallel programmer intel 8051 microcontroller bootloader isp AT89c51rc2 application note for programmer at89c51cc03 parallel programmer PDF


    Abstract: TRF648 sgs-ates transistors FBase-F Package 2N2425 2N2455 westcode diode 2n2534 2n2474 2N2431
    Text: POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 45 50 55 Ie Max (A) Westcode Westcode MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec Marcomclec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec MarconiElec



    Abstract: aeroflex sram edac UT8ER1M32
    Text: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 1, 2010 CONTACT: Teresa Farris MARCOM Manager Aeroflex Colorado Springs 719-594-8035 voice 719-594-8468 (fax) Email: AEROFLEX ANNOUNCES PRODUCTION OF NEW 32 and 40Mbit SRAM

    40Mbit UT8ER1M32 32Mbit) UT8R1M39 40Mbit) 16M/20M 32Mbit UT8ER1M32 UT8R1M39 aeroflex sram edac PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Space Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator TE200 VCXO series 200 For this product family, a full detailed specification can also be delivered on request. Specific request can be addressed to RAKON-TEMEX Product Description VCXO Space Flat Pack main applications are space synthesizers and transponders.

    TE200 /-70ppm, 20x20x13mm) MIL-PRF-55310 10MHz 20M000000 120M000000 PDF

    TCXO Quartz oscillator compensated 10 MHz

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Space Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator TE300 TCXO series 300 For this product family, a full detailed specification can also be delivered on request. Specific request can be addressed to RAKON-TEMEX Product Description

    TE300 20x20x13mm) MIL-PRF-55310 10MHz 40M000000 TCXO Quartz oscillator compensated 10 MHz PDF

    rakon 10MHz

    Abstract: rakon C 5074 transistor RAKON oscillator 10 bit Controlled Oscillator E5052B PN9000 Temex uln 2 dcnts
    Text: ULN phase-locking SAW Oscillator SR D02 Specific request can be addressed to RAKON-TEMEX Product Description SR D02 is an ULN Ultra Low Noise OCVCSO (Oven Controlled, Voltage Controlled, SAW Oscillator) at 500 MHz, phase-lockable

    10MHz 10kHz PN9000 rakon 10MHz rakon C 5074 transistor RAKON oscillator 10 bit Controlled Oscillator E5052B PN9000 Temex uln 2 dcnts PDF

    tda 2022

    Abstract: P3332 DC4042 super8 TDA 2324 P05-00 dc4g4204
    Text: MARCOM DC4042 DOCUMENT CONTROL MASTER ^ 2 iL Q E C u s t o m e r P r o c u r e m e n t S p e c ific a t io n Z88C00/01 CM OS SUPER8 ROM LESS MCU GENERAL DESCRIPTION The CMOS Super8® offers new flexibility and s o p h is tic a ­ tion in 8 -bit m icroco n tro lle rs. The Super8 offers all the

    OCR Scan
    DC4042 48-pin 68-pin Z88C00/01 Z88C0Q/01 DC-4042-04 tda 2022 P3332 super8 TDA 2324 P05-00 dc4g4204 PDF


    Abstract: Z86C91
    Text: MARCOM DC25 72 DOCUMENT CONTROLMASTER P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a t io n < £ 2 1 0 3 Z86C11 CMOS Z8* M ic r o c o n t r o l l e r Q2/91 p r o d u c t s p e c if ic a t io n <2>ZiIí3G Z86C11 CMOS Z8 M ic r o c o n t r o l l e r FEATURES • 8-b it C M O S m ic ro c o n tro lle r, 40- or 4 4 -pin p a c k a g e

    OCR Scan
    Z86C11 Q2/91 44-pin Z86C11 Z86C91 PDF

    TDA 3941

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MARCOM DC4062 C ustom er < £ 2 iL G DOCUMENT CONTROTr MASTER pro cu rem en t S pecificatio n E Z86E2112PSC1468 Z86E2112VSC1468 CMOS Z8 OTP M ic r o c o n t r o l l e r GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Z86E21 microcontroller (MCU) introduces the next level of sophistication to single-chip architecture. The

    OCR Scan
    DC4062 Z86E2112PSC1468 Z86E2112VSC1468 Z86E21 Z86C21. 40-pin TDA 3941 PDF

    rk 759

    Abstract: IP220 IP220-WI MARCOM2000 plotter
    Text: Marcom 2000 Custom marking tag system Th e W ie la n d M a rc o m 2 0 0 0 is a p lo tte r s y s te m th a t u se s W ie la n d ’s W indow s b a s e d so ftw a re p a c k a g e to in te rfa c e w ith a PC, a llo w in g c u s to m p rin tin g on s ta n d a rd

    OCR Scan
    AL-6-10* AL/5/10/6 AL/6/10/6 75PL07H2* 23SAR-9* MARCOM2000 rk 759 IP220 IP220-WI plotter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Diodes Book 1999 Vishay Semiconductor GmbH Theresienstrasse 2 P.O.B. 3625 D-74026 Heilbronn Germany Phone:49-7131-67-2831 F a x :49-7131-67-2423 E-Mail: Web:

    OCR Scan
    D-74026 PDF

    tda 2070

    Abstract: TDA 9370 IR LFN r2s3 Z86C91 Z86C93 86C93 P2M SCR
    Text: MARCOM DC 2 5 0 8 DOCUMENT CONTROL MASTER <$ 2 iL G E P r o d u c t S pec ificatio n Z86C93 CMOS Z8 M ultiply/D ivide M icrocontroller Q4/92 < £ 2 ¡L G B P roduct S pecification Z86C93 CMOS Z8® M u l t ip l y /D iv id e M ic r o c o n t r o l l e r

    OCR Scan
    DC250 Z86C93 Q4/92 16-bit 32-bit tda 2070 TDA 9370 IR LFN r2s3 Z86C91 Z86C93 86C93 P2M SCR PDF