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    MARINE RADAR Search Results

    MARINE RADAR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MARINE SOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS BATTERY CHARGERS IMC Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m3-m4 HQ Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m3

    RFSS-P4158 RFSS-P4764 RFSS-S3552 RFSS-S4865 RFSS-S6479 PDF


    Abstract: waveguide circulator 3404
    Text: B3JC1007 S-Band Junction Circulator DESCRIPTION Mechanical The B3JC1007 is a small and lightweight S-band, E-plane flange circulator, designed for use in marine radars. It provides isolation of the receiver protector from the transmitter. Waveguide .WG10

    B3JC1007 NY10591 DF764388A-1 M766265A waveguide circulator 3404 PDF

    X-band marine radar

    Abstract: X-BAND circulator NJC3901M HP 8510 waveguide circulator circulator s band FP-1000
    Text: Technical Information Rev.1 New Product Bulletin Circulator NJC3901M NJC3901M is a waveguide type circulator, designed for X-band Marine Radar. NJC3901M circulate microwave lower insertion loss at the broad band. This product is adapted on RoHS directive.

    NJC3901M NJC3901M 1000pps; X-band marine radar X-BAND circulator HP 8510 waveguide circulator circulator s band FP-1000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Information Rev. 3 Circulator NJC3901B NJC3901B is a waveguide type circulator, designed for X-band Marine Radar. NJC3901B circulate microwave lower insertion loss at the broad band. This product is adapted on RoHS directive. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS

    NJC3901B NJC3901B 1000pps; PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Premium long range, high precision radar sensor RadaScan is an advanced premium position reference sensor for long range use in marine Dynamic Positioning DP applications. RadaScan accurately measures the range and bearing of one or more intelligent microwave targets called responders,

    1000m 94-0020-4-I PDF


    Abstract: radar front end X-band marine radar
    Text: B3RX1618 X-Band Low Noise Receiver Front End DESCRIPTION The B3RX1618 is a protected low noise front end for Xband marine radar receivers. It comprises an internal microstrip limiter, a low noise amplifier, an image rejection mixer and an electronically tuned local oscillator.

    B3RX1618 M209914A radar front end X-band marine radar PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Information Rev. 2 Broad Band Circulator NJC3901M The NJC3901M is a waveguide type broad band circulator, designed for X-band Marine Radar. The NJC3901M circulates microwave lower insertion loss at the special broad band. This product is adapted on RoHS directive.

    NJC3901M NJC3901M 1000pps; PDF


    Abstract: X-band marine radar marine Radar X-BAND circulator
    Text: Technical Information Rev. 3 Circulator NJC3901C The NJC3901C is a waveguide type circulator, designed for X-band Marine Radar. The NJC3901C circulates microwave lower insertion loss at the broad band. This product is adapted on RoHS directive. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS

    NJC3901C NJC3901C 1000pps; X-band marine radar marine Radar X-BAND circulator PDF


    Abstract: marine Radar
    Text: Technical Information Rev. 3 Circulator NJC3901D The NJC3901D is a waveguide type circulator, designed for X-band Marine Radar. The NJC3901D circulates microwave lower insertion loss at the broad band. This product is adapted on RoHS directive. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS

    NJC3901D NJC3901D 1000pps; marine Radar PDF

    X-band marine radar

    Abstract: 4272 marine Radar DSC1001-A X-BAND circulator low loss waveguide WR-90 x band radar SATCOM wr 90 x band flange waveguide waveguide circulator
    Text: Circulator Waveguide Model: DSC1001-A Application - SATCOM w X-Band Marine Radar w Commercial Transmitters Benefits w Several Cost-Saving Features w Low Loss w Excellent Power Handling w Isolator and Load Available as Separate Parts Features w Custom Flange Accepts Many Magnetron

    DSC1001-A z1999 SC224ds600 X-band marine radar 4272 marine Radar DSC1001-A X-BAND circulator low loss waveguide WR-90 x band radar SATCOM wr 90 x band flange waveguide waveguide circulator PDF

    Short range radar sensor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S-BAND RADAR SERIES Marine Electronics S-BAND • 20” or 23” LCD flat panel super TFT exceeding 340 mm PPI equivalent; • Very versatile solution allowing maximum configurability according to customer requirements; • Proven state of the art technology in a new



    Abstract: diagram radar circuit X-band marine radar radar system with circuit diagram diagram radar JRC radar front end front-end radar radar circuit NJT1946 pulse compression radar
    Text: NJT1946A X-Band Radar Front End NJT1946A is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a lightweight operable at any frequency between 9.345GHz and 9.475GHz This front-end module consists of GaAs FET low noise amplifier, Image

    NJT1946A NJT1946A 345GHz 475GHz diagram radar circuit X-band marine radar radar system with circuit diagram diagram radar JRC radar front end front-end radar radar circuit NJT1946 pulse compression radar PDF


    Abstract: x-band power amplifier TGA2710-SM TGA2710 C1005XR1C105M
    Text: TGA2710-SM 8W 9.5-11.5 GHz Power Amplifier Applications •     Marine and Air Radar, Traffic Control Weather Monitoring Port Security Point-to-Point Radio Communications Product Features     QFN 7x7mm 22L

    TGA2710-SM TGA2710-SM CW2015 x-band power amplifier TGA2710 C1005XR1C105M PDF

    X-band marine radar

    Abstract: diagram radar JRC NJT1967 buffer 24V "marine radar"
    Text: NJT1967 X-Band Radar Front End NJT1967 is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.415GHz and 9.475GHz. This front end module consists of Single balance mixer, Local VCO with buffer amplifier.

    NJT1967 NJT1967 415GHz 475GHz. 445GHz, 10nsec X-band marine radar diagram radar JRC buffer 24V "marine radar" PDF


    Abstract: radar front end diagram radar JRC diagram radar circuit radar block diagram 1946A NJT1946 radar system with circuit diagram X-band marine radar radar circuit diagram
    Text: X-Band Radar Front End NJT 1946A NJT1946A is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.345GHz and 9.475GHz This front end module consists of GaAs FET low noise amplifier. image

    NJT1946A 345GHz 475GHz 41GHz Pd10nsec NJT1946A radar front end diagram radar JRC diagram radar circuit radar block diagram 1946A NJT1946 radar system with circuit diagram X-band marine radar radar circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: X-band marine radar x-band magnetron JST VHR-2N E2V Technologies Magnetron 1.5 kW power supply for magnetron e2v magnetron power supply for x-band magnetron E2V Technologies magnetron
    Text: MG5353 1.5 kW X-Band Magnetron DESCRIPTION The MG5353 is a fixed frequency pulse magnetron for use in marine radar systems. The peak power output is typically 1.5 kW at a frequency between 9380 and 9440 MHz. This tube is one of e2v technologies’ range of third generation

    MG5353 MG5353 MG5353, X-band marine radar x-band magnetron JST VHR-2N E2V Technologies Magnetron 1.5 kW power supply for magnetron e2v magnetron power supply for x-band magnetron E2V Technologies magnetron PDF


    Abstract: 3404 E2V Technologies
    Text: B3JC1008 S-Band Junction Circulator DESCRIPTION Mechanical The B3JC1008 is a small and lightweight S-band, E-plane flange circulator with 7/8-inch EIA coaxial output at one port. It is designed for use in marine radars and provides isolation of the receiver protector from the transmitter.

    B3JC1008 NY10591 DF764388A-1 M766266A 3404 E2V Technologies PDF


    Abstract: X-band Radar Front End NJT1969 r fron diagram radar circuit radar system with circuit diagram radar circuit x-Band Hemt Amplifier radar circuit diagram X-band marine radar image rejection mixer
    Text: NJT1969 X-Band Radar Front End NJT1969 is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.38GHz and 9.44GHz. This front end module consists of HEMT low noise amplifier, Image rejection mixer, Local VCO with

    NJT1969 NJT1969 38GHz 44GHz. 41GHz, 10nsec 90deg X-band Radar Front End NJT1969 r fron diagram radar circuit radar system with circuit diagram radar circuit x-Band Hemt Amplifier radar circuit diagram X-band marine radar image rejection mixer PDF

    radar block diagram

    Abstract: njt1027 X-band marine radar measurement noise on pulse amplifier LNA x-band radar IF BLOCK DIAGRAM radar amplifier measurement F9445
    Text: NJT1027 X-Band Radar Front End NJT1027 is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.415GHz and 9.475GHz. This front end module consists of HEMT low noise amplifier, Single balance mixer, Local VCO with

    NJT1027 NJT1027 415GHz 475GHz. 445GHz, 10nsec radar block diagram X-band marine radar measurement noise on pulse amplifier LNA x-band radar IF BLOCK DIAGRAM radar amplifier measurement F9445 PDF


    Abstract: x-band power amplifier X-band marine radar C1005XR1C105M
    Text: TGA2704-SM 8W 9-11 GHz Power Amplifier Applications •     Marine and Air Radar, Traffic Control Weather Monitoring Port Security Point-to-Point Radio Communications Product Features     QFN 7x7mm 22L Functional Block Diagram

    TGA2704-SM TGA2704-SM x-band power amplifier X-band marine radar C1005XR1C105M PDF


    Abstract: X-band marine radar 9.4GHz filter
    Text: Technical Information Rev.3 Tri-function Filter NJC9952 NJC9952 is a waveguide type tri-function filter, designed for X-band Marine Radar. NJC9952 attenuate the lower side of the main lobe emission, pi –1 mode emission, and second harmonics emission form the magnetrons. This product is adapted on RoHS directive.

    NJC9952 NJC9952 X-band marine radar 9.4GHz filter PDF

    ac-dc voltage regulator using SCR

    Abstract: tele vde 0435 SMR 53-7 SCHEMA DC INVERTER melcher LM 1000 mk II thyristor zo 402 Melcher bm 3000 bm ds hoe nw lm 3000 melcher ericsson pwm Melcher
    Text: Producten ontworpen voor drie toepassingsgebieden Rugged - stenge omgevingseisen. Ideaal voor mobiele toepassingen of daar waar apparaten onderhevig zijn aan hoge niveaus van mechanische schokken, vibraties of extreme temperatuurgebieden. De producten zijn geschikt voor transport, quasi militair, marine-, industriële-, telemetrie- en kritieke toepassingen met

    I-20159 ac-dc voltage regulator using SCR tele vde 0435 SMR 53-7 SCHEMA DC INVERTER melcher LM 1000 mk II thyristor zo 402 Melcher bm 3000 bm ds hoe nw lm 3000 melcher ericsson pwm Melcher PDF

    image rejection mixer

    Abstract: MW front END radar front end X-band marine radar buffer 24V burnout RF power diagram radar circuit NJT1031 mixer X-band low noise
    Text: NJT1031 X-Band Radar Front End NJT1031 is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.345GHz and 9.475GHz. This front end module consists of GaAs FET low noise amplifier, Image rejection mixer, Local VCO with

    NJT1031 NJT1031 345GHz 475GHz. 41GHz, 90deg image rejection mixer MW front END radar front end X-band marine radar buffer 24V burnout RF power diagram radar circuit mixer X-band low noise PDF


    Abstract: crt tube siemens 462 radar tube cathode ray Scans-0017394
    Text: EDISWAN MAZDA 30D5 CATHODE RAY TUBE—LONG AFTERGLOW 9 ' Dia. Indirectly heated—for Marine Radar RATIMQ Heater Voltage volts vh 4.0 Heater Current (amps) ih 0.75 Vax3mutn le t Anode Voltage (volts) Val(max) 1,700 Maximum 2nd Anode Voltage (volts) Va2(mar) 1,700

    OCR Scan