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    Abstract: Q62702-A786 100 mhz diode BAR61 Q62702-A120 BAR60 marking code js 3 pin diode 60bar
    Text: Silicon PIN Diodes BAR 60 BAR 61 ● RF switch ● RF attenuator for frequencies above 10 MHz Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BAR 60 60 Q62702-A786 BAR 61 61 Q62702-A120 Pin Configuration Package1) SOT-143 Maximum Ratings per Diode Parameter Symbol

    Q62702-A786 Q62702-A120 OT-143 a786 Q62702-A786 100 mhz diode BAR61 Q62702-A120 BAR60 marking code js 3 pin diode 60bar PDF


    Abstract: A778 transistor a784 Q62702-A779 Q62702-A778 A779 Q62702-A109 Q62702-A784
    Text: Silicon Switching Diodes BAW 78 A … BAW 78 D Switching applications ● High breakdown voltage ● Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BAW 78 A BAW 78 B BAW 78 C BAW 78 D GA GB GC GD Q62702-A778 Q62702-A779 Q62702-A784 Q62702-A109 Pin Configuration

    Q62702-A778 Q62702-A779 Q62702-A784 Q62702-A109 OT-89 A778 A778 transistor a784 Q62702-A779 Q62702-A778 A779 Q62702-A109 Q62702-A784 PDF


    Abstract: a940 Transistor transistor a940 DIODE BAT Q62702-A940 BAT18 A938 A942 Q62702-A787 Q62702-A938
    Text: BAT 18 Silicon RF Switching Diode BAT 18 … ● Low-loss VHF/UHF switch above 10 MHz ● Pin diode with low forward resistance Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration Package1 BAT 18 A2 Q62702-A787 SOT 23 BAT 18-04 AU Q62702-A938 BAT 18-05 AS Q62702-A940

    Q62702-A787 Q62702-A938 Q62702-A940 Q62702-A942 A940 a940 Transistor transistor a940 DIODE BAT Q62702-A940 BAT18 A938 A942 Q62702-A787 Q62702-A938 PDF

    BAW 79 W

    Abstract: A771 diode GG 79 transistor a781 Q62702-A733 Q62702-A771 Q62702-A781 Q62702-A782
    Text: Silicon Switching Diodes BAW 79 A … BAW 79 D For high-speed switching ● High breakdown voltage ● Common cathode ● Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BAW 79 A BAW 79 B BAW 79 C BAW 79 D GE GF GG GH Q62702-A781 Q62702-A782 Q62702-A771 Q62702-A733

    Q62702-A781 Q62702-A782 Q62702-A771 Q62702-A733 OT-89 BAW 79 W A771 diode GG 79 transistor a781 Q62702-A733 Q62702-A771 Q62702-A781 Q62702-A782 PDF

    marking a86

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MN18R1624 8 DF0 MP18R1624(8)DF0 Revision History Version 1.0 (May 2003) - First Copy - Based on the 1.0 ver. (July 2002) 288Mbit D-die SO-RIMMTM Module Datasheet. Version 1.1 (Aug. 2003) - Add PGA type 144MB NexMod Module. - Add the discription of index pin marking.

    MN18R1624 MP18R1624 288Mbit 144MB 16Mx18) 288Mb 16K/32ms marking a86 PDF

    b72 voltage regulator

    Abstract: marking A93 A75 marking code marking a86
    Text: MN18R1624 8 DF0 MP18R1624(8)DF0 Revision History Version 1.0 (May 2003) - First Copy - Based on the 1.0 ver. (July 2002) 288Mbit D-die SO-RIMMTM Module Datasheet. Version 1.1 (Aug. 2003) - Add PGA type 144MB NexMod Module. - Add the discription of index pin marking.

    MN18R1624 MP18R1624 288Mbit 144MB 16Mx18) 288Mb 16K/32ms b72 voltage regulator marking A93 A75 marking code marking a86 PDF

    B83 004

    Abstract: marking a86 b72 voltage regulator
    Text: MN18R162 4 8DF0 MP18R162(4)8DF0 Revision History Version 1.0 (May 2003) - First Copy - Based on the 1.0 ver. (July 2002) 288Mbit D-die SO-RIMM Datasheet. Version 1.1 (Aug. 2003) - Add PGA type 144MB NexMod. - Add the discription of index pin marking. - Correct the physical dimension of PGA NexMod.

    MN18R162 MP18R162 288Mbit 144MB 16Mx18) 288Mb 16K/32ms B83 004 marking a86 b72 voltage regulator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A78RxxPIC Semiconductor LDO Fixed Regulator IC Description The A78Rxx Series is a low dropout voltage regulator suitable for various electronic equipments. It provides constant voltage power source with TO-220F-4SL lead full-mold package. Dropout voltage of A78Rxx Series is

    A78RxxPIC A78Rxx O-220F-4SL A78Rxx O-220F-4ts KSD-I0S002-000 A78R33 PDF


    Abstract: A78RxxPIC a78r05pi A78R08PIC A78R09PIC A78R33PIC A78R05 12v 10a regulator ic
    Text: A78RxxPIC EH Semiconductor LDO Fixed Regulator IC Description The A78Rxx Series is a low dropout voltage regulator suitable for various electronic equipments. It provides constant voltage power source with TO-220F-4SL lead full-mold package. Dropout voltage of A78Rxx Series is

    A78RxxPIC A78Rxx O-220F-4SL KSD-I0S002-001 A78R05PIC A78RxxPIC a78r05pi A78R08PIC A78R09PIC A78R33PIC A78R05 12v 10a regulator ic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A78RxxPIC EH Semiconductor LDO Fixed Regulator IC Description The A78Rxx Series is a low dropout voltage regulator suitable for various electronic equipments. It provides constant voltage power source with TO-220F-4SL lead full-mold package. Dropout voltage of A78Rxx Series is

    A78RxxPIC A78Rxx O-220F-4SL KSD-I0S002-003 PDF


    Abstract: A78R12P a78r05pi A78R33PIC 90V0 A78R12PIC A78R05
    Text: A78RxxPIC EH Semiconductor LDO Fixed Regulator IC Description The A78Rxx Series is a low dropout voltage regulator suitable for various electronic equipments. It provides constant voltage power source with TO-220F-4SL lead full-mold package. Dropout voltage of A78Rxx Series is

    A78RxxPIC A78Rxx O-220F-4SL KSD-I0S002-005 a78r12pi A78R12P a78r05pi A78R33PIC 90V0 A78R12PIC A78R05 PDF


    Abstract: A78R33PIC a78r12pi A78R12 A78R05PIC A78R08PIC A78R09PIC A78R12PIC A78R12P TO-220F-4
    Text: A78RxxPIC LDO Fixed Regulator IC Description The A78Rxx Series is a low dropout voltage regulator suitable for various electronic equipments. It provides constant voltage power source with TO-220F-4SL lead full-mold package. Dropout voltage of A78Rxx Series is

    A78RxxPIC A78Rxx O-220F-4SL KSD-I0S002-006 a78r05pi A78R33PIC a78r12pi A78R12 A78R05PIC A78R08PIC A78R09PIC A78R12PIC A78R12P TO-220F-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A78RxxPIC EH Semiconductor LDO Fixed Regulator IC Description The A78Rxx Series is a low dropout voltage regulator suitable for various electronic equipments. It provides constant voltage power source with TO-220F-4SL lead full-mold package. Dropout voltage of A78Rxx Series is

    A78RxxPIC A78Rxx O-220F-4SL KSD-I0S002-002 A78R05PIC PDF


    Abstract: A78R33PI A78R05P
    Text: A78RxxPI EH Semiconductor LDO Fixed Regulator IC Description The A78Rxx Series is a low dropout voltage regulator suitable for various electronic equipments. It provides constant voltage power source with TO-220F-4L lead full-mold package. Dropout voltage of A78Rxx Series is

    A78RxxPI A78Rxx O-220F-4L KSD-I0S002-001 a78r05pi A78R33PI A78R05P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS Silicon Schottky Diodes • • • • Beam lead technology Low dimension High performance Medium barrier ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions! Type Marking Ordering Code BAT 14-025 S 42 Q62702-A789 BAT 14-055 S

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A789 Q62702-A792 Q62702-A795 Q62702-A799 EHA07Q07 S23SbD5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Silicon RF Switching Diode BAT 18 . • Low-loss VHF/UHF switch above 10 MHz • Pin diode with low forward resistance Type Marking Ordering Code Pin Configuration Package1 BAT 18 A2 Q62702-A787 SOT 23 °- ^ ^ 1-ÍHA07002 BAT 18-04

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A787 HA07002 Q62702-A938 EHA0700S Q62702-A940 Q62702-A942 EKA07004 EHA070M 235b05 G12034Ã PDF


    Abstract: EHA07002
    Text: SIEM ENS Silicon RF Switching Diode BAT 18. • Low-loss VHF/UHF switch above 10 MHz • Pin diode with low forward resistance Type Marking Ordering Code BAT 18 A2 Q62702-A787 Pin Configuration Package1 SOT 23 0- EH1-» EHA07002 BAT 18-04 AU Q62702-A938

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A787 EHA07002 Q62702-A938 Q62702-A940 EHA07005 Q62702-A942 CHA07004 EHA0700Í EHA07005 EHA07002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Silicon Switching Diodes BAW 78 A . BAW 78 D • Switching applications * • High breakdown voltage Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BAW 78 A BAW 78 B BAW 78 C BAW 78 D GA GB GC GD Q62702-A778 Q62702-A779 Q62702-A784 Q62702-A109 Pin Configuration

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A778 Q62702-A779 Q62702-A784 Q62702-A109 OT-89 EHA07W rps300 flS35fciGS 235bD5 D1HD43H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Silicon PIN Diodes BAR 60 BAR 61 • RF switch • RF attenuator for frequencies above 10 MHz Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BAR 60 60 Q62702-A786 Pin Configuration Package1) SOT-143 i• n0 M M kNl o 5i ■• EHA07Q13 BAR 61 Q62702-A120

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A786 OT-143 Q62702-A120 023SbQS 015DS01 fi235b05 0120EQ2 0535bQS 012D2D3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Silicon Switching Diodes BAW 79 A BAW 79 D • For high-speed switching • High breakdown voltage • Common cathode Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BAW 79 A BAW 79 B BAW 79 C BAW 79 D GE GF GG GH Q62702-A781 Q62702-A782 Q62702-A771 Q62702-A733

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A781 Q62702-A782 Q62702-A771 Q62702-A733 OT-89 D12D434 fl235bà PDF


    Abstract: Q62702-A779 Q62702-A778
    Text: SIEM EN S Silicon Switching Diodes BAW 78 A . BAW 78 D • Switching applications • High breakdown voltage Type BAW BAW BAW BAW 78 78 78 78 A B C D Marking Ordering Code tape and reel GA GB GC GD Q62702-A778 Q62702-A779 Q62702-A784 Q62702-A109 Pin Configuration

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A778 Q62702-A779 Q62702-A784 Q62702-A109 OT-89 WA07007 MARKING GA PDF

    diode GG 79

    Abstract: BAW 79 W 79AB
    Text: SIEMENS Silicon Switching Diodes • For high-speed switching • High breakdown voltage • Com mon cathode Type BAW BAW BAW BAW 79 79 79 79 A B C D BAW 79 A . BAW 79 D Marking Ordering Code tape and reel GE GF GG GH Q62702-A781 Q 62702-A782 Q62702-A771

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A781 62702-A782 Q62702-A771 Q62702-A733 EHA07003 EH800I00 diode GG 79 BAW 79 W 79AB PDF

    diode Marking Code 61

    Abstract: 60bar
    Text: SIEMENS Silicon PIN Diodes BAR 60 BAR 61 • RF switch • RF attenuator for frequencies above 10 MHz Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BAR 60 60 Q62702-A786 Pin Configuration Package1) SOT-143 i • n IM k l |v j o 3I 1 ) ■ BAR 61 61 Q62702-A120

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-A786 OT-143 Q62702-A120 EHA07014 EHD07071 diode Marking Code 61 60bar PDF


    Abstract: ERC25 marking AJ 7
    Text: ERC25 i .2A I W I W i i : Outline Drawings FAST RECOVERY DIODE : Features IR High voltage by mesa design. * Marking tf High reliability * 7 - n - r :W Color code : Green : Applications Abridged type name *V HiBE? 5* Voltage class High speed sw itching. - V -r-9

    OCR Scan
    ERC25 100C3C3CDO R8915 marking AJ 7 PDF