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    MAXIMINTE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: www. FEATURES § § § § § § § § Two digitally controlled, 256-position potentiometers Serial port provides means for setting and reading both potentiometers Resistors can be connected in series to provide increased total resistance

    256-position 20-pin 16-pin DS1868B-10 DS1868B-50 DS1868B-100 100kW DS1868B PDF


    Abstract: DS1868BS-100
    Text: www. FEATURES • •       Two digitally controlled, 256-position potentiometers Serial port provides means for setting and reading both potentiometers Resistors can be connected in series to provide increased total resistance

    256-position 20-pin 16-pin DS1868B-10 DS1868B-50 DS1868B-100 FOOTPRINTS POTENTIOMETER DS1868BS-100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1868B Dual Digital Potentiometer www. FEATURES § § § § § § § § PIN ASSIGNMENT Two digitally controlled, 256-position potentiometers Serial port provides means for setting and reading both potentiometers Resistors can be connected in series to

    DS1868B 256-position 20-pin 16-pin DS1868B-10 DS1868B-50 DS1868B-100 100kW* 173-mil) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1868B Dual Digital Potentiometer www. FEATURES § § § § § § § § PIN ASSIGNMENT Two digitally controlled, 256-position potentiometers Serial port provides means for setting and reading both potentiometers Resistors can be connected in series to

    DS1868B 256-position 20-pin 16-pin DS1868B-10 DS1868B-50 DS1868B-100 100kW PDF


    Abstract: MAX17880 MAX17823 MAX17841 MAX2136A MAX16984 MAX3601
    Text: 8th Edition AUTOMOTIVE Solutions Guide Automotive Solutions Guide Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Infotainment 4 Power Management for Infotainment 6 Displays 8 Radio Head Units 9 Antennas 10 Instrument Clusters 11 Navigation Systems



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS4830 Optical Microcontroller General Description Features The DS4830 provides a complete optical control, calibration, and monitor solution based on a low-power, 16-bit, microcontroller core, providing program and RAM data memory. I/O resources include a fast/accurate analog-todigital converter ADC , fast comparators with an internal

    DS4830 16-bit, 12-bit QSFP DAC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1088L Fixed-Frequency EconOscillator General Description The DS1088L is a low-cost clock generator that produces a square-wave output without external timing components. The fixed-frequency oscillator is available in factory-calibrated frequencies from 312kHz to 133MHz.

    DS1088L 312kHz 133MHz. 321kHz 133MHz BY100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ABRIDGED DATA SHEET MAX32590 DeepCover Secure Microcontroller with ARM926EJ-S Processor Core General Description Features DeepCover embedded security solutions cloak sensitive data under multiple layers of advanced physical security to provide the most secure key storage possible.

    MAX32590 ARM926EJ-S ARM926EJ-Sâ 384MHz 192MHz MAX32590-LNJ PDF

    MAXQ618 package

    Abstract: MAXQ614 MAXQ614V-L000
    Text: MAXQ614 16-Bit Microcontroller with Infrared Module General Description The MAXQ614 is a low-power, 16-bit MAXQ microcontroller designed for low-power applications including universal remote controls, consumer electronics, and white goods. The device combines a powerful 16-bit

    MAXQ614 16-Bit MAXQ618 package MAXQ614V-L000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Brief CAT-DACIQ12B160M-28 CAT-DACIQ12B122M-28 CAT-DACIQ12B80M-28 12-Bit, 160Msps, I/Q DAC IP Core in 28nm General Description The CAT-DACIQ12B160M-28 is a complete state-of-theart dual digital-to-analog converter DAC specifically designed for analog front-end (AFE) that is ideally

    CAT-DACIQ12B160M-28 CAT-DACIQ12B122M-28 CAT-DACIQ12B80M-28 12-Bit, 160Msps, CAT-DACIQ12B160M-28 160MHz. 10MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Brief CAT-DACIQ12B122M-40 CAT-DACIQ12B80M-40 12-Bit, 122Msps, I/Q DAC IP Core in 40nm General Description The CAT-DACIQ12B122M-40 is a complete state-of-theart dual digital-to-analog converter DAC specifically designed for analog front-end (AFE) that is ideally

    CAT-DACIQ12B122M-40 CAT-DACIQ12B80M-40 12-Bit, 122Msps, CAT-DACIQ12B122M-40 122MHz. 10MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1088L Fixed-Frequency EconOscillator General Description The DS1088L is a low-cost clock generator that produces a square-wave output without external timing components. The fixed-frequency oscillator is available in factory-calibrated frequencies from 312kHz to 133MHz.

    DS1088L DS1088L 312kHz 133MHz. 321kHz 133MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXQ305 Low-Voltage Microcontroller with Infrared Module General Description The MAXQ305 is a reduced supply voltage, low-power, 16-bit MAXQM microcontroller designed for low-power applications including universal remote controls, consumer electronics, and white goods. The MAXQ305

    MAXQ305 MAXQ305 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Brief CAT-ADPIQ14B50M-130 CAT-ADPIQ14B30M-130 CAT-ADPIQ14B10M-130 14-Bit, 50Msps, Pipeline ADC IP Core in 130nm General Description The CAT-ADPIQ14B50M-130 is an ultra-low-power, highperformance analog-to-digital converter ADC IP core that operates up to 50Msps. It is ideally suited for

    CAT-ADPIQ14B50M-130 CAT-ADPIQ14B30M-130 CAT-ADPIQ14B10M-130 14-Bit, 50Msps, 130nm CAT-ADPIQ14B50M-130 50Msps. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION All information in this data sheet is preliminary JM JM and subject to change. I ^j • I JM kj JM JM Low-Noise, 2.5G H z D ow nconverter M ix e r _ Features ♦ 7.6dBm Input Third-Order Intercept Point The IF port is differential, which provides good linearity

    OCR Scan
    AX2690 400MHz 2500MHz. 700MHz 10MHz 500MHz, MAX2690EUB MAX2690 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1272; Rev 0; 8/97 Æ / X I ^ I 12-Bit, lOOMsps TTL DAC _Features ♦ 12-Bit, lOOMsps DAC ♦ TTL-Compatible inputs ♦ Low Power: 640mW ♦ 1/2LSB DNL ♦ 40MHz Multiplying Bandwidth ♦ Extended-Industrial Temperature Range ♦ Superior Performance over AD9713:

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit, MAX5013 AD9713 15pV-s 28-pin MAX5013 PDF


    Abstract: GRM42-6X7R103K50V 1n4148 diod 1n5819sm 4148 diod MAX786CAI
    Text: 19-0160; Rev 1;5/94 V M X X iy M Dual-Output Power-Supply C ontroller for N otebook Com puters _ F e a tu re s ♦ Dual PWM Buck Controllers +3.3V and +5V High efficiency (95% at 2A; greater than 80% at loads from 5mA to 3A) is achieved through synchronous recti­

    OCR Scan
    MAX786 MAX782/MAX783 200kHz 660nF. 300kHz GRM42-6X7R104K50V GRM42-6X7R103K50V 1n4148 diod 1n5819sm 4148 diod MAX786CAI PDF


    Abstract: motorola 7226 transistor
    Text: 1 9-1156; R e v 1; 7 /9 7 W M X IV M +2.7V, Low-Rawer, 10-Bit Serial ADCs in SO-0 Power consum ption is only 3mW V dd = 3V at the 73ksps maximum sam pling speed. A 2pA shutdown mode reduces power at slower throughput rates. The MAX1242 has an internal 2.5V reference, while the

    OCR Scan
    10-Bit MAX1242/MAX1243 MAX1242 MAX1243 73ksps externAX1243BCSA 1243AEPA 1243b motorola 7226 transistor PDF

    din 7184

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19- 1179; Rev 0; 1/97 V M / X IA I 5V, 8-Channel, S erial, 10-Bit ADC w ith 3 V D ig ita l In te rfa c e A 4 -w ire s e ria l in te rfa c e c o n n e c ts d ire c tly to SPI /Microwire™ devices without external logic, and a s e ria l s tro b e o u tp u t a llo w s d ire c t c o n n e c tio n to

    OCR Scan
    10-Bit TMS320-family MAX1204AEPP MAX1204BEPP MAX1204AEAP MAX1204BEAP MAX1204BMJP MAX1204 20CERDIP* din 7184 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXI M I N T E G R A T E D P R O D U C T S bBE D 19-0041; Rev 0; 6/92 • Sfl7bbSl □ Q D 7 D 3 CJ =101 ■ MXM yi/ivixjyi/i Quad, SPST, CMOS, T T L -C o m p atib le A nalog S w itc h e s 1.1 This specification covers the detail requirements for two quad, SPST, CMOS switches. These cir­

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-883 DG201AA /883B DG202A 202/883B DG202 DG201A PDF

    duracell mn 1300

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0371; Rev 2; 7/96 N iCd/N iM H B a tte ry Fast-Charge Controllers The MAX2003/MAX2003A are fast-charge battery charg­ ers with conditioning for NiCd (nickel cadmium) or NiMH (nickel-metal hydride) rechargeable batteries. The MAX2003A has the same features as the MAX2003 with

    OCR Scan
    MAX2003/MAX2003A MAX2003A MAX2003 Sfl7bb51 duracell mn 1300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION All information in this data sheet is preliminary . . JM JRk JSk ¿rw rm Jr* and subject to change. _ • JM JM * -4rWrm 8/97 1Gsps, 8-B it ADC w ith Track/H old _ Features ♦ 1Gsps min Conversion Rate ♦ 7.3 Effective Bite at 500MHz

    OCR Scan
    MAX104 192-contact PDF


    Abstract: DG201AA FLAT PACK
    Text: MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS bBE D 19-0041; Rev 0; 6/92 Quad, • Sfl7bbSl □QD7D3CJ =101 ■ MXM yi/ivixjyi/i SPST, CMOS, T T L -C o m p atib le A nalog S w itc h e s 1.1 This specification covers the detail requirements for two quad, SPST, CMOS switches. These cir­

    OCR Scan
    11X11 MIL-STD-883 DG201AA /883B DG202A 16-Pin IV--15V DG201A DG201AA FLAT PACK PDF

    Nippon capacitors

    Abstract: MAX969
    Text: JV\Æ XAJVK 19-1226; Rev 0: 4/97 Single/Dual/Quadf M icropower, U ltra-Low -Voltage, R ail-to-R ail I/O C om parators G eneral D escription A +1.6V to +5.5V single-supply operating voltage range makes the MAX965 family of comparators ideal for 2-cell battery-pow ered applications. The MAX965/MAX967/

    OCR Scan
    MAX965-MAX9 AX965-M AX970 MAX965 Nippon capacitors MAX969 PDF