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    bcap0010 2600F

    Abstract: 2600F maxwell maxwell boostcap 2600F maxwell boostcap integration kit cell balance board users guide maxwell boostcap BCAP0010 BUS BAR specification Bus-bars Maxwell 2600f
    Text: Cell Balance Board User's Guide Copyright 2003 Maxwell Technologies, Inc. The product s referenced herein are subject to Maxwell Sales Terms and Conditions, which can be found at and/or attached to or with a Maxwell Technologies

    300mA 300mA CH-1728 bcap0010 2600F 2600F maxwell maxwell boostcap 2600F maxwell boostcap integration kit cell balance board users guide maxwell boostcap BCAP0010 BUS BAR specification Bus-bars Maxwell 2600f PDF

    Ultracapacitors Help to Overcome the Prospective Energy Requirements of Vehicles

    Abstract: valeo stars valeo alternator valeo alternator valeo VW ALTERNATOR HTM125 a123 systems rechargeable battery stars valeo valeo 12V 60A
    Text: WHITE PAPER ULTRACAPACITORS HELP TO OVERCOME THE PROSPECTIVE ENERGY REQUIREMENTS OF VEHICLES Dr. A. Schneuwly, Dipl. Ing. J. Auer, Dr. J. Miller Maxwell Technologies SA Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters 9244 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92123

    CH-1728 D-82205 Ultracapacitors Help to Overcome the Prospective Energy Requirements of Vehicles valeo stars valeo alternator valeo alternator valeo VW ALTERNATOR HTM125 a123 systems rechargeable battery stars valeo valeo 12V 60A PDF

    Ultracapacitor Applications in the Electronic World

    Abstract: BCAP0010 ultracapacitors ULTRACAPACITOR regenerative braking in trains Maxwell Maxwell calculator maxwell ultracapacitor regenerative train braking UPS ultracapacitor
    Text: WHITE PAPER ULTRACAPACITOR APPLICATIONS IN THE POWER ELECTRONIC WORLD Adrian Schneuwly, Gianni Sartorelli, Juergen Auer and Bobby Maher Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters 9244 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 USA

    CH-1728 D-82205 Ultracapacitor Applications in the Electronic World BCAP0010 ultracapacitors ULTRACAPACITOR regenerative braking in trains Maxwell Maxwell calculator maxwell ultracapacitor regenerative train braking UPS ultracapacitor PDF

    ultracapacitor active balancing circuit

    Abstract: ultracapacitor active cell balancing ultracapacitor active balancing maxwell balancing 1011130 BCAP3000 P125 opto ultracapacitor BMOD0063 P125
    Text: 9244 Balboa Avenue • San Diego, CA 92123 · tel 858-503-3300 · fax 858-503-3301 Maxwell Active Cell Voltage Management Electronics Document # 1011130 | Revision 1.0 February 17, 2007 Maxwell Technologies Inc. includes cell voltage management electronics in standard and custom modules


    2600F maxwell

    Abstract: maxwell boostcap 2600F bcap0010 2600F regenerative braking ultracapacitors 2600F Maxwell BCAP0010 Maxwell 2600f maxwell ultracapacitor regenerative maxwell boostcap J1939
    Text: WHITE PAPER AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS Adrian Schneuwly Business Unit Manager, BOOSTCAP Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters 9244 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 USA Phone: +1 858 503 3300 Fax: +1 858 503 3301 Maxwell Technologies SA CH-1728 Rossens

    CH-1728 D-82205 2600F maxwell maxwell boostcap 2600F bcap0010 2600F regenerative braking ultracapacitors 2600F Maxwell BCAP0010 Maxwell 2600f maxwell ultracapacitor regenerative maxwell boostcap J1939 PDF


    Abstract: BCAP0140 kester sn96.5 2331-ZX BCAP120 SN96227558 Kester maxwell boostcap Sn96 100C
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Document 1008238 Rev 3 1 of 5, 8/08 Mounting and Soldering of PC and BC Series Products Maxwell PC and BC family of products are designed to be mounted to PC boards and to accept solder as a means of attaching those products to their substrate. Maxwell has converted these

    CH1728 BCAP350 BCAP0140 kester sn96.5 2331-ZX BCAP120 SN96227558 Kester maxwell boostcap Sn96 100C PDF

    2600F maxwell

    Abstract: bcap0010 2600F maxwell boostcap maxwell boostcap 2600F ultracapacitor maxwell boostcap integration kit ultracapacitors maxwell balancing boostcap maxwell ultracapacitor
    Text: Integration Kit for BOOSTCAP Ultracapacitor Integration Kit > Features: > > > Applications: > > Simple design Designed to accurately balance capacitor voltages in series string For interconnecting and balancing multiple Maxwell Technologies BOOSTCAP Ultracapacitors

    300mA BCAP0010 2600F CH-1728 2600F maxwell bcap0010 2600F maxwell boostcap maxwell boostcap 2600F ultracapacitor maxwell boostcap integration kit ultracapacitors maxwell balancing boostcap maxwell ultracapacitor PDF

    ultracapacitor active balancing circuit

    Abstract: ultracapacitor active balancing ultracapacitor active cell balancing BCAP0350 ultracapacitor UL810a Tecate Group ultracapacitor Tecate Group powerburst maxwell balancing
    Text: POWERBUR T USER MANUAL Tecate Group Powerburst Energy Storage Modules ® User Manual for Maxwell BCAP0150 & BCAP0350 cell 16.2V Modules: BCAP0150 Cell: PBL-25/16.2 BCAP0350 Cell: PBD-58/16.2K PBD-58/16.2M Copyright 2010 POWERBUR 1.

    BCAP0150 BCAP0350 BCAP0150 PBL-25/16 PBD-58/16 ultracapacitor active balancing circuit ultracapacitor active balancing ultracapacitor active cell balancing ultracapacitor UL810a Tecate Group ultracapacitor Tecate Group powerburst maxwell balancing PDF


    Abstract: BCAP150 BCAP350 Maxwell Maxwell PROCESS EDLC BCAP50 ULTRACAPACITOR IEC62391 BCAP1500
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Maxwell Technologies’ Test Procedures for Capacitance, ESR, Leakage Current and Self-Discharge Characterizations of Ultracapacitors 1. Introduction A capacitor is an electronic device which can store energy in the electrical field between two

    CH-1728 D-82205 BCAP650 BCAP150 BCAP350 Maxwell Maxwell PROCESS EDLC BCAP50 ULTRACAPACITOR IEC62391 BCAP1500 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXWELL TECHNOLOGIES Enabling Energy’s Future ULTRACAPACITORS Rated Capacitance1 F Rated Voltage (V), 65°/85°C ESRDC1 (mohm) Leakage Current2 (mA) Absolute Maximum Current (A) BCAP0001 P270 T019 1 2.70/2.30 700 0.006 0.8/0.7 0.4 BCAP0003 P270 T019

    BCAP0001 BCAP0003 BCAP0005 BCAP0010 BCAP0025 BCAP0050 BCAP0100 Ultracapacitors PDF

    Distributed Ultracapacitor Modules to Address Power and Redundancy Needs of Vehicles

    Abstract: bmw ecu Honda ECU ECU hybrid vehicles BCAP0350 BOOSTCAP BCAP0350 regenerative train braking honda ECU Circuit ISG BMW ISG vehicle
    Text: WHITE PAPER DISTRIBUTED ULTRACAPACITOR MODULES TO ADDRESS POWER AND REDUNDANCY NEEDS OF VEHICLES Adrian Schneuwly Business Unit Manager, BOOSTCAP Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters 9244 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 USA Phone: +1 858 503 3300

    CH-1728 D-82205 Distributed Ultracapacitor Modules to Address Power and Redundancy Needs of Vehicles bmw ecu Honda ECU ECU hybrid vehicles BCAP0350 BOOSTCAP BCAP0350 regenerative train braking honda ECU Circuit ISG BMW ISG vehicle PDF

    maxwell boostcap

    Abstract: ultracapacitor BCAP0650 BCAP3000
    Text: Tecate Group PBM MODULES ULTRACAPACITOR SOLUTIONS FEATURES • Uses Maxwell BOOSTCAP ultracapacitors • Wide voltage range and package configurations • Long life: up to 1 million cycles • Low ESR: high power delivery • UL recognized cells • Environmentally friendly

    PBM-325/5 Tempera00 PBM-250/32 PBM-166/48 BCAP3000 PBM-125/64 maxwell boostcap ultracapacitor BCAP0650 PDF

    Electrolytic Capacitors - msds

    Abstract: ultracapacitor active cell balancing maxwell boostcap ultracapacitors maxwell balancing UN1648 BCAP650 maxwell ultracapacitor discharge capacitor welding ultracapacitor
    Text: PRODUCT GUIDE Maxwell Technologies BOOSTCAP® Ultracapacitors TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Description of Double Layer Capacitors 4 1.1 Theory 4 1.2 Construction 5 2 Typical Applications 6 2.1 Pulse Power 6 2.2 Bridge Power 7 2.3 Main Power 7 2.4 Memory Backup 7

    CH-1728 D-82205 Electrolytic Capacitors - msds ultracapacitor active cell balancing maxwell boostcap ultracapacitors maxwell balancing UN1648 BCAP650 maxwell ultracapacitor discharge capacitor welding ultracapacitor PDF

    Ultracapacitor Cell Sizing

    Abstract: Maxwell ULTRACAPACITOR 1223F maxwell ultracapacitor BCAP1500 CH-1728
    Text: APPLICATIONS NOTE Maxwell Technologies BOOSTCAP® Ultracapacitor Cell Sizing Document # 10073627 Rev 3 Background An ultracapacitor's voltage profile voltage vs. time has two components; a capacitive component, and a resistive component. The capacitive component represents the voltage change due to the

    CH-1728 17FEB09 D-82205 Ultracapacitor Cell Sizing Maxwell ULTRACAPACITOR 1223F maxwell ultracapacitor BCAP1500 PDF


    Abstract: BCAP2000 BCAP1500 iso 16750 Maxwell bcap marking k04 BCAP0650 BCAP1200 BCAP3000P270 P270
    Text: DATASHEET K2 SERIES 650 F - 3,000 F ULTRACAPACITORS BCAP0650 P270 BCAP1200 P270 BCAP1500 P270 BCAP2000 P270 BCAP3000 P270 FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Ultra-low internal resistance • Highest power performance available • Lowest RC time constant • 2.7 V operating voltage

    BCAP0650 BCAP1200 BCAP1500 BCAP2000 BCAP3000 BCAP0650 BCAP1200 BCAP1500 BCAP2000 BCAP3000 iso 16750 Maxwell bcap marking k04 BCAP3000P270 P270 PDF

    maxwell boostcap 3000

    Abstract: BKIT-MCINT BCAP3000 boostcap maxwell boostcap integration kit maxwell ultracapacitor maxwell boostcap BCAP3000 integration kit DIN137B Maxwell Maxwell Technologies
    Text: Integration Kit for BOOSTCAP Ultracapacitor Integration Kit > Features: >> Simple design and assembly >> Maximize system lifetime by protecting individual cell against over voltage during rated system use >> Compatible with BCAP3000, 2000, 1500, 1200 and 650

    BCAP3000, DIN137B M12-1 300mA CH-1728 maxwell boostcap 3000 BKIT-MCINT BCAP3000 boostcap maxwell boostcap integration kit maxwell ultracapacitor maxwell boostcap BCAP3000 integration kit Maxwell Maxwell Technologies PDF


    Abstract: ultracapacitor Maxwell bcap BCAP0650 BCAP1500 BCAP2000 P270 BCAP1200 P270 K05 108387B 108324B
    Text: DATASHEET K2 SERIES 650F - 3,000F ULTRACAPACITORS BCAP0650 P270 BCAP1200 P270 BCAP1500 P270 BCAP2000 P270 BCAP3000 P270 FEATURES AND BENEFITS • • • • • • • TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 2.7 V operating voltage Highest power performance available Lowest RC time constant

    BCAP0650 BCAP1200 BCAP1500 BCAP2000 BCAP3000 BCAP0650 BCAP1200 BCAP1500 BCAP2000 BCAP3000 ultracapacitor Maxwell bcap P270 BCAP1200 P270 K05 108387B 108324B PDF

    iso 13920

    Abstract: ISO 2768-mk ISO 2768-mk tolerances sheet bc 877 Maxwell 310F BCAP0310 CH-1728 P270 marking t08
    Text: DATASHEET BC POWER SERIES RADIAL D CELL 310F ULTRACAPACITOR BCAP0310 P270 T08 FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Round, radial mounting design for easy surface mount assembly • Over 500,000 duty cycles • 10 year life capability • Ultra-low internal resistance

    BCAP0310 CH-1728 D-82205 iso 13920 ISO 2768-mk ISO 2768-mk tolerances sheet bc 877 Maxwell 310F P270 marking t08 PDF

    iso 13920

    Abstract: ISO 2768-mk tolerances sheet BCAP0350 BCAP0350 E270 T11 BCAP0350E270T11 13920 BCAP0350-E270 ISO 2768-mk CH-1728 E270
    Text: DATASHEET BC ENERGY SERIES RADIAL D CELL 350F ULTRACAPACITOR BCAP0350 E270 T11 FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Round, radial mounting design for easy surface mount assembly • Over 500,000 duty cycles • 10 year life capability • Ultra-low internal resistance

    BCAP0350 CH-1728 D-82205 iso 13920 ISO 2768-mk tolerances sheet BCAP0350 E270 T11 BCAP0350E270T11 13920 BCAP0350-E270 ISO 2768-mk E270 PDF


    Abstract: BCAP0001 1007239 CH-1728 P270 Ups package Reference number
    Text: DATASHEET HC POWER SERIES ULTRACAPACITORS BCAP0001 P270 BCAP0003 P270 • • • • • Ultra-low internal resistance Resistant against reverse polarity 500,000 cycles, 10 year life capability RoHS compliant Proprietary material science and packaging technology

    BCAP0001 BCAP0003 BCAP0001 BCAP0003 CH-1728 D-82205 1007239 P270 Ups package Reference number PDF


    Abstract: BCAP0310 CH-1728 P270
    Text: DATASHEET BC POWER SERIES RADIAL D CELL 310F ULTRACAPACITOR BCAP0310 P270 T10 FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Round, radial mounting design for easy surface mount assembly • Over 500,000 duty cycles • 10 year life capability • Ultra-low internal resistance

    BCAP0310 CH-1728 D-82205 310F P270 PDF


    Abstract: CH-1728 P270 BCAP0025P270 BCAP0050 P270 T01
    Text: DATASHEET HC POWER SERIES 25 F - 150 F ULTRACAPACITORS BCAP0025 P270 BCAP0050 P270 BCAP0150 P270 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS BCAP0025 BCAP0050 BCAP0150 Nominal capacitance 25 F 50 F 150 F Capacitance tolerance ±20% ±20% ±20% Rated voltage 2.7 V DC 2.7 V DC

    BCAP0025 BCAP0050 BCAP0150 BCAP0025 BCAP0050 BCAP0150 CH-1728 D-82205 P270 BCAP0025P270 BCAP0050 P270 T01 PDF


    Abstract: windmill design discharge capacitor welding maxwell boostcap windmill maxwell boostcap esr capacitor discharge welding boostcap BCAP0350 maxwell ultracapacitor
    Text: Electric Double Layer Capacitor: BOOSTCAP Ultracapacitor Welded, bus bar type Series: BCAP > Features: > > > > > > > > > > Applications: > > > > > > Dimensions similar to EN 60086-2 & EN 60285 Over 500,000 duty cycles 10 year life capability Higher energy vs electrolytic

    BCAP0350 CH-1728 BOOSTCAP BCAP0350 windmill design discharge capacitor welding maxwell boostcap windmill maxwell boostcap esr capacitor discharge welding boostcap BCAP0350 maxwell ultracapacitor PDF


    Abstract: BPAK0058 BCAP0050P270 BCAP0350 BCAP150 BMOD0094 BCAP0025P270 radsok BCAP0310 BCAP0650
    Text: <§ •Richardson Electronics MAXWELL TECHNOLOGIES BOOSTCAP® ULTRACAPACITORS TGCHN O LO GIGS Capacitance F) Rated Voltage (V) Surge Voltage (V) ESR, DC (mohm) ESR 1kHz (mohm) lc (mA) Max. current (A), 1 sec Max. continuous current (A) Weight (kg) Emax

    OCR Scan
    BCAP0025P270 BCAP0050P270 BCAP0150 BCAP0310 P250T03 BCAP0350 E250T03 BCAP0650 BMOD0500 BCAP0350E250T03 BPAK0058 BCAP150 BMOD0094 radsok PDF