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    MEMORY BUBBLE Search Results

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    CA91L750-100ILV Renesas Electronics Corporation Memory Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R1LV0408DSP-7LR#S0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Power SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R1EX24064ATA00I#S0 Renesas Electronics Corporation EEPROM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HN58V1001RT25VE Renesas Electronics Corporation EEPROM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HN58V66ATI10E Renesas Electronics Corporation EEPROM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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    DDR2 phy

    Abstract: verilog hdl code for parity generator powerPC 440 schematics MT4HTF3264H ug406 PPC440MC VIRTEX-5 DDR2 sdram mig 3.61 LXT 971 VIRTEX-5 DDR PHY XAPP701
    Text: LogiCORE IP Multi-Port Memory Controller v6.06.a DS643 July 25, 2012 Product Specification Introduction LogiCORE IP Facts Table The LogiCORE IP Multi-Port Memory Controller (MPMC) is a fully parameterizable memory controller that supports SDRAM/DDR/DDR2/DDR3/LPDDR

    DS643 PPC440MC) DDR2 phy verilog hdl code for parity generator powerPC 440 schematics MT4HTF3264H ug406 PPC440MC VIRTEX-5 DDR2 sdram mig 3.61 LXT 971 VIRTEX-5 DDR PHY XAPP701 PDF


    Abstract: microblaze locallink xilinx DDR3 controller user interface v605a B32R VIRTEX-5 DDR2 sdram mig 3.61 spartan6 mig ddr3 ddr3 ram slot pin detail 240 pin 0x000001DF verilog code for ddr2 sdram to virtex 5 using ip
    Text: LogiCORE IP Multi-Port Memory Controller v6.05.a DS643 October 19, 2011 Product Specification Introduction LogiCORE IP Facts Table The LogiCORE IP Multi-Port Memory Controller (MPMC) is a fully parameterizable memory controller that supports SDRAM/DDR/DDR2/DDR3/LPDDR

    DS643 PPC440MC) microblaze locallink xilinx DDR3 controller user interface v605a B32R VIRTEX-5 DDR2 sdram mig 3.61 spartan6 mig ddr3 ddr3 ram slot pin detail 240 pin 0x000001DF verilog code for ddr2 sdram to virtex 5 using ip PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LogiCORE IP Multi-Port Memory Controller v6.06.a DS643 February 22, 2013 Product Specification Introduction LogiCORE IP Facts Table The LogiCORE IP Multi-Port Memory Controller (MPMC) is a fully parameterizable memory controller that supports SDRAM/DDR/DDR2/DDR3/LPDDR

    DS643 PPC440MC) PDF


    Abstract: CP15
    Text: Memory Management on the StrongARM SA-110 Ref. Number: DS internal ESAE-001-A01 The SA-110 is the first StrongARM implementation of the ARM Architecture. This paper provides an overview of memory management followed by details specific to the ARM architecture then the SA-110 implementation itself. The MMU (memory

    SA-110 ESAE-001-A01 SA-110 Aug96 WRCP15 EBSA-110 CP15 PDF


    Abstract: 91208 INNER CARTON LABEL MR260
    Text: 107-68879 Packaging Specification 07Aug09 Rev O RITS CONN & MEMORY BOARD 1. PURPOSE 目的 Define the packaging specifiction and packaging method of RITS CONN & MEMORY BOARD. 订定 RITS CONN & MEMORY BOARD 产品之包装规格及包装方式。 2. APPLICABLE PRODUCT 适用范围

    07Aug09 315LX270WX26 280LX198WX3 10METHODproduct RQR-ME-030B 91208 INNER CARTON LABEL MR260 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 107-68879 Packaging Specification 06Nov2012 Rev E RITS CONN & MEMORY BOARD 1. PURPOSE 目的 Define the packaging specifiction and packaging method of RITS CONN & MEMORY BOARD. 订定 RITS CONN & MEMORY BOARD 产品之包装规格及包装方式。 2. APPLICABLE PRODUCT 适用范围

    06Nov2012 315LX270WX26 280LX198WX13H 283x203x125 102X51 349x298xn QR-ME-030CConfidential PDF


    Abstract: NBM2256 tazer 74LS164 74LS165 NBC82853 MC811 microbus FAIU
    Text: December19£ p r e lim in a r y NBC82851256k-Bit Bubble Memory Controller General Description The NBC82851 is a dedicated bubble memory controller designed fo r use w ith N ational S e m iconductor’s NBM2256 256k-bit magnetic bubble memory. The control­

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    December19fi NBC82851256k-Bit NBC82851 NBM2256 256k-bit DS3615 tazer 74LS164 74LS165 NBC82853 MC811 microbus FAIU PDF

    bubble memory

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: p r e l im in a r y NBC82851256k-Bit Bubble Memory Controller General Description The NBC82851 is a dedicated bubble memory controller designed fo r use w ith N ational S em icon ducto r’s NBM2256 256k-bit m agnetic bubble memory. The control­ ler is designed so that a m inim um of interface circuitry is

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    NBC82851256k-Bit NBC82851 NBM2256 256k-bit bubble memory PDF

    BPK-72 Bubble Memory

    Abstract: IMB-72 Bubble Memory BPK72 7110a-1 Intel 8080 7254 coil driver Intel BUBBLE INTEL 7254 BPK-70 Bubble Memory
    Text: in te i rauyiMioiMÄW BPK 72A 1MBIT BUBBLE MEMORY PROTOTYPE KIT BPK 72A-1 0 To 75 °C BPK 72A-4 10°C To 55°C BPK 72A-5* —20°C To 85°C Assembled and Tested 1MBit Bubble Memory Prototype Kit on 4” x 4” PC Board 1Mbit, Non-Volatile, Read-Write, Solid-State Memory in Leaded Dense

    OCR Scan

    bubble memory

    Abstract: Non-Volatile Random Access Memory nvrams magnetic bubble memories
    Text: ARTICLE REPRINT AR-468 Keeping data sale with nonvolatile memory The author sorts out the myriad nonvolatile memory options available, including ROMs, PROMs, EPROMs, EsPROMs, NVRAMs, plus others. T erry Kendall Technical Marketing Engineer Memory Com ponents Div.

    OCR Scan
    AR-468 16-bit bubble memory Non-Volatile Random Access Memory nvrams magnetic bubble memories PDF

    Bubble Memory

    Abstract: TA 7230 P intel 8085 Intel BUBBLE 7230 intel 7110 intel 8088 memory memory bubble INTEL 7230 S6590
    Text: 7230 CURRENT PULSE GENERATOR FOR BUBBLE MEMORIES TTL Compatible Inputs Provides all Pulses for IM’s Bubble Memories — Replicate, Swap, Generate, Boot Replicate and Bootswap Current Sink Outputs Designed to Directly Drive Bubble Memory • Direct Interface to Bubble Memory

    OCR Scan
    22-Pin 71meter S6590 S6590 AFN-01357A Bubble Memory TA 7230 P intel 8085 Intel BUBBLE 7230 intel 7110 intel 8088 memory memory bubble INTEL 7230 PDF

    intel 7110

    Abstract: MAGNETICA bubble memory "bubble memory" content addressable memory sense amplifier "content addressable memory" sense amplifier Intel BUBBLE magnetic bubble memories
    Text: iny A PRIMER ON MAGNETIC BUBBLE MEMORY Magnetic bubble memory is a solid-state technology with high reliability, ruggedness, small size, light weight, and limited power dissipation. It has applications in telecommunications, data acquisition, industrial control, terminals, and small busi­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: bubble memory bubble timing generator sync INS82851 NBM2256 256k FIFO
    Text: INS82851 National Magnetic B uttle Memories Semiconductor PREVIEW INS82851 Bubble Memory Controller General Description Features The INS82851 is an NMOS con troller s pecifically programmed fo r use with National S em iconductor’s NBM2256 256K-bit magnetic bubble memory. The

    OCR Scan
    INS82851 NBM2256 256K-bit 40-pin INS82851 256KBIT bubble memory bubble timing generator sync 256k FIFO PDF


    Abstract: generator with magnetic permanent magnetic bubble memories bubble memory bubble memories
    Text: Magnetic Bubble Memories « « iew NBM2256 Bubble Memory General Description National Semiconductor’s NBM2256 is a low cost, non-volatile, highly reliable solid state memory that uses magnetic bubble technology. The NBM2256 has the form of a dual-in-line package

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    NBM2256 NBM2256 generator with magnetic permanent magnetic bubble memories bubble memory bubble memories PDF

    STR S 6307

    Abstract: str 6307 uP 6308 AD STR 6309 STR 6307 POWER uP 6308 AP str s 6309 LT 7224 of str 6309 str 6308
    Text: 7224 CONTROLLER FOR 4MBIT BPK 5V74 BUBBLE MEMORY SUBSYSTEM • Provides Interface between Host Microprocessor and 4 Mbit Bubble Memory Subsystems ■ 18 Easy-to-Use Commands . Three Modes of Data Transfer _ ■ Interlaces to 8080/85/86/88/186/286 and Other Standard Microprocessors

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CYM4210 CYM4220 CYPRESS _ SEMICONDUCTOR Cascadeable 8K x 9 FIFO Cascadeable 16K x 9 FIFO Features Functional Description • 8K x 9 FIFO buffer memory 4210 or 16K x 9 FIFO buffer memory (4220) The CYM4210 isa first-in first-out (FIFO) memory module that is 8,192 words by 9

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    CYM4210 CYM4220 7C42X 600-mil 4210HD-- CYM4210HD-- CYM4210HD PDF

    a/MC 3351

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3351 40 x 9 FIFO Memory MOS Memory Products Description The 3351 is a First-In First-Out FIFO memory used in data rate buffering applications. The 3351 has a capacity of 40 9-bit words. The words are accepted at the input, automatically shifted towards the output,

    OCR Scan

    ms 7254 ver 3.0

    Abstract: AR-243 motorola bubble memory controller intel 7114 bubble
    Text: irrtei ARTICLE REPRINT AR-243 Thin-film detectors, X-ray lithography deliver 4-Mbit bubble chip Next-generation bubble memory chip is even smaller than the compatible, 1-Mbit device; set of support circuits takes care of memory system requirements. Propelled by X-ray lithogra­

    OCR Scan
    AR-243 ms 7254 ver 3.0 AR-243 motorola bubble memory controller intel 7114 bubble PDF


    Abstract: 1N4152
    Text: 3351 40 x 9 FIFO Memory MOS Memory Products Description The 3351 is a First-In First-Out F IF O memory used in data rate buffering applications. The 3351 has a cap acity of 40 9-bit words. The words are accep ted at the input, automatically shifted towards the output,

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 3 4 1 /3 3 4 1 A 64 x 4 FIFO Serial Memory MOS Memory Products Description The 3341 or 3341A is a 64-word x 4-bit First-In First-Out FIFO Serial Memory. Inputs and the outputs are completely independent (no common clocks) making the 3341/3341A ideal for

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    64-word 3341/3341A 12-Bit 3341s PDF

    bubble memory

    Abstract: driver 1028 TDA 1028 TPS 1028 NBM2011 "Barium Ferrite"
    Text: November 1980 NBM2011 1M x 1 Magnetic Bubble Memory Device General Description The NBM2011 is a 1,048,576 220 bit magnetic bubble memory device. All required magnetic components, in­ cluding the drive field coils, permanent magnets and pro* tective magnetic shield are integral parts of the device. It

    OCR Scan
    NBM2011 16-pin bubble memory driver 1028 TDA 1028 TPS 1028 "Barium Ferrite" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Extended Temperature Range Supplement 3341 /3 3 4 1 A 64 x 4 FIFO Serial Memory MOS Memory Products D escrip tio n The 3341 or 3 3 4 1 A is a 64-word x 4-bit First-In First-Out FIFO serial memory. Inputs and the outputs are completely independent (no common

    OCR Scan
    /3341A 64-word 3341/3341A D23341 PDF


    Abstract: intel 7110 DMA Controller 8257 isbx-251
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE AP-157 O c to b e r 1983 AP-157 INTRODUCTION^ The 7220-! is a single-chip LSI Bubble Memory Controller BMC that implements a bubble memory storage subsystem (with up to eight bubble storage units (BSUs) per BMC). Each bubble storage unit consists of five support circuits in addition

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    AP-157 BPK72 intel 7110 DMA Controller 8257 isbx-251 PDF


    Abstract: f3341 D23341 3341AD 3341A
    Text: Extended Temperature Range Supplement 3341 /3 3 4 1 A 64 x 4 FIFO Serial Memory MOS Memory Products Description The 3341 or 3341A is a 64-word x 4-bit First-In First-Out FIFO serial memory. Inputs and the outputs are com pletely independent (no common clocks) making the 3 3 4 1 /3 3 4 1 A ideal tor

    OCR Scan
    3341/3341A 64-word 3341/3341A 3341ADC f3341 D23341 3341AD 3341A PDF