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    ML-1 MIXER Search Results

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    ML-1 MIXER

    Abstract: Mixer Mini-Circuits ML 1 minicircuits mixer ml-1
    Text: Non-Catalog Model Frequency Mixer ML-1+ ML-1 Level 7 LO Power +7 dBm Important Note This is a non-catalog model and can be manufactured on specific request. Pricing and delivery information can be supplied upon request. CASE STYLE: A01 Please click ”Back”, and then click “Contact Us” for Applications support.

    2002/95/EC) M114087 ML-1 MIXER Mixer Mini-Circuits ML 1 minicircuits mixer ml-1 PDF

    ML-1 MIXER

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Frequency Mixer ML-1 Typical Performance Data RF IN (MHz) 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 2.1 10.1 28.1 40.1 52.1 64.1 76.1 88.1 120.1 140.1 160.1 180.1 200.1 230.1 250.1 270.1 290.1 310.1 330.1 360.1 380.1 400.1 420.1 440.1 470.1 500.1 510.1 530.1 550.1 570.1 600.1 620.1

    30MHz ML-1 MIXER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Frequency Mixer ML-1+ Typical Performance Data RF IN (MHz) 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 2.1 10.1 28.1 40.1 52.1 64.1 76.1 88.1 120.1 140.1 160.1 180.1 200.1 230.1 250.1 270.1 290.1 310.1 330.1 360.1 380.1 400.1 420.1 440.1 470.1 500.1 510.1 530.1 550.1 570.1 600.1 620.1

    30MHz 178lo PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: One. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: 201 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (201) 376-8960 KSC1674 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR inir"D \mrLlrltn, TV PIF AMPLIFIER, FM TUNER RF/Ml/ini MIXER, OSCILLATOR 1 TO-92 • High Current-Qain-Bandwidth Product fT=6QOMHz (Typ)

    KSC1674 100MHz 10fiA, f-100MHz Rs-50n, PDF

    ml 7358

    Abstract: ML-1 MIXER
    Text: Frequency Mixer ML-1+ Typical Performance Curves Conversion Loss @IF=30 MHz 11.0 LO = +4dBm Conversion Loss dB 10.0 LO = +7dBm 9.0 LO = +10dBm 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 RF Frequency (MHz) Conversion Loss vs. IF @ RF=250.25 MHz Conversion Loss vs. LO @ RF=250.25 MHz

    10dBm ml 7358 ML-1 MIXER PDF

    ML 1

    Abstract: ML-1 MIXER
    Text: Frequency Mixer ML-1 Typical Performance Curves Conversion Loss @IF=30 MHz 11.0 LO = +4dBm Conversion Loss dB 10.0 LO = +7dBm 9.0 LO = +10dBm 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 RF Frequency (MHz) Conversion Loss vs. IF @ RF=250.25 MHz Conversion Loss vs. LO @ RF=250.25 MHz

    10dBm ML 1 ML-1 MIXER PDF


    Abstract: AN9312 Transient Voltage Suppression Devices, Harris AN9307 V14MLA1206 V26MLA1206 V33MLA1206 V68MLA1206 2.5kV ZENER DIODE Transient Voltage Suppressor diode application no
    Text: Littelfuse “ML” Multilayer Surface Mount Surge Suppressors A pplication Note J u ly 1 9 9 9 AN9108.4 Littelfuse produces four families of multilayer suppressors: the ML, MLE, MLN and AUML. While much of the information presented here is generic to all four, this note focuses on the

    AN9108 183oC AN9307. AN9312. DB450. AN9312 Transient Voltage Suppression Devices, Harris AN9307 V14MLA1206 V26MLA1206 V33MLA1206 V68MLA1206 2.5kV ZENER DIODE Transient Voltage Suppressor diode application no PDF


    Abstract: SM2288 vga to ypbpr Sigma designs REALMAGIC EM8475 Composite Video to VGA decoder circuit BGA 328 i2s specification IPTV Sigma Designs
    Text: EM8470 EM8471 EM8475 EM8476 MPEG-4 Decoder for Set-top, DVD and Streaming Applications Description Common Features The EM847x family is a single-chip MPEG audio/video decoder that supports DVD-Video, Superbit DVD, SVCD, VCD and audio CD media formats. Video decoding support includes MPEG-1, MPEG-2 MP@ML and MPEG-4

    EM8470 EM8471 EM8475 EM8476 EM847x 16-bit EM8400 EM8470 EM8471 SM2288 vga to ypbpr Sigma designs REALMAGIC EM8475 Composite Video to VGA decoder circuit BGA 328 i2s specification IPTV Sigma Designs PDF


    Abstract: EM8471 MPEG encoder i2s specification EM8475 SM2210 EM8476 picture-in-picture motion vector dct simple video transmitter fs460
    Text: EM8470 EM8471 EM8475 EM8476 MPEG-4 Decoder for Set-top, DVD and Streaming Applications Description Common Features The EM847x family is a single-chip MPEG audio/video decoder that supports DVD-Video, Superbit DVD, SVCD, VCD and audio CD media formats. Video decoding support includes MPEG-1, MPEG-2 MP@ML and MPEG-4

    EM8470 EM8471 EM8475 EM8476 EM847x 16-bit EM8400 EM8470 EM8471 SM2288 MPEG encoder i2s specification EM8475 SM2210 EM8476 picture-in-picture motion vector dct simple video transmitter fs460 PDF

    pin diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIN DIODE LIMITERS ML 6700-000 Series PIN DIODE LIMITERS 1 MHz T O 40 GHz FEATURES ♦ Broad Frequency Ranges ♦ High Power Handling ♦ Low Leakage Power ♦ Low Insertion Loss ♦ Wide Range of Package S DESCRIPTION The ML 6700-000 Series o f PIN diode limiters from M/A-COM Ltd offers a com prehensive selection o f passive

    OCR Scan

    step recovery diode application

    Abstract: Sampling Phase Detectors Sampling Phase Detector step recovery diode
    Text: SAMPLING PHASE DETECTOR ML 7799-0000 Series SAMPLING PHASE DETECTOR 1 .0 -20G H z FEATURES ♦ Complete Phase Detector Circuit ♦ Low Reference Oscillator Drive Capability ♦ Microstrip Compatible Package ♦ Phase Locking to 20GHz ♦ Space Qualified Versions Using

    OCR Scan
    20GHz step recovery diode application Sampling Phase Detectors Sampling Phase Detector step recovery diode PDF


    Abstract: ML270
    Text: an A M P com pany Double Balanced Mixers 1 -18 GHz ML 2000-00-XXX Series V3.00 Features • • • • Double Balanced Broad Frequency Ranges Low Conversion Loss Coaxial and Drop-in Packages SMA FEMALE 3 POSNS Description M/A-COM provides a w ide range of high perform ance

    OCR Scan
    2000-00-XXX 18GHz 50ohm ML-2601 ML270 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J/SSTJ210 Series Vishay Siliconix N-Channel JFETs J210 SSTJ211 J211 SSTJ212 J212 PRODUCT SUM M ARY Part Number VGS off (V) V (BH)GSS M in (V) 9 fs Min (mS) loss Ml*1 (mA) J2 1 0 - 1 to - 3 -2 5 4 J/S S T J211 - 2 .5 t o -4 .5 -2 5 6 7 -2 5 7 15 J /S S T J 2 1 2

    OCR Scan
    J/SSTJ210 SSTJ211 SSTJ212 J211/212, S-04028--Rev. 04-Jun-01 S-04028-- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W h pt H E W L E T T mL/im P A C K A R D General Purpose, Low Noise NPN Silicon Bipolar Transistor Technical Data AT-41511, A T-41533 F eatu res D escrip tion • General Purpose NPN Bipolar Transistor • 900 MHz Performance: AT-41511: 1 dB NF, 15.5 dB Ga

    OCR Scan
    AT-41511, T-41533 AT-41511: AT-41533: OT-23 OT-143 AT-41511 AT-41533 OT-23, AT415 PDF

    Transistor BC 227

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ML.Ö5711 DDObñBD T 3 3 VPX 3225D, VPX 3224D PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 5 5 1. 1.1. Introduction System Architecture 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 20 20 20 21 21 22 24 24 24 24 24 26 27 28 28 29 29 2. 2.1.

    OCR Scan
    3225D, 3224D XT1750 HC49U 4bfl2711 4b02711 Transistor BC 227 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS LNA/Mixer PMB 2332 Bipolar IC Target Spezification Functional Description, Benefits: • New B6HF bipolar technology, 25GHz ft • Frequency range up to 3.0GHz • Small outline T-SSOP 16 package • 2.7-4.5V voltage supply • -40° C to +85° C operational temperature range

    OCR Scan
    25GHz T-SSOP-16 235bD5 fl235b05 fi235b05 fl23SLD5 PDF

    2,5GHz oscillator

    Abstract: 3A-34 8GHz oscillator
    Text: SIEM EN S LNA/Mixer PMB 2332 Bipolar IC Target Spezification Functional Description, Benefits: • New B6HF bipolar technology, 25GHz ft • Frequency range up to 3.0GHz • Small outline T-SSOP 16 package • 2.7-4.5V voltage supply • -40°C to +85°C operational temperature range

    OCR Scan
    25GHz T-SSOP-16 235L05 T-SSOP-16 fl23ShDS 07fi2fcJcà 2,5GHz oscillator 3A-34 8GHz oscillator PDF


    Abstract: ML2902-10-DBX ML24XX-08-SSL IrL 1520 N irl 1520
    Text: IMAGE REJECTION MIXERS ML 2000-08-IRX SERIES DESCRIPTION These image rejection mixers offer octave plus RF bandwidths and a selectable IF bandwidth for downconversion applications where rejection of the image frequency is required. The hybrid circuit is hermetically packaged with SMA

    OCR Scan
    2000-08-IRX 2000-00-XXX 2000-04-DBX 2902-10-DBX ML2000-04-DBXS ML2902-10-DBX ML2000-08-IRX ML23XX-08-IRH ML24XX-08-SSL IrL 1520 N irl 1520 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Mixer PMB 2331 Bipolar IC Preliminary Spezification Functional Description, Benefits: • New B6HF bipolar technology, 25GHz ft • Reduced external components • Frequency range up to 2.0 GHz • 2.7-4.5V supply voltage • Mixer current adjustable with external resistors

    OCR Scan
    25GHz fl23SbG5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Mixer/Amplifier PMB 2333 Bipolar IC Preliminary Specification •- Functional Description, Benefits: • New B6HF bipolar technology, 25GHz ft • Small outline T-SSOP 16 package • Reduced external components • Frequency range up to 3.0GHz • Amplifier may be used as LNA or Driver

    OCR Scan
    25GHz 12dBm T-SSOP-16 fl235b05 fi23StiQS A23SbD5 PDF

    gilbert cell mixer

    Abstract: Intermediate frequency transformer siemens Package Outlines gilbert mixer rf mixer 2331 Intermediate frequency Semiconductor RF VHF Transceiver IC siemens Package Outlines Plastic Package 18 ML 2A configuration siemens Resistors
    Text: S IE M E N S Mixer PMB 2331 P relim inary S p e zifica tio n B ipolar IC Functional Description, Benefits: • • • • • • • • • • • • N ew B 6H F b ip o la r technology, 2 5 G H z ft R educed external co m p on e n ts F requency range up to 2.0 G H z

    OCR Scan
    25GHz fl23StOS 023SbDS gilbert cell mixer Intermediate frequency transformer siemens Package Outlines gilbert mixer rf mixer 2331 Intermediate frequency Semiconductor RF VHF Transceiver IC siemens Package Outlines Plastic Package 18 ML 2A configuration siemens Resistors PDF

    old Resistors Siemens s

    Abstract: characteristics of mixer circuit diagram 900MHZ PMB2333 S-11
    Text: SIEM EN S Mixer/Amplifier PMB 2333 Preliminary Specification Bipolar 1C ~ Functional Description, Benefits: • New B6HF bipolar technology, 25G H z ft • Small outline T-SSO P 16 package • Reduced external components • Frequency range up to 3.0GHz • Amplifier may be used as LNA or Driver

    OCR Scan
    25GHz 12dBm fl23Sb05 623SbQS T-SSOP-16 fl23SbD5 old Resistors Siemens s characteristics of mixer circuit diagram 900MHZ PMB2333 S-11 PDF

    vogt transformer

    Abstract: teflon s-parameter vogt m3 vogt -sumida-57016270 1H VOGT P2 VHF Transceiver IC vogt transformer LO vogt p1 vogt un siemens
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications MIXER PM B2331 Version 1.2 Preliminary Data Sheet 09.97 T 2 3 3 1 -X V 1 2 -P 2 -7 6 0 0 Edition 09.97 Published by Siemens AG, Bereich Halbleiter, MarketingKommunikation, BalanstraBe 73, 81541 München Ausgabe 09.97 Herausgegeben von Siemens AG,

    OCR Scan
    PMB2331 t2331-xv12-p2-7600 35x45' vogt transformer teflon s-parameter vogt m3 vogt -sumida-57016270 1H VOGT P2 VHF Transceiver IC vogt transformer LO vogt p1 vogt un siemens PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications LNA/MIXER P M B 2332 Version 1.2 Preliminary Specification 06.96 T2332-XV12-P2-7600 053SbO S 0 C H flb 4 3 7bfc> E d itio n 06 .96 A u s g a b e 06 .9 6 P u b lis h e d b y S ie m e n s A G , B e re ic h H a lb le ite r, M a rk e tin g K o m m u n ik a tio n , B ala n s tra B e 73,

    OCR Scan
    T2332-XV12-P2-7600 053SbO fl235b05 PDF