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    MOC205 MOTOROLA Search Results

    MOC205 MOTOROLA Result Highlights (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    AS839 Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    AS8397- Coilcraft Inc DSL transformer, for Motorola MC145660, SMT, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc

    MOC205 MOTOROLA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MOC207 MOC206 MOC208 RS481A MOC205 motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MOC205/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC205 MOC206* MOC207* MOC208* Small Outline Optoisolators [CTR = 40 – 80%] Transistor Output [CTR = 63 – 125%] These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically

    MOC205/D MOC205 MOC206* MOC207* MOC208* MOC205/D* MOC205 MOC207 MOC206 MOC208 RS481A MOC205 motorola PDF

    transistor 115

    Abstract: MOC205 MOC207 M0C207 M206 MOC206 RS481A MOC205 motorola
    Text: Order this data sheet bv MOC205/D MOTOROLA m TECHNICAL DATA MOC205 MOC206 MOC207,$!. ‘%1, ,.!. >>. . Small Outline Optoisolators Transistoroutput These devices consist to a monolithic plastic silicon package. They of a gallium phototransistor are ideally

    MOC205/D MOC205 MOC206 MOC207 c63W4 M0C207 transistor 115 MOC205 MOC207 M0C207 M206 MOC206 RS481A MOC205 motorola PDF


    Abstract: MOC207 MOC206 MOC208 RS481A Motorola diode 207 MOC205 motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MOC205/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC205 MOC206* MOC207* MOC208* Small Outline Optoisolators [CTR = 40 – 80%] Transistor Output [CTR = 63 – 125%] These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically

    MOC205/D MOC205 MOC206* MOC207* MOC208* MOC205 MOC207 MOC206 MOC208 RS481A Motorola diode 207 MOC205 motorola PDF

    Opto Coupler 4N36

    Abstract: MOC207R1-M MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11D1M E90700 motorola 4N35 opto - coupler MOC206 "cross reference" Surface wave coupler 4N33 "cross reference" MOC205-M
    Text: Transistor Output These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon phototransistor detector, in a surface mountable, small outline, plastic package. They are ideally suited for high density applications, and eliminate the need for through–the–board mounting.

    MOC205, E90700, MOC205-M Opto Coupler 4N36 MOC207R1-M MOTOROLA Cross Reference Search H11D1M E90700 motorola 4N35 opto - coupler MOC206 "cross reference" Surface wave coupler 4N33 "cross reference" PDF


    Abstract: triac driver opto moc3021 opto d207 MCT2E soic D217 OPTO IC 4N25 triac 730A-04 a4n33 opto triac moc3010 MOC3041 opto isolator
    Text: Optoelectronic Devices In Brief . . . Motorola’s families of optoelectronic components encompass red and infrared GaAs emitters and silicon detectors that are well matched for a variety of applications. Optoisolators Motorola’s “Global” 6–Pin Dual In–line Package DIP

    MOC2A60-5 MOC2A60-10 02/Style 01/Style MOTOROLA OPTOELECTRONIC ic pin diagram triac driver opto moc3021 opto d207 MCT2E soic D217 OPTO IC 4N25 triac 730A-04 a4n33 opto triac moc3010 MOC3041 opto isolator PDF

    pc111 optocoupler

    Abstract: qtc 2531 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 qtc 2530 qtc 2631 LH1571 PC123 optocoupler PC923 equivalent 74ol6000 equivalent

    UL1577 PS71XX-1A PS71XX-2A E72422 VDE0884 BS415 /EC55 BS7002 /EC950 SS-441-01-55 pc111 optocoupler qtc 2531 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 qtc 2530 qtc 2631 LH1571 PC123 optocoupler PC923 equivalent 74ol6000 equivalent PDF

    MOC7811 optocoupler

    Abstract: MOC7811 QTC 4N35 working of MOC7811 QTC 4N25 OMRON 1230 opto moc7811 speed sensor NEC PS2001B MOC7811 PIN DETAILS MOC7811 pin diagram with smoke detector
    Text: Optocouplers Data Book 1996 Contents General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selector Guide – Alphanumeric Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    TCST1103 TCST2103 TCST2000 TCST2300 TCST1300 MOC7811 optocoupler MOC7811 QTC 4N35 working of MOC7811 QTC 4N25 OMRON 1230 opto moc7811 speed sensor NEC PS2001B MOC7811 PIN DETAILS MOC7811 pin diagram with smoke detector PDF

    qtc 2601

    Abstract: qtc 2531 pc111 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2530 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 PC123 optocoupler qtc 2531 optocoupler QTC 3700

    2013-B 24-Hour qtc 2601 qtc 2531 pc111 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2530 qtc 2630 qtc 2731 PC123 optocoupler qtc 2531 optocoupler QTC 3700 PDF

    pc111 optocoupler

    Abstract: PC123 optocoupler qtc 2630 qtc 2531 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2531 PC817 SOP-4 qtc 2731 PC113 optocoupler pc120 optocoupler
    Text: California Eastern Laboratories Optocoupler & Solid State Relay Product Cross-Reference HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE The Cross Reference provides a listing of CEL/NEC’s closest replacement devices to the Manufacturer. The replacement may or may not be an exact replacement, so the customer should consult both data

    PC120 PS2701-1 Labo-89 SFS-EN-60-950 NEK-EN-60-950 A21409 24-Hour pc111 optocoupler PC123 optocoupler qtc 2630 qtc 2531 optocoupler qtc 2631 qtc 2531 PC817 SOP-4 qtc 2731 PC113 optocoupler pc120 optocoupler PDF

    p421 coupler

    Abstract: MOC604A CNY17-3Z TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER application note TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER p421 Photocoupler CNY17-2Z TRANSISTOR AC125 TLP181 SMD 11-4C1 TYPE moc3041 application note
    Text: Photocouplers PRODUCT GUIDE New Products •Photorelay T The TLP227GA Series of general-purpose photorelays features devices whose OFF-state voltage 400 V is superior to that of TLP227G Series devices (350 V). This superior OFF-state voltage allows larger safety

    TLP227GA TLP227G TLP227GA TLP227G/TLP597GA/TLP227GA-2 p421 coupler MOC604A CNY17-3Z TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER application note TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER p421 Photocoupler CNY17-2Z TRANSISTOR AC125 TLP181 SMD 11-4C1 TYPE moc3041 application note PDF

    transistor mosfet buv18a

    Abstract: M143206EVK MMBF4856 lm358 IC 68hc05sc24 telephone line interface circuit bc517 MC68B54 XC68HC705P9 MPX100ap BUV18A
    Text: Device Index and Subject Index In Brief . . . Page Device Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1–1 General Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2–1 Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2–9



    Abstract: xcm916x1cth16 transistor marking code 12W SOT-23 sg379 MC68B54P XC68HC805P18CDW mc68b50cp MC2830 NE555N CHN NE555N
    Text: SG379/D REV 7 Semiconductor Products Sector NORTH AMERICA SALES AND DISTRIBUTION PRICE LIST THIS BOOK IS IN COMPUTER SORT PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION – Please see General Information Section 1.3 EFFECTIVE DATE: JANUARY 10, 1998 General Information 1 Cross References

    SG379/D 1N965BRL ZEN15V 1N751AS 1N967BRL ZEN18V 1N751ASRL 1N968BRL ZEN20V MC68B21CP xcm916x1cth16 transistor marking code 12W SOT-23 sg379 MC68B54P XC68HC805P18CDW mc68b50cp MC2830 NE555N CHN NE555N PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR 612 TRANSISTOR 618 transistor 624 MOC211 MOC215 MOC223 MOCD208 MOCD211 MOC205
    Text: Section 6 SOIC-8 Small Outline Optoisolators Package Dim ensions. 6-2 Single Channel MOC205 S e rie s. 6-3 Transistor Output MOC211 Series. 6-6

    OCR Scan
    MOC205 MOC211 MOC215 MOC223 MOC256 MOC263 MOCD207 MOCD208 transistor TRANSISTOR 612 TRANSISTOR 618 transistor 624 MOC223 MOCD211 PDF


    Abstract: MOC205 motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC205 MOC206* MOC207* MOC208* Small Outline Optoisolators [CTR *4 0 -8 0 % ] Transistor Output [CTR =83-125% ] These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon phototransistor detector, In a surface mountable,

    OCR Scan
    RS481A MOC205 MOC206 MOC207 MOC208 MOC205 motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MQC205/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC205 MOC206* MOC207* MOC208* Small Outline Optoisolators [CTR = 4 0 - 8 0 % ] Transistor Output [CTR = 6 3 -1 2 5 % ] These devices consist of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically

    OCR Scan
    MQC205/D MOC205 MOC206* MOC207* MOC208* PDF

    sl-100 TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: MQC207 OC205 OC206
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICO NDUCTO R TECHNICAL DATA M O C 205 M O C 206 MOC2Q7 Sm all Outline Optoisolators Transistor Output These devices co nsist o f a g a lliu m arsenide in fra re d e m ittin g d io d e o p tic a lly coup le d to a m o n o lith ic silico n p h o to tra n s is to r d ete cto r, in a surface m o u n ta b le , sm a ll o u tlin e ,

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: CNY62 sharp pc613 CNY63 CNY57 QTC 4N35 MOC7811 sensor MOC7811 QTC 4N25 hafo 3c63b
    Text: Tem ic Semiconductors Cross Reference List Opto Corapetltwn-Type Isolators 3C63B 3C63C 3C91B 3C91C 3C92B 3C92C 3N243 3N244 3N245 3N281 4N25, 25A 4N26 4N27 4N28 4N29 4N29A 4N30 4N31 4N32 4N33 4N35 4N37 4N38 CLA7 CLA7AA CNX21 ' CNX35 ; CNX36 CNX38 1CNX82 i CNX83

    OCR Scan
    3C63B 3C63C 3C91B 3C91C 3C92B 3C92C 3N243 3N244 3N245 3N281 CNY57A CNY62 sharp pc613 CNY63 CNY57 QTC 4N35 MOC7811 sensor MOC7811 QTC 4N25 hafo 3c63b PDF