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    LXMSJZNCMH-225 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMS21NCMH-230 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM-KIT-OVER100-DE-D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 0805-1210 over100uF Cap Kit Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

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    10 volt reference

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISL95870, ISL95870A, ISL95870B The I SL95870, I SL95870A, I SL95870B I Cs are Single- Phase Synchronous- Buck PWM regulators featuring I ntersil’s proprietary R4 Technology . The wide 3.3V to 25V input voltage range is ideal for system s that run on battery or AC-adapter power sources. The

    ISL95870, ISL95870A, ISL95870B SL95870, SL95870A, SL95870B SL95870A SL95870B) 10 volt reference PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I SL8 1 2 1 Fe a t u r e s The I SL8121 is a two-phase buck PWM controller featuring an input voltage range of 3V to 20V and integrated MOSFET drivers. Precision voltage regulation is provided for point- of- load and other high- current applications that require efficient and com pact

    SL8121 5m-1994. FN6352 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I SL7 8 2 1 5 Fe a t u r e s The I SL78215 fam ily of adj ustable frequency, low power, pulse width m odulating PWM current m ode controllers is designed for a wide range of power conversion applications including boost, flyback, and isolated output configurations. Peak current m ode control effectively

    SL78215 MO-187-AA AMSEY14 5m-1994. FN7673 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRODUCT DATASHEET AAT4910 FastSwitchTM 28V Half-Bridge Dual N-Channel MOSFET Driver Ge n e r a l D e scr ipt ion Fe a t u r e s The AAT4910 is a 28V half- bridge dual MOSFET driver for high- current DC- DC convert er and m ot or driver applicat ions. I t drives bot h high- side and low- side N- channel

    AAT4910 AAT4910 SC70JW- PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I SL8 0 0 9 A Fe a t u r e s The I SL8009A is a high efficiency, m onolithic, synchronous step- down DC/ DC regulator that can deliver up to 1.5A continuous output current. I t is optim ized for generating low output voltages down to 0.8V. The supply voltage range of 2.7V to 5.5V, allows the use of single

    SL8009A FN6656 88cy PDF


    Abstract: STR-A6252M stra6252 STR-A6252MD samsung flyback pin diagram flyback transformer samsung 310A tube
    Text: STR-A6252MD Universal-Input 20 W 67 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Description ▪ 67 kHz PWM with ±5% frequency jittering for EMI noise filtering and cost reduction ▪ Rugged 650 V avalanche-rated MOSFET: • Simplified surge absorption

    STR-A6252MD STR-A6252 STR-A6252M stra6252 samsung flyback pin diagram flyback transformer samsung 310A tube PDF


    Abstract: STR-A6259H str-A6259 stra6259h
    Text: STR-A6259HD Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Description ▪ 100 kHz PWM with ±5% frequency jittering for EMI noise filtering cost reduction ▪ Rugged 650 V avalanche-rated MOSFET: • Simplified surge absorption

    STR-A6259HD STRA6259 STR-A6259H str-A6259 stra6259h PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I SL6 2 8 7 5 Fe a t u r e s The I SL62875 is a Single- Phase Synchronous- Buck PWM volt age regulat or feat uring I nt ersil’s Robust Ripple Regulat or R3 Technology . The wide 3.3V t o 25V input volt age range is ideal for syst em s t hat run on

    SL62875 5m-1994. FN6905 PDF


    Abstract: STR-A6259 STRA6259 universal DVD player circuit diagram STR-A6259HD Regulators for high capacity STR-A6
    Text: STR-A6259HD Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Description ▪ 100 kHz PWM with ±5% frequency jittering for EMI noise filtering cost reduction ▪ Rugged 650 V avalanche-rated MOSFET: • Simplified surge absorption

    STR-A6259HD SSE2366-2 STR-A6259H STR-A6259 STRA6259 universal DVD player circuit diagram Regulators for high capacity STR-A6 PDF


    Abstract: sanken SSE STR-A6252
    Text: STR-A6252MD Universal-Input 20 W 67 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Description ▪ 67 kHz PWM with ±5% frequency jittering for EMI noise filtering and cost reduction ▪ Rugged 650 V avalanche-rated MOSFET: • Simplified surge absorption

    STR-A6252MD STR-A6252M sanken SSE STR-A6252 PDF


    Abstract: STR-A6252MD
    Text: STR-A6252MD Universal-Input 20 W 67 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Description ▪ 67 kHz PWM with ±5% frequency jittering for EMI noise filtering and cost reduction ▪ Rugged 650 V avalanche-rated MOSFET: • Simplified surge absorption

    STR-A6252MD SSE-23421 STR-A6252M PDF


    Abstract: STRA6259 STR-A6
    Text: STR-A6259HD Universal-Input 13 W 100 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Description ▪ 100 kHz PWM with ±5% frequency jittering for EMI noise filtering cost reduction ▪ Rugged 650 V avalanche-rated MOSFET: • Simplified surge absorption

    STR-A6259HD STR-A6259H STRA6259 STR-A6 PDF


    Abstract: STR-A6252D 7pin smps IC 7pin smps control ic STR-A6200 STR-A6251D mosfet power supply 7PIN IC STRA6200 samsung flyback pin diagram flyback transformer
    Text: STR-A6251D and STR-A6252D Universal-Input/15 W 50 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Description ▪ 50 kHz PWM with ±5% Frequency Jittering The STR-A6251D and STR-A6252D are 50 kHz PWM topology with ±5% frequency jittering for minimum EMI

    STR-A6251D STR-A6252D Universal-Input/15 STR-A6252D STR-A6252 7pin smps IC 7pin smps control ic STR-A6200 mosfet power supply 7PIN IC STRA6200 samsung flyback pin diagram flyback transformer PDF


    Abstract: 7pin smps IC mosfet power supply 7PIN IC STr-a6200 IC str-a6252 7pin smps control ic STR-A6252D STR-A6251
    Text: STR-A6251D and STR-A6252D Universal-Input/15 W 50 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Description ▪ 50 kHz PWM with ±5% Frequency Jittering The STR-A6251D and STR-A6252D are 50 kHz PWM topology with ±5% frequency jittering for minimum EMI

    STR-A6251D STR-A6252D Universal-Input/15 STR-A6252D STR-A6252 7pin smps IC mosfet power supply 7PIN IC STr-a6200 IC str-a6252 7pin smps control ic STR-A6251 PDF


    Abstract: STr-a6200 7pin smps IC samsung flyback pin diagram
    Text: STR-A6251MD Universal-Input/15 W 67 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Description ▪ 67 kHz PWM with ±5% Frequency Jittering ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Cost Reduction of EMI Noise Filtering Rugged 650 V Avalanche-Rated MOSFET Simplified Surge Absorption

    STR-A6251MD Universal-Input/15 STR-A6251D. STR-A6251M STr-a6200 7pin smps IC samsung flyback pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: 7pin smps control ic stra6200 7pin smps IC STR-A6251M 28103.40
    Text: STR-A6251MD Universal-Input/15 W 67 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Description ▪ 67 kHz PWM with ±5% Frequency Jittering ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Cost Reduction of EMI Noise Filtering Rugged 650 V Avalanche-Rated MOSFET Simplified Surge Absorption

    STR-A6251MD Universal-Input/15 STR-A6251D. Universal-Input/13 STR-A6200 7pin smps control ic stra6200 7pin smps IC STR-A6251M 28103.40 PDF


    Abstract: STr-a6200 PWM IC 8-PIN DIP
    Text: STR-A6251MD Universal-Input/15 W 67 kHz Flyback Switching Regulators Features and Benefits Description ▪ 67 kHz PWM with ±5% Frequency Jittering ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Cost Reduction of EMI Noise Filtering Rugged 650 V Avalanche-Rated MOSFET Simplified Surge Absorption

    STR-A6251MD Universal-Input/15 STR-A6251D. ce656-869-100, STR-A6251M STr-a6200 PWM IC 8-PIN DIP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Information Series STR-A6200D Flyback Switching Regulators INTRODUCTION Series STR-A6200D is comprised of PWM topology off-line switching regulator ICs, which consist of an avalanche-guaranteed power MOSEFT and current-mode control chip. The autoburst mode operation intermittent burst operation and control

    STR-A6200D STR-A6200 PDF


    Abstract: STR-A6251
    Text: Product Information Series STR-A6200D Flyback Switching Regulators INTRODUCTION Series STR-A6200D is comprised of PWM topology off-line switching regulator ICs, which consist of an avalanche-guaranteed power MOSEFT and current-mode control chip. The autoburst mode operation intermittent burst operation and control

    STR-A6200D EI26EI STR-A6200 STR-A6251 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I SL6 4 2 0 B Fe a t u r e s The I SL6420B sim plifies the im plem entation of a com plete control and protection schem e for a high- perform ance DC/ DC buck converter. I t is designed to drive N- Channel MOSFETs in a synchronous rectified buck topology. The I SL6420B integrates control, output

    SL6420B FN6901 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I SL8 2 0 0 M Fe a t u r e s The I SL8200M is a sim ple and easy t o use high power, current- sharing DC\ DC power m odule for Dat acom \ Telecom \ FPGA power hungry applicat ions. All t hat is needed is t he I SL8200M, a few passive com ponent s and one VOUT set t ing resist or t o have a

    SL8200M SL8200M, FN6727 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I SL8 2 0 0 M M Fe a t u r e s The I SL8200MMREP is a sim ple and easy t o use high power, current- sharing DC\ DC power m odule for Dat acom \ Telecom \ FPGA power hungry applicat ions. All t hat is needed is t he I SL8200MMREP, a few passive com ponent s and one VOUT set t ing resist or t o have a

    SL8200MMREP FN7690 PDF


    Abstract: ir*811 IRFR120 IRFU120 IRLR8113 IRLU8113
    Text: PD - 94621 IRLR8113 IRLU8113 HEXFET Power MOSFET Applications l High Frequency Synchronous Buck Converters for Computer Processor Power l High Frequency Isolated DC-DC Converters with Synchronous Rectification for Telecom and Industrial Use VDSS RDS on max

    IRLR8113 IRLU8113 AN-994. U8113 ir*811 IRFR120 IRFU120 IRLR8113 IRLU8113 PDF


    Abstract: IRFR3707Z IRFU120 IRFU3707Z
    Text: PD - 94648 IRFR3707Z IRFU3707Z Applications l High Frequency Synchronous Buck Converters for Computer Processor Power l High Frequency Isolated DC-DC Converters with Synchronous Rectification for Telecom and Industrial Use HEXFET Power MOSFET VDSS RDS on max

    IRFR3707Z IRFU3707Z AN-994. IRFR120 IRFR3707Z IRFU120 IRFU3707Z PDF