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    MPS6513 TRANSISTOR Search Results

    MPS6513 TRANSISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
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    MPS6513 TRANSISTOR Price and Stock

    Smiths Microwave MPS6513

    Trans GP BJT NPN 40V 0.6A 3-Pin TO-92
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy MPS6513 41
    • 1 $1.16
    • 10 $1.01
    • 100 $0.656
    • 1000 $0.656
    • 10000 $0.656
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    MPS6513 TRANSISTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    transistor mps6515

    Abstract: MPS6519 MPS6515 complementary npn-pnp MPS6518 equivalent semiconductor mps6516 MPS6512 MPS6518 MPS6517 complementary npn-pnp power transistors
    Text: DATA SHEET NPN MPS6512 MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS6515 PNP MPS6516 MPS6517 MPS6518 MPS6519 COMPLEMENTARY SILICON TRANSISTORS JEDEC TO-92 CASE DESCRIPTION The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR MPS6512 Series NPN and MPS6516 Series (PNP) types are molded Epoxy Silicon Small Signal Transistors designed for general-purpose amplifier applications.

    MPS6512 MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS6515 MPS6516 MPS6517 MPS6518 MPS6519 MPS6512 MPS6516 transistor mps6515 MPS6519 MPS6515 complementary npn-pnp MPS6518 equivalent semiconductor mps6516 MPS6518 MPS6517 complementary npn-pnp power transistors PDF


    Abstract: BC338 BC338-16 BC338-25 BC338-40 BC368 BC547C BC548A BC548B BC548C
    Text: Small Signal General Purpose Transistors Part No. and Polarity NPN BC547C BC548A BC548B BC548C BC338 BC338-16 BC338-25 BC338-40 BC368 MPS8099 KSP8099 MPSA06 KSP06 MPS8098 KSP8098 MPSA05 KSP05 MPS6602 MPS2222A KSP2222A MPS6513 MPSA10 MPSA20 MPS2222 KSP2222

    BC547C BC548A BC548B BC548C BC338 BC338-16 BC338-25 BC338-40 BC368 MPS8099 BC548 BC338 BC338-16 BC338-25 BC338-40 BC368 BC547C BC548A BC548B BC548C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b^E ]> • bb53T31 Q Q S T T n A2T MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS6515 APX N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE V. AMPLIFIER TRANSISTOR General purpose n-p-n transistors in TO-92 envelopes. The complementary types are MPS6517 to MPS6519. QUICK REFERENCE DATA MPS6513 6514 6515 VCEO

    OCR Scan
    bb53T31 MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS6515 MPS6517 MPS6519. NECC-C-002 mps6514 PDF


    Abstract: LG IC 621 MPS65 MPS6514 MPS6515 MPS6517 MPS6519 6515 transistor 5bti T2721
    Text: MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS65Ì5_ PHILIPS 7 1 1 0 ô 2 t 0 0 4 2 4 ^ 0 323 « P H I N INTERNATIONAL AMPLIFIER TRANSISTOR T - 2 7 - Z / General purpose n-p-n transistors in TO-92 envelopes. The complementary types are MPS6517 to MPS6519. QUICK REFERENCE DA TA MPS6513

    OCR Scan
    MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS65Ã 711002t T-27-Z/ MPS6517 MPS6519. NECC-C-002 LG IC 621 MPS65 MPS6515 MPS6519 6515 transistor 5bti T2721 PDF


    Abstract: MPS6518 MPS6519 MPS6513 MPS6515 R624 6518
    Text: • MPS6517 MPS6518 MPS6519 bfci.53ti31 D0EÔ001 Oat. B A P X N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bTE D AMPLIFIER TRANSISTOR General purpose p-n-p transistors in TO-92 envelopes. The complementary types are MPS6513 to MPS6515. QUICK REFERENCE DATA MPS6517 6518 6519 Collector-emitter voltage

    OCR Scan
    MPS6517 MPS6518 MPS6519 MPS6513 MPS6515. NECC-C-002 MPS6517 D026DD5 MPS6519 MPS6515 R624 6518 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPS6517 MPS6518 MPS6519 _ SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS General purpose p-n-p transistors in TO-92 packages. The complementary types are MPS6513 to MPS6515. QUICK REFERENCE D A T A MPS6517 6518 6519 Collector-emitter voltage

    OCR Scan
    MPS6517 MPS6518 MPS6519 MPS6513 MPS6515. PDF


    Abstract: ic 74112 MPS6513
    Text: SAM S UN G SEMICO NDU CTO R INC MPS6513 14E D • 7 ^ 4 1 4 2 QÜG7323 4 AMPLIFIER TRANSISTOR • Collector-Emitter Voltage: Vc£o=30V • Collector Dissipation: Pc max =625mW ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C) Characteristic Collector-Emitter \foltage Collector-Base Valtage

    OCR Scan
    MPS6513 625mW 2N3904 500/iA, 10/iA, 100mA, 100KHz s300ms, ic 74112 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG SEMI CONDUCTOR 14E INC D 1 7^4142 QÜG7323 4 T - ¿ 7 - i MPS6513 ! NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER TRANSISTOR • Collector-Em itter Voltage: V ceo=30V • C ollector Dissipation: Pc max =625mW ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C) Characteristic

    OCR Scan
    G7323 MPS6513 625mW 2N3904 PDF


    Abstract: MPS6516 MPS-6544 MPS6512 MPS6513 MPS6515 MPS6519 2N4125 MPS6514 MPS6517
    Text: MOTOROLA SC 6367254 -C XS TR S /R MOTOROLA SC J> F |fc .3 b 7 2 S M QDfllflll "i FJ 96D 8 1 8 11 XSTRS/R F 1 ' MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Collector-Emitter Voltage MPS6512, MPS6513 MPS6514, MPS6515 MPS6516 thru MPS6518 MPS6519 V ceo Collector-Base Voltage

    OCR Scan
    -p-21-21 MPS6512, MPS6513 MPS6514, MPS6515 MPS6516 MPS6518 MPS6519 MPS6512 MPS6544 MPS-6544 2N4125 MPS6514 MPS6517 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPS6517 MPS6518 MPS6519 ^ 5 3 ^ 3 1 0026001 06L> H A P X N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bqE 7 V AMPLIFIER TRANSISTOR General purpose p-n-p transistors in TO-92 envelopes. The complementary types are MPS6513 to MPS6515. QUICK REFERENCE DATA MPS6517 Collector-emitter voltage

    OCR Scan
    MPS6517 MPS6518 MPS6519 MPS6513 MPS6515. MPS6517 PDF

    MPS6519 motorola

    Abstract: mps6515 mps6512 mps6518 mps6513 TRANSISTOR MPS6514 MPS6517 MPS6519 transistor mps6515
    Text: Tb M O T O R O L A SC -CXSTRS/R FJ 6367254 MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F DF|t3b72SM QDÛlflll 96D 8 1 8 1 1 1 ' M AXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Collector-Emitter Voltage MPS6512, MPS6513 MPS6514, MPS6515 MPS6516 thru MPS6518 MPS6519 VCEO Collector-Base Voltage MPS6512 thru MPS6515

    OCR Scan
    t3b72SM MPS6512, MPS6513 MPS6514, MPS6515 MPS6516 MPS6518 MPS6519 MPS6512 MPS6519 motorola mps6513 TRANSISTOR MPS6514 MPS6517 transistor mps6515 PDF

    mps6513 TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: 6514 TRANSISTOR MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS6515 MPS6517 MPS6519 6514 mi 6514
    Text: b'îE ]> • bbSB'ìai QQST'ìTì ÔET MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS6515 IAPX N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE AMPLIFIER TRANSISTOR General purpose n-p-n transistors in TO -92 envelopes. T he co m p le m e nta ry types are M PS6517 to MPS6519. Q U IC K R E F E R E N C E D A T A

    OCR Scan
    MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS6515 MPS6517 MPS6519. 100mA NECC-C-002 mps6513 TRANSISTOR 6514 TRANSISTOR MPS6515 MPS6519 6514 mi 6514 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: í w MPS 6512 thru’ MPS 6515 r NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS CASE T0-92A MPS6512 th ru1 MPS6515 are NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistors designed for general purpose amplifier applications and for com­ plementary circuitry. EBC ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS

    OCR Scan
    T0-92A MPS6512 MPS6515 MPS6512/3 MPS6512/3 MPS6514/5 MPS6512 100mA 350mW PDF


    Abstract: MPS6512 MPS 6512 WBSF
    Text: ? :V ^ J ¥à •4 •> -' ■- <¿ MPS 6512 thru’ MPS 6515 âsi;ÿ NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS là ' ' n i - CASE TO-92A MPS6512 thru' MPS6515 are NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistors designed for general purpose amplifier applications and for com­

    OCR Scan
    MPS65I2 MPS65I5 T0-92A MPS6512/3 MPS6514/5 100mA 350mW MPS6514 MPS6512 MPS 6512 WBSF PDF

    15-watt audio amplifier

    Abstract: MJ2252 MJ2251 Thordarson 200 watt audio amplifier ic MPS6513 MPS-65-13 MJ-2251
    Text: MJ2251 SILICON MJ2252 ija @2 CASE 80 (o High-voltage NPN silicon power transistors, particu­ larly well suited for power output stages in television, radio, phonograph and other consumer product applications. N . q (TO-66) ) S T Y L E 1: PIN 1. B A S E

    OCR Scan
    MJ2251 MJ2252 MJ2252 MPS6513 CIRCUIT-60 15-watt audio amplifier Thordarson 200 watt audio amplifier ic MPS6513 MPS-65-13 MJ-2251 PDF


    Abstract: transistor mps6515 MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS6515 MPS65L5
    Text: .« g NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS CASE TO-92A MPS6512 thru' MPS6515 are NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistors designed for general purpose amplifier applications and for com­ plementary circuitry. E b 'c ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS MPS6512/3

    OCR Scan
    MPS6512 MPS65L5 T0-92A MPS6512/3 MPS6514/5 100mA 100mA 350mW 350mW transistor mps6515 MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS6515 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO-92 Plastic Package Transistors NPN Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25"C, Unless Otherwise Specified) Maximum Ratings Type No. 'c ^CBO ^CEO V EBO (V) Min (V) Min (VI Min MPS3711 30 30 6 0.625 0.05 MPS3903 60 40 6 0.625 0.2 PD (W) (A) @Tc=25Gc *C80 ^CB 'c es

    OCR Scan
    MPS6514 MPS6520 MPS6521 MPS6S30 MPS6531 MPS6532 MPS6539 MPS6540 MPS6541 O-92-3 MPS6507 PDF

    2n2222 to-92

    Abstract: 2N4970 MPS3393 2N2219 transistor PN2218 2n2222 to92 2N4954 FR 9024 MMBT3704 PN2219
    Text: NATL SEMICOND DISCRETE H2E D M T -Z l-ai t,SD1130 0D37772 3 • NPN General Purpose Transistors by Ascending Vceo (continued) Part Type MPS3393 MPS3394 MPS3395 MPS3396 MPS3397 MPS3398 MPS5172 MPS6515 MPS6520 MPS6521 MPS6522 MPS6560 PE4010 PE8050 PN3565 PN5135

    OCR Scan
    bSD1130 0D37772 MPS3393 MPS3394 MPS3395 MPS3396 MPS3397 MPS3398 MPS5172 MPS6515 2n2222 to-92 2N4970 2N2219 transistor PN2218 2n2222 to92 2N4954 FR 9024 MMBT3704 PN2219 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5219 2N5139 2N4126 2N4122 2N3566 TO-105 2N3566

    OCR Scan
    2N5128 2N5129 2N5219 2N4121 2N5139 2N4126 2N4122 2N3566 TO-105 2N3566 PDF

    2N2222A TO-18

    Abstract: 2N2222 to92 2N2222A TO-92 2N3904 TO-92 type 2N2222 TO-92 2N6428 J 2N2369 2N1711 2N1893 2N2219
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE SSE D • bbS3131 G Q l b n a S ■ T-2.7-0J 14 Small Signal Devices GENERAL PURPOSE AND SWITCHING TRANSISTORS - NPN TYPES TYPE . PKG „ ' . 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2218 2N2219 2N2219A 2N2221A 2N2222 2N2222A 2N2297 2N2368 2N2369 2N2369A

    OCR Scan
    bbS3131 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2218 2N2219 2N2219A 2N2221A 2N2222 2N2222A 2N2222A TO-18 2N2222 to92 2N2222A TO-92 2N3904 TO-92 type 2N2222 TO-92 2N6428 J 2N2369 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E D BSE • T~-2’7~0I bl3S3T31 D O l b n a S ■ Small Signal Devices GENERAL PURPOSE AND SWITCHING TRANSISTORS - NPN TYPES TYPE PKG . bvc eo - te . • ^ /- : *T r >c - i _-iiiln : 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2218 2N2219

    OCR Scan
    bl3S3T31 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2218 2N2219 2N2219A 2N2221A 2N2222 2N2222A PDF


    Abstract: MPS3646 MPS3693 MPS3694 MPS3704 MPS3705 MPS3706 MPS3707 MPS3708 MPS3709
    Text: TO-92 Plastic Package Transistore NPN Maximum Ratings Type No. ^CBO ^CEO ^EBO (V) Min (V) Min (V) Min Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C, Unless Otherwise Specified) Pd 'c (W) (A) 0Tc=25“( 'cBO ^C 8 'ces ^C E (UA) (V> (UA) Max Max MPS3563 30 12 2

    OCR Scan
    MPS3563 MPS3646 MPS3693 MPS3694 MPS650 MPS6507 MPS651 MPS6511 MPS6512 MPS6513 MPS3704 MPS3705 MPS3706 MPS3707 MPS3708 MPS3709 PDF


    Abstract: MPS3563 MPS3646 MPS3693 MPS3704 MPS3705 MPS3706 MPS3707 MPS3708 MPS3710
    Text: TO-92 Plastic Package Transistors NPN Maximum Ratings Type No. ^CBO (V) Min V CEO V ESO (V) Min (V) Min Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C, U nless Otherwise Specified) PD *c (W) (A) @Tc=25°c 'cBO ^CB (mA) 0 (V ) Max MPS3563 30 12 2 0.625 0.05 0.05 MPS3646

    OCR Scan
    MPS3563 MPS3646 MPS3693 NIPS3694 MPS6507 MPS651 MPS6511 MPS6512 MPS6513 MPS6514 MPS3709 MPS3704 MPS3705 MPS3706 MPS3707 MPS3708 MPS3710 PDF


    Abstract: 2N5219 2N5127 2N5131 2N5132 2N5227 MPS-A05 MPS-A06 MPS-A10 MPS-A20
    Text: Econoline Plastic-Molded Silicon SEPT” Transistors i GENERAL-PURPOSE SMALL-SIGNAL AMPLIFIERS TO-92 Package EBC Pinning D-C C U R R E N T GAIN >- Typ e No. cc < o CL Pd (hFE ) Lim its T a = V(BR| V(BR) V(BR) ICBO Conditions nA 25 C CBO CEO EBO VcE lc

    OCR Scan
    2N3694 2N5127 2N5131 2N5132 MPS3706 MPS3707 MPS3708 MPS3709 MPS3710 MPS3711 2N5219 2N5227 MPS-A05 MPS-A06 MPS-A10 MPS-A20 PDF