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    Nuvoton Technology Corp MS51TC0AE

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    DigiKey MS51TC0AE Tray 1,766 1
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    MS51T Datasheets (10)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MS51T Micro Electronics Semiconductor Device Data Book Scan PDF
    MS51T Micro Electronics RED LED LAMPS Scan PDF
    MS51TA Micro Electronics RED LED LAMPS Scan PDF
    MS51TA-0 Micro Electronics 5V ultra high brightness red LED lamp Scan PDF
    MS51TA-1 Micro Electronics 5V ultra high brightness red LED lamp Scan PDF
    MS51TA-2 Micro Electronics 5V ultra high brightness red LED lamp Scan PDF
    MS51TA-3 Micro Electronics 5V ultra high brightness red LED lamp Scan PDF
    MS51TA-4 Micro Electronics 5V ultra high brightness red LED lamp Scan PDF
    MS51TA-5 Micro Electronics 5V ultra high brightness red LED lamp Scan PDF

    MS51T Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MS51TA-X ULTRA HIGH BRIGHTNESS RED LED LAMP DESCRIPTION MS51TA is an ultra high brightness output red GaAlAs LED lamp encapsulated in a 5mm diameter clear transparent lens with an optimum viewing angle. 6 brightness grouping is provided for customer' selection.

    OCR Scan
    MS51TA-X MS51TA MS51TA-0 MS51TA MS51TA-1 MS51TA-2 MS51TA-3 MS51TA-4 MS51TA-5 M50to+ PDF


    Abstract: MS51CA MS51DA MS51TA MS51WA MS51XA GaAlAs LED CHIP 1r00
    Text: MS51CA MS51DA MS51TA MS51WA RED LED LAMPS DESCRIPTION 04.98 ‘ 0. 196 MS51XA Series are ultra high brightness GaAlAs red LED lamp with 5mm diameter epoxy package. 1.0 (0.04) ' 8.7 (0 .34) 1.3 '(0 .05) 1.0 (0 .04) MS51CA is GaAlAs red chip with red transparent lens.

    OCR Scan
    MS51CA MS51DA MS51TA MS51WA MS51XA G321 GaAlAs LED CHIP 1r00 PDF


    Abstract: MS51C MS51D MS51T MS51W
    Text: MS51C MS51D MS51T MS51W RED LED LAMPS DESCRIPTION MS51 Series are red LED lamp with 5mm diameter epoxy package. MS51C is red chip with red transparaît lens. MS51D is red chip with red diffused lens. MS51T is red chip with clear transparaît lens. MS51W is red chip with clear diffused lois.

    OCR Scan
    MS51C MS51D MS51T MS51W p0-04) MS51I> MS51 PDF


    Abstract: MS51TA-1 MS51TA-2 MS51TA-3 MS51TA-4 MS51TA-5
    Text: MS51TA-X ULTRA HIGH BRIGHTNESS RED LED LAMP DESCRIPTION MS51TA is an ultra high brightness output red GaAlAs LED lamp encapsulated in a 5mm diameter clear transparent lens with an optimum viewing angle. 6 brightness grouping is provided for customer' selection.

    OCR Scan
    MS51TA-X MS51TA MS51TA-Ã MS51TA MS51TA-1 MS51TA-2 MS51TA-3 MS51TA-4 MS51TA-5 MS51TA-1 MS51TA-2 MS51TA-3 MS51TA-4 MS51TA-5 PDF


    Abstract: MS51C MS51D MS51T MS51W
    Text: UKU DESCRIPTION MS51T MS51W RED LED LAMPS 04.98 0.196 1.0 MS51 Series are red LED lamp with 5mm diameter epoxy package. 8.7 (0.3 4) MS51C is red chip with red transparent lens. MS51D is red chip with red diffused lens. MS51T is red chip with clear transparent lens.

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    MS51T MS51W MS51C MS51D MS51W MS51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ultra Bright LED TYPE NO. MSB47TA-1 MSB47TA-2 MSB47TA-3 MSB47TA-4 MSB47TA-5 MSB47DA MS48TA-1 MS48TA-2 MS48TA-3 MS48TA-4 MS48TA-5 MS48DA MSB48TA-1 MSB48TA-2 MSB48TA-3 MSB48TA-4 MSB48TA-5 MSB48DA MSB49TA-1 MSB49TA-2 MSB49TA-3 MSB49TA-4 MSB49TA-5 MS51TA-1 MS51TA-2

    OCR Scan
    MSB47TA-1 MSB47TA-2 MSB47TA-3 MSB47TA-4 MSB47TA-5 MSB47DA MS48TA-1 MS48TA-2 MS48TA-3 MS48TA-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: nE MICRO' E L E C T R O N I C S CORP büTlTöfl Q G 0 D 7 M M b » r -41-^ Km MS51CA MS51TA JS s o lid « to te - F U t O tn o tti C iihod* DESCRIPTION T h e M S 5 1 C A / M S 5 1 T A is a solid state lamp offe r i n g h i g h b r i g htness at low current. It is tnade w i t h h i g h

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MS51CA MS51DA MS51TA MS51WA CRO RED LED LAMPS DESCRIPTION MS51XA Series are ultra high brightness GaAlAs red LED lamp with 5mm diameter epoxy package. MS51CA is GaAlAs red chip with red transparent lens. MS51DA is GaAlAs red chip with red diffused lens. MS51TA is GaAlAs red chip with clear transparent lens.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRO MS51C MS51D MS51T MS51W RED LED LAMPS DESCRIPTION MS51 Series are red LED lamp with 5mm diameter epoxy package. MS51C is red chip with red transparent lens. MS51D is red chip with red diffused lens. MS51T is red chip with clear transparent lens. MS51W is red chip with clear diffused lens.

    OCR Scan
    MS51C MS51D MS51T MS51W MS51C MS51D MS51T MS51W PDF


    Abstract: MS51TA-0 MS51TA-1 MS51TA-2 MS51TA-3 MS51TA-4 MS51TA-5 IR10G
    Text: ULTRA HIGH BRIGHTNESS RED LED LAMP DESCRIPTION MS51TA is an ultra high brightness output red GaAlAs LED lamp encapsulated in a 5mm diameter clear transparent lens with an optimum viewing angle. 6 brightness grouping is provided for customer' selection. • All Dimension in mm inch

    OCR Scan
    MS51TA -50to MS51TA-0 MS51TA MS51TA-1 MS51TA-2 MS51TA-3 MS51TA-4 MS51TA-5 6S477 MS51TA-0 MS51TA-1 MS51TA-2 MS51TA-3 MS51TA-4 MS51TA-5 IR10G PDF


    Abstract: MS51DA MS51TA MS51WA MS51XA "red led" 5mm 20mA
    Text: MS51TA MS51WA RED LED LAMPS DESCRIPTION MS51XA Series are ultra high brightness GaAlAs red LED lamp with 5mm diameter epoxy package. MS51CA is GaAlAs red chip with red transparent lens. MS51DA is GaAlAs red chip with red diffused lens. MS51TA is GaAlAs red chip with clear transparent lens.

    OCR Scan
    MS51XA MS51CA MS51DA MS51TA MS51WA "red led" 5mm 20mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRO DESCRIPTION MS51TA ULTRA IIIGII BRIGHTNESS D LED LAMP 04.99< D .!96 0 .5 C 0 .0 2 Ì MS51TA is an ultra high brightness output red GaAIAs LED lamp encapsulated in a 5mm diameter clear transparent lens with an optimum viewing angle. 5 brightness grouping

    OCR Scan
    MS51TA MS51TA -50mperature -50to MS51TA-1 MS51TA-2 MS51TA-3 MS51TA-4 MS51TA-5 IF-20mA PDF


    Abstract: M071 MR52c
    Text: 31E D MICRO E L E C T R O N I C S LTD E3 Liü^lTaä ÜOOGÖMb 3 B MEHK Standard LED Lamps TYPE SOURCE Kp 'v NO. COLOUR nm> MIN (mcd 'f (mA) Vf MAX (V) 'f (mA) LEN S C H A R A C TERISTIC S PACKAGE CASE MGB61D MOB61D MOB61DR MRB61D MSB61D MYB61D Green Orange

    OCR Scan
    MGB61D MOB61D MOB61iffused mg91d M071 MR52c PDF


    Abstract: BC109 BC184 BC549 BC317 2SC734 Y MS181A BC159 8 2SC876 TTP31A ML78M06A BC357
    Text: ALPHANUMERIC INDEX TYPE NO. 057-2G 1611G 1620G 1621-2G 1623G 1641G 1N4001 1N4002 1N40Û3 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N4007 1N5391 1N5392 1N5393 1N5394 1N5395 1N5396 1N5397 1N5398 1N5399 1N5400 1N5401 IN5402 1N5403 1N5404 1N5405 1N5406 1N5407 1N5408 2021-1G 2023G

    OCR Scan
    057-2G 1611G 1620G 1621-2G 1623G 1641G 1N4001 1N4002 1N4004 1N4005 2SA532 BC109 BC184 BC549 BC317 2SC734 Y MS181A BC159 8 2SC876 TTP31A ML78M06A BC357 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MICRO E L E C T R O N I C S LTD SIE D • bOT 1 7ñ ñ D D O I DO T bTD ■ MEHK Standard LED Lamps J ' - ' 4 TYPE SOURCE NO. COLOUR Àp nm MGB32D MOB32D M OB32DR MRB32D MSB32D MYB32D Green Orange Orange Red Red Yellow MG33D MS33D V / - -2. t V ■ V MIN

    OCR Scan

    ic 565

    Abstract: 565 ic MG33D MGB32D MGB34CA MOB32D MOB32DR MOB34CR MRB32D MS33D
    Text: Standard LED Lamps SOURCE NO. COLOUR fnm MGB32D MOB32D MOB32DR MRB32D MSB32D MYB32D Green Orange Orange Red Red Yellow MG33D MS33D V m cd) (mA) f MAX (V) 565 630 630 660 700 585 3.00 5.00 5.00 0.50 1.00 3.00 20 20 20 20 20 20 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 20 20

    OCR Scan
    MGB32D MOB32D MOB32DR MRB32D MSB32D MYB32D MG33D MS33D MGB34CA MOB34CR ic 565 565 ic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Standard LED Lamps TYPE NO. 5 SOURCE COLOR nm IV MIN IF (mcd) (niA) VF MAX IF (V) (mA) LENS CHARACTERISTICS M051C M051CR M051D M051DR M051T M051W Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange 630 630 630 630 630 630 5.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 3.0 20 20 20 20 20 20

    OCR Scan
    M051C M051CR M051D M051DR M051T M051W MR51C MR51T MR51W MS51C PDF