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    MTP14N05A Search Results

    MTP14N05A Datasheets (2)

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    MTP14N05A Motorola European Master Selection Guide 1986 Scan PDF
    MTP14N05A Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF

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    c5088 transistor

    Abstract: transistor C3207 TLO84CN sec c5088 IN5355B D2817A C3207 transistor toshiba f630 TLO81CP MC74HC533N
    Text: Transistor - Diode Cross Reference - H.P. Part Numbers to JEDEC Numbers Part Num. 1820-0225 1820-0240 1820-0352 1820-1804 1821-0001 1821-0002 1821-0006 1850-0062 1850-0064 1850-0075 1850-0076 1850-0093 1850-0099 1850-0126 1850-0137 1850-0150 1850-0151 1850-0154

    1853IMPATT c5088 transistor transistor C3207 TLO84CN sec c5088 IN5355B D2817A C3207 transistor toshiba f630 TLO81CP MC74HC533N PDF

    triac zd 607

    Abstract: 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845
    Text: MASTER SELECTION GUIDE EUROPEAN SUPPLEMENT This is the European supplement to the USA edition of the Master Selection Guide, SG73/D REV 3. It should be read along with the USA edition. The supplement carries amendments to sections 1 and 5 in the USA edition.

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    SG73/D triac zd 607 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845 PDF


    Abstract: A5 GNE mosfet Hall sensor 44e 402 2N8491 FTG 1087 S TRIAC BCR 10km FEB3T smd transistor marking 352a sharp EIA 577 sharp color tv schematic diagram MP-130 M mh-ce 10268
    Text: Table of Contents N E W A R K E L E C T R O N IC S “Where serving you begins even before you call” Newark Electronics is a UNIQUE broadline distributor of electronic components, dedicated to provid­ ing complete service, fast delivery and in-depth inventory. Our main

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    IRFD1Z3 equivalent

    Abstract: 8N60 equivalent TP8N20 TP8N10 siemens semiconductor manual What is comparable with IRF 3205 2N6823 irf8408 MTM5N90 designers datasheet smps cook circuit
    Text: The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Motorola reserves the right to make changes with­ out further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Motorola does not

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    VP1204N TP8P08 5001D VP1206N 1208N 5002D 1209N VP1209N IRFD1Z3 equivalent 8N60 equivalent TP8N20 TP8N10 siemens semiconductor manual What is comparable with IRF 3205 2N6823 irf8408 MTM5N90 designers datasheet smps cook circuit PDF


    Abstract: MTP12P05 MTP3055A MTP14N05A BUZ11 motorola MTP15N06 BUZ11 MTP5N05 T0-225AA MTP15N05
    Text: POWER TRANSISTORS — TMOS PLASTIC continued Plastic TMOS Power MOSFETs — T0-220AB (continued) C A S E 221A-02 VBR(DSS) (Volts) Min (Ohms) Max (Amp) 60 0.4 4 F'D @ TC = 25°C (Watts) Max IRF523 7 40 IRF521 8 Device 0.3 6 MTP12P06* 12 0.28 5 MTP10N06 10

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    T0-220AB 21A-02 IRF523 IRF521 MTP12P06* MTP10N06 IRF533 MTP12N06 IRF531 MTP15N06 mtp25n06 MTP12P05 MTP3055A MTP14N05A BUZ11 motorola BUZ11 MTP5N05 T0-225AA MTP15N05 PDF


    Abstract: MTM12N06 mtp25n06 MTM20N08 irf150 MTH8P20 MTM35N05 MTP2P45 MTM10N05 BUZ11
    Text: POWER TRANSISTORS — TMOS METAL continued Metal TMOS Power MOSFETs — TO-204AA (continued) CASE 1-04 and CASE 1-05 @ ID VBR(DSS) (Volts) Min (Ohms) Max (Amp) 100 0.055 20 0.04 27.5 0.5 4 80 rDS(on) Device 0.4 40 150 55 250 MTM8N08 8 75 0.33 5 MTM10N08

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    O-204AA IRF150* MTM55N10 MTM8N08 MTM8P08* MTM10N08 MTM12P08* MTM12N08 MTM20N08 MTM25N08Â MTP3055A MTM12N06 mtp25n06 irf150 MTH8P20 MTM35N05 MTP2P45 MTM10N05 BUZ11 PDF


    Abstract: MTP12P05 mtp25n06 MTP3055A MTP14N05A BUZ10 MTP12p06 MTA6N10 T0-225AA MTP2P50
    Text: POWER TRANSISTORS — TMOS continued V b R(DSS) (Volt*) Min (Ohms) Max (Amp) 500 6 3 DS(on) @ >D Device 450 M TM 2P50 >D(Contl (Amp) Max PD @ TC = 25-C (Watts) Max Package 2 75 2 04AA M TP2P50 220AB M TM 2P45 204AA 220A8 M T P 2P45 200 0.7 4 M TM 8P20 1

    OCR Scan
    O-218 O-22QAB MTM2P50 204AA MTP2P50 220AB MTM2P45 MTP2P45 mtp15n06 MTP12P05 mtp25n06 MTP3055A MTP14N05A BUZ10 MTP12p06 MTA6N10 T0-225AA MTP2P50 PDF