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    Abstract: BY164 Mullard C296 TAA310A TAA435 TAA700 TBA550 TBA480 PCC88 TAA300
    Text: MULLARD DATA BOOK 1973-74 ER R A TA A U G U S T 1973 j\ 1 d - ^ Mullard Limited Renewal Sales Department Mullard House Torrington Place London WC1E 7HD N / , S E M IC O M D U C Type No. Page No. AC187 13 Correction Delete minus signs to read: *IC = 300m A;

    OCR Scan
    AC187 BC157 BC158 BC159 BC186 BC187 BD201 BD202 BD203 BD204 TCA160 BY164 Mullard C296 TAA310A TAA435 TAA700 TBA550 TBA480 PCC88 TAA300 PDF


    Abstract: 7400N 7442N 7493N 7401N 7402N 7403AN 7403N 7404N 7405AN
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS LIST OF COMPARABLE TYPES T T L RANGE COMMERCIAL VERSIONS Type No. 7400N 7401N 7401 AN 7402N 7403N 7403AN 7404N 7405N 7405AN 741 ON 7420N 7430N 7440N 7441 AN 7442N 7450N 7451N 7453N Mullard types Type No. Mullard types FJH131 FJH231 FJH311

    OCR Scan
    7400N 7401N 7402N 7403N 7403AN 7404N 7405N 7405AN 7420N 7430N 74107N 7442N 7493N PDF


    Abstract: cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8
    Text: Contents Page Page New product index Combined index and status codes viii x Mullard approved components BS9000, CECC, and D3007 lists CV list Integrated circuits Section index xliii 1 5 Standard functions LOGIC FAMILIES CMOS HE4000B family specifications CMOS HE4000B family survey

    OCR Scan
    BS9000, D3007 HE4000B 80RIBUTION BS9000 BPW22A cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8 PDF


    Abstract: BT100a 02 CQX82A TRIO TA 80W CV7351 ZP1481 CV2154 ZP1430 triac mw 151 500r PL5727
    Text: Milliard quick reference guide 1978/79 — discrete semiconductors — passive components — valves and tubes This guide gives quick reference data on Mullard electronic components. The information is deliberately abbreviated to give a rapid appreciation of salient characteristics, and to

    OCR Scan

    Mullard Mullard quick reference guide

    Abstract: CV7476 CV7143 CV8805 BZV46 CV 7476 mullard CV7099 CV7100 diode mullard germanium BYW 64 bridge rectifier
    Text: The Mullard Technical Handbook i t made up of four sets of Books, each comprising several parts:Book 1 light blue Sem iconductor Devices Book 2 (orange) Valves and Tubes Book 3 (green) Com ponents, M aterials and Assem blies Book 4 (purple or dark blue)

    OCR Scan
    BZX91 1N825 1N827 1N829 1N914 1N916 1N4001G, CV7367 1N4002G, CV7756 Mullard Mullard quick reference guide CV7476 CV7143 CV8805 BZV46 CV 7476 mullard CV7099 CV7100 diode mullard germanium BYW 64 bridge rectifier PDF


    Abstract: AOXA scn680 SCN68000 SCN68000C6A68 SCN68000C6I64 SCN68000C6N64 SCN68000C8I64 SCN68000CAI64 SCN68000CAN64
    Text: Mullard U Originally published by Signetics FEBRUARY 1985 SCN68000 16-Bit Microprocessor Product Specification DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The SCN68000 is the first in a family of a d v a n c e d m ic ro p ro c e s s o rs fro m Signetics. Utilizing VLSI technology, the

    OCR Scan
    SCN68000 16-Bit SCN68000 32-bit 24-bit 3DA18 AOXA scn680 SCN68000C6A68 SCN68000C6I64 SCN68000C6N64 SCN68000C8I64 SCN68000CAI64 SCN68000CAN64 PDF


    Abstract: 7400N 7493N 7442N 16 bit D type latch 4 bit bistable latch device 7490N FJH131 7404N CI 7401
    Text: IN TEG RATED C IR C U IT S LIST OF C O M P A R A B L E TYPES T T L RANGE C O M M E R C IA L V E R SIO N S Type No. 7400N 7401N 7401 AN 7402N 7403N 7403AN 7404N 7405N 7405AN 741 ON 7420N 7430N 7440N 7441 A N 7442N 7450N 7451N 7453N Mullard types FJH131 FJH231

    OCR Scan
    7400N 7401N 7402N 7403N 7403AN 7404N 7405N 7405AN 7420N 7430N 7475n 7493N 7442N 16 bit D type latch 4 bit bistable latch device 7490N FJH131 CI 7401 PDF


    Abstract: NKT612 ORP12 sft353 GEX34 1/equivalent transistor ac127 OC171 equivalent AD149 NKT275 ac128
    Text: CONTENTS p ag e Mazda Range of Audio Transistors 2 Recommended Line-ups for Audio Amplifiers 3 Key to Symbols 4 Do’s and Dont’s 6 Device Data 7 European Nomenclature 34 Device Identification 35 Comparables List 47 Replacing Selenium Rectifiers 62 Replacing Valve Rectifiers

    OCR Scan
    AC113 AC155 AC156 AC165 AC128 AC154 AC166 AC167 AC177 AD140 NKT677 NKT612 ORP12 sft353 GEX34 1/equivalent transistor ac127 OC171 equivalent AD149 NKT275 ac128 PDF


    Abstract: BRC157 BRC-116 Germanium Diode aa143 1n4148 ITT TRANSISTOR BC147 BC107/spice model bf199 BY238 SN76226DN tungsram
    Text: rh is Booklet • • • ue to fluctuations in availability, some types of semiconductors used in Thorn products have >f necessity changed from those originally specified and quoted in service literature. This )lus the fact that some service replacements are

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    ircD376 BD234 VT854, VT855â VT854* iTT44, BZX79-C24, BZX83-C24, BZX88-C24 sx3704 BRC157 BRC-116 Germanium Diode aa143 1n4148 ITT TRANSISTOR BC147 BC107/spice model bf199 BY238 SN76226DN tungsram PDF


    Abstract: 2n1310 2N1389 2N1410 2N1416 2SC1940 Motorola 2N1363 sot-23 TAW texas 2N1307 2N1377
    Text: LOW•POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number 10 -15 20 25 30 BFY41 BFR21 KT630A BF156 SE7002 SE7002 MPS-LOl MPSLOl BSY79 2S0668 -2S0669 2SCB17 2SCB17 2N1445 KT630B HSE419 2SC1622A 2SC1622A 2SC2235 2SC1841 2SC28810 2SC4102 2SC1940 2SC1940 2SC1S41P 2SC1841P

    BFY41 BFR21 KT630A BF156 SE7002 BSY79 2S0668 -2S0669 2SCB17 2N1375 2n1310 2N1389 2N1410 2N1416 2SC1940 Motorola 2N1363 sot-23 TAW texas 2N1307 2N1377 PDF


    Abstract: SBB2633E SBB2633P
    Text: D E V E LO PM ENT S A M P L E D ATA SBB2633P.D.E This inform .jtion is der /ed from developm ent sample made available for ova la tion. It does net necessarily im ply that the device v HI go into regular production 32 768-BIT STATIC READ ONLY MEMORY The SBB2633 is a 32 768 hit MOS N-channel static ROM organised as 4096 eight-bit words. This

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    SBB2633P 768-BIT SBB2633 24-ILEAD OT-86B) M82-2114/RE SBB2633D SBB2633E PDF


    Abstract: TDB2033 remote control system SAB3021 preamplifier AGC remote SAB302 remote preamplifier
    Text: DEVE LOPMENT SA M PLE DATA TDB2033 This inform ation is derived from d evelopm ent samples made available fo r evaluation. It does n ot necessarily im ply that the device w ill go in to regular p ro du ction . PREAMPLIFIER FOR INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL TRANSMISSION

    OCR Scan
    TDB2033 SAB3021 TDB2033 remote control system SAB3021 preamplifier AGC remote SAB302 remote preamplifier PDF


    Abstract: pcf0700 HEF4000B Family specifications pcf0700 philips PCF0450 PCF0330 HEF4000B PCF1100 hef4011 philips HEF4731B
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE DATA PCF0700 IPCC0700 T h is in fo rm a tio n is d e rive d fro m d e v e lo p m e n t sam p les m ad e a va ila b le fo r e v a lu a t io n . It do es n o t n e c e ssa rily im p ly th a t th e d e v ic e w ill go in to 'e g u la r p ro d u c tio n ,

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    PCF0700 IPCC0700 PC0700 PCF0700 PCC0700, HEF4071B HEF4724B HEF4072B HEF4731B; HEF4073B hef401068 HEF4000B Family specifications pcf0700 philips PCF0450 PCF0330 HEF4000B PCF1100 hef4011 philips HEF4731B PDF


    Abstract: flyback data pin diagram flyback pin diagram transistor 157B IEC134 TDA2578A TDA3651 TDA3651A
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE D ATA TDA3651A TDA3651AQ T h is in fo r m a t io n is d e rive d fr o m d e v e lo p m e n t sa m p le s m ad e available fo r e va lu a tio n . It d o e s n o t n ec essarily im p ly th a t the d e vic e w ill g o in t o regular p ro d u c t io n .

    OCR Scan
    TDA3651A TDA3651AQ TDA3651 Opera180 TDA2578A OT-157B) TDA3651AQ flyback data pin diagram flyback pin diagram transistor 157B IEC134 TDA2578A TDA3651A PDF


    Abstract: Signetics OR Mullard SBB2633D SBB2633E SBB2633P sot86b
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE DATA SBB2633P SBB2633D SBB2633E T h i s i n f o r m a t io n is d e r iv e d F ro m d e v e lo p m e n t s a m p le s m a d e a v a ila b le f o r e v a lu a t i o n . I t d o e s n o t n e c e s s a r i ly im p l y t h a t t h e d e v ic e w i l l g o in t o r e g u la r p r o d u c t i o n .

    OCR Scan
    SBB2633P SBB2633D SBB2633E SBB2633 24-lead OT-101) SBB2633P, OT-94) SBB2633D 24-ILEAD 1026Y Signetics OR Mullard SBB2633E sot86b PDF


    Abstract: PCF0450 pcf 0700 philips PCF0330 pcf0700 philips HEF4000B Family specifications SOT134 sot154b0 hef4526 PCC0330
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE DATA CMOS GATE ARRAYS T h is in fo r m a tio n is d e riv e d fr o m d e v e lo p m e n t sam ples m ade a v aila b le f o r e v a lu a tio n . I t does n o t necessarily im p ly th a t th e d evice w ill g o in to re g u la r p r o d u c tio n .

    OCR Scan
    PCF/PCC0330; -40to PCF0330, PCFCI450, PCF0700 PCF1100. HEF4071B HEF4724B HEF4072B HEF4731B; PCF0450 pcf 0700 philips PCF0330 pcf0700 philips HEF4000B Family specifications SOT134 sot154b0 hef4526 PCC0330 PDF


    Abstract: pcb*8573 MRFE18010 PCB857
    Text: D EVELO PM ENT SAMPLE D A TA PC B8573 T h is i n f o r m a t i o n is d e r iv e d f r o m d e v e lo p m e n t s a m p le s m a d e a v a ila b le f o r e v a lu a t io n , t t c :o es n o t n e c e s s a r ily im p l y t h a t th e d e v ic e w i l l g o i n t o

    OCR Scan
    PCB8573 PCB8573 pcb*8573 MRFE18010 PCB857 PDF


    Abstract: PCE2110 PCe2110T 27S19 PCE2100 PCE2111 lcd repairing 20 PIN duplex led display duplex led display
    Text: PCE2110 V _ LCD DUPLEX DRIVER G E N E R A L D E SC R IP TIO N The P C E2110 is a single ch ip , silicon gate C-MOS c irc u it designed to drive 2 LEDs L ig h t E m ittin g Diodes) and an LCD (L iq u id C rystal D isplay) w ith up to 6 0 segments in a du plex m anner;

    OCR Scan
    PCE2110 PCE2110 PCE2110P PCe2110T 27S19 PCE2100 PCE2111 lcd repairing 20 PIN duplex led display duplex led display PDF


    Abstract: SAB3021 SAB3042 remote control plane transmitter circuit diagram remote control system SAB3021 sab 3021 ocl 101a mos 3021 49 mhz remote control transmitter circuit 27 40 49 mhz remote control transmitter circuit
    Text: D EV ELO PM EN T SAMPLE! DATA SAB3021 This inform atio n is derived from developm ent samples made available fo r evaluation. It does non necessarily im ply that the device w ill go in to regular p roduction. REMOTE OR LOCAL TRANSMITTER/ENCODER The SAB3021 is a MOS l\l-chanriel integrated circuit which provides the encoding and modulation

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    SAB3021 SAB3021 sab3023 SAB3042 remote control plane transmitter circuit diagram remote control system SAB3021 sab 3021 ocl 101a mos 3021 49 mhz remote control transmitter circuit 27 40 49 mhz remote control transmitter circuit PDF


    Abstract: TDA3590 TDA3561 TDA3562 pulse position modulation demodulation atV16 TDA3590A TDA2560 Mullard application notes capacitor TDA356I
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE D ATA TDA3590 T h is in fo r m a tio n is d e riv e d fr o m d e v e lo p m e n t samples m ade availab le f o r e v a lu a tio n . I t does n o t necessarily im p ly th a t the d evice w ill go in to re g u la r p io d u c tio n . SECAM PROCESSOR CIRCUIT

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    TDA3590 TDA3590 TDA3560, TPA3561 TDA3562 M82-1223J tda3560 TDA3561 pulse position modulation demodulation atV16 TDA3590A TDA2560 Mullard application notes capacitor TDA356I PDF

    Mullard el34

    Abstract: Svetlana EL34 EL34 EL34 tube pentode el34 6CA7 EL34 amplifier circuit tube el34 data EL34 EL34.6CA7
    Text: SVETLANA TECHNICAL DATA EL34/6CA7 High Performance Audio Power Pentode T he Svetlana EL34 is a glass envelope power pentode having a plate dissipation rating of 25 Watts with convection cooling. It is intended for audio frequency power amplification service in either pentode, ultralinear or triode connection and single or

    EL34/6CA7 Mullard el34 Svetlana EL34 EL34 EL34 tube pentode el34 6CA7 EL34 amplifier circuit tube el34 data EL34 EL34.6CA7 PDF


    Abstract: T680N principle of the scan circuit of tv v9-18 sot102
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE DATA TDA2594 T h is info rm atio n is derived fro m developm ent samples made available for evalu atio n. It does not necessarily im ply that the device w ill go into regular p ro ductio n. HORIZONTAL COMBINATION purple binder, tab 3 T he T D A 2 5 9 4 is a m o n o lith ic integrated c irc u it intended fo r use in c o lo u r television receivers.

    OCR Scan
    TDA2594 TDA2594 v14-18 18-LEAD OT-102DS) T680N principle of the scan circuit of tv v9-18 sot102 PDF

    flyback data pin diagram

    Abstract: stabiliser circuit diagram 131b TDA2578A TDA3651A IEC134 TDA3651 TDA3651AQ function generator output stage circuit diagram sot157b
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE D ATA TDA3651A TDA3651AQ This in fo rm a tio n is derived fro m developm ent samples made available fo r evaluation. I t does n o t necessarily im ply th a t the device w ill go in to regular p ro d u ctio n . VERTICAL DEFLECTION CIRCUIT

    OCR Scan
    TDA3651A TDA3651AQ TDA3651 TDA2578A OT-131B) flyback data pin diagram stabiliser circuit diagram 131b TDA2578A TDA3651A IEC134 TDA3651AQ function generator output stage circuit diagram sot157b PDF


    Abstract: PCE2100T PCE2100 PCE2111 IPCE2100 117d PCE2110
    Text: PCE2100 J V_ LCD DUPLEX DRIVER G E N E R A L D E SC R IP TIO N The P C E2100 is a single c h ip , silic o n gate C-MOS c irc u it designed to drive an LCD L iq u id Crystal Display w ith up to 40 segments in a du plex manner; specially fo r lo w voltage applications. A threeline bus stru ctu re enables serial data tra n sfe r w ith m icrocom puters. A ll inpu ts are C-MOS/N-MOS

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    PCE2100 PCE2100 PCE2100P: 28-lead T-117D CE2100T: pce2100p PCE2100T PCE2111 IPCE2100 117d PCE2110 PDF