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    Abstract: CH10 CH11 MUX8521-201-1S
    Text: Standard Products MUX8521 16-Channel Analog Multiplexer Module Radiation Tolerant & ESD Protected Kelvin Measurement Configured April 17, 2009 FEATURES ❑ ❑ 16 Kelvin measurement channels provided by two 16-channel multiplexers Radiation performance

    MUX8521 16-Channel 1500ns SCD8521 CH10 CH11 MUX8521-201-1S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Standard Products MUX8521 16-Channel Analog Multiplexer Module Radiation Tolerant & ESD Protected Kelvin Measurement Configured May 17, 2011 FEATURES ❑ ❑ 16 Kelvin measurement channels provided by two 16-channel multiplexers Radiation performance

    MUX8521 16-Channel 1500ns D8-4585 SCD8521 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Standard Products MUX8521 16-Channel Analog Multiplexer Module Radiation Tolerant & ESD Protected Kelvin Measurement Configured May 17, 2011 FEATURES ❑ ❑ 16 Kelvin measurement channels provided by two 16-channel multiplexers Radiation performance

    MUX8521 16-Channel 1500ns SCD8521 PDF


    Abstract: CH10 MUX8521 64 pin CERAMIC QUAD FLATPACK qml-38535 QML-38534 HS-1840ARH
    Text: March 15, 2010 Radiation Performance Data Package MUX8521-S MUX8521-S DSCC SMD Part Number: 5962-0922902KXC 16 channel analog multiplexer, high impedance analog input, Kelvin measurement configuration with ESD protection Prepared by: Aeroflex Plainview, Inc.

    MUX8521-S MUX8521-S 5962-0922902KXC MUX8521-S: MUX8521 16-Channel HS9-1840RH-8 CH10 MUX8521 64 pin CERAMIC QUAD FLATPACK qml-38535 QML-38534 HS-1840ARH PDF


    Abstract: HS-1840ARH HS9-1840RH-8 qml-38535 HS9-1840ARH-Q Power Supply Control IC dap 07 smd smd code marking NY CH10 QML-38534
    Text: March 15, 2010 Radiation Performance Data Package MUX8520-S MUX8520-S DSCC SMD Part Number: 5962-0922901KXC 16 channel analog multiplexer, high impedance analog input, single output with ESD protection Prepared by: Aeroflex Plainview, Inc. 35 South Service Road

    MUX8520-S MUX8520-S 5962-0922901KXC MUX8520-S: MUX8520 16-Channel 5961-1S 5962-95630 HS-1840ARH HS9-1840RH-8 qml-38535 HS9-1840ARH-Q Power Supply Control IC dap 07 smd smd code marking NY CH10 QML-38534 PDF


    Abstract: UT16AD80P m38510/55501 UT63M143 MIP7965-750B1 5962-8869203 vhdl code manchester encoder UT54LVDM055LV SMD custom precision rESISTOR network h009 SPECIFICATION
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Colorado Springs Aeroflex Gaisler Aeroflex Plainview Product Short Form Microelectronic Solutions October 2010 HiRel from Aeroflex Colorado Springs UT69151 SµMMIT DXE • UT69151 SµMMIT™ XTE ■ UT69151 SµMMIT™ RTE

    UT691 RTAX2000 UT16AD80P m38510/55501 UT63M143 MIP7965-750B1 5962-8869203 vhdl code manchester encoder UT54LVDM055LV SMD custom precision rESISTOR network h009 SPECIFICATION PDF


    Abstract: MUX8521
    Text: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 19, 2009 CONTACT: Teresa Farris MARCOM Manager Aeroflex Plainview 719-594-8035 voice ; 719-594-8468 (fax) Email: [email protected] AEROFLEX PLAINVIEW ANNOUNCES MINI MUX ADDITIONS TO THEIR HiRel ANALOG MUX

    56-lead MUX8520/21/22/23 MUX85beliefs MUX85 MUX8521 PDF


    Abstract: em 242 stepper 12V SM 39 Z 2 STEPPER MOTOR 5962-1320101KXC RTAX2000 UT16AD40P GR712RC Metelics 2006 catalog RHD5932 stepper motor em 242
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Digital, Analog, Power, RFMW, Motion…Solutions for HiRel Applications Product Short Form January 2014 Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Product Short Form Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions – Colorado Springs, Gaisler, Microwave Filter Components,


    transistor amplifier 5v to 15v

    Abstract: DRS4485 transorb diode equivalent military mcm 1553 MUX8507 HERMETIC SMD RDC5 VRG8658 S485 S5035
    Text: From Aeroflex Plainview A passion for performance. Voltage Regulators Analog Muxes Pulse Width Modulators Resolver-to-Digital Converters RS485 Transceivers Precision Current Sources HiRel Off-The-Shelf Microelectronics HiRel S P E C IAL F U N CTI O N P R O D U CTS

    RS485 S5035 WM5032 S4485 MIL-PRF-38534 transistor amplifier 5v to 15v DRS4485 transorb diode equivalent military mcm 1553 MUX8507 HERMETIC SMD RDC5 VRG8658 S485 PDF

    EM-553 motor

    Abstract: UT16AD40P BUS-8553 CD4583 spw 068 power supply spw 068 UT8QNF8M UT63M143 rtax2000 UT0.6uCRH
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Digital, Analog, Power, RFMW, Motion…Solutions for HiRel Applications Product Short Form January 2012 Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Product Short Form Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions is comprised of ten divisions – Colorado Springs, Gaisler, Motion



    Abstract: RHD5932 RHD5930
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Digital, Analog, Power, RFMW, Motion…Solutions for HiRel Applications Product Short Form January 2014 Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Product Short Form Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions – Colorado Springs, Gaisler, Microwave Filter Components,



    Abstract: mb 8739 Xilinx VIRTEX-5 xc5vlx50 UT63M143 M38510/55501 5962R99B0106V4C vhdl code manchester encoder UT229FCMV4 h009 SPECIFICATION LEON3FT
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Colorado Springs Aeroflex Gaisler Aeroflex Plainview Product Short Form Microelectronic Solutions July 2009 HiRel from Aeroflex Colorado Springs UT69151 SµMMIT E • UT69151 SµMMIT™ LXE ■ UT69151 SµMMIT™ DXE

    UT691 RTAX2000 mb 8739 Xilinx VIRTEX-5 xc5vlx50 UT63M143 M38510/55501 5962R99B0106V4C vhdl code manchester encoder UT229FCMV4 h009 SPECIFICATION LEON3FT PDF


    Abstract: marking AHL ACT8511-201-1S based on leakage current techniques mux configuration MUX8533-S ACT8500 CH10 CH11 CH52
    Text: To view the DSCC SMD, click on the drawing number. Standard Products ACT8500 64-Channel Analog Multiplexer Module Radiation Tolerant & ESD Protected November 13, 2008 FEATURES ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 64 Channels provided by six 16-channel multiplexers

    ACT8500 64-Channel 16-channel 1500ns ACT8502 marking AHL ACT8511-201-1S based on leakage current techniques mux configuration MUX8533-S CH10 CH11 CH52 PDF


    Abstract: UT700 melf ZENER diode COLOR CODE 5962R102 smd zener diode color code UT8QNF8M HDMI verilog BCH RTAX2000 UT54ACS164245 "HARMONIC DRIVE"
    Text: A passion for performance. Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Digital, Analog, Power, RFMW, Motion…Solutions for HiRel Applications Product Short Form December 2012 Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions Product Short Form Aeroflex Microelectronic Solutions is comprised of ten divisions – Colorado Springs, Gaisler, Motion
